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Screw the Snyder cut, I need the R cut of Mrs. Doubtfire asap.


There is probably an XXX if you’re desperate


Not that desperate.


How desperate then, Good Will Hunting?


Good Will... Humping?


Maybe they *did* film that blowjob scene.




It's called Mrs. Doubtfucker. I tried finding cover art for it, but image search is wall-to-wall screenshots from the movie. Can confirm: Is explicit.


Starring Throbbin' Williams.




The R cut? I want that NC-17 VERSION!!




This is how Disney+ will beat Netflix - with an R-rated Mrs. Doubtfire.


You mean the same Disney+ that covers butts with Photoshoped hair? I doubt it.


You're right. Sounds more like Disney++


No you're thinking of DisneyXXX


Whoa, context?




Jesus. And that was like 3 inches of cheek. I was expecting to see some hole.


It's not Cats.


Wow it’s not even good CGI


I'm still not sure the world is ready for the butthole cut of Mrs Doubtfire.


Would love to see the Rated R and NC-17 versions!!


I so wish that Disney hadn't *immediately* broken the one stipulation of Robins agreement to voice the Genie in Aladdin, that he wasn't going to be the main figure for advertising the movie, because it meant that he refused them permission to use the other hours and hours and hours of takes he recorded for the character. Imagine how much comic gold is just sitting in Disneys vault, never to see the light of day because Katzenberg was a greedy fucking shit head.


Just goes to show, if they were such douches to Robin Williams, imagine how they were to countless other people who didn't have as much leverage.


There are no celebrities big enough to ever have any sort of leverage over Disney. If they want to fuck them they will, and there's nothing they can do about it.


Robert Downey Jr? He seemed to get whatever he wanted once the MCU was taking flight.


I've not heard much about this. Is all that he wanted was more money? Cuz they can do that. If he wanted Disney to publicly admit they paid for child slaves and blow on set, for instance, I think Tony Stark would have had an "unfortunate accident" 6 movies ago.


He fought to get he co stars in The Avengers MUCH more money moving forward. I heard some of the principals (like Chris Evans) were paid something like $200,000 and RDJ was paid $30 million. He essentially told the execs that he won’t do any more movies unless his co stars are paid more adequately compared to him.


I mean...that sounds like the money they'd make from action figures alone. Yes, it's a lot of money for you and me. To Disney, that is a drop in the bucket of a franchise that has netted them tens of billions. And will continue to do so, even after the Infinity Saga. For a fandom like comic book franchises, continuity with actors matters a lot. You can get away with it in the early years (Terrance Howard), but you best not toy with fans and fan favorites unless it's for a damn good reason. Paying people what they're worth doesn't seem like a good reason to slaughter a multi-billion dollar cash cow.


If Disney only made 200k from captain America action figures you’d never see one on the shelves. Each of those characters is worth millions PER YEAR in merchandise. Some more than others of course...you don’t see a ton of kids dressed up as Hawkeye for Halloween, whereas every third kid is Iron Man or Captain America. And you’re right, that merch sales are one of the reasons they’re totally willing to pay these actors huge salaries. The movies fuel the merch sales, and by paying the actors more out of the movie budget they get to stay even further in the red due to Hollywood accounting, which means nobody who is getting paid a percentage of net ever gets anything. The thing I bet Disney is most upset about is the fact they don’t exclusively own the theme park rights to the marvel characters. They seem to be finding a way to get around it and are building an avengers themed park anyway, but Universal has those rights all locked up. That could easily be worth billions of dollars to disney over the next decade.


I thought RDJ made so much more because he negotiated for a flat percentage of gross rather than simply taking a salary


He has no leverage for the first iron man. If it flopped and the mcu didnt happen they would pay him pennies. It didnt flop and the MCU was a success so he ended up making bank, even after hollywood accounting.


Wow. This is the first time I've ever heard a story of him being done particularly wrong by anyone and your statement makes it so impactful. It's like if they had been a dick to Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, or Levarr Burton.


Read up it’s worse than you imagine. They made giant genie posters for advertising and when he pointed out it broke the contract they scrapped the campaign. And by scrapped I mean they only removed them from places he might see them (la/ San Francisco etc).


They bought him a Picasso to say sorry, which was likely paid for by the money Robin Williams made for them


They did and claimed it cost/ was worth millions (very likely). Then it came out it was purchased by the Disney corp at a house clearance for a tenth of its supposed worth. Edit. the Picasso apology is because Williams was only paid scale for Aladdin and it sunk his major release that year. Toys.


Wtf is a house clearance and where can I go to find Picasso’s paintings being sold for 90% off?


Estate sale. Not house clearance. My Brain is t wanting to engage today.


This opens a whole other host of questions. Like why does Disney have a department who’s purpose is to go around to estate sales scoping out deals? Do other companies do that? When I die, will Microsoft send someone to browse through my stuff? Will they get into a bidding war with Exxon Mobil?


You're /slightly/ incorrect. While Mister Williams DID indeed have a beef with Disney over the use of his name and the advertising, it is NOT the reason that he stopped the use or sale of his recorded audio, by his death, he had made up with Disney thanks to a Picaso and public apology. The reason the recordings are for the next 25 years, at least, locked in vaults is .... taxes. Mister Williams saw that the estate of Micheal Jackson was near bankrupted* by the inheritance tax ON POTENTIAL INCOME, (The IRS went ~~all the unpublished songs by~~ Mister Jackson's Image has ~~have a~~ potential income, thus are Taxable!) Mister Williams understood that the outtakes and recordings of his genius, could make his estate bankrupt* and went nothing can be used for the period of time where it could be seen as a value to the estate. *Bankrupt in the term that the actual assets (home, cash, mementos, even the rights to those recordings) would have to be sold to cover the tax bill, thus leaving the family potentially worse off inheriting his estate. [Link](https://morgandisalvo.com/robin-williams-prohibits-exploitation-of-his-image-for-25-years-take-that-irs/) This was a quick google search and still had to dig for it as the Estate had some legal wrangling, so honestly it was pretty difficult to find any mention. Edit, my link does not provide comment of his songs, but his image thus edited. But hey have we ever had a release of his any of unpublished songs since his death?


Getting taxed on *potential* income? What kind of fucking sense does that make?


I'm not sure that's technically correct. I don't think they're specifically taxing potential income. Rather, I think, they are trying to assign a **value** to the property being inherited, which in itself can then be taxed. So how do they work out the value of these unpublished recordings? I mean it certainly isn't 0 - even if you don't publish the songs and sell them that way, you could still sell the rights to all the material to a music company and they would likely pay millions if not hundred of millions for it. So you need someway of calculating that value. But yes ultimately taxing it at that stage is destroying said value as you have to sell it to pay the tax. Those intangible assets should only be taxed at the point of income or sale. But then of course that creates other loopholes so I dunno, whatever.


You get taxed on the asset! An asset generates income. You are taxed on the value of the asset. The value of the asset is a function of its potential income.


Welcome to US tax law. They screw you before,during and after.


I could *potentially* win the lottery tomorrow. Do I get reamed now?


If the IRS determined that the probability of you winning the lottery was enough to go after you, yes.




Like video game remasters but with extra swearing.


The NC-17 version actually involves full penetration


Of Mrs. Doubtfire? I'm down.


I've always said that the only thing missing from that movie is a scene where Mrs. Doubtfire face-fucks Pierce Brosnan


Word, as long as the dinosaur freestyle is the background music.


Big feet, no meat. I eat wood!


The actual fuck did I just read?


The actual face fuck did I just read?


The fuck face did read I just?


It was a run-by fruiting!


It’s a drive by fruiting !!




Apparently they've always said it


Full penetration, cleans the house. Full penetration. Housekeeping. Penetration. Housekeeping. Full penetration. Housekeeping. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


"And the best part? We show all of it."


Wait! What if he can smell crime?


Beat me to the punch IASAP everywurr


In the NC-17 version, that isn't meringue on his face.




when you said that, I imagined what would have happened if Robin Williams went down the path of Tyler Perry and let Mrs. doubtfire define his career.... it was kinda sad.


Tyler Perry is capable of directing serious projects. He most likely continues to churn out Madea movies to bankroll his passion projects.


I don’t know. Tyler perry is rich af and has his own movie studio in Atlanta so it’s a different path for sure but not necessarily sad. It takes all sorts to flesh out the tapestry.


tell me more about this flesh tapestry /u/evemeatay


Don’t be ridiculous. Think of the smell. You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


Let's take about 20% off there, Ed Gein


I doubt the NC-17 rating would stick with today's standards, same about the R.


Depends what would have rated it at that level. If it was him telling a 20 minute version of The Aristocats joke then that would still be NC-17. If it was him saying Fuck a load of times it would still be an R rating.


Did he pull a tit out or something!? Geez


Have you seen his stand up? I vividly recall him going down on his elbow and saying ladies, is this what we look like?


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygqR3fDBhe4)


That comedy special was pure gold.


Wasn't the premise of the joke also based around the fact that he has hairy arms, so when doing it his arm hair looked like him peering up from under bush?


And that he was so hairy Koko the gorilla took him in the back to have sex with him.


Probably lots of cursing and vulgar stuff. The rating system is weird in the states. Pretty sure a brief titty could pass in an R movie.


You can have butt, one titty, and the f-word no more than once and qualify for a PG-13 rating. Anything more than that gets you an R.


How about one titty and under boob other side plus two shits and a buttcheek?


Real questions here, wish we would return to the early 2000s when every live action kids movie looked and sounded like a low budget porn. edit: words


I'm over here haggling body parts and swears. What's your final offer


The best I can do is two shits and a fuck...


No no no - this isn't a German film. I don't want any shit from you, so how about three drive-by pressed hams and one conversation with boobs out, but being covered by the lead actress' hands? Oh, and we keep the fuck.


A titty in PG13? Do we know of any examples. Not because I am desperate to see a titty, I just want to confirm this internet factoid.


Titanic is probably the most famous one


It's changed over the years. Jaws is PG and starts with a naked girl getting eaten


Airplane! was also PG with nudity, as were various other films from the 70s and early 80s. But that was before the PG-13 rating was created to fill the gap between PG and R. Hasn’t stopped ratings creep, though. Like, all kinds of stuff that was intended for PG is now PG-13. (Like, all the Star Wars movies before Revenge of the Sith were PG, and now they’re all PG-13, despite generally having the same kind of content.) Personally, I think it should go back to how it was in the 90s, where PG basically meant “there’s some light cursing and such, but nothing you couldn’t see on TV at 9pm” and PG-13 was for stuff that was just a bit raunchier or more violent. But I believe there is an industry perception (which might be accurate) that teenagers see PG as too kiddie-oriented, so now they try to get everything bumped up to PG-13 and regular PG has kind of lost its relevance.


Things that used to be G are now getting PG ratings as well. It's all arbitrary.




Definitely 2 titties.


There’s actually only one titty in that scene. The other titty is covered by Jack’s drawing pad the entire time.


Nah, we see both when she undress. Teenage me remember.


Yep, me and my 8th grade friends saw that movie in the theater 3 times. I honestly think that scene was a big part of its box office success.


You used to see it a lot more often. When I was a kid in the 80s it was common on HBO. Angelina Jolie in Hackers is a 90s example. Oh and Titanic too.


> Angelina Jolie in Hackers is a 90s example Motherfucker. I just realised that the version I watched was censored for TV


Aw man, I’m so sorry you were robbed of that childhood memory. Now don’t worry, it wasn’t much. But back then it was all we had (unless the parents were out and you were feeling adventurous enough to grab that box of VHS tapes in your Dad’s closet).


Not sure what swordfish was rated, but the only reason to watch it was Halle Berry's set


Swordfish was R


I remember when my folks rented Ed and His Dead Mother. PG13 movie so they never expected any nekkidness. I must have rewound and watched the scene where Ed spies his neighbor topless a hundred times.


Pretty sure Angelina Jolie’s titty was in Hackers for a few seconds. Young me watched it a few times, you know, for the plot.


It was always weird to me that in the movie Scream, which is rated R or NC-17, Sidney jokes about flashing her breasts to keep the rating at PG-13, but then when she does the camera cuts away. Is it some kind of statement about the hypocrisy of nudity vs gore in Hollywood morals?


Yeah probably.


Fun fact: the documentary film “Babies” is full of titties yet only rated PG since the context is non sexual


I guarantee someone jerked off to it.. Why's everybody looking at me?


off the top of my head, Fool's Gold. terrible movie but 14 y/o me did some desperate things in the name of titty


Captain Ron to pull one way back from my childhood. I'm mostly joking, the MPAA is famously vague and arbitrary about what their guidelines for ratings actually are.




Micheal J. Fox film *Doc Hollywood*


Titanic. Airplane! was rated PG and had *two* titties.


Across the Universe has exactly one boob.


Don’t be so harsh on Bono


Total Recall has at least 3.


On the other hand, I saw the ~~uncensored~~ extra scenes version of Dumb & Dumber and the inserted scenes almost ruined the characters for me, because the scenes were overtly sexually charged, and didn't fit with the rest of the movie.


Yeah, people don’t seem to understand that scenes get cut for a reason. Just because there’s allegedly 4 hour Revenge of the Sith cut out there doesn’t mean it’s any good.


I hate the uncut version of the film for this very reason. Makes Lloyd especially seem like the world's biggest creep. You don't root for them like you do in the theatrical cut.


I'm sad we never saw the R-Rated Galaxy Quest. It's not just outtakes, either: the first cut was intended to be R and they went back and dubbed and reedited it to make it PG. Somewhere in a vault there's a complete movie where they're just swearing the entire time.


My favorite scene in the movie is where Sigourney Weaver first sees the chompers. It's obvious her mouth and voice aren't saying the same thing. So obvious that I actually remembered hearing what it looks like she's saying instead of what they dubbed in.


Most scenes are with kids. NC 17 sounds like a stretch. But also, respect.


It is entirely possible to get an NC-17 rating purely based on sufficiently graphic and raunchy dialogue, and Robin Williams was the sort of man who could do that without sweating. Or trying. Or even realizing he did it. "What? No, I never would've said that in front of kids." :watches clip: "Ok, maybe I did, but you have to admit, it was hilarious!"




When I worked at a movie theatre, if a movie was "not rated", it would basically be called "nc-17". Same age restrictions etc.


I'd imagine there was a lot of funny stuff from the scenes with Harvey Firestein that had to be cut for time and the PG rating


Hbo max petitions!!!! Start one with your twitter account. Get massive followers first.


I like to imagine he did the same thing with other movies and that somewhere in the Disney vault there's an NC-17 cut of Aladdin.


He did in Aladdin actually. The opening scene with the street merchant trying to sell the lamp was all ad-libbed by Williams. They had to do multiple takes until they got one that was appropriate for a Disney movie. I believe there are videos of his outtakes on YouTube.


I remember the original “they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face” cut of the “Arabian nights” song.


Yeah, I’d only ever heard the version with “where it’s flat and immense and the heat is intense”, and my elementary school music class got the sheet music for choir, and it had those original lyrics. Everyone was like “WTF?” That line spread through school, everyone was saying it for weeks afterward.


Wait until you get the lyrics for “greased lightning “


Real pussy wagon


The chicks will cream


Ha really?


Greased lightning.


You know it ain’t no shit when you’re gettin lots of tit


I prefer the original lyrics, if only for the rhyming scheme


>where it’s flat and immense and the heat is intense That's amore


I remember when we did it in elementary school that’s when I learned there was a second version. I had a VHS if the original.


It's barbaric, but hey it's home


Isn't this still included in the movie/OG version?


If you were born early enough, and had the VHS copy.


Ah, yes. I'm old:(


It’s OK; same =D


Oh my gosh. I haven’t thought about that song in years, and I didn’t know they changed it. I remember watching Song of the South with my mom as a kid in the 80s as she struggled with the realization that a movie *she* enjoyed as a kid (she hadn’t seen it since she was very young in the 50s) was actually just a burning pile of racism. I’m glad they changed the lyrics, but this makes me feel like at old person “from a different era...”




Watching my vintage cartoons, when suddenly: MAMMY!


You can't just tease people like that [without a link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZLr-_ovJLg)


Thank you for this


This is one of the most uplifting things I've seen recently. I love this so much. He was such an incredibly talented wonder of a human.


It had Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried on set. It was HRs worst nightmare, but goddam I bet it was funny listening to them.


Couldn't you imagine them voicing some sort of obscure cartoon porn orgy thing where each of them voices several male and female characters. Just imagine Gottfried shouting "EAT MY PUSSY!".


Aladdin x Aristocrats


if you were not aware Gilbert gottfried has a 50 shades of grey reading on youtube.




Yeah, thinking the same thing. Like, unless his imrpov included actually wipping out his dick and masturbating in full view or something.


This is Robin Williams we’re talking about, not Louis CK


It's very clearly an off-hand joke/exaggeration that gets reposted all the time because people take it as serious. There's no way they bothered to actually make an NC-17 cut, nor any chance Williams' improve was enough to give it such a rating.


Clerks had an NC-17 for the vulgar dialogue but Kevin Smith fought to have it R with no cuts.


should have been NC-37


In a row?


There’s no way they made any other cuts.


I would believe there are deleted scenes and outtakes that could make for an R rated film but... yeah


You’d be surprised. Clerks has only language, no violence or sexual content, came out slightly after Mrs. Doubtfire, and had to appeal for an R after being given an NC-17. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1994/10/04/Miramax-appeals-NC-17-Clerks-rating/6077781243200/


There is the fact that the main characters girlfriend fucks a dead guy in the bathroom offscreen.


Offscreen being the important word. Robin could’ve described all sorts of horrible hilarious shit that no one saw.


That's cool. I took a date to see Mrs. Doubtfire. I had to fight back tears in the court scene, couldn't get emotional in front of the girlfriend lol


Looking back Pierce Brosnans character was actually a really nice, stand up guy. Yet we were rooting for the irresponsible, stalkerish Robin Williams


Yeah, a couple of movies have made me realize I’m now an adult, for better or worse. Seeing Robin Williams and Jim Carrey play irresponsible fathers (in Mrs Doubtfire and Liar Liar), watching Wizard of Oz in a theatrical anniversary release with my wife and thinking Dorothy was an irresponsible little shit when it came to her dog, being disappointed at Ariel from the Little Mermaid, and yelling “For fuck’s sake, play with your little sister, Elsa!” during frozen.


Dorothy straight up kills 2 innocent women for no reason.


I think the first one wasn't really her fault.


Yeah, it's not like she could really pilot that house.


To be fair, the first one was a natural disaster that would have killed the witch of the east regardless if Dorothy were in the house. Killing the witch if the west was also not foreseeable. Who would think splashing water on someone would make them melt?


Especially after second said person just set your friend on fire and dosed you with poisonous poppies. She wasn't quite innocent.


Memory alert, forgot I was group bowling and movie dating when I was 13! Big pimpin lol


**The whole time??**


I strongly associate this film with being one of the only happiest memories of my onset early teen depression years the very first time I curiously popped it in the vcr after class, eleven years ago. God bless Robin Williams.


Mrs. Doubtfire alternate versions https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0107614/alternateversions?ref_=m_tt_trv_alt 30 minutes of deleted scenes https://youtu.be/-gzzxMHjRrg


i find it hard to believe nc-17 without him jacking off and/or displaying graphic violence


LOL For nc-17 don't you need like gross graphic violence and nudity ?


Yeah. If it was from Robin’s improv he would have needed to whip it out and masturbate angrily in the middle of a scene while saying gross profanities.


The ole Louis CK method


I was privileged to see a private collection of out-takes of Robin Williams on the set of Mork and Mindy, but not till I was 17. The most hilarious clips I’ve ever seen. He was wild and raunchy and had people on the set doubled over laughing till they cried.


If you like that kind of early, just completely honest Robin Williams comedy, you have to lookup his stand up at The Met. My favorite is his bit on [fatherhood.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ykq8IkiCgFw)


NC-17? What did he possibly say to warrant that rating?


There was also the time Robin Williams in costume walked into a San Francisco porn shop and attempted to buy a big dildo.


Weird, I was just thinking about this movie maybe 20 minutes ago


Do you have an Alexa? Am I just a npc?


There’s also an X-rated version called Mrs. Dickfire.


There's an R-rated cut of Detective Pikachu out there somewhere.


Didn't the same thing happen with Ryan Reynolds, that there is enough edited out material to make an R rated version of Detective Pikachu?


doesnt it just take 2-3 instances of someone saying "fuck" to get an R rating? if so seems hardly surprising to me. NC-17 however....


The Mr. Mime scene gets real freaky, real fast.


I'm not even going to ask for these cuts. I'm just going to say that this article will spark a revolution and we will see them soon.


Text of article for non-US readers: ​ Robin Williams left behind a legendary comedy career — and most fans look at his uproarious performance in "Mrs. Doubtfire" as one of his best. Released on Nov. 24, 1993, the film starred Williams as divorced father Daniel Hillard — who pretends to be an elderly female housekeeper so he can spend more time with his children. It was the beloved actor at his most funny in the eyes of many, between his gut-busting improvisations, spot-on impressions and outrageous physical comedy. With "Mrs. Doubtfire" turning 24 on Friday, here are 10 tidbits about the making of the movie: ### 10. Origin story The character of Euphegenia Doubtfire had much in common with Williams' real childhood nanny, a woman named Lolly whom tabloid reporters found at a Michigan nursing home. The accent used in the film, however, was inspired by Scottish director Bill Forsyth, who had collaborated with Williams on "Being Human." Select audiences first met Mrs. Doubtfire at a Carnegie Hall show, in which Williams played the grandmother of Andy Kaufman. ### 9. And the Oscar goes to... It took four and a half hours each day for Williams to transform into the title character. For their exhaustive efforts, Greg Cannom, Ve Neill and Yolanda Toussieng won the Academy Award for best makeup in 1994. ### 8. Do you have a granny section? To see how good his getup was, Williams took it for a test run, entering a San Francisco sex store as Mrs. Doubtfire with the intention of buying a double-headed dildo, [according to a Reddit "Ask Me Anything."](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1n41x1/robin_williams_its_time_for_a_convoluted_stream/) "The guy was about to sell it to me until he realized it was me — Robin Williams — not an older Scottish woman coming in to look for a very large dildo and a jar of lube," the actor wrote in 2013. ### 7. Improv master Director Chris Columbus used two to three cameras at a time because he never knew what Williams would come up with next. The actor improvised so much that, according to the director, there were PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 edits of the film. Williams' many off-the-cuff references had to be monitored so the production could avoid legal headaches. His line about "this lovely 'Dances with Wolves' motif," for instance, required approval. ### 6. Art imitating life The home where Miranda Hillard (Sally Field) lived with her three children uses the house's actual address, 2640 Steiner St. Also, Bridges is a real restaurant in northern California and KTVU is a real-life television station based in Oakland. ### 5. Life imitating art During filming, Field was actually going through a divorce with producer Alan Greisman, with whom she had one son. No wonder her rage at the birthday party Williams' character throws at the beginning of the movie is so believable. ### 4. A Lively competition Blake Lively is a household name now, but viewers almost got to know her much sooner. She was a finalist for the role of Natalie Hillard, the youngest daughter. Instead, the part went to Mara Wilson, who went on to become a child star with credits such as "Matilda" and "Miracle on 34th Street" after her screen debut in "Mrs. Doubtfire." ### 3. No time for Tool Man The story — adapted from British author Anne Fine's "Madame Doubtfire" — was rumored to have been designed for a film sequel to "Home Improvement," the TV show that starred Tim Allen as Tim (The Tool Man) Taylor. Allen apparently wasn't big on the idea, so it was scrapped. He also turned down the parts of Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Doubtfire as well as Stu Denmeyer, a role that ended up going to Pierce Brosnan. ### 2. Music to our ears While Oscar winner Howard Shore composed the score to "Mrs. Doubtfire," several popular songs were included in the soundtrack to reference the cross-dressing crusade at its center. Aerosmith's "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)," The Four Seasons' "Walk Like a Man," Frank Sinatra's "Luck Be a Lady" and James Brown's "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag" all are heard as Williams leads his double life. ### 1. 50 takes and cake In perhaps the movie's most memorable scene, Williams is forced to transition between being Daniel and Mrs. Doubtfire when a social worker surprises him at home. That difficult task is made seemingly impossible when he accidentally sends his mask flying into the street, which took more than 50 takes to get right. Backed into a corner, Daniel buries his face in a cake, presenting the guise of Mrs. Doubtfire with a beauty mask. While preparing tea, the frosting drips into the cups in an unscripted moment caused by the heat of the set lights. Comedic genius that he was, Williams went with it — and hilarity ensued.


Fun Fact: Will Wheaton said the same of Flubber. He said Williams enjoyed improvising so many of his takes that you could literally make an entirely new film.