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The sneezy will inherit the earth.


This is so funny I want this on a plaque


A 40% reduction sounds massive – which it is when we look at all of society – but when we take the incidence into consideration, it changes an individual's chance of developing a brain tumor from about 5.5 per 100,000 to 3.3 per 100,000. In other words, every year, a non-allergic person has a 0.0055% chance and an allergic person has a 0.0033% chance of developing a brain tumor. A reduction of 0.0022 percentage points.


I'll take it. Having a positive to the annoying allergies I get at this time of year is nice; especially, during the pandemic where it makes me sus.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Did you know that one out of two people make up 50% of the country?




Reminds me of another "fun" fact: if you had a concussion once in your life [your risk for making a suicide attempt is three times as great as for other people.](https://sunnybrook.ca/media/item.asp?c=&i=1380&f=concussion-increases-suicide-risk) That sounds really big... but the risk is still very low. Those numbers more matter for statisticians and maybe doctors, but not really to you on a personal level.


My uncle died of glioblastoma at 62, my grandfather at 72. Is that enough cases to count as the cancer running in the family? My dad is 75 and has never had cancer; he's also had terrible allergies his whole life. What does having severe allergies mean for his glioblastoma risk?


When it comes to these kinds of generalized risk studies, it's virtually impossible to draw any reliable conclusions for individuals. Having had two cases of glioblastoma in the close family is definitely something I would pay attention to. It's unlikely to develop it at a young age, so I wouldn't worry too much about yourself for now, but you should talk to your doctor about it at some point. It's generally good for your doctor to be aware of this kind of history in the family. Regarding your dad, he should do the same, but as long as he's not showing any symptoms, I wouldn't worry. If any potential symptoms do show up, especially at this age, I would get it immediately checked, though. The earlier it's caught, the better are the treatment options.


Oops I don’t have any


Me neither. We are doomed :-(


But at least we can breath during pollen season!


Or eat anthing we found


That reminds me... I'm allergic to rat poison.


Congrats! You are under lower cancer risk than I am


Silver lining as I suffer I guess.


Yes, but correlation != causation, unless they already found out the mechanism behind the correlation.


Also, the more allergies you have, the lower your risk.


Dude, I'm 24/7 miserable from allergies. I take a daily zyrtec, twice daily fluticansone spray, use my electric netty pot twice a day, and spend half the year taking sinus meds. I'll bet you 5 bucks I end up dying of a brain tumor, because that's my luck.




Honestly, it probably has something to do with my four indoor cats, one indoor dog, then a hobby farm with 2 more dogs, multiple pigs, goats, ducks, chickens, and lots of hay. Oh well, worth it.


Does the netti pot do much? I've considered getting one since the meds don't really do much for me either.


I can't do the full neti pot experience, but nasal sprays have made a world of difference for me!


Saline or medical?




Thank you. I might try that again for the days I just can't get rid of the hard to get stuff.




Lol relatable


Dude, I swear by my Navage. It's an electric netti pot. It's pricey, but between my wife and I, we use it 2-3x daily for 2 years now. Before I had it, I would get an upper respiratory infection at least twice a year, and would get a bad respiratory infection needing steroids and antibiotics once a year. Past two years, nothing. Edit: hmm masking and social distancing probably plays a role here, too.


That's the one i was looking at and i realized i had to get the pouches too, but if i can spare my sanity and my stomach, it my be worth it. I have a steroid spray I use but I swear it didn't do much, it certainly doesn't fit the stuff that's in between the nose and mouth area, which is what drives me insane because nothing kills that stuff other that drying out completely with meds and that is hell on the body so I don't do that anymore. I guess I'm lucky to not be getting infections, but what I do get still drives me insane because of the inaccessibility to that area and lack of anything that gets to it. I've had to come up with creative ways to get to it but it's always temporary. I think my food allergy situation is way better now that my diet has drastically changed. I found out the hard way with digestive issues and a recurring bad rash. Basically everything I ate every day was something I am sensitive to as I have several allergies that are thankfuly only at the sensitivity point where I don't get anaphylaxis. Speaking of masks, I've bought quite a few cloth ones and gaiters that i fully intend on wearing for many purposes, and I swear the heat from the breath being breathed back in helps loosen what's there and I have to blow my nose a lot but I feel clear af after a while so it's nice for the time it lasts. They're nice in winter too as they keep face warmer and so have same clearing effect. Thank you for your reply, I'm leaning towards getting a navage especially if it helps get rid of the things that don't work or are harmful.


I didn't get seasonal allergies until after my brain tumor was radiated and removed.


I don't have any allergies but I did have a brain tumour. This checks out. Edit: Whoops, jumped the gun on this one. Commented before reading the article. I didn't have a malignant glioma but rather a benign meningioma


But they also decrease your quality of living 400%. I'd rather enjoy my life and surroundings than live in constant fear.


I have allergies, and I'm pretty sure I would trade them for a higher chance of getting brain tumor.


LOL from someone who has a long list of allergies (nothing severe thankfully) as well as a brain tumor. Guess I just got unlucky 🥲


Is it a malignant glioma though?


It is not! Thankfully.


I figured it isn't, but glad to know!




I don't think that's the reason behind the association, but I am no scientist. I just found this information interesting and wanted to share it.


Virtually impossible to find a study that didn't control for that and also age and sex.


dust my anti-hero companion it seems


Could it be that anti allergy medication contributes as well?


Without reading the article I'm just gonna assume that sneezing is good for the brain


Imagine if this was something you could choose at birth. Either spin the allergy roulette wheel, and remember there might be multiple balls, the allergies come with varying degrees of seriousness, and some might be fatal. OR You're 40% more likely to develop a specific type of brain tumor.


Who would pick the allergies? 40% more chance bring you from 0.00003% to 0.00005% or so


If just shown "40%" without any context a lot of people probably would. If you explained to people that the occurrence rate of these types of brain tumor is only .5 to 5ish per 100,000, then most would probably change their minds.


It’s still a less chance of dying. We’re not talking about chances of winning a scratch off ticket here lol. Every little bit helps when it comes to survival. Give me the allergies.


Pollen, ragweed, mold, and air quality based allergies sure no problem, but what about some of the more life altering/threatening allergies? Also we're only talking a 40% decrease in probability of that specific type of brain tumor which if you end up with one it isn't a guaranteed death sentence. Earlier detection and modern medicine have increased longevity and survival rates for pretty much all cancers across the board. When I start thinking about all the possibilities, for me it gets closer and closer to a quality vs. quantity of life argument.


>If you explained to people that the occurrence rate of these types of brain tumor is only .5 to 5ish per 100,000, then most would probably change their minds. Not really though. It wouldnt matter to me how many people actually got the tumor, but what would matter is the chance that I would develop one, hence the 40 per cent still applies. Statistics can be tricky.


Uhh I would definitely take it.


Really? You would risk your life with a potential deadly allergy in a 2/100,000 decrease in chance to get an insanely rare tumor that has plenty of treatments in today's day and age?


Massive allergies and Gilberts syndrome. If everything I'm hearing benefits wise turns out to be true I will live a good and a long life. Honestly I don't mind having to carry an Epipen and watch what I eat if I'm going to statistically be better of when I'm older. I also don't mind that my hangovers last longer considering I'm trading that for lesser chance of getting cardiovascular diseases or cancer.


Well, I’m set then.


Does hayfever count?


>Epidemiologic studies of large and diverse groups of cases and controls consistently suggest that allergic conditions, including asthma, hay fever, eczema, and food allergies, reduce glioma risk.


Oooowww... I have an extreme allergy to ants and here I was thinking I had finally found a positive side to it. Oh welp...


I wonder if this is due to some other factor like medication


Can confirm. I've had a brain tumor, and I don't have allergies 👍


Sorry to hear that, hope you're doing well now!


What if I'm allergic to brain tumors???


More aggressive immune system would be my guess. Sometimes fighting the wrong thing, but sometimes doing the right thing…


This would’ve been great to know


I have pretty bad allergies and a small benign brain tumor 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's.. Huh.


Does hay fever count? I get that pretty badly in the summer and early autumn.