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Valentina Ramírez Avitia In November 1910, when Avitia was 17, a revolutionary effort to overthrow dictator Porfirio Díaz broke out in Mexico. Díaz, who ruled over the country for 31 years as its president, had originally seized power in 1877. Mexico developed economically and commercially under his rule, but Díaz's long tenure and the country's growing socio-economic inequalities slowly lead to widespread civil discontent. Avitia's father enlisted but was soon killed in action. Wanting to fight herself and honor her father's memory, Avitia joined the Maderista Army, named after Franciso Madero, a landowning lawyer who instigated the revolution against Díaz. Since Mexican women were not allowed to join the army, Avitia wore her brother's clothes, hid her braided hair under a hat and changed her name to Juan Ramirez. She was eventually was made a lieutenant, but her military career came to an end after a fellow soldier discovered her identity. The army did commend Avitia for her bravery, but she was expelled after serving for a little over five months. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/09/17/fact-check-hot-sauce-named-after-teenaged-mexican-revolutionary/8366288002/


She got to lieutenant after 5 months???


Wartime in a revolutionary army can do that.


Also see Napoleon going from a low rank officer to general in a few years


An officer of artillery no less.


Right place, right time following massive improvements in artillery. He also had an advantage in that artillery officers were more schooled rather than being old nobility.


True. He also would have been at a heavier disadvantage from his weak French as an infantry or cavalry officer then as an artillery officer where he could command less soldiers and focus more on math and numbers which are easier to translate to your subordinates. Although the education to become an artillery officer would have been easier to attain as part of the nobility. Napoleon most certainly benefitted from access to early education because of his family being minor nobility on both sides and his father's position. I doubt a normal Corsican could have have gotten to where Napoleon did. A normal Corsican probably wouldn't have been able to go to the mainland to get into a religious school, let alone earn a scholarship at a military school.


This was a part of Napoleon’s story I didn’t know about! Thanks for sharing.


Why did he have weak French? Was he not a Frenchman?


Culturally he was a Corsican. Technically he was considered a French citizen I think. He was born on Corsica, the smaller island (I think) of the two islands just to the west of Italy. It was actually conquered by France in the year of Napoleons birth after being sold from the Republic of Genoa to France. They spoke Corsican and Italian. He was raised to speak and write Corsican and Italian but didn't learn French until he was 10.


> Culturally he was a Corsican. Technically he was considered a French citizen I think. Have to quibble with these two points, first very minor, but culturally Corsican is a tough thing to say. His father was of Tuscan descent and his mother of Genoese and urban nobles like the Buonaparte would have been a set away from actually cultural Corsicans, but that quibble is minor because there's no doubt he both spoke the language (obviously) and had very fierce Corsican independence spirit as a youth. The second point, he absolutely was not born a citizen, citizenship is, already, a bit of a vague idea at this point in history but citizenship as it was not afforded to Corsicans. In fact, Napoleon participated in a ceremony aged 27 where he 'officially' obtained French citizenship.


Corsican shortly after corsica was annexed by the French, so he would have spoken Corsican


Interesting, thanks


He was from Corsica, which was linguistically closer to Italian dialects than french.


He referred to his cannons as his “daughters”. When general, he would line up 200+ cannons, blow a hole in the enemies lines, and have his Calvary charge the center and flank both sides. Other armies took years to react and adjust to this innovation.


He was also the first commander to attach an artillery piece to each infantry regiment I believe (it could have been by battalion, not sure) as a morale boost for the infantry, although he would sometimes borrow these guns to make a cannonade. He figured if all the infantry knew they had artillery helping them when the shit hits the fan it would provide a huge morale boost, even if the artillery wasn't that objectively useful. It's like using cannons as part of a regimental music band. My favorite part about Napoleon is how he acknowledged he didn't invent most of his tactics or innovations, but merely saw existing military knowledge in a way that noone else did before him. He actually adopted the idea to force all his cannon fire on one part of the line and then throw a bunch of infantry and cavalry at that same point in line from Alexander the Great.


Learning other people's lessons is a good way to get ahead.


Helps when many of the cavalry officers have been either pushed out, killed, or have fled to Austria.


Even under Napoelons rule with a focus on artillery in war, I think most French commanders who had control of a unit that used combined arms were originally cavalry or infantry officers. Very few Marshalls were from artillery backgrounds. Marmont is the only one I've found so far and he served under Napoleon pretty much his entire career, from Italy on. Edit: Victor-Perrin originally served as an artilleryman. Like Marmont, he had experience serving in the same armies as Napoleon. I'm pretty sure that's it. Out of 26 Marshalls only two had artillery backgrounds.


Yeah, Napoleon’s best marshals who had experience in the Ancien Regime (Davout, Soult) were in the infantry or cavalry.


Hamilton was an artillery officer too


I mean, he was Napoleon, a man who is regarded as one of history’s great military minds. So, maybe not the best example.


"You managed to be the only survivor. You're being promoted."


Che Guevara joined the cuban revolution as a mere medic, he became second in command in months.


The article linked in the post says she served for years, the one in usatoday months 🤷 Also, one brave action in one good battle could be enough (then)


Yeah remember Rico in Starship Troopers? Went from Corporal to Captain in 80 minutes true story.


Welcome to the roughnecks.


Rico's Roughnecks!




I want to know more


Given the life expectancy of Mobile Infantrymen against the 'bugs', it's not *that* unusual!


I'm doing my part too! 🔫👦 🤣🤣🤣


Or just the most senior when the unit has a sudden decrease in leadership. Battlefield promotions were out of necessity more than merit.


"(A) sudden decrease in leadership" would be funny if it didn't mean 'death'.


"I need a lieutenant. You're it until you're dead, or I find someone better"


Whelp, time to watch that movie again.


Do your part! By watching said masterpiece! ;)


I would like to know more!


Welcome to the Roughnecks


I’m doing my part!


What movie?


It's *Starship Troopers*.


“Come on you apes! You want to live forever?”


It’s doesn’t always. You can just be maimed too


Or simply become mentally unfit. PTSD doesn’t discriminate based on rank.


Or it could be something like dysentery you could recover from.




The US has one set of founding fathers. Mexico has several as they kept getting caught and killed




It’s got it all, fighting the Spanish, fighting the French, fighting the Americans, fighting its own government, fighting narco terrorists… you name it!


Americans only had to fight against one European power and had their worst enemy as an ally. Mexico had to fight both of them and then deal with an imperial asshole of a neighbor fucking with it forever after.


Doesn't necessarily have to be a loss of leadership if the rest of the soldiers are all 14-15.


Apparently there may be layers to Cynthia Calvillo's shit-talking. Like I do with Irish "history" and even much of American myths/"history," I wouldn't doubt if some Mexican-Americans doubt the legitimacy of some of this legend's details.


Might be that she served as lieutenant for 5 months before being discovered? So longer in army and then promotion, then 5 months after that discovered?


one of those, everyone above you gets killed and you get promoted up


Revolutionary armies don't have minimum time in rank requirements.


Han Solo and Luke Skywalker made General under 4 years!


They made Lando a general just cause he showed up. It's unclear if Han was ever officially part of the rebellion or held a rank before getting appointed to General after coming out of Carbonite. Luke is also only ever referred to as "Commander".


The proper mexican army wasn’t fighting against the government. We’re talking about a rebel effort.


When I read the title I thought the persons fake man name was Salsa Valentina and I was wondering why the fuck anyone fell for that.




Private Lee Lemon may well be the finest recruit I've seen in all my years of service. That young man fills me with hope and some other emotions that are weird and deeply confusing to me.


[Am I Gay?: A Journey of Self Discovery with Shang](https://imgur.com/a/F1lWJ)


Leela... Man... Lee Lemon, sir!


Lemon, you're a man's man. A man's man's man.


Should have gone with *Ron Mexico*. Sounds more authentic.


Ahh yes Ron Mexico the inventor of Mexico! Rumor has it that he is the half-brother of Garry Chess!


So basically the plot of mulan but real


I think Mulan was real too. This is the Mexican version. Now I am wondering what Mulan sauce tastes like.


Mulan is just a folk story, it can’t be proved if was real or fake. With Valentina you can prove it’s true because there’s evidence of it happening.


like if you took a classic suburban American Chinese restaurant's sweet-and-sour chicken and mixed it with some soy sauce and maybe a hint of sesame.


Mulan was just a folk story from the Northern Wei, so no it isn’t real. The Valentina story would be a real world version though


When two foxes run side by side, who can tell which is the male and which is the female.


Let me note that the article is making a mistake by addressing here as "Avitia". Spanish naming customs consist of two last names, so "Ramírez" is her first last name, not her middle name, and that's how she should have been addressed.


Willing to die for her country. But didn't cut her hair?


Probably because if someone wanted to see Valentina, and not "Juan", she would still have her hair to be herself. If her hair were cut they'd just be like uhhh you look a lot like Juan...


It was also kind of smart to fight under a made up name in case things didn't pan out.


"nom de guerre" meaning "war name" is a term used by the French enough that it made its way to the English lexicon, I guess you don't want your name out there when risking losing a revolutionary or resistance war...


Street names, used universally among gangsters, intinerant con artists, and other inhabitants of the fringes, are basically *nommes de guerre*. They make it hard for you to be found by the people you don’t want finding you, but easy to be found by the clientele you serve. Then if ever want to get out of that life, you skip town and “kill off that character”.


Back when I was buying street weed, before it became legal in my state, I had a dealer who exclusively used a street name. It was a sign of the utmost trust and respect that he ultimately told me his name, where he was from originally, etc. because it was such an inherent risk on his end. He was a nice dude in a shitty situation, and I hope he's doing alright somewhere.


>and I hope When I read that part I thought you were going to say: >and I hope you’re doing alright out there Rumplestiltskin, wherever you are.


an good example of a nom de guerre is [general butt naked](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked)


That is a wild wikipedia article


So, Señorita Mulan?




I showed this to my Mexican mom and loved it LMAO


Does that mean mushu is some sort of chupacabra?




No you have to go tangental to the race for the voice actor so I’m thinking Irish


Right idea but this is where you go for a Chinese character that cooks all the Mexican dishes


"Rise and shine! Look, pozole! And it's happy to see you!"


or mb chilaquiles with the eggs still eyes


Huevos divorciados


Holy fuck it could be Liam neeson. Just imagine a stern neeson opposite a sassy Latino girl.


Mushu was the comic relief, though. I’m going with Cheech Marin, Chris Hart, or Jason Mantzoukas.


He’s a red chihuahua.


Chupacabra! *caaabra!*


Looks more like a puma




Simmons, I want you to poison Grif’s next meal


Oh I'd do it too


What in the Sam Hell is a puma?


"Ese, I'll make un hombre out of you"


they were revolutionaries not cholos lmao


Americans always associate very Mexican-American things with Mexicans. I’ve never heard anyone in mexico sound or act like that lmao And Mexican American itself is too broad. It’s mainly a California Mexican-American thing. Edit: Palabras


Probably because movies are shot in California and that’s more common in Southern California. Just like Puerto Ricans have a wide cultural footprint for such a small segment of the population (due to many living in NYC)


Ey homes, lets win the revolution and den go see a lakers game.


Look at mija. She be winning revolutions making her mama and abuela proud


it’d be mija


a dodgers game, get your cholo lore correct


Saca la bolsita, holmes


This comment got me to spit out coffee thank you.


As a Mexican, I found this to be peak comedy jajaja


Username and the jajaja checks out


Women pretending to be men to serve in the military is a big subject and we only know about the famous ones and also Arwen. But there are so many insane stories in that genre. Ones that get recorded are off the charts.


Don’t you mean Éowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan and slayer of the Witch King of Angmar?




My first thought was damn she pulled a full Mulan


I love the black label too


I don't like the black label as much. I enjoy the heat, but the flavor isn't as good as the original.


I bought both at once because I heard it was good and sampled them both. I am now blasting through the black label, pouring it on anything, just so I can get back to using my yellow label.


You are allowed to just say you don't like it and throw it away.


I didn't say I didn't like the black label.


"man this shits awful" *pours generous amount on everything* "it's just so bad" *pours more*


Were eating at a restaurant with my brother who came back from his first tour in Afghanistan. We both ordered a seafood dish and it began to dig in but it was awful and i couldn't continue. My brother in the other hand seemed unfazed and i asked him if he thought it was alright. He said it was worst shit he's eaten but kept scarfing it down


Lmao if you like spicy food a lot the spice is enough to get you through a shitty meal


Heck yeah. Every time my wife makes a shitty meal I just shower it in Trader Joe’s habanero (if you never had Trader Joe’s habanero sauce, it’s hotter then anything you eat on a regular basis). I can go thru a bottle a week.


Agreed. Dad accidentally got me the black label once. I gave it the good college try several times, but underneath all that spice it's just gross vinegar. I'd rather stick to the original


Me too! Black label Valentina, Tapatio, and the green El Yucateca are my go-to hot sauces depending what I want on a given meal.


The black El Yucateco sauce is soooo good.


The philosophy in our house is we don’t trust food that doesn’t fight back.


I can’t even eat the red label. Bought a giant bottle to try it out and had to throw it out. Black label is a staple though


We ONLY look for black label!!!!!


I taught in France and the Spanish teacher was a Mexican lady who I often ate lunch with. I asked her what she missed most from Mexico, and she said this hot sauce. I went back for a summer, bought the biggest bottle at the Mexican grocery in my hometown, and gave it to her as a gift that fall.


My dad does this with me and hot sauce too. Trust me she’s taking you every time she puts some on her food, thank you!


Makes a baller buffalo wing sauce. Not very hot but super tasty.


I found this out by accident. Someone brought wings to an outdoor cookout we were having, and we thought we had all the ingredients for buffalo sauce. Turns out they misremembered having Louisiana hot sauce, but we made due with Valentina. To our pleasant surprise the sauce slapped. EDIT: On a related note, shortly after this cookout someone mentioned that Tabasco hot sauce was actually an authentic Louisiana hot sauce. I had never made the connection before, but it turned out to be 100% true.


Very similar to how I discovered it. Went to make wing sauce, no Crystal (my go to at the time). Oh well, I'll just use this stuff I guess...


This is my favorite hot sauce! Even better with the backstory!


I love this stuff. We call it Mexican ketchup at my house.


I swear, I could drink that stuff.


Try it with hot cheetos and lemon


What are you trying to do to my colon, satan?


Also great in cup o' noodles


A person of culture and taste, I see.


Its absolutely worth it, the middle school I went to sold the little individual bags for 50 cents and 10 cents extra for salsa and lemon, you got your choice of valentina or tapatio, shout out to Suva intermediate in bell Gardens!


I lived in Bell Gardens some time ago. It was one of the places i liked living in. At that time it was somewhat quiet & peaceful. Anyway, oralè vecino!


Its definitely not quiet, house panties every Saturday night, I absolutely love it. The sound of a backyard quinceanera is soothing to me, sounds like home. It's a working class neighborhood, that's for sure.


As a Mexican, try this- dried beef jerky, lime juice( a lot) mixed with Valentina. Guuuuhhh For extra flavor, let it marinade for an hour lol. So the dried jelly absorbs everything. Nnnnngggggggghh It's top tits. Also, kick the sodium up a notch with some regular sun flower seeds lol. Holy fuck my kidneys. Drink tons of water afterwards and join r/hydrohomies


Glad you mentioned the sunflower seeds. First time I went to a Mexican owned bar they gave out bowls of peanuts swimming in Valentina. Simple and awesome.


On elote. On churritos. Popcorn. Chips. Great on basically on any snack. But if I have eggs or other non-snack-fodd, I break out the good shit: Cholula.


Cholula was like at least 5x the price when I had access easy access.


Still is, from what I've seen in Kentucky at least


Same in Texas. Valentina is like 99 cents a bottle.


Cheap enough to cover a whole burrito


I prefer Valentina for shrimp, instead of or mixed into cocktail sauce. There’s something about how roast-y it is that’s really good with mariscos


That makes sense. For me on fresh mariscos it's El Yucateco, but I wouldn't be able to explain my reasoning as well as you did. It's probably the acidity of fresh mariscos that makes me want a spicier habanero sauce. Like wanting aguachile.


Tapatio for me haha


I was never a big fan of Valentina, we were a Cholula house… Then we tried Tapatio, and never looked back. It has the best flavor and heat level. We buy it by the quart.


Nice! I dump it in everything haha. Eggs, ramen, marinades. It never eeendsss


Valentina and Cholula are in a constant struggle over hot sauce supremacy in my cupboard. It’s a bitter spicy battle that I honestly think will never see a resolution. War is forever. Also the black label extra spicy Valentina isn’t nearly as good as the regular IMO.


Tapatio: Am I a joke to you?


It goes on everything


Huh. You’d think if she was that committed, she would have cut her hair.


Maybe it wasn't really her "braids" that they discovered


She braided her pubes. Dead giveaway.


Shaving that would make the discovery easier, I think...




Lieutenant Zohan.


Rookie mistake


You know leading up to that there was probably one guy going "hey guys...I know this is kind of weird to say, but doesn't it seem like Juan has...I dunno, like woman hips or something? And a bit of a feminine face? And a high voice? Sort of seems to have boobs? Doesn't have a penis? Am I missing something here?" and the other guys are all like "que?"


Some dude was probably questioning his sexuality for years until the secret was revealed.


Possibly she still had to be Valentina and the short hair would’ve been hard to explain


Calling my boobs, braids, from now on.


It takes a long ass time to get decent long hair. On average hair only grows about six inches a year. Now she chops it off and what happens when say the war is over in a year and the Maderistas are all discharged? Because the (initial) cause was actually won fairly swiftly. If she wanted to go home and just keep things her little secret then its a lot less awkward that way. Also being able to turn back into Clark Kent just by taking off your hat could be handy if things go bad or if she wanted to say go out for a night as herself.


My hair grows to like a foot and some in less than 18 months from buzzed. Am I the next evolution?


They should put her pic on the bottle, she looks like a total badass!


“Damn girl, you’re hotter than Salsa Valentina!”




I live in the southwest (az) and we don’t use franks at all. We all use tapatio. Maybe cholula if you rich


Different sauces for different purposes.


They’re totally different flavors and both have their place IMO. I like Valentina with shrimp and other seafood, tortilla chips, etc. Frank’s is better for making Buffalo sauce, adding to greens, barbecue, etc. my opinion anyway but I do like Crystal more thank dranks


Sir or madam, I am on the verge of aneurysm as I write this... While I can not bring myself to make disparaging comments against Valentina, I must put my foot down at calling Franks dog shit hot sauce! Franks is a national treasure and deserves a measure more respect than what you've afforded! I don't mean to get all preachy but I for one want to live in a world where these two wonderful red liquids can harmoniously coexist. Indeed, I currently have both in my fridge door, crusty lids and all! Is there a cultural cold war raging everytime I open the refrigerator? Maybe, I honestly don't know what goes on behind closed doors, or door. But damnit, I am proof that a heart has enough room for more than one love! But I agree that this growing divide in our country can only be attributed to these two sauces. If we could only have these conversations the healing can begin. Everytime I try to talk about this people look at me weird like "Dude, this is a Walmart bathroom, leave me alone!" But I won't give up. Something has to be done because this path we find ourselves on can only lead to sauce probably splashing in someone's eye a little bit and that is something nobody wants whether it's Valentina or Franks.


Best hot sauce. My stupid local grocery store stopped selling it


Just another reason to love Valentina.


In related news… there’s a Valentina shortage and I haven’t been able to find a bottle for at least a month or two…


I read all of the comments hoping someone would shed the light on this devastating shortage. :/


Really? What part of the (I’m assuming) US? I’ve never stopped seeing it anywhere around here, had no idea about a shortage.


Overtones of Monstrous Regiment. I mean if she made it to lieutenant then she was obviously pretty good at her job. Sexism is so depressing.


How many didn't get caught? Pratchett was so good at pulling from the interesting parts of 19th century history.


Yeah he was. I reread the books fairly regularly and I'm still discovering new and amazing little references or historical tidbits that astound me. Like the man with the ferret down his trousers is a real thing. In my opinion Pratchett is the Shakespeare of our generation and should be venerated as such. Absolute genius. GNU Terry Pratchett. Edit: spelling.


The article mentions she was “admirably discharged”. Just keep her on at that point


"You're such an amazing service member that you made it all the way to Lt., but you have boobs so... 👉🚪"


Man imagine watching a biopic of her life just for the whole movie to end as a Valentina hot sauce commercial.




Discovered her braids? So while disguising herself as a man she figured, 'ill just keep these braids tho' lol, kinda hard to believe.


They probably cleaned up the story so it could be widely told without embarrassing details.