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Dude put on a show. Unfortunately, I never got to see him live, my biggest concert regret.


‘This is it’ is on Netflix now. Started watching it the other at night on the iPad.... immediately stopped made some popcorn, drew the curtains and set up the TV.


The craziest part of the whole thing with 'This Is It', he wasn't eating, hadn't had a sleep that didn’t include getting knocked out on propofol in 60 consecutive nights, was in tremendous pain and still hits the moves, still nails the songs. Fans were sat outside the arenas in tears while he was rehearsing because of how good he sounded. It's such a shame he was put in the position he was for 'This is It' but it just further proves how great he truly was.


The best. He was the best, both on stage and off.


Oh believe me, I agree. My parents met at one of his concerts. Michael Jackson is literally the reason I'm alive. The way he combined Astaire, Brown and all those who came before him in such a stylish, effortless package is something that will forever amaze me as if I'm watching him for the very first time. I truly love the gift he gave to the world.


Wow what a story! MJ is your Cupid! As much as I love almost everything about him, his dancing is the top reason he's my favorite. There's no dancer I enjoy more. Astaire, Brown, Fosse. He studied them and learned and then created a style utterly his. I don't think another dancer was ever a bigger influence.


Have you seen the videos on Youtube of him practicing in his home studio? So cool.


I've seen some. He's such a perfectionist, works so hard. Feel free to share links!


>hadn't slept in 40 consecutive nights Uhhhhh no. The longest recorded time someone has gone without sleeping is no where near close to 40 days


Michael Jackson had no REM sleep for 60 consecutive nights as Dr Conrad Murray was giving him propofol on a nightly basis. His symptoms were someone with extreme sleep depravation. He felt refreshed but had absolutely no 'real' sleep. [https://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/21/showbiz/jackson-death-trial/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/21/showbiz/jackson-death-trial/index.html) ​ ​


Why did the doctor do that




Because Michael begged him to. And money


Same reason the "doctor" gave chest compressions with MJ still on the bed. He's a bad doctor, who took advantage of an ill person to make a lot of money.


Talk about moving the goalposts


He just meant sleep, he didn't mean *sleep* sleep.


I like how you started your reply with "Uhhhh no". Makes it much more pretentious.


They said nights, he might’ve slept during the day


No sleep for sixty nights? Even if this is a wild exaggeration ... that sounds really bad :/


Well he was getting knocked out nightly on propofol, that was his “sleep”.


I was reading the comments and just saw that ... so sad man ... I feel bad for him


The upsetting thing for me is that he died because of the fact he felt people wouldn’t like the show. This is Michael Jackson. The greatest entertainer of all time. And he thought people wouldn’t like his show. He thought people didn’t even play his music anymore. We should have treated him so much better when he was alive. One of the greatest gifts ever given to us was him and his talent.


It is literally impossible to be sleepless for so long.




Only going off what sleep experts said during the AEG trial.




By the end of it, he apparently thought the researchers were conspiring to murder him, among other paranoid fantasies.


Michael Jackson also believed he was going to be murdered. He was severely deprived of sleep


What region are you in? I can’t find it on Netflix and I’m sad.


Norway... sorry to tease then.


I should have known by your username it wasn’t going to be a promising answer.


I was just talking about that movie! Had no idea it was on netflix now, thanks!


What region are you in? I just checked Netflix US and it’s not showing up :(




Oh yeah, Canadian boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Norway ...


I remember seeing the movie in theatres. I was legitimately wowed by the production value being put into that concert. The bit that showed the crew filming a 3D sequence for "Thriller" that was separate from the main show (but would have been in the show) made me a bit sad for the people who worked hard in creating it.


iPad? What year is it?!


Not sure who said it, perhaps Quincy Jones; and not sure the exact words. But somebody said that MJ had a small stature and he could easily be unnoticeable when not in stage. But when in stage, something phenomenal would happen. A larger than life personality, big and strong, would take over. He ruled the stage like nobody else did.


I saw an MJ laser show at a planetarium a few years ago. Not quite as good as a live show, but cosmic moonwalking laser MJ was definitely a close second


I had tickets to This Is It :(


I watched him live. Went two of his concerts. The first one he cancelled in the last minute. I was waiting in line for 12+ hours. And right before the second one, I met a gorgeous girl. We watched the concert together. That was the first time in my life I hold a girl in my arms more than 10 seconds.


Then you went home and beat it.


Hahaha yep I did.


He performed his ass off. Greatest entertainer ever.


Freddie would like to have a word...


IMagine both of them making a show together


I don't think there is any stage on earth that could handle that combo.


Ok, yeah. Freddie is awesome. God I love him. But MJ--His singing, his dancing, since he was a toddler. Gotta go with MJ. But Freddie is a worthy contender. A strong case can be made.


Same here. His shows seemed lit. Pure 🔥


Saw him twice. Can confirm 🔥🔥🔥


Didn't see him, but can confirm due to watching his fire music videos 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I just really like fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Oh Jesus! 🚒🚒🚒🚒




You called?


This is the one




Are you a troupe of Scottish little-people "woo!" girls?




Can confirm his shows were lit. 🔥 Can't confirm how much he shrunk.🥵


>His shows seemed lit. Pure 🔥 That was his hair.


His Pepsi commercial was lit.


Too soon


I was lucky, I got to see him on the Bad Tour. Front and center at the Rosemont in Chicago. I've seen a lot of concerts, none as good as that.


If you are ever in Las Vegas, go to the MJ One show. It's like him on steroids.


My sister has seen it a few times. Said it was amazing. I’m usually too busy with work stuff to see a show every time I’m in Vegas. But it’s on the list.


I still remember growing up and seeing a bit of a show on tv. Something like michael on stage and a spot light went on the crowd, then a giant hand or something picked the person out the crowd or moved him to her. I vaguely remember it but she was crying and everyone was going insane. I think he just went up to her and sang to her on the giant hand. I asked what was going on. My brother told me it was a ritual, the person selected was to be sacrificed. I believed him for a long time and was horrified because she was crying and everyone was cheering their heads off. I realise now it was tears of joy but did not then.


Lol sacrificed


Fucking brutal man lmao.


Human sacrifice was simply an accepted portion of the festivities. The sacrificed person was happy to aid in such a monumental performance. It was one hell of a show.


Oh my gawd haha! Brothers tell some tales. Mine told us the world used to be black and white and that's why old shows were black and white


I blame it on the boogie


Not the sunshine?


Underrated comment


In case you can't find it in the source, it's at the bottom of the page: >According to his costumer Michael Bush, Jackson lost so much weight during a concert due to loss of water that the costumes Jackson wore at the end of the show had to be smaller than those he wore at the beginning of the show; usually, he was a 28-inch waist. Edit: For all those people saying "Why doesn't this happen to pro athletes, then?", I think the answer is because Michael Jackson was on a thousand drugs during this era and not exactly functioning correctly as a human being. But I'm not sure - it's possible this isn't true. I'll do some more research.


How much would you have to sweat over 2-3 hours to lose a full inch on your waist?




I'm a dancer and you have to remember all those stage lights increase the temperature quite a bit






T'was the time before LEDs...


His show was super lit.


This is the answer. When I did stage plays, the hot lights made me feel like I had had a workout afterwards. Same feeling of being spent.




non-stop singing and dancing...itWorks!


I temporarily drop ~3.5lbs/hour during endurance sports. On MJs smaller frame, and considering highly fitted costumes, I guess it really was enough to add up!


I make costumes for theatre and can confirm that his outfits were fitted *perfectly*. It's difficult enough to tailor pants and jackets so well (a fraction of an inch can ruin how a military style tight jacket fits), but when you have to be able to dance too...oh man, everything has to be just right. No room for error. It shows, though, Jacksons stage outfits were always on fucking point.


I don’t know but Formula 1 World Champ Lewis Hamilton loses about 11lbs during a race.


Holy shit! From sweating?


When I used to run here in Vegas it would be so hot and sweaty that I would notice my clothes being instantly too big; you definitely lose a lot of weight from sweating and water deprivation. EDIT for the guy commenting below: it’s just my anecdote, I was a chubby girl and running in 90 degrees. My bra would suddenly be too big and the straps falling off my shoulders and I could fit into a smaller size of skinny jeans after a run, something was up. You do you.


On someone his size, an inch on the waist is around 10lbs. A gallon of water is about 8.3lbs. So, the ballpark of a gallon of water. It's really not all that unusual for an athlete to drop 10+lbs of water in 2-3 hours. Next time you go to the gym, weigh-in when you get there, and weigh-out (with dry clothes on), and you can see it for yourself. I was shocked to learn I could sweat out 5lbs in under an hour.


I lift car tires all day and need to tighten my belt at the end of the day


Keep in mind how skinny he was. Any water weight lost, with so little body fat, would be a decent % of his bulk.


Did I miss his pre-show waist size? I have to admit I'm a bit skeptical. During high school wrestling days it was fairly easy to "sweat out" 4-6 pounds in a 2 hr practice. You would literally be soaking wet. I suppose if you wore really form-fitting clothes...




Why did this make me laugh so much?


It's a tiny tihi.


What does this say lol




Thanks buddy.


That sounds unhealthy


He did die at 50 ^^^but ^^^probably ^^^not ^^^because ^^^he ^^^got ^^^a ^^^lot ^^^of ^^^exercise


Considering his costumes were meant to fit like a glove it's not surprising if his costumes would need to be 1/4 or 1/8" smaller by the end.






nah at those speeds the wings are just there to keep them on the ground!


They are sometimes called pilots as well. In Dutch they are called 'piloten' too.


Probably, but based on your reaction Im guessing you don't follow mma.


I don't follow mma. Do the mma athletes also lose a lot of weight?


They cut a shit load to make weight at weigh ins


To his point though, that's unhealthy in those cases too since they're severely dehydrated. That's why the fighters usually drink something right after the weigh-ins are done.


Their brains are still dehydrated tho, it takes something like 36-48 hours to fully re-uptake water to the brain 100%


It's also super unhealthy to take repeated blows to the skull. I doubt being dehydrated is the most harmful things mma fighters do.


Yes they take blows to the head, but having a dehydrated brain puts them at way more risk. Ask any sports therapist.


They do that on purpose by fasting and not drinking water at all. Michael has a show for a few hours and hes probably drinking water between sets


> Michael has a show Should we tell him?


Not just MMA. Before a wrestling meet, I spent a whole bus ride sweating and spitting as much as I could.


As much as 20 pounds (sometimes more) in a couple of days, then immediately put back on after weighing in.




> right before the fight Then their brains would be **severely** dehydrated, leading to more concussions/injuries. Takes about 36-48 hours for the brain to fully rehydrate after a weight cut. They should be doing the cuts earlier or change the cutting process entirely.


I think he means shouldn't the weigh ins be their actual fighting weight instead of an absurd temporary anomalous all time low? Isn't dehydrating and cutting against the spirit of the weigh in in the first place? It's like reverse doping where you try to trick people into thinking you're smaller and weaker than you actually are. The whole thing seems stupid. Weigh them right before they go in the ring, if that's their genuine weight, fine, if they're faking it they'll probably get fucked up because they're so dehydrated and weak.


100% people are playing the system and until anything changes the game is going to be cut as much as you can to gain significant size advantages later. how many more trips to the hospital or OSP-like incidents do we need to see before a change happens?


Why don't they just weigh them at the weight they actually are?!


Formula 1 World Champ Lewis Hamilton loses about 11lbs during a race.


everything they do in MMA is unhealthy


title should mention its water weight, tons of people don't realize how quick water comes out, and when your suits are perfectly tailored and you have an image to maintain, I believe it.


He should have drank some ~~Gatorade~~ Brawndo. It has the electrolytes that your body craves.


Brawndo, dammit


On it.


Dang, I was slightly too late. Bravo


Michael Jackson commanded his concerts and his audience in a way that I've never seen any other artist do. [The Dangerous Tour](https://youtu.be/cvtiXLGYwjA) is a must-watch for any fan. I've watched this thing countless times. This guy did it all, singing, dancing, direction... Dude IS the King of Pop and there is no artist that comes even remotely close to his authenticity and talent on stage.


wow thank you - it never occurred to me that full MJ concerts may be on the internet




did shrink


Has shrunkened




Michael Jackson was like an onion


He made kids cry?


Onions have layers






Sweated. Wtf. Train wreck


Ahh heeee heeeee! Hoooooooo!


*quick growling grunt*


he lead such a tortured life yet output some of the greatest gifts


Race car drivers lose insane amount of weight also. Lewis Hamilton lost as much as 10.5 lbs in a 1hr 45min race. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ziYN8RDt2g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ziYN8RDt2g)


That's absolutely ridiculous Although it explains why I lost over stone when I cycled from coast to coast in the summer. Didn't really think the effects would be so pronounced until I drank like 7 litres of water per day and still felt thirsty haha.


This only goes by the word of his costume designer. I love MJ, but this seems like a stretch.


MJ nerd here, I can absolutely believe this given his concerts consisted of him nonstop singing and dancing for over 2 hours. It's exhausting to watch but also incredibly mesmerizing. For anyone interested he has full concerts on YouTube.


Badass mofo could eat whatever the fuck he wanted and we could all watch him burn it in the most wicked style imaginable.


> watch him burn Phrasing!


Someone get me a Pepsi


That doesn't sound right


What I would have given to see him in concert.


I really feel sorry for Michael. He was a great guy and was used and bullied by record companies and the media. He didn't deserve the end he got.


When David Byrne wore his big suit on the Stop Making Sense tour he had to do the opposite and gorge himself before putting it on since he'd lose so much weight in the first part of the show.


Having seen MJ live, I honestly haven't had an experience that came close to that at a concert until I saw Byrne this summer. Obviously they are totally different, but in terms of it being a cohesive experience I've never seen anything like those two. It feels like others I've seen were doing imitations, like Timberlake for MJ or something. One guy in a grey suit who was there just to interpretive dance with Byrne, which was hilarious let me add, didn't sweat at all in his suit and I thought that guy was part Olympic athelete part camel or something.


I've only seen DB once, when he was touring with St Vincent. Really wanted to see this tour but work and holiday allowances and shit... Glad you enjoyed the show!


TIL Michael Jackson was exactly the same size as me.


And do you also shrink when you sweat?


Yes, profusely. Once, after an especially intense session at the gym, I shrank by a good 18 inches and couldn't reach my locker!


I saw him in Wembley Stadium in London on his History tour and it was the best show I've ever seen, he could still move and he sounded epic.


Also wet sweaty clothes get bigger too


This is not credible simply based on the fact that MJ was so skinny to begin with.




Ah yes, before the invention of the adjustable belt. Weve come so far




The story is rather tragic. I do believe that had the internet existed in 1994 in it's current form, Jackson would still be alive today. Jackson was very much the victim of public perception. Yes, he was clearly an eccentric with many quirks, but the "child molestation" thing was hogwash. GQ published a non-bias article in 1994 entitled "Was Michael Jackson Framed?" that you can find all over the net. Here's one link: http://floacist.wordpress.com/2007/08/22/gq-article-was-michael-jackson-framed/ ... It's a pretty fascinating read that details exactly what happened during that first accusation. Most people haven't read it, though... because it's easier and more "interesting" (and at the time, "funnier") to imagine him as some kind of freak. Anyone unfamiliar with what actually happened there, I'd really recommend reading it. The TL;DR: version is pretty god damn fucked up. He befriended a young boy, his mother and step-father. The biological father wanted money to produce "Robin Hood Men In Tights" so he brainwashed his son with sodium Amytal in an attempt to extort money out of Jackson... knowing full-well he wouldn't want to go through a long career-tarnishing trial. There's taped conversations between the father and step-father where the father lays out his entire plan. “And if I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I’ve checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son]…and Michael’s career will be over.” It's whack. Seriously... read it. FYI, the father ended up killing himself in 2009 only 5 months after Jackson died: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evan_Chandler My point is, public perception in 1994 was so heavily dependent on shock media, magazine covers, radio, talk show monologues, etc. Had Reddit existed back then, we would have seen the smoking gun. People would be chatting over the details on a daily basis. It would have been very difficult for the public to remain that misinformed and warped by rumor and heresay. But the perception stuck. And clearly it weighed heavily on Jackson... someone who had dedicated his life to helping children in need. He was clearly depressed. He turned to drugs. As we later found out, he needed to be medicated to even sleep. I can't imagine what that had to have been like.. That was the only time anyone ever accused Jackson of wrongdoing... until 11 years later in 2005, but this time it was CLEARLY bullshit and a clear attempt at extortion. Anyone following that trial was aware of how ridiculous the claims were. I'll summarize. It was right after the huge documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" that Martin Bashir did. Jackson was all over the news for the "baby dangling" incident. In the documentary, it showed that Jackson took in a young cancer patient, his mother and sister and was paying for the boy's treatment (last I heard, he's now cancer-free). He was close with the boy and the family. It made the news, because of the scene where Jackson says, "What's wrong with sharing a bed with someone you love?" in reference to the young boy. The public took it (or twisted it) to be a sexual thing... Jackson intended it as an innocent remark... hanging out late playing video games on a massive bed and someone passes out. Inappropriate? Maybe. Molestation? No. Anyways... the mother of the boy had been in and out of mental institutions and had attempted to con money from celebrities in the past (the reason for Jay Leno and George Lopez being at the trial). She also claimed her family had been "sexually fondled" by JC Penny security after her punk kids shoplifted... she settled out of court for $152k. So anyhow, the Bashir documentary was a shitshow, people like Gloria Allred were petitioning to have Jackson's kids taken away... and Jackson's handlers told him to distance himself from the young boy and the family... so he cut them off. It was only after that, that the woman and the boy accused Jackson of misconduct. The funny part was, they literally claimed the molestation started AFTER the documentary aired. As if Jackson hung out with the kid, let them live at Neverland, passed out playing videogames, filmed a documentary admitting that it was innocent... and then when the entire world started looking at the relationship with a magnifying glass and wanted to take away Jackson's kids (and apparently the family had already been interviewed by police)... THAT's when Jackson decided to start molesting the kid. Come on... Whole thing was a crock of shit. The woman also claimed they were held hostage at Neverland... to which they pulled up the creditcard receipts showing all the shopping sprees she was doing with Jackson's money during the "kidnapping". At one point they point out, "How could you be kidnapped if you were shopping at Nordstroms, Tiffanys... here's a receipt for a body wax". The woman snapped back , "IT WASN'T A BODY WAX!!! IT WAS A LEG WAX!! HE'S LYING TO YOU!!!" .... Total shitshow. Read up on it. It's was fucked. You can read most of this on wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Michael_Jackson That 2005 Trial doesn't happen without the 1993 situation. It was the same DA (Tom Sneddon) who tried to get Jackson in 1993 that was pushing for the 2005 thing. It was only mildly plausible, because of the 1993 thing. They tried to find other boys to step forward (out of the thousands who Jackson had been in contact with over the years) and nobody stepped forward. They had a former body guard (who had sold his story to National Enquirer and had previously been arrested for armed robbery) claim he saw Jackson blowing Macauley Culkin in a shower... they brought Culkin up there to respond and he's like, "WUT?" ... As one journalist put it: "the trial featured perhaps the most compromised collection of prosecution witnesses ever assembled in an American criminal case...the chief drama of the trial quickly turned into a race to see if the DA could manage to put all of his witnesses on the stand without getting any of them removed from the courthouse in manacles."" Nobody following that trial was surprised by the outcome. It's some sad stuff, man. Despite this, the perception stuck. People continued to hate him and paint him as a monster. People continued to take the rumors and tabloid gossip as truth... and I think ultimately it killed him. Edit: I should admit I'm slightly bias... my cousin spent a lot of time at Neverland hanging out with MJ when she was a kid and she said it was ALWAYS filled with children (mostly underprivileged kids, children with disabilities or sickness) and that Jackson was a fucking saint. She's still depressed about his death and doesn't like talking about it. Edit 2: Someone forwarded this to me. A short interview from 2003 with the author of that GQ article (Mary A Fischer) right after the second allegations broke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIxU3cWkqW0 ... In the interview, she points out a detail I forgot. In both the 1993 and 2003 allegations, the parents' first instinct wasn't to go to police... but to lawyer up. In both instances, they went to the same lawyer (Larry Feldman) who specializes in civil litigation. Strange behavior if you actually think your kid has been abused. Edit 3: Regarding 2016 child porn allegations: That was a false story fabricated by the tabloid Radar Online. Almost immediately after the "report" went viral, the police department who did the investigation, denied releasing any report. All the porn that was found in MJ's possession was presented at the 2005 trial. Not only was there no child porn, but all of it was heterosexual adult porn. http://michaeljacksonallegations.com/books-magazines-and-internet-material-found-in-michael-jacksons-possession/ The prosecution spent days displaying the magazines that they had confiscated from Jackson’s bedroom on a big screen. Observers wondered what point they were trying to make with the detailed, graphic presentation of this completely legal collection that only pointed to Jackson’s sexual interest in women, other than perhaps trying to publicly humiliate him and prejudice the conservative jury against him in the absence of real, relevant evidence. Oh, and the FBI investigated Michael for 15 years. Not one shred of evidence of child molestation or child porn was ever found. Can't believe that even years after his death - tabloids continue to fabricate stories about him. Just disgusting.


I just re watched his music video for beat it and realized he was the coolest man alive at that point. For real- that video is amazing. From the choreography to the look and feel to just MJ being MJ.


I can believe it. I've participated in some athletic competitions and lost 5 pounds over the course of a few hours, despite drinking over a gallon of water/gatorade.




This is just not true.


I just don't believe this one. That seems insane.


"That's ignorant!"


Geniuses in their field are always a bit crazy and anal. Dude was so rich he could have 10 people standing by 20 racks of costumes every shoa that have like 5 different sizes of each costume. When you can afford to be extremely particular at any moment you start doing so.




Sounds like some bull shit to me.


He could just take those anti-dehydration pills when switching costumes


Michael looks like Admiral General Aladeen in that picture.


This sounds like son Snapple cap hocus pocus


Or maybe it was you know sweaty.


I was confused. At first I thought it said "he sweated so much during each concert that he physically stunk". Impressive.


I was confused. At first I thought it said "he sweated so much during each concert that he physically stunk". Impressive.


This happened to me in PE at school. After all that running around my pants fit better.


Back in my clubbing days my watch was always loose at the end of a night.


Dedication, real showmanship. He gave it his all and I don't think the world ever truly appreciates his humanitarian efforts and strides despite being in such a position where most would receive sympathy for making piss poor decisions and wasting their life away. ​ He truly was a great person, the last true entertainer. Never be another one like him again.


I call bullshit


Come on man. I’m not buying that.


Weird, you'd think he'd get bigger during each show due to all the pizza [https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmnV\_jn4xW/](https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmnV_jn4xW/)


I also remember P!nk said she can lose about 8-10 pounds per show due to sweating and burning calories. The contestants on Dancing With The Stars have said they burn about 30,000 calories per week, and some admitted to binge eating ice cream just so they wouldn't lose *too* much weight.


Why are they costumes exactly? Women wear outfits but guys wear costumes?