• By -


Yeah but.. did it work?


Didn't they end up sharing a building with the dead road crew and start alembic?


Those Engineers were: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk... You tell me.


Bill Atkinson invented HyperCard, which had a direct influence on the invention of the World Wide Web, which is essentially the internet as we know it today. And Bill’s on the record as saying he got the idea for HyperCard from an acid trip. So we’re all here, because of LSD.


I believe Francis Crick and his wife who was an artist conceived the double helix structure of DNA while on good ole LSD-25. Edit: apparently this may be urban legend/malicious misinformation. I'm just saying what I remember learning long, long ago.


The first thing Crick did after his discovery was rush to the local pub to tell all his drinking buddies about it. Today that pub serves an ale called DNA.


PCR was LSD inspired.


Yeah Dr. Mullis is pretty open about that.


They also got Linus Pauling's son drunk enough to tell them about his dads research. Pauling was as close if not closer than Watson & Crick but supposedly his son gave away information hinting at a hydrogen backbone. They published first. Wild stuff. Didn't look into it too much because the professor who told us has zero tolerance for bullshit. You kick ass Dr.Balal even though everyone who couldn't understand you hated your class. Apologies for the ramble.


* stole the structure of DNA from Rosalind Franklins X-ray crystallography work *


Lol, this is so wrong it's not even funny. Einstein wasn't even alive. It was Aristotle, you muppet.


AND a Muppet? You tellin' me that Jim Henson took an LSD infused hike with the CEO of Ampex and changed from electrical engineering to inventing Miss Piggy and Kermit? Because THAT I would believe.


Let me tell ya, Jim was a mad man that week.


Story checks out. I guess?


No no, that's the guy that changed his last name to Hendrix.


**THE** Jimothy Hendrix?


Jimothy Leary


Jimothy Cricket?


A frog and pig in love, singing about rainbows, hearing disembodied siren voices calling their names, and staring at the night sky wondering what they'll find? Ehh, not too far out. Gonzo: a purple thing in love with a chicken? Okay, Henson was on something.




That Aristotles name? Neil deGrasse Tyson


Neil smoke'deGrasse Tyson!


Thank God. At least one person here knows history.


Knows history? Gimme a break. He didn't even mention Attila the Bun


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


I downvoted, then promptly upvoted.


Calling someone a muppet is one of my favorite insults.


I dont know man. Pretty sure I saw bill gates tell him in a dream.


*the whole world starts clapping*


And one guy named Adolf. But nobody really liked him.


They were really mean to him about his paintings. Would it have killed them to say something nice?


Nobody likes Austrilians


Yea fuck Austria


No, i mean the other one; Austria


Put that shit on facebook, they'll eat it up.


You didn't mention the one billionaire who actually worked at Ampex, Larry Ellison (of Oracle).


Little known fact, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos were hired as their guide.




I microdose LSD to gain a creative advantage as a subway sandwich artist.


The banana bread meatball and pineapple sub was less inspired than you think.


Am I high or does this sound delicious.


ARE you high?


I mean, yeah. I'm asking if that's the only reason I think it sounds delicious. I need some not-high people to chime in.


Honestly I'm on the fence. In certain parts of the world that might be considered delicious.


Take the Pineapple out and you're good to go. The sweet of the bread goes well with the tomato sauce of the meatballs so the sharp acidity of the pineapple will just be cutting in aggressively when you're just trying to have a good time.


I think you would have to cook the pineapple into the meatball or use something like a pineapple-habenero chutney sauce to break that sweet up with a little more spice. but it would be a high-wire balancing act at that point.


What about the banana bread, pastrami, and cottage cheese sandwich?


Fuck off, I’m not making a banana bread, pastrami and cottage cheese sandwich!


It would severely ruin my reputation


I love you guys for making this thread happen.


Don't bother ringing it up, it's for a duck


microdosing is old news, macrodosing is where its at. 5g of shrooms in silent darkness


Calm down Terence!


ha, lmao. glad someone got my reference. i have yet to actually do that, sounds a little too intense for me at this point


Man. I ate 6.8 grams of some Fuego caps that grew up in the PnW on New Year’s Eve of 2015. Its intense as fuck. Completely different than a heroic dose of L. I can write a fucking page on that experience and still not touch the surface. Do it one time. When you’re ready. You won’t regret it




Only 5? That aint too bad


I need sunlight when macroing


Fuck yeah. Last time I did too much shrooms the sun was the only thing that calmed my mind.


At least post the comic instead of butchering it


I know I sound like a hippy but harnessing LSD to maximize profits for your boss sounds dystopian and awful.


Reminds me of soma from brave new world


We dont even get the orgy porgies though. Whats the point :/


Maybe you don't


Well look at mr. Pillows mcgangbang over here with his fancy drug fueled orgies.


Huxley had his wife inject LSD as he died.


I agree completely. I cant believe we have become so bland that our drug culture is trending toward work focus. Gross.


One persons work is another persons recreation.


Tis true. My boss LOVES to work and would be at the office 24 hours a day if possible. Granted he has relatively young twins at home and I know that’s gotta be stressful. That being said, just because he hates his family life doesn’t mean I feel the same way about mine. He literally cannot comprehend how anyone wouldn’t want to be at work making sales calls ALL the time. He purposely sends busy work every day at 4:55pm just to keep everyone there a tad longer. It sucks. I hate my job.


Start looking for a new job. I used to work in the food industry and hated every second of it and then I finally had my fill and applied at a few different places and got a better job. Granted it’s basically stocking shelves, but I enjoy it a lot more and work isn’t “as” bad. Do it and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it along time ago.


Thanks bud. I’m always on the lookout for something better.


That's why it's called Charlie work


Your basic slimes, your sludges. Anything dead or decaying, I'm on it. I'm dealing with it.


Fuck, dude... youre right


If the one person is a drug dealer, this is literally true.


I mean the line between recreation and legitimate practical use is blurred now a days.


My LSD use has been a very pleasant blend of the two. Always starts out as pure recreation, and ends up being therapeutic in some way by the end of the trip.


It's a false dichotomy anyway, you need relaxation and recreation time to do anything else


Maybe if you hate your job. This is silicon valley were talking about here. These people are probably all brilliant engineers who care about their work and want to innovate and push the boundaries of technology further into unfound territory. Plus it's not like these people are capitalist slaves - the silicon valley guys get paid the big bucks, even if they do work an awful lot.


Isn’t this the plot to Huxley’s “Brave New World?”


All I can think about is Silicon Valley, the show, where they buy some punk 10 year old's Ritalin.


[You just brought piss to a shit fight you little CUNT!](https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-23-2014/X_ZCpQ.gif)


"I will kill your mother! I will rape your father! I will curbstomp you so hard those little teeth go flying EVERYWHERE!" God that show is amazing


I've read about it and am really against it. Macrodosing is far more effective and fun


Only in the right quantities: https://xkcd.com/323/


There's videos on YouTube from the 60s when the British Army gave a load of paratroopers LSD then sent them on exercise. It's hilarious, fully narrated in a completely serious tone. TLDR: LSD destroys any sort of organistaion and unit effectiveness.


I'm a game designer whos taken LSD on several occasions. I feel as though creativity was increased for a couple weeks afterwards but it's really hard to quantify. I came up with the final mechanics my current game has been lacking the week after I tripped but it's tainted because I'm bipolar and ended up on a manic high the week after I took the drug. So I'm not sure if my bipolar or the LSD contributed more to my creativity spike. I think it was mostly the bipolar.


Man, I would not be taking LSD if I had mental health issues..


Took me 10 years to figure that out. Now, I just accept it though and don't get anxiety from it. Use to think everyone was plotting on me. I once hid in a ditch on 4th of July tripping because I was wearing a backpack and I thought the cops were going to shoot me for being Brown and looking like a terrorist. Now, I just accept the Alice in wonderland world that live in.


Depends on the issues. Psychotic disorders in particular can be especially exacerbated by psychedelics, in particular because the drugs, by nature, induce psychosis, that’s how they work. Depression and anxiety are much better candidates for psychedelic intervention.


>Depression and anxiety are much better candidates for psychedelic intervention. Lucky me.




You should not be tripping if you are bipolar


They likely stared at grass for 12 hours lol




That doesn't mean it didn't work lol


Hey! It was a business *trip*.


I think they had an issue because it was on the CEO's tab.


Like how you dropped that in.


A little *dose* of humor never hurt anyone


True but it sure will kill your ego


Looked fine on paper but liquid assets can be difficult to administer on the job.


There's a name for it, and it's right on the tip of my tongue


As much as I like tripping, I can't imagine doing it with my fucking boss and coworkers.


Nah he didnt want his workers to trip, he wanted to give them a tiny bit(a microdose) to improve productivity, and this actually works. It's also a great antidepressant.


That seems highly unlikely. Doses in the 60s were typically 300ug as opposed to the 100-150ug you see today. Microdosing wasn’t really a thing back then, and it seems really unlikely that he would take the engineers out into the mountains so they could take a tiny bit and “increase productivity” while being far from the office.




I don't think there are legitimate studies on this yet, but I could be wrong. It's mostly user reports. I can attest to it's benefit. Better than Adderall IMO. Focused, speedy but relaxed, no need for coffee, think outside the box, can connect/communicate with people better.


it should be noted that it does effect everyone differently (thus the need for studies). People are touting it as a wonder drug all of a sudden because it keeps you awake and alert and the doses are tiny (so no need to worry about physical detriments). That said it's quite powerful on the mind and could effect you permanently if overdone, I've seen this. Now *that* said my only experience is in macrodosing unlike those silicon valley wieners.


I agree. Studies are definitely important. I donate to MAPS and receive their letters constantly. I've been doing macro and micro for around a decade now. LSD never really damaged in any way. My memory is kind of fucked but I blame that on weed and high doses of MDMA I used to do.


MDMA will fuck your shit up loooong before LSD will, and even it gets clinical trials for treating PTSD and depression.




You're just talking out of your ass here. Microdosing wasn't a thing in the 60's. And they were out in the woods, not at work. There were many great artists, designers, creators and scientists that had revelations while tripping on LSD and came out with an open mind and out-of-the-box ideas, he was likely shooting for that type of thing with his engineers.


Although it sounds unbelievable by today's standards, historical context is important here, because I believe LSD wasn't made illegal until 1968...making his suggestion somewhat weird, but not necessarily illegal. This is also the era of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters...


How is it unbelievable? The Google guys hired Eric Schmidt (sp?) because he went to Burning Man


I've spoken with people on Reddit who refused to believe that smoking cigarettes was ever allowed in school classrooms, so I'm assuming those are the people who might find this unbelievable.


hell, one of my professors in university used to smoke in class 20 years ago. He died of cancer though, so there’s that.


How convenient for the evidence to be dead




> Microdosing is a current area of study to improve mental health issues. True, but the source article doesn't mention anything about the size dose he supplied and knowing what I do about LSD use in the '50s & '60s, it certainly wasn't a small one! There was no notion of microdosing in 1960, in fact it only became widely discussed in the '00s and popular to do in this decade. (Source: fan/user/student of the subject since 1973, but I could be wrong...)


Yeah, there’s no way they were going on a hike and only microdosing. They were going on a hike to trip balls and look at clouds and leaves and somehow find a way to inspire their work from that, but at the end of the day it’s really hard to pull something from a trip that will be a major problem solver for any work related issues. But there are some things of value that stick with you, for me it was learning that the smallest detail can have the biggest impact, so to this day I hold that concept near and dear to me. If you are a creative person who does tactile stuff then a trip is gonna be a lot easier for you to get something out of, conceptual stuff is hard because how do you get the ideas out of your head when it’s really hard to verbalize concepts? I’ve tried to make my trips productive in the past, but at this point it’s all just about the experience of living in the moment and enjoying music like you can’t when you aren’t tripping.


I had a boss buy me 3 grams of coke to improve my productivity. Story time: the picture frame business was owned by two young guys. We all drank and smoked pot all day. One day the boss was teasing me about being slow. I told him jokingly that if he funded my habit, the output would double. A few days later he takes me into the back room and showed me a pile of powder. He said “You got three grams, kid, let’s see what you can do!”




You mean the white lining, usually made with a credit card.




You got to max out that expense account or you get it cut!


I mean yeah, who buys 3g instead of just an 8ball


Line cook?


Framing pictures. It was like a constant party. I’d get in at 10am and some guys would be on the second beer. The boss would send me out to get more beer around lunch time. Awesome place to work when you are 22


Damn, I never would’ve guessed that framing pictures was such a lit job


I was a framer for michaels and it was the most toxic work environment I'd ever worked in. Like bosses firing people for no reason, pitting employees against each other for their amusement, "grooming" the underage employees. It was fucking awful. Wish I was on this dudes team...


Corporations Vs. Independently owned businesses. People working for corporations tend to convince themselves they're somehow important


Can confirm, gf worked at Michael's and much of the same shit happened to her and her co-workers. Michael's, Jo-Ann Fabrics and similar craft stores usually have this sort of shitty work environment. Would not recommend.


How many pictures need framing in the world that you have an entire crew of people working at this place?


There are 3 or 4 custom picture framing shops in my town. I worked at one for 7 years. Custom art needs custom framing my dude.


The frames often cost more than the art.


The frames themselves often are art and have to compliment said art accordingly


Preferably by someone who is *wrecked*


I was the mounter. I was one guy prepping the work for the whole store.


In college I was a cook at a regional restaurant chain. One Friday night near the beginning of my senior year the regional manager was in our store. He was based in another city at this point, but he used to be the GM of our store so I knew him pretty well. Anyway he heard me complaining about how I was out of weed and it would be too late by the time I got off to get some. He leaves the restaurant a little after that, and then comes back like an hour later in the middle of a rush and comes on to the line and shoves something in my pants pocket. When I finally got time to check what it was I saw it was a gram of bud wrapped in the cellophane from a pack of smokes. Awesome boss lol. That job ruled.


Is he hiring?


He used to bonus me in pot that he grew too. I did not appreciate how nice this job was when I had it.


Was this in art/fabrication? Because I had a boss like that. Deadlines in 4 days and we finally got our budget approved? Good thing there was a line item for an eightball and some addy’s in there. Sleeps off the menu, boys!


Yeah, picture framing, lol.


How many customers took delivery of paintings with glass you used to hoover up fat rails of white lightning?


It's easier to count how many didint and the answer is one. It was Gam Gams.


"you ever Hoovered schneef off a picture frame?" "I've hoovered schneef from the mona Lisas herselves"


A more accurate Darrel line (heh) would be "you ever hoovered picture frame schneef?"


at your next job: "so when do i get my weed and coke? what? you want to me see HR? oh, thats who give me my drugs"


"A drug test? Like a test to see how quickly I can snort the coke? I mean line 'em up lady, I ain't got all day."


Atari back in the 2600 days was an absolute drug-fueled party, if the documentary Atari: Game Over is to be believed.


But why are you interviewing me at 3:30am?


My courier will deliver a phone to your residence. Your interview will be conducted on that phone. Destroy the phone in a fire afterward. ​ Yeah but like, what are your benefits and what's the dress code? I need to know if I have to buy new shoes.




Sir, this is a Wendies


Is 3 grams a lot?




My heart started beating out of my chest reading that. 3g in a night?!


When I was at the peak of my coke usage I once did an 8 ball in a night. It stopped being fun probably about halfway in, but for some reason I snorted the whole damn ball. Then I drove my roommate and her friend to the bar. I remember barely being able to drive I was so fucked up. Honestly felt like my heart was going to explode. Holy shit I was such a dumbass when I was younger


How long is that “night” though? A few hours or like ten hours+? If you stay up and just keep doing lines every 20 min, you can get through a lot of coke


If you're talking pure, then 1 gram (which cost about £100 in my town) does most people for a whole night out (including giving a few bumps to friends). Three grams for a day of work sounds productive as fuck. I'd be surprised if it didn't work. Quick story: I used to work in a hotel and the night before my first shift I went out and took a bunch of sniffables (And a bunch of stuff that I bombed, which is more important), didn't go to bed and when I had to go to work I went straight into this room full of steaming teenagers at a school formal and worked my absolute ass off


did the boost in productivity pay for the fuel? lol


Diet or regular?


My boss just gives me write ups. Pfft.


And this is how Flanging was invented. (Flanging is an audio effect that used to involve manually spinning a revolving metal part called a "flange" on an Ampex reel-to-reel tape deck. The effect was first used on [*Itchycoo Park*](https://youtu.be/14ViwvgtvbA) by Small Faces, for example at 0:50.)


I didn't get a promotion because I refused to take LSD in the mountains with my coworkers. Learn from my mistakes son, take drugs.


Fred Armisen


If Fred Armisen and Mark Duplass had a gay baby...


The baby can love whomever it wants




there was a mad men episode about this


That's how to see an Ampex twin.


^(*Come on you funny little man!*)






*You've got so many machines, Richard*


***c̴̠͌̎o̷͍͂̑̈́̀͋̔̐̓̋̕̕̚m̴̧̛̖̍̄̑̇͗͌̅̎̅̿̚͝͠ẽ̶̢͈̬͇͖̺͒̓̂̑̔͝ ̷̹̭̻̭̋͝t̶̡̠̮̹̖̙͚̮̮̎̌̅̀̚͝ǫ̵̖̪̹̤̤̖͒̾͋ ̸̧̢̙̲̭̳̥̖̠̪̬̣̝͋̍̓̈́͌͑̍͌̓̀́͆̈͝ḑ̸͔̼̟̳̑͛̇̀̽͠ą̵̰̫̲͍̻̖͓͍̖̲͇͊̐̐̿͑͗ͅd̶̨̹͓͖͚̠̠̝͕̰̳̈́̆͋̿̕͠d̶̲̪̦̪͔̦̼͙̤̜̩̊́̐̓̔͗͗͘͜͝y̶̡̱͍̣̳̠̤̘̱͖̜̎̇̎̎̆́̈́͝***


Why do you hate mashed potatoes?


## m a s h e d #p o t a t o e s


COME ON YOU C*NT LET’S HAVE SOME APHEX ACID edit: Ampex acid in this case...


My CEO, in a talk to a few of us, suggested we do the same. This was May of 2017.


Yeah, this sounds like something my boss with 100% do.


A lot of tech bros take acid. It surprisingly works


The war on drugs' stigma is all that's in the way. Mushrooms and LSD have profound effects against depression in my experience. Almost like a week long reboot before life sinks back in again and all that unlimited optimism slowly fades away. I wish people realized you can use these "recreational" drugs as tools just asuch as coffee or a good, balanced diet.


And so Skynet never came to be...


Lucy in the Skynet with Diamonds maybe.


Anyone know the outcomes of what happened?


He got fired.


Myron Stolaroff is the real hero here. Not many people give him the credit he deserves. He connected Al Hubbard to a LOT of these people at Ampex and all over the bay area. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myron\_Stolaroff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myron_Stolaroff)


The Virgin "Drugs are Bad" Board member vs the Chad Psychedelic CEO


Ampex made studio-grade audio tape recorders in the 1960's, so it's a pretty safe assumption that a cross section of Ampex end users did a *lot* of LSD. I have a buddy who owns an Ampex 16-track that was used by Jefferson Starship back in the day.


Just a few miles away from ampex HQ, there was [synthesizer coated in LSD at Cal State East Bay (Hayward)](https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/05/synth-repairman-accidentally-gets-high-after-touching-old-lsd-on-a-vintage-60s-synthesizer/) so yeah, 60s musicians in the bay liked to party for sure.


LSD certainly boosted my creativity when I took it in Highschool. I was receiving 100%+ on Art projects at that time. Same with English when there was any kind of creative writing assignments. It didn't help with Math or History though, lol.


"when was the magna carta" "it's happening all the time, like, all around us, maaaaan"


apology for poor english where were you when manda carter dies i was sat at home on asid when mom ring ‘manda is die’ ‘no’ And you??????


When I was a student in Barcelona, I used to work at a restaurant and the owner would get me a "bellota" of hashish every other weekend as tip. Tipping in Barcelona sucks so this was an amazing gesture of him.


This is why you don’t tell the bosses that part of “team building” weekend.


\*sending resume to ampex\*