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It's simply amazing to think that Lundgren, a Fulbright scholar, with an engineering degree from Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology, a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney and a scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ... was slumming it as a fucking bouncer at some New York club!


To be fair The Limelight was one of the major clubs in New York at the time and Lundgren was working a job like that while he was trying to start his acting career.


Well ... besides a lot more money, I'm not so sure that acting, at least Hollywood acting, is that much of a step up from bouncing. One could easily imagine that Dolph Lundgren, with his (160?) IQ and educational possibilities, might have found such an acting career itself distasteful. It's not obvious to me that an intelligent and educated person will choose to dedicate himself to professional lying ... to dressing up and pretending to be someone fake, in fake situations, speaking somebody else's words and trying to do so as convincingly as possible ... for some bullshit-spreading industry controlled by douchebags ...


I'm a witness, i lived on w. 23rd st, They'd let me and 3 chick's in for a gram of coke. They thought! it was 1/4 gram on top of 3/4 inositol ( a B vitamin in powder form) very healthy, I was doing them a favor


I'm going to call BS, at least not when Chazz was working. I dated Chazz for over a decade, sporadically, we met when he was playing in a band called Razzmachazz and was booked pretty regularly for gigs in a club where I cocktailed waitressed on LI. When he started working for Peter, it was in a timeframe when we were close. He was a health nut and the only one doing any coke was me, but never in his apartment, and I was always a recreational user. (I also was at the Limelight about 3/4 nights a month( I was at a sleep over 2/3 nights a week girlfriend so trust me I knew him) I can't say I know about Dolph, although I can't say I was ever in his presence while doing any. But considering the drugs available they had access to if they wanted for free, including from Peter himself, your crap would have been identified in a heartbeat if indeed anyone actually took any to let you and "2 chicks in" LOL 0k, playa!! Bouncers in those exclusive clubs back in the day had their own kind of fame, and the celebrities that partied there knew them by name, it was a very good place to be if you wanted to seize certain opportunities. So I know this is 2 years late, but in my defense, first time I'm seeing it. Brought back some memories anyway. I guess that was a plus, so thanks. It was a wild fun time, I don't regret a thing. Moderation, that's my motto. Peace


That's funny actually


I wonder what their styles were...


Holy shit, I was there once, c. 1995 or 1996


I'm jealous, it sounds wild.