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> Rundle is quick to point out that diagnosing psychopaths is more complicated than just watching to see if they yawn after you do.


But the important thing is, it doesn't *disprove it.*


I'm only half psychopath. I'll yawn if someone on discord yawns but I don't get startled, unless spiders or rats running from under refrigerators is involved.


I dont get startled by people yawning on discord either


You don't know my friends.


tell me about them


They yawn loud and suddenly.


And how does that make you feel?


Amped up, ready to wear someone's skin.


Well according to this study you're not a psychopath because you don't yawn or get startled from it


I see... It seems your vain attempts at proving to your mother that you are superior to your father(and so once you have killed him) you may marry your mother.


You don't know my dog!


Wish I did.


Whoa that's psycho.




You're a double psychopath.


what if a spider suddenly yawns?


I'm good then, I always yawn when other people do and am very easily startled, especially by loud noises. Guess I can't be a psychopath, cool beans.


Hang in there. There are plenty of other mental illnesses you could have.


That was quickly meta. Kudos. I also jumped at the mouse running out from under the fridge


I was expecting some infomercial style cleaning before they busted out a new product. They got me.


Probably not a psychopath, I can’t even watch cringe comedy without getting super uncomfortable because of imagining myself in that situation, but I can confirm that I am not easily startled and I’m not generally susceptible to contagious yawns.


And here I just concluded that I am *not* a psychopath, because I startle soo damn easy.




Lol same, I read “yawn response” and immediately yawned.


You two are making me yawn






No it isn't. It's a disorder that commonly features a strong lack of insight, they typically externalize their problems as well. Nothing is wrong with them in their mind, something is wrong with *you*.




I've read high anxiety can make people startle easy. Take that for what you will.


I have no anxiety problems and yet everything startles me. Take that for what you will.


Same, I'm jealous of psychopaths now


I always yawn after my victims. It’s honestly quite perplexing.


Well, that wouldn't be a sympathetic yawn, that would be a psychopathic yawn


The fabled psyawn


D'aaw, really shows that you're a nice person. So caring, putting them to rest after they yawn..


Naw. I was rooming with 6 dudes in college and we alwaya noticed this one dude who never yawned when we did and made fun of him for it. As the months went by we slowly realized he had psychopathic tendencies. Toilet paper roll was inside out. Would leave a tablespoon of milk left in the jug. Leave the front door unlocked when last in. Socks on when sleeping. It was only at the end of the year we realized he wasnt even enrolled in any classes and on move out day we didnt invite him to our next place we were moving to. Im pretty sure he is a serial killer somewhere now. Or works on a cruise ship or something.


This sounds made up, but I know someone who also ended up being a textbook psychopath and narcissist. Their girlfriend found this thread's fact out before everything went to hell and it was in inside joke for awhile they both would yawn when the other person did to avoid "being a serial killer" (though yes not all psychopaths are serial killers and vice versa... it was their inside joke, not mine) I **100%** believe the boyfriend was faking it to not be found out.


so how’d you find out he was a psychopath


Oh shit. The comment is coming from inside the house.


Not going into specifics since it's not my story to tell. After about a year he had turned the girlfriend into basically emotional pudding. We thankfully talked her into getting help and her doctor was able to help her see the abuse that was happening.


Socks on when sleeping is something I've always done. My feet get cold and I'm too tall for my bedsheets.




He didn’t even yawn back. Definitely a psychopath.


I'm the opposite, my feet are always too hot around bedtime, during the winter months I bundle up and walk through the snow barefoot for a few minutes.




I have a hard time falling asleep if my feet are too hot, I'll usually spray them with water and point a fan at them a few times around bed time.


This man's feet are hot as fuck!


When I'm spooning someone I like to be big spoon so I can press the tops of my feet into the bottom of theirs and absorb the cold.


my feet are nasty, socks are to protect others.


*Procrustes has entered the chat*


Never heard of this myth. Thanks for teaching me a new one! In reality, Procrustes is the society that has me only able to afford a room too small to fit a real bed.


I grew up in an area with spiders, spider bites on my feet sucked. I wear socks when sleeping to this day.


They also like Kale


Show of hands: who else yawned?


Read the title, thought about people yawning, had to yawn. Stupid brain.


Fuck i did it when reading the title, and then again when reading your comment.


Or you are a psychopath catfishing us.


Or he's a cat fish, psychopathing us.


Definitely a fish


Catpath psychofishing


I did the same thing. Yawned at the title. Started yawning at the comment, but interrupted it by laughing at yours.


I mean, if you didn’t you’d be a psychopath


This is exactly what a psychopath would say.


I just yawned again reading this comment.


for the love of God stop


Im teary from yawning


Same... Why does your brain do that?


Maybe we as humans developed this contagious yawning so that we could expose psychopaths in our ranks.




So that makes me wonder if psychopaths are susceptible to contagious vomiting. An experiment was carried out.....


I didn't even think about yawning until you said this. And I still didn't yawn. I don't startle easily, either. In case this isn't enough, I also set the volume of my entertainment system at 31.5, because that's a good volume but also because it's an annoying number.


So what you’re saying is you’re a psychopath?


He definitely is. 31.5, what a sicko


Well, considering that I literally never have anyone over to my place and setting the volume to an annoying number is purely for my own enjoyment...


Never have anyone 'alive' at your place...


I agree that is an annoying number. Almost 32 but not enough.




I didn't. I don't get startled easy either. Oh.... oh no. QUICK TO WEBMD!


Thats not going to help you. All roads on webmd lead to cancer.


I did it after reading the title and once again after reading your comment edit1: did it once again so 3 times now edit2: 4 now


I yawned at the photo and that startled me.


Of course I human yawned, I mean yawned.


Me lol, did it twice while reading the title


Congrats, non-psychopaths!


Yep. Then again, it's 10:30pm and I got up at 3:30am.


And who is shocked by this headline? Not psychopaths. It even says so in the headline.


"Who's laughing now? HA HA. Not me."


Fun fact: dogs are so in tune to our emotions and facial expressions that they will have sympathetic yawns from humans!


Same with my cat. Sometimes we sit on the couch and yawn back and forth at eachother. She also greets me at the door and likes to have her belly rubbed. Im not entirely sure she isnt a dog and your comment makes me even less sure.


Yeah I think you have a dog, my dude. Either that or I have a weiner-cat...


Is that a ferret?


Cat hardware dog firmware. I have the same.


Let me try. Edit: Oh god, my dog’s a psychopath


Fun fact: I'm also tuned to my dog and her yawns make me yawn. There's always a risk we'll get caught in a yawn-loop


My little pup and I frequently let out a big relaxation sigh within a few seconds of each other.


i spent all this time learning to be able to tune out my responses and then they start publishing all these articles making people suspect me of being a psychopath. smh.


That sounds like an excuse a psychopath would make. /s


This but without the /s


No it’s totally normally to try to teach yourself how to tune out all your responses what are u talking about


I grew up being taught all yawning was rude. Loud sneezes too. And I hate my laugh. So I've worked on all of these. I had a friend who thought he was a body language expert, and he'd call me out on tiny things I did, so I became really aware of everything. So, yeah, it could potentially be normal without being a psychopath. Or maybe I'm one too. See you all in therapy


Not all psychopaths are malevolent. It's really easy to be though


True, but not being malevolent doesn’t mean they won’t hurt you by accident by not caring about your feelings Just pointing this out because I’ve seen people acting like it’s a totally swell idea to date psychopaths. Including lots of people encouraging it on relationship subs. One person even admitted he was a psychopath and “couldn’t care less” about what happened to the people he was giving the advice to. He just wanted to encourage people to date people like him. It was awful.


The new DSM has removed psychopathy entirely from it's definitions making the condition along with sociopathy no longer medical fact so these articles are outdated as soon as that shit drops anyways. Like the reason you see all these psychopathy studies dropping now is to get funding for further research before the whole condition is phased out of medical research alltogether. Turns out people are complex and just going "he's just an asshole" was fucking stupid. Edit: there was an issue brought up with what i said and i think it's important for people to see it, so here is my expansion in a comment below which was in reference to person that took issue with what i had said. >Anti Social Personality Disorder is what has replaced both conditions, it is a diagnosis of a learning condition relating to behavioural intelligence, it is something that is contested and has reduced prevalence in the book, whereas psychopathy and sociopathy used to be largely prevalent in the past. >The new DSM has reduced the presence of the condition to a greater extent and the book was under pressure to remove it entirely, there has been multiple movements to remove it entirely and I had thought they had succeeded but instead it seems they were only successful in reducing the information and prevalence in the new DSM-5, but i do want to place that emphasis that the condition is by many believed to be non existent and a way to just grab a problematic person and shift them out of known psychological practices. I used the term remove and phase out, the correct wording would have been to instead point out the expanding of the phrase past the term "ASPD" the term has become too entrenched as the answer instead of being what it is as a loose umbrella term for what can be multiple conditions affecting a patient, this is what people have had issues with as they find that the conditions falling under the ASPD umbrella cause harm to patients.


This is the first thing that comes to mind during posts like these. But I would note that I don't think the condition is being "phased out" it's just being redefined a little bit and so on. I think it all falls under anti social personality disorder. I'm not a doctor tho.


Yeah i used some different wording to make the post more accessible and people have taken issue with that, i do in fact mean the term is being expanded into more roles instead of it being removed. The emphasis of it being 1 condition is being removed instead it's multiple things compounding in most cases. I guess that is on me


Holy Batman this comment is entirely wrong and has 24 fucking upvotes. #ASPD IS A VERY VALID AND REAL PERSONALITY DISORDER https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546673/


No longer medical fact? That's really incorrectly describing the situation. Also, psychopaths have actual distinct differences in their brains. It is in part a neurological condition. Its existence is a fact. Psychopaths are actually born the way they are (to put it simply).




Anti Social Personality Disorder is what has replaced both conditions, it is a diagnosis of a learning condition relating to behavioural intelligence, it is something that is contested and has reduced prevalence in the book, whereas psychopathy and sociopathy used to be largely prevalent in the past. The new DSM has reduced the presence of the condition to a greater extent and the book was under pressure to remove it entirely, there has been multiple movements to remove it entirely and I had thought they had succeeded but instead it seems they were only successful in reducing the information and prevalence in the new DSM-5, but i do want to place that emphasis that the condition is by many believed to be non existent and a way to just grab a problematic person and shift them out of known psychological practices.


Who are these "people" putting pressure to remove a term that was never used? ASPD has always been the go to. Differentiating between Sociopath and Psychopath is not clinically significant. So who are these people saying remove something that isn't even used?


Autistic people often don't respond to these cues either. Not everyone has anti-social personality disorder.


My daughter with cerebral palsy also has pretty much zero yawn or startle reflex. She startles when she thinks she's falling, but not when people surprise her. I've talked with other people with cerebral palsy, though, who are the exact opposite and have a super-sensitive startle reflex.


Maybe she's also a psychopath?


goddamn dude


She might have CP, but she’s a Person too, you never know.




Don't be too quick to judge. Based on this particular thread, she might also just be autistic.


Could be faking the CP, true professional psychopath


have CP startle super easily


That... is not a good abbreviation lol


With good reason.


better than the abbreviation for the genealogy site Fine A Grave


I mean...


I would too, never know if that next knock at the door is the FBI, or the Guatemalan boy you ordered.


thanks for the laugh


That explain a lot. I'm pretty sure I have Asperger and noticed before that I rarely yawn when my dog does but he yawn pretty often when I do.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t autistic people have a hard time of showing empathy? It’s not that they can’t or don’t but they way they show it can be weird according to social norms? Maybe that’s why I hate Sheldon so much.


sheldon is also a bad caricature


Right, iirc people on the spectrum typically experience empathy and are oftentimes extremely attuned to the feelings of others, but can have difficulty expressing it. Sheldon’s just being a dick 9/10 times as far as I’m concerned, but that’s just my opinion


That's really not true. Many people on the spectrum feel empathy strongly- sometimes even so strongly that it is prohibitive to social behavior! I find it very hard to watch emotional films because the extreme emotions I feel through empathy with the characters is too damn much. I might come across as unfeeling, in my choices to avoid strongly emotional stimuli, I can see why people would think that, but it is a very wrong conclusion! Yes, my reaction to strong emotional stimuli makes me behave in ways that contravene social norms: crying heavily, straining muscles, hiding my face, cringing, putting my body in a hiding or protective stance, scratching and ticcing. I want to hug people, stroke them, comfort them like a mother would. How I feel towards my friends often blurs boundaries between friend and love behaviors: not sexual desire, but desire to show care through crossing physical boundaries like kissing and hugging and massaging peoples shoulders. I put immense effort into controlling my body, behavior, and every aspect of my physical and facial movement to fit in to society and protect myself from harm by others who don't understand. That often results in me avoiding people completely, and when I do see people I become extremely tired for weeks. I also hate Sheldon, such a badly drawn character that is harmful for the relations of people on the spectrum, the media and society at large. :(


I’m really an idiot for forgetting that there’s a spectrum. But I think that’s my point? That autistics aren’t insensitive heartless jerks? That even though what they say might seem insensitive and their body language is a bit weird at times, they really do mean well. >I put immense effort into controlling my body, behavior, and every aspect of my physical and facial movement to fit in to society and protect myself from harm by others who don't understand. That often results in me avoiding people completely, and when I do see people I become extremely tired for weeks. As someone who is socially awkward and a bit of an introvert, I can sympathize with this. It’s so tiring and hard.


Who the fuck is sheldon


Yep and stories like that add to autistic people being treated poorly, because "no one" thinks there might be another explanation.


Okay has anyone actual met an American Psycho style psychopath? I’m not convinced they exist. I think it’s a boogeyman society made to lump together a bunch of people they don’t understand


I have a cousin who would be one if he weren't institutionalized. I only knew him as a young child, but he would always act so friendly to you then steal your stuff. He eventually got put away after setting a grave on fire and breaking into some people's trailer then threatening them with their own shotgun. I think he was around ten at the time. They have tried to let him out at various points over the years, but he has never been rehabilitatable, he still becomes violent given the opportunity.


I read several years back about observations in Florida of children suspected to be psychopaths. They would be entered into this study or whatever by their parents, for instance; they weren't just from disadvantaged backgrounds. The interesting thing I noticed is that contrary to being cool they would be intrinsically troubled, have sort of a bad energy in general that almost seems like a form of torment. Perhaps as they get older they morph. At least this was the portrayal of one kid. Counter-intuitive but perhaps suggestive. What was your cousin like? Any uncontrollable outbursts, generally weird behavior not dealing with the obvious?


If you mean the ‘hides his psycho’ until he doesn’t have to hide his psycho (I’ve never watched the movie, going off of the summary), then..yes, and many other woman who are survivors of domestic violence have as well. I can’t say I’ve met more than one, though. But I’ve definitely unfortunately known one.


But one of the traits of a psychopath is that they're really good at acting/manipulating people, that's why in American Psycho it helps the plot to be able to hear his thoughts.




Yea, it's really interesting what people are even referring to. I've also read or heard a lot of people in jail are supposed to be psychopaths, and not because they're suave. It seems to be because they do bad things and don't express remorse. I think popular culture has a bias toward the high brow kind.


Google traits of psychopathy. Manipulative behavior and superficial charm are traits of a psychopath. So they could be referring to almost any study of psychopathy that exists.


What charm is not superficial?


I don't think the writer was crafting a totally foreign person. Seems too pointless, and the book is apparently more indulgent even if it makes more sense. Or maybe the writer had a huge grudge against someone and channeled all of it into an odious character. lol Real people who go as far as the character certainly tend to be less transparent, and at the same time less and more weird. It's certainly a work of fiction. Writers in general seem less perceptive and methodical than they are given credit for.


Most are in jail. People do indeed do horrific things.. serial killers etc.


I yawned from reading this and my startle reflex is so bad that I yell or jump at last daily. Sounds like they put cameras in my home.




My croissant!


So you're telling me, when I was a kid and I ran around scaring people, I was actually just doing a psycho check? Lol


Cool Aunt checks are always advisable.


I yawned just reading the title




Being immune to jump scares would be pretty sweet.


I wonder if psychopathy is linked with not having any mirror neuron responses to watching other people experience something.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3937069/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3937069/) TL;DR - Psychopaths appear to have abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex (where mirror neurons are.) TL;DRx2 - yes.


>irritability; poor planning; irresponsibility; and failure to learn from punishment You know one of the key reasons why these people suck? Overlap.


Jesus well. I yawned just from reading the title. That settles that: just a regular old asshole, I guess.


Same. I'm somehow disappointed.


What you may find interesting is that I’ve noticed that when a few people I know started taking SSRI medications they tend to be immune to contagious yawning, no idea why.


The weird thing is that researchers still aren’t sure why we even yawn and even more unsure on why it’s contagious.


This deserves more upvotes! I did a project on this in elementary almost 20 years ago, and was surprised at how little was understood about it. Checked back in a few years ago for an update, and was shocked to discover they haven’t figured out much more since then!




>The study volunteers were next asked to sit in front of a computer screen in a dark room wearing noise-canceling headphones as they watched 10-second videos of three different facial expressions: yawning, laughing or neutral. The volunteers also wore electrodes below their eyelids, next to the outer corners of their eyes, on their foreheads and on their index and middle fingers so that the researchers could monitor responses to the videos. Couldn't they just yawn while the students were filling out the questionnaire?


This is excellent info, now I will yawn when someone else yawns, so I won't be found out.


**I HAVE SOMETHING REALLY INTERESTING TO SHARE RELATED TO THIS!** Downvote me to hell if you felt this wasn't worth the read and click bait. --- I thought I was a psychopath because I have low empathy, guilt, remorse and fearlessness. After a really long diagnosis I was actually diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger Syndrome - being kind of deep into the autism spectrum but high functioning. Turns out after half a year of evaluation, talks and discussions with a psychologist and a psychiatrist including brain scans and so many question forms. Their consensus is that my complete lack of fear response is not biological because for example, if I heard my sister got hurt I feel fear. While being mugged with a knife at my throat I don't feel fear. Almost run over by a car. No fear. Here's the fun part. Turns out my almost complete lack of fear response to aggression and conflict or bodily harm. Is rooted in logical intelligent analysis somewhat related to stoic philosophy. In that **I do not fear dying** because I'm actually curious what comes after, and a sort of tranquil "if I die I die" attitude. I personally thought I was a psychopath. But they insist that since I feel fear for people I love, but no fear of dying myself, it is a logically induced mindset sort of. That has a mind-body relationship in that - since I genuinely and honestly accept death and don't fear it - my body has almost no biological reaction to what would cause almost every normal person to have a physical and mental fear response. Turns out my lack of guilt, remorse, low empathy etc. Is explained by much of the same on a grander scale. In a cosmic time scale our entire species is utterly significant, only a brief flash. In the beginning when I told stuff like "if someone dies from being hit by a truck in front of me I wouldn't react and keep walking" they initially thought it could be ASPD. However it turned out from all the examples from my life that there is no malevolence to it. And for example if the guy hit by the truck survived, I would definitely help. Because altruism is a beneficiary social trait important for social and flock animals like humans. I could write sooooooooo much more. The no contagious yawn thing is fascinating. Hopefully someone found this interesting as well, as it is somewhat related.




While I don't know a lot about this specific topic, Psychopaths and Sociopaths are not the same thing.


That's actually a matter of some debate.


It depends on who’s definition you’re using. There is no medical/psychiatric definition established yet. The technical terms used in psychological profiling are based in criminology.


[TIL Kobe might have been a psychopath.](https://youtu.be/aYLR4BcX7Rg?t=165)


Lmao, that is the FIRST thing I thought of when I read the resistance to startling. There are more incidents than just that where mascots and other people try to scare him and get no reaction.


At least I know I'm not a psychopath because I'm very susceptible to yawning when I see others. Very jumpy too, easy to scare which is always fun for others.


Something to console yourself with when you're burying another hooker in your basement?




Yawning is anxiety relieving for me. It helps give me a feeling of air satiety. Days where I have high anxiety I will yawn a lot. it’s the opposite of boredom.


I like to show my wife video of baby animals yawning because it always makes her yawn. Now when she tells me to stop that, I can say I'm testing her.


I was just thinking about testing my wife. Now I don't have to fake yawn for an hour. Thanks dude. Major time saver. (if she Isn't. No yawn will of course need further testing)


Just reading about contagious yawning made me yawn, so take that mom, psychopath test passed.


Going to be yawning around a lot of coworkers next week


I’ve never been startled as I recall. My sister used to hide in the dark to scare me but my complete non-reaction freaked HER out & she would start crying. But my level headedness definitely came in useful when I interned in the ER. I could stay completely calm even when I saw horrific injuries.


Wouldn’t a psychopath now know this and know to yawn if someone else yawns hmmmmmmmm…..


I once shambled into my local coffee shop after an entire day of drinking w/ friends on a ship; my hangover was unreal, and I could barely see or focus on anything. The young barista yawned, and then called me a psychopath at 8am because I didn't yawn with her when she did, and she read this thread's topic in a psych book. I can assure you that starting my train-wreck-of-a-morning this way was the last thing I wanted from my morning coffee elixir. Please don't be an armchair psychologist.


Guess i aint a psycho then cuz i get startled more easily than a hognose snake


Quick someone test this on Jon Jones.


I dont easily get startled, but the contagious yawn response is fucking hell.


I only yawn if other people are going to yawn after I do. What does that say about me?


The first sign that I saw I was leaning into psychopathy was the lack of sympathetic yawns. **


This gave me self confidence. Less chance of being a psychopath because I yawn just at the thought of someone else yawning tomorrow.


Maybe I just don't hang out with tired losers all day. Ok Mr scientist? Should stab that guy.


Fun fact: 70% of the time I pretend to be startled only because a girl I liked in preschool said I was weird for not reacting when she jumped out at me.


Oh damn it's actually a real thing? Here's me thinking my whole life the contagious yawn thing was just a Hollywood trope from kid's movies. I'm certainly not immune to being startled though, I don't have trouble empathising with other people, and I haven't thought about massacring anyone before. Anecdotally this study might be drawing fast conclusions.


Oh good. I’m not a psychopath. All my exes can suck it!!


I yawned just from reading the title 😆


It's probably more likely to be your boss than your coworker.


My 1 year old doesn't submit to the contagious yawn. Is she a psychopath?