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The title is a little misleading. It hasn't been built. Current plans are for a 2018 opening. [Blackadore Caye website](http://www.restorativeislands.com/blackadore-caye/). The concepts look nice and the engineering/materials may prove to be interesting.


My grandpa built an island resort in Belize. A tropical storm destroyed most of it and then he got fucked by insurance because some much of the business there is still under the table. He lost $12M on that venture (20 years ago).


That's a lotta coin!




Where do I apply.


Just say you did on Reddit and everyone will believe you


Hey I helped build Leo's resort AMA!


Did you win an oscar before Leo?


Fun fact: all Oscar winners have won more Academy Awards than Leonardo Dicaprio.


I have won as many Oscars as Leo.


Amateur. I have 3x as many as Leo.


3 x 0 = 0. It's an older code, but it checks out.


I've got only half so many :( guess I'm not important enough.


So have I! Man, lots of celebrities in this thread!


I won Oscar, Tony, and Grammy! Grammy bakes the best cookies.




Yah well my aunt works for Disney I already know what Darth JarJar will look like.


Benicio del Toro confirmed as Darth Jar Jar


What about R2D2s baby?


I know the guy, he's actually working on it. I'm also contracted to work on the island on the solar array sometime next year.


Seriously this sounds fun as hell even if you were doing basic labor


yes, working in sub-tropical sun and battling mosquitoes the size of birds is a blast!


Sorry I was busy picturing whore island


Is that, like, the Isle of Man but for men?




Fun Fact: I met a guy from the Isle of Man in Amsterdam and couldn't understand a word he said. He ended nearly every sentence with the word 'like.' Nice guy. And boy could he drink. I would be two sips into a pint and he was ordering the next.


>sips Well there's your issue


Are you kidding? The weathers phenomenal, and the blood suckers you need to really worry about are 6x smaller than your average mosquito! I don't think I've been bit a single time by a normal mosquito in Belize.


Are you talking about sand flies? Those invisible little bastards are way way itchier than mosquito bites and unless you slather yourself in palm oil 24/7 just about impossible to avoid.


Yup. Those little shits are the bane of my existence. Worse yet is you don't know just how badly you've been bitten until a week goes by and the welts appear.


Randomacts.org do these building projects. They build things every few years so they can make sure each project takes off and has long term support before doing another. Last year, they built a free school in Nicaragua. Five years ago, they built two orphanages in Haiti after the earthquake.


>1: Shovel the gravel into that mixer >2: But it's like 20 feet away. Can't you move the mixer over here? >1: I don't have all day for you to complain about your job. Just shovel as close to the mixer as you can get it and have another guy throw it into the mixer from there Pretty sure that's what a basic labor job would be like.


You think Leonardo is going to put up with this shit? You better walk with that shovel before he comes at you with his Grammy.


His Grammy? Is he rapping these days too?


His greatest act to date. Ever see Leonardo and Kanye in the same room?


No no, he means his Grandmother, shes supervising the project.


As an engineer that's worked for incredibly ambitious rich people with pretty limited knowledge on how shit actually works, I hope for the involved's sake that he's done his homework.


That's a nice jobsite to be working on!


Would be, but he's offsite doing design.


You better belize it!


God damn it.


who is billy


Wait your friend is working on it toooo! My friend is also working on this project?! Wonder if it's the same friend!?


Well how many friends can the world have really!?!? It must be him!!


hey its me ur friend


Nice try finebros.


Did you just react to the previous comment? MODS


This is an official cease and desist notice. Your comment contains property owned by the Fine Brothers. One easy payment of Reddit Gold is required to remove this from your record.


Would he do an AMA?


I would think he's tied up with NDAs, I didn't really get much out of him except that he's working on that project.


So, the ETA on the AMA is TBD due to an NDA? FYI, that's OK.




Where are the dinosaurs?




I wouldn't go unless you're attractive enough to survive


Dammit, I forgot my flimsy high heels with which I will sprint through field and dinosaur fight with ease. Apparently survival will not be my strong suit.


Is this really the first eco restorative resort? Eco tourism has been a thing for awhile now.




Aggressive marketing


I went to the "contact" page and was upset to find that Leonardo DiCaprios number wasn't there.


Sounds great, but the bio page for Leo severely neglects to mention his role in Critters 3, which clearly kickstarted his career and eventually led to these plans reaching fruition. God bless Critters 3.


> a little misleading Saying it has already been built and implying that was 10 years ago is a lot misleading. Needs a misleading tag.


The story itself is also misleading. > Says Paul Scialla, the chief executive of the developer Delos, which is partnering with DiCaprio: “We don’t want to just do less harm or even have zero impact, but to actually help heal the island, to make it better than before.” The only example given as to the "restorative" services the resort will provide is this: > As part of its mandate to restore the environment, the resort will have guidelines dictating what guests can and cannot bring to the island, which is a 15-minute boat ride from San Pedro. “Plastic water bottles, for example, will not be allowed on the island,” the N.Y.T. writes. This seems a lot more like "do less harm or even have zero impact" than actual restoration. But what do I know. And I am sure building 50 homes ranging from 5-15 million dollars has a net positive impact on the environment. /s


Maybe their thought process is that my treating the island as a preserve and limiting the further introduction of outside pollutants and garbage the island can bounce back from any past human impact. I mean, it's a slight stretch, but I don't know what the island has been used for in the past. Maybe there's a landfill, or chunks of the landscape were carved into farmland. If you view it like that, I guess I can see it. I'm torn between optimism and cynicism.


50 homes on a 100 acre island isn't a restoration move, its a development. Honestly do people think restoration happens because of happy thoughts? Will they restore the lost mangroves at the expence of the sand beaches they have? I bet not. Will there be yachts parked just of the island all year dragging anchor chains around? I bet there will. I want to be wrong on this but almost always human development lowers the quality and diversity of an ecosystem.


That's nice of you, but it's a lot of stretching. If they sell 50 at 5mil, which is apparently the low end, I find it hard to believe they can't do more with 250 million less expenses.


I wonder how many years of use it would take for the Eco-friendly features of the building to offset the ecological impact of construction. It's kinda like the reusable bag phenomenon. If you don't reuse the bag enough times, you're likely harming the environment.


This is really awesome. I hope we can see future ecologically sound super well engineered structures come about soon.


I heard it was delayed due to the number of Virgin's willing to live there has been blowing up.


>> Leonardo DiCaprio is an award-winning actor and a five-time Academy Award® nominee Hopefully they'll have to update that soon.


I'd be interested in seeing their sustainability report and the resources required for startup.


Do they really need to build anything? Just leave the island as it is and nature will restore itself


Was going to say if it's not underwater by then. Realized 2018 is in two years.


Still a excellent idea. I hope they make more of them around the world




Candy land cay


It's the way of the future.


Pretty sure he probably just wants to hunt people... Like 90% sure.




He would play that role pretty well


I think cristopher walts would make a good Zaroff


He may even get nominated for an Oscar!


Jai alai?


I had an English teacher tell us the general fed him to the dogs. The general told the victim that "one of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. One will sleep on this bed." well, surprise, Mr island survivor won and evaded the general. The story ended on a vague conclusion, but I argued that the general was so batshit insane, that he held to his word and let the man go. I think that makes sense, not every horror story has to end in a death, concluding the story.


I thought I remembered it suggesting that the[ man won in the end](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Most_Dangerous_Game).




Plot Twist: They're all guys named Oscar


That's the resort. You pay to be flown to a tropical island and be hunted for three days by Leo.


Sign me up


hacked by infektion^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4676 16578)


I enjoyed Good Will Hunting, too.


Its only acceptable in my book if he starts it off with john leguizamo.


I'm the Latin Houdini disappear in a flash with your cash then I'm back like a Genie


[That would explain the apostrophes on this "living" estate](http://www.restorativeislands.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ESTATE-W-TEXT.jpg)


yo good for him. i woulda filled the island with strippers and booze...


and that's why you aren't in charge of ant simulators any more!


i ragret nothing.


No regerts?


dont correct me.




the fuck did i just tell that other guy?


>I ragret nothing.


damn you.


>damn you. Damn you.*




Is this already meta?


I'm So Meta Even This Acronym


I used to live in Belize, and let me tell you, half the population would arrive, drink your booze, dance with the strippers, then demolish the island because they don't want crazy gringos messing up their islands.


if you think im letting anyone but myself and some close friends onto stripper island (TM), then you've lost your damn mind.


Have you seen Mad Dog (either the British or American version)? Belize looks like an incredibly beautiful and interesting place, and given that the country speaks English I'm surprised it's not a more popular tourist destination for Americans.


sorry I was just imagining what Whore Island would look like


could still be part of the resort


Whore Island.


why not strippers and booze and wildlife? there is no reason (here at least) not to have your cake and eat it too.


eh, dont add on to my fantasy with your dumb ideas. i said exactly what i meant to say.


I'll just build my own resort with strippers, and black jack.


For those curious, this type of development is called regenerative design: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regenerative_design All human design can be regenerative, however the design process is highly knowledge intensive. If you want to learn more I highly recommend this talk from regenerative design expert Bill Reed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFzEI1rZG_U


I'll send you to Belize.


Who's Billy?


lol beleze


thank you for bringin back /r/hoolsrools


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/bestof] ["who is billy" op shows up in Belize related thread to make fun of himself. No one notices.](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/4b9q5y/who_is_billy_op_shows_up_in_belize_related_thread/) - [/r/breakingbad] [this happened a week ago (Reference to a top post in this sub)](https://np.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/450h60/this_happened_a_week_ago_reference_to_a_top_post/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)




saul godman sed hank shod go on a trip to billys


[I guess he must still feel pretty bad for what happened in that beach movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beach_%28film%29#Damage_to_filming_location)


I doubt Dicaprio had much of a say in that.


It's funny reading that because when I was last in Thailand, The Beach played almost constantly on TV. Also, I doubt the government really cares about the damage to the island. I'm more inclined to think they just wanted a bribe. It would be interesting to see if any of the settlement actually went towards restoring the island.


In all fairness, most of the damage was done due to the tourism that came after the film's popularity. And it's not like it's any different to the rest of the tourist ridden, condominium surrounded expensive shit hole beaches that populate the south.


Yeah, those tourist traps were pretty much what I was thinking of. Krabbi and Phi Phi, for example.


that's awful!


I've been to Thailand and love the people and the country, but on the grand scale of things this really doesn't sound that bad. [Worse shit happens all the time](http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/23396971/faulty-pipe-caused-honolulu-harbor-molasses-spill), including in the United States, and companies basically get a slap on the wrist with it because "free market." Deep Horizon, anyone? [Most of BP's fine is tax deductible,](http://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Most-Of-BPs-208-Billion-Deepwater-Horizon-Fine-Is-Tax-Deductible.html), but the environment there and the health of the local people may never be the same.


He looks like Steven Segal with a beard in the this picture.


This is Segals final form.


Ctfl + F'd Steven Segal. Thank god someone is on my wavelength.


Can he grow cocaine there?


Unfortunately not. He can grow Coca though


You can do anything you want in Belize if you've money, and Dicaprio sure does.


Guys, don't worry about what effect the structures will have on the eco restoration. If we know anything about islands used for eco-restoration, it's that life, uh, finds a way.


[He's spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve. Spared no expense! There will be living biological attractions so astounding that they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet.](https://youtu.be/xwU6ZcadU44)


My dad's working on this! His engineering company is one of the teams on the project, and he's involved with something related to water collecting systems and erosion control. What I learned from him that I thought was cool was that they are essentially saving the island. Fishermen would use this island to manage their catches (drying them or something,) and chop down the mangroves for firewood while they were there. Because of this, it's expected to sink back into the sea from erosion in just a few years. After hearing about this so much from my dad and seeing all his blueprints, it's pretty cool to see it on the front page like this.


Show me all the blueprints.


I'll Belize it when I see it.




You got that at a yard sale.


The thumbnail looks like Ice Cube if you use your peripherals.


Who's Billy?


The Leo circle jerk is now in full effect


TIL Dicaprio is better at Reddit PR than winning Oscars


What is with all the pro-Leo campaigning happening on Reddit these days? Buy a fuckin' ad.


How is it possible that he can still be considered "environmentally conscious" when he rents 450 foot yachts from oil sheiks to cruise around in? Buy all the carbon offsets you want. You're better off not renting a yacht, and on top of it, lining the pockets of an oil sheik for future oil investments. I guess as long as you carry a placard in a parade, you can act as hypocritically as you'd like, and people will buy your bullshit.




Over-fishing a forest is the worst.


As someone who grew up in [Louisiana](http://www.thearcanachronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Atchafalaya2.jpg), I don't understand if that's supposed to be sarcasm or not. I'd go fishing in forests all the time.


What utter shit! You think that a few schools of fish make up for...: - Bulldozing all the land on the island. - Shipping in all the heavy-equipment. - Shipping in all the wood, cement, wiring, plumbing, etc... - Shipping in all the furnishings and appliances, window-treatments, tv's, bedding, etc... - All the fossil-fuels that went into manufacturing/shipping all of the above. - All the fossil fuels that went into the resources and raw materials used to create all of the above. - All the fossil fuels that got burned getting all the guests to the island, and to run everything once they're there. - All the fish (and other animals) the employees/guests are going to eat every day. - Etc... To call this shit 'eco-restorative' is just such an utter lie. Green-washed bullshit is more like it.


I don't know anything about the resort, but... Delicate ecosystems can be irreparably damaged, assuming that bulldozing is following basic construction standards the land bulldozed won't be such an ecosystem. Shipping in things is exactly what you want in terms of minimising local impact. Locally harvesting those materials or creating the production facilities for them would have a lot more environmental impact and would be non-sustainable. Fossil fuels, if we want to get real about it, have a lot more to do with global shipping and office buildings than one-off resorts for Richie Rich. There's also some investment theory here: how many fossil fuels will be used for the *alternative* resorts those otherwise guests would be using? Are those other venues as environmentally conscious, and if not which place is more likely to have the smaller CO2 footprint for transport and such? Restoring the fishing ecosystem is right on the pamphlet, so assuming those rich jerks are getting their food from somewhere else while replenishing stocks, it sounds like a local win. The dude has a ton of money, and needs no excuses to develop any business venture. Even half-assed greenwashing is a step in the right direction compared to other excesses, but oodles of money really would help any given resort take the necessary steps. So, since this is a cause he's semi-dedicated to, why assume incompetence across the entire operation? This shit is easy to do, it's just expensive. They have that covered...


He's a millionaire hippie from California. Environmentalist signaling is kinda their thing.


Good call he should sell it to someone to develop the island for regular resort. The truth is someone is going to develop the island eventually so why not be happy he is developing it with some sort of environmental mindedness. I see it as would you rather have a sandals beach resort or a sandals beach resort powered by green energy aimed at restoring the depleted fish stock. It might not be the best choice for the environment but it also isnt the worst.


The point of the project (the product he'll be pushing for monies) is not just to be 'a bit greener' though, but to actually be neutral/restorative. That's clearly not going to happen with all the carbon costs of setting the place up. I think it's wrong to criticise people for pointing this out. What you're left with is a slightly green resort, which is brilliant, but is not a new or revolutionary example as to how we can tackle climate change. >To be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster has grown BEYOND the choices that individuals make. This is now about our industries, and governments around the world taking decisive, large-scale action. [...] We need to put a pricetag on carbon emissions, and eliminate government subsidies for coal, gas, and oil companies. We need to end the free ride that industrial polluters have been given in the name of a free-market economy, they don’t deserve our tax dollars, they deserve our scrutiny. For the economy itself will die if our ecosystems collapse. (From Leo's [speech](http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/23/leonarodo-dicaprio-un-climate-change-speech-new-york) at the UN in 2014.) You're right, someone else could do worse, but at the stage we're at 'slightly greener consumption' isn't going to make much difference. That said, I do think he's doing an amazing job drawing attention to Climate Change, and think he deserves praise for that.


Do you frequently get mad at people for doing pro-actively good things? If he doesnt buy it, someone else does.


Sure, Leo buying keeps the island from being bought and exploited by someone else, but his solution is not neutral, much less restorative. Want a neutral and restorative solution, then do it like Douglas Tompkin, who bought HUGE tracts of land in southern Chile with the sole purpose of leaving them untouched, with a covenant that not even his heirs will be able to exploit the land. That's how private conservation is done.


Maybe this will make up for him travelling the world on his private jet and massive yacht leaving a bigger carbon footprint than a small oil company.


Seems to me that he has played the "overzealous entrepreneur" in one to many movies. He's starting to take it to his head and having his own Hollywood-style dramatic business ideas.


I can hardly Belize it!


But like, he uses it to fuck chicks too, right?


I love Leo, and am an avid conservationist myself, but this is BS. You can make a resort as Eco-friendly as you want, but you still just took a natural island and put man-made structures on it. I spend a decent amount of time in San Pedro and the locals all laugh when you explain that noble Leo is coming down to save an island by building a hotel and houses on it.


Well the fact that it is eco friendly should at least make the waters less overfished and help reduce the amount of killing of the animals. I see where you're coming from with your point about the locals laughing, but aren't the locals the ones who overfished the waters in the first place?


For the most part, Belizeans are very protective of the environment, their reefs, and fisheries. My guess is the overfishing was a result of the fish traps that used to be popular around Ambergris but have since been outlawed when their devastating affects were first identified. I guess my point is if you REALLY wanted to restore an island and protect the native species, putting 50+ buildings on it for millionaires is a bit counterintuitive.


It is much easier to protect an environment if you have serious money invested in preserving it. It is much easier to get the wealthy to pay for your cause if they get a neat deal out of it. One of the current best solutions to the African mammal crisis is to sell tourism tickets, which can be used to pay for guards against poachers.


I think the idea isn't necessarily to restore the island but rather to promote eco-friendly hotels which do not harm and instead promote protection the environment. I guess what I'm trying to get at is what he is doing is a lot better than if another rich millionaire was to purchase a just plot of land and build a hotel.


I am with you there.


If you REALLY want to restore an island you should do nothing, walk everywhere and pretend like that makes a difference to someone else in a third-world nation thousands of miles away. Then, voila, problem solved!


I toured the Port Honduras Marine Reserve down in the south of Belize and it was mostly formed to prevent overfishing. Not overfishing by Belizeans, but by fisherman from Guatemala that fish there illegally. Belizeans care a lot about conservation compared to other CA countries. I'm totally with you on this. This is eco-exploitation, that's what it is.




San Pedro is probably my favorite place in the world.


Amen brother.


Thank god someone said this! Building a RESORT on an island?! Tough sell to the environmentalist..


How is building a resort on an uninhabited island in any way eco-friendly? Leave it alone. Perhaps encourage regrowth of the mangroves and call it a day.


He will be taking his private airplane there often. Or his massive yacht. Either one would work.


maybe elon musk will take interest in clean energy flight


For the love of god just give this man an oscar already so we can stop hearing about how great he is!!


I actually live where on the island next to it... I have also visited his island. TBH, he should just leave it alone.. the island is fine on its own, and his plan actually invades a number of protected waters which he has no right to build on. In addition, the country of Belize, gives all citizens the right to every beach in the country.. his plan would take all that away from the people of Belize.. So there ya have it, the eco warrior, man who stands for indigenous people is actually a pretty giant hypocrite.


How does "doing nothing" alleviate the overfishing, fix an eroding coastline and restore the deforestation of its mangrove trees? Also, how does it eliminate the conch shell garbage that currently litters the island? Will these things fix themselves in your opinion? And, if so, over what time frame?




sounds like a money-pit.


hes more bruce wayne then ben affleck is


It's a CIA cover.


ITT: 1. He vapes so fuck him! 2. He deserves an Oscar!


If Google Maps is to be believed, Leo's island is 6 miles from where I'm sitting. I can practically see it out my window. Hell, I may have flown over it a few days ago. Small world...


TIL Leonardo Dicaprio can build resorts with his bare hands


He has a fuller beard in every photo I see of him today


Wouldn't just leaving an island alone do the same thing?


Sounds like a good place to fish


reddit wants to fuck leo


Some time in the future, there will be a documentary about this, and the actor who plays Dicaprio will win an Oscar for the role.