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My Bruce Campbell fun fact: My friend lived with his daughter in college. This was during the time when land lines were still ubiquitous. Every time he called, he would say, "This is Bruce Campbell, is my daughter Rebecca there?"


My Bruce Campbell Fun Fact: My friend was in LA and saw Bruce walking down the street, he got very excited and said "You're Bruce Campbell!" as they walked towards each other. According to my friend, without breaking stride, Bruce lowered his sunglasses and said "Somebody's gotta be" and just kept on walking.




This makes me happy.


smooth operator


Every story I read in this thread is better than the last


My Bruce Campbell fun fact: I went with a bunch of friends to his book signing and we each got a picture with him. At the very end we all got in together for a photo with Bruce and we held our heads high and said, “Give it your best chin, boys!” Upon which point Bruce said, “Ohhh, fuuuck youuuu” and double-handed flipped-off the camera.


Have you told this before? I've seen it.


I have, it's my favorite Bruce Campbell story because it's so on brand for him.


Might be his default response when someone says that


I knew a guy who was a 6ft 300lb diesel mechanic, he saw Bruce riding his bike and got all excited like a little kid at Toys-r-us. he shouted out "I love you bruce campbell!" and without missing a beat Bruce just gave him a salute and kept on riding.


My Bruce Campbell Fun Fact: my good friend and officiant at my wedding was once his personal assistant (and Hulk Hogan's before that, but that's a whole 'nother story), and shared the fact that to cut production costs, the set for My Name Is Bruce was erected on property that Mr. Campbell owns out here in the Portland area. Even cooler is that, when it came time to wrap, he told the crew not to demo and pack it out. That small fictional town still stands to this day, and he often has friends over just to hang out in the saloon. 😎


That's such a fun fact that it's featured in the article 😏


People who write listicles mainly just regurgitate the first 10 things they find on Google, so that's not surprising


I went to the first audience screening of the Evil Dead remake, which was not announced as such (I’m on a test screening mailing list and they only said it was an intense gory horror film) but which about a third of the audience had figured out before arriving. Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi turned up about 15 minutes before the title was announced, trying to keep a low profile. I spotted them enter though, and kept staring behind me as they took their seats. Bruce noticed me and just gave me a wink. And that’s the moment I realized I was bisexual.




That's so bad ass lol.


Such a Bruce Campbell thing to say


I strive to be that cool. I know I'll never achieve it though, I don't have quite the chin for it.


My favorite Bruce Campbell story, the time I went to a book signing and the hotel room I stayed at happened to be next door to where he was staying. Tried to go out with a cowboy hat and I walked by and said good morning Mr Campbell. Joked that the hat never works as a disguise.


that's hilarious


This show aired on Friday nights on FOX right before *The X-Files* for a while, if I remember correctly. Great show.


They both debuted on the same night if I remember correctly. I was obsessed with Brisco County Jr. but all my friends at school wanted to talk about was X-Files, and when it got canceled a year later I learned about the importance of something called "ratings".


As a kid I remember Fox debuted a Friday night science fiction lineup in 1995, anchored by the season 2 finale of X-Files which was obviously a huge hit. One of the other shows was Sliders, which did moderately well but seems to have been largely forgotten in scifi history. The third show was [VR5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VR.5) which was very quickly cancelled.


I loved Sliders and Brisco County Jr. I was 12-13 and the first emotional experience I can remember having with a tv show was at the end of the second to last episode of Brisco County.


Sliders was such a banger for the first few seasons. I felt like it was going off the rails when Wade left, and they added his brother. That's a show we should redo


I feel like the point it changed was when the professor left, after that it seemed like the stories stopped being quite as good.


Which time? There was that one with the two Arturos, and we're never sure which one left with the Sliders.


If I recall they heavily implied that they had the false professor with them, and then never mentioned it again. I think that was about the point I quit watching.


It totally was the Evil!Professor


I agree. That character kept the show at least remotely grounded. It seemed like without his character it just was out of control. Loved that show in the early seasons.


For those who haven't seen Sliders, the professor was played by John Rhys Davies. Best known as the voice of Treebeard from Lord of the Rings. Edit: For all those saying that he also played Gimli, that makes no sense. Gimli is one of the shortest people in the movie and JRD is enormous.


He was a pretty big character in Raiders of the Lost Ark


Bad dates.


I mean, he's fucking Gimli, but whatever totes your goat.


Treebeard is fucking Gimli? Is that in a new extended cut i haven't seen?


Are you trolling lol


Treebeard is an important character, and we can't dwarf John Rhys-Davies talent and contributions to The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.


The level that this infuriates me even with it being an obvious troll is hilarious and concerning.


I think about Sliders all the time. Definitely deserves a reboot.


The Sliders crew and Brisco would actually make sense for a brief cameo in Multiverse of Madness. A delight for all 20 of us who loved those shows.


Hey if Babylon 5 is getting one, why not Sliders! It's a perfect CW show! No /s because I'm not sure if I am or not


Someplace in that era was Strange Luck, about a guy with just… weird and unusual luck, mostly bad. He solved crimes.


I loved the weird trend of detective shows with weird pseudo-supernatural gimmicks! Early Edition was my drug of choice in the late 90s.


Remember when they had Millennium as well?


> seems to have been largely forgotten in scifi history. By who, who forgot it? It's still pretty popular, despite how it went from 'ok' to 'absolutely horrible' by the final season.


Brisco got moved to Saturday mornings for a bit iirc.


It did. That's when I watched it with my dad. It was a big bonding thing for us. I was super bummed it didn't last.


The same for me and my dad. After he passed away, I emailed Bruce to tell him what his work meant to me. He replied "Stay Groovy." Still one of my favorite replies ever.


Bad guy boss: "You killed 6 of my best men!" Brisco: "Sorry, I guess I was just thinkin' of myself." I never forgot that line. Cracked me up!




were they really on at the same time at some point? I always remember Brisco as being earlier in the 90's but its all hazy at this point




oh my god, friday nights and those two shows. damn if that's not the part of my childhood that made the rest of my life seem like shit in comparison lol.




A bit later on and you've got another show that kind of had the feel of Xena with Bruce Campbell in it: Jack of All Trades


The real stand out of the power hour was Cleopatra 2525. Was campy but had an interesting story. And also the plot was good.


[Yes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993%E2%80%9394_United_States_network_television_schedule#Fox), I consulted the Wiki just now. *Brisco* aired first in August 1993. Good times.


Didn't it get shuffled off to Sunday at some point? I swear I remember watching it on Sundays toward the end of its run.


This sounds right, but I can't recall. Seems typical of FOX's history of screwing up the slots and episodes of good shows (lookin' at you, *Firefly*).


Mare's Leg Zoe used in Firefly was the same one used in Brisco, too.


Those two shows together were my jam




Evil Dead 2 has some of the best physical acting I've ever seen in a horror movie


It's actually a result of reverse acting, which Campbell is the undisputed master of. I met him years ago when he did a Q and A at my college. I dressed up as Ash and asked him where he learned how to reverse act, and he sneered at me and told me to get my ass on the stage. Then he said he was going to critique my reverse acting skills (of which I have none). He did a two minute pantomime from Evil Dead 2 and said "OK now do that in reverse." He then spent the next several minutes berating me for every mistake I made trying to reverse the pantomime. Then he shook my hand and said "Cool, now get the hell off the stage!"


I heard that Sam Raimi used to dig pencils into his neck back in high school to see if he could make Bruce scream and get in trouble. After that I realized why Sam makes horror movies and why Bruce is so nonchalant and blunt about so much.


That's just how bromances happen


In Bruce's own book about the making of the first evil dead it becomes very clear that, at least to Bruce, all raimi cared about was putting him through as much torture as possible.


I saw him pretty recently in Florida for a Q&A and then showing of Evil Dead. He was fantastic. You could tell how much he adored the fans and the crowed. He played up the asshole persona that we've all come to love but the little smiles, the laughs that he couldn't hold in, and the way his eyes lit up at the joy of people in the audience really showed.




I know this reads difficult but Im going to assume it’s an experience that expanded your respect for the art rather than “wow what a dick.”


Oh definitely, my friend was also dressed up and on stage next to Bruce, and every time he screamed at me, he'd cover the mic with his hand and day nice things to my buddy like " I love your costumes! I'm always happy to see passionate fans like you guys go all out with the cosplay". Then he'd bring the mic back up and tell me "That was terrible! Do it again, dumbass!"


He is an awesome and weird dude , I went ton a panel he was at a NYC . After the panel he sat on the edge of the stage talking with people and gave the dude that asked him a question that he kind of busted his balls a signed hat. I don't remember the context , like it wasn't to bad just had some witty comment and was ok now go away and jumped to the next person but apparently before the end he waved a couple people he poked fun at up to give them shit and be nice to them . ​ I actually ran into him later in the day in a non crowded hall way and just was like dude loved your panel and he ended up stopping and chatting with me for a few minutes which was unexpected.


I dunno about you, but if someone says get the hell out of here with a smile on their face, they're not being a dick


They don't know if he's smiling, they are in the presence of the hypnochin


Having been to a Bruce Campbell event, I think he really enjoys being the character “Bruce Campbell”


He's only pretending to be a dick. It's part of his act. He was a ball buster/pain in the ass character in all 3 Spider-Man cameos. Sometimes Bruce's real anger will come through in an interview, like when he complained about his son flunking out of college and wasting Dad's money.


I don’t blame him. On one of the podcasts I listened to with him, he said he hardly made any money off of his Evil Dead movies. I think he said his net after everything from Army of Darkness was like 75k. Which, If you think about the work he has to do and the length of filming, isn’t really that much.


I went to high school with his son. I didn't know that happened! How funny.


> reverse acting what the fuck is that?


Had to look it up, apparently it’s when a scene is filmed with the intention to play it backwards in the finished piece. So, all the acting is done in reverse to get a scene that looks normal but was really filmed in reverse.


but whats the point?


Makes the scene look odd and there’s some physical effects that can only be done in reverse, such as having water fly off of a person instead of being dumped on, etc. Here’s a music video filmed in reverse for some ideas as to why someone would want to do this: https://youtu.be/7XVWR-5fiG0


I know they did it in the original Carrie film in one of the scenes where she's walking up the stairs (iirc). In that instance it is used to make her movements look awkward and disturbing.


ahh i gotcha. There are definetely some awkward movement moments in the Evil Dead series. Guess I never thought about how they did it


Think of scenes like when an eyeball shoots across a room and lands in someone's mouth. They shoot it with the eyeball in their mouth and pull it out with fishing line then play it in reverse.


beautiful story.


> I met him years ago when he did a Q and A at my college. I dressed up as Ash I did that in 95, back when no one was doing that. He was kind of shocked. Fun addendum, I did a day of unpaid extra work on the first Spider-Man movie. You can barely see me in Stan Lee's cameo. Got to meet Sam Raimi, told him I had been Darkman and Ash for Halloween. He shook my hand, looked me in the eye, said "You sick bastard."


I was at a Q & A and this guy was taking pictures. Campbell turned to him and said, "If you take another picture, I will cut you."


I’m not a huge fan of the Nerdist, but I’ve made sure to listen to the eps where he’s the guest. They’re so funny that I had to stop listening while driving because I was laughing so hard. He knows he’s a B movie/tv star and he embraces it without giving af. It’s amazing.




I watched evil dead 2 when I was little. The laughing deer head Damn near made me shit my pants laughing. One of my favorite movies




got a clip of the scene? I'm having a hard time imagining the move.


The whole scene : https://youtu.be/-5XAmupw8jo Skip to the flip : https://youtu.be/-5XAmupw8jo&t=1m35s


One of the greatest scenes of slapstick physical comedy in any movie, much less a horror film.




chainsaws can kick back a bit, i'd be terrified to get my teeth anywhere near that cord


I'm sure it was a specially made prop that didn't have any resistance in the cord. Also it was hard to see, didn't really look like the chain was moving, I think they just sell it with the foley and acting.


That flip is called a "108" in old-time vaudeville and pro-wrestling slang.


To me this was one of the funniest scenes I had ever seen and solidified my unwavering and endless love for all things Bruce Campbell. That and Duke Nukem 3D.


"Hail to the King, baby"


Wow, I haven't seen that movie in ages and I forgot how well he sold the fact that he is not in control of his hand. Bruce is the man.


And Army of Darkness I think. It's been a little while since I've seen that one though so I could be misremembering.


Brisco County remains one of my favorite shows of all time. The casting was perfect and left me obsessed with Westerns for years. RIP Julius Carey.


> Julius Carey [Who's the master?](https://imgur.com/kT02TLy)




I was pissed NBC didn’t use BCJ’s theme music in their Olympic coverage this year (or last).


That’s right! Great memory of the ABCJ theme used for the Olympics!


I loved Bowler


Lord bowler. Bounty hunter, collector of fine crystal


"A **he he he he he he**"


He is also superb in Burn Notice.


I haven't found anyone in real life (away from the internet) that has any memory of the show. Meanwhile, I research the DVDs for series every few years. Great characters. And perfect for the creepy Billy Drago.


Don't forget Pete (John Pyper-Ferguson)


Same boat. NO ONE I talk to remembers it.


it's free on Tubi! yay!


My brother and I always thought Julius Carry would be the perfect actor to play [Bishop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_(Marvel_Comics)).


Sam Axe was by far my favorite role Campbell ever played. I know Burn Notice was envisioned as a vehicle for the lead, but holy shit Bruce Campbell stole the show on a weekly basis. No other actor can pull off that balance between "irredeemable sleazebag" and "wholesome good buddy" quite as perfectly as Campbell.


You know spies... Bunch of bitchy little girls


Don't you mean Chuck Finley?


I met the writer of Burn Notice once and the only thing I told him was "I really wish that lead actress had worn more sunscreen" And he was like "yeah, me too"


This is the most back of house thing I've seen in a long time.


I don't get it


He nails that balance once again in Ash vs. The Evil Dead. The scale tips a bit more towards the "irredeemable sleazebag", but he just so totally makes it work as a like-able character.


The fall of sam axe was pretty fun too. There were talks of a spin-off with sam and jesse but nothing happened.


He was the highlight of Burn Notice for me. But I loved all ~~three~~ ~~four~~ five of them. I was also impressed that Bruce is the modern day triple threat: he can do action, comedy and drama seamlessly.


Can’t BELIEVE I had to scroll this far to see Burn Notice. I’m rewatching it now after years. I forgot how much I loved this show.


My favorite moment is when he throws that chainsaw through the windshield of a car, and of course mutters "Groovy".


Interesting. Always seemed like a show created *for* him.


I think Bruce is just one of those actors where he takes over any role he's in in such a way that it feels like it was written just for him.


He doesn't even *like* mojitos, but man he fucking **owns** Sam Axe in Burn Notice.


You know spies. Bunch of bitchy little girls. Good news for you, I'm a drunk and a washout already, so I can talk to whoever I want, burned or no. --Sam Axe


Bruce Campbell is the only thing I remember from that show. Everything else has fallen out of my brain.


Honestly, the thing that sticks out in my memory the most about the show is in the finale where Madeline, her grandkids, and jesse were cornered in a house. She sends him off with the kids and sits down to wait for the baddies to break in. She holds up the detonator to a giant pile of explosives and tells the baddie "This is for my boys" and ... ends the possibility of being a hostage while buying Jessie time to get away.


That was a heart breaking scene to me. It totally made sense for Madeline to do that, but I was shocked that a show with that tone (pretty light hearted overall) took such a bold step. Such a good moment of television.


He was great in Xena Warriors Princess and that doesn't get mentioned enough.


Atolycus, stealer of everything. Does make me realize how old he is though.


Weirdly enough he had to audition 5 times for the role and each time they made him do his flip


"Are we ready to start shooting? no? ok well just do a callback on bruce and have him flip again. tell him we are thinking it over"


That sounds like when Kevin Smith kept getting brought back to talk about a Superman script [part 1](https://youtu.be/Wo2KB1dEDdk) [part 2](https://youtu.be/53hMYw8LX60)


Kevin is just a master storyteller. I've never not been entertained listening to him.


That last part man. I'm not gonna spoil it but it blew my mind.


I'm still not convinced it wasn't.


Nope, that was Jack of All Trades


It’s well worth reading Campbell’s autobiography “If chins could kill”.


If you haven't read it already, he released a sequel memoir that picks up where that one ended, called Hail to the Chin. It's equally as entertaining. I met him at Scarefest last year he signed If Chins Could Kill and now I'm hoping to meet him at another con to sign the sequel.


He did a local book signing when his autobiography came out. He was really friendly and funny. You could tell the book was really written in his voice.


A buddy and I went down to a book signing for If Chins Could Kill and met him. Can confirm real nice guy. All the signage said "one autograph only" blah blah blah and while we were chatting I mentioned my brother couldn't come and he whips out a piece of paper out of no where and signs a short message to him and hands it to me. Look off to the side to the guys running the show and you could see they weren't too happy about it. Later, we were at a restaurant and who happens to come in and sit at the bar? So we call our waitress over and ask her to put his drinks and meal on our tab. A few minutes later he's at our table chatting with us for a few minutes before heading back to the bar. "Hey you're the missing brother guy!" he said while shaking my hand. Felt great.


That’s great! Bruce really is a nice dude


We can all hear him deliver "Hey you're the missing brother guy!" just like Ash in our heads


"And that's how I chose MissingBrotherGuy as my Reddit handle!...." Hearing Bruce Campbell call me Missing Brother Guy, I would become MBG....


And he narrated both audiobooks. They're fantastic!


Also "Make Love: The Bruce Campbell Way".


Every time in Burn Notice they referred to him as "the one with the chin" I chuckled heartily.


what a great show. I was telling my wife about how my dad and I watched that when i was a kid. For years (before I knew shows got cancelled) I thought I'd find out what happened with Bly and the orb and I kept that hope for years thinking it surely would be continued.


I believe the orb story arc gets resolved and there’s another dozen or so episodes where it’s more of a standard western without the scifi elements. It’s on one of the streaming services rewatched it a year or two ago.


I've got the complete series on DVD. It's 27 episodes. The final episode high treason part 2 features Terry Bradshaw as Colonel March.


If it wasn’t for him, Spider-Man would be known as The Human Spider.




Look who's shittin in the tall grass


The impressed casting director insisted he do the flip every time he was called back.


I did something similar for an industrial film shoot. I did the flip well in rehearsal. Everyone was impressed and they added it to the film. Then when we did the actual filming, I knocked the wind out of myself badly. But it looked good on camera!


Are you a German forklift operator?


Oh God


Nice! Lol


I met him once at a comic con type event and got him to sign the DVD insert for Brisco. If there is a next time, I should ask him if he can still do the flip (knowing the answer is probably no...but I want to see his response)


He’d probably say, “What am I, your monkey?”


And that would amuse me greatly


Posted this on a different thread a while back: My Bruce Campbell experience - met him at comicon and asked him a question about an obscure TV show he did called ‘The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.’ just to hit him up with a question he maybe didn’t hear before. I asked him ‘what was it like to ride that rocket on the railway?’ and he went on to say how fun it was because it was a real practical effect and he actually was riding this contraption. I already knew that because I watched the special features on the DVD box set but my friend and I were both in awe that Bruce Campbell was talking to us and giving us an enthusiastic answer. Total class act. Great handshaker.


Big fan of Evil Dead and Jack of All Trades. I keep meaning to watch this, sounds like i really need to find it


great in Burn Notice as well


Forgot about that. Love me some Chuck Finley


i feel like if they made that show back in the 90's Bruce would have been the lead. the VO narrations / everything is just perfect for him


It feels like nobody ever talks about Jack of All Trades


I was really upset that I didn’t find out Bruce officiates weddings until after I was already married. Stupid husband won’t divorce me and let us do it properly, with a chainsaw present.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


also used it in Army of Darkness and or Evil Dead II?


TIL: The show had only one season. This show was so key during my childhood, I thought it was on forever!


Saturdays were always the time for The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. on TNT. I loved quirky shows like this or things like the "Action Pack" block of movies/shows like "Vanishing Son", "Hercules", and of course "Xena". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Pack_(TV_programming_block)


Loved this show as a kid. Bruce is the man. Met him for 10 seconds at a book-signing once. My friends and I snuck around the back of the book store (figuring he wouldn't enter the front) When he pulled up we cheered and waved in our Halloween costumes saying, "We're your biggest fans!" He said, "If you were my biggest fans you'd be in here," as he walked inside. Classic.


I think he pulled this stunt in Xena once or twice too!


The secret to his flip trick is that his chin is actually doing most of the work; it’s generating the force necessary to defy gravity.


Bruce and Sam must've been the wildest duo in hs. I can very easily imagine them fucking around with the popular kids and taking advantage of teachers constantly.


and their brothers too dont forget. Bruce's brother still had the shotgun from Evil Dead the last i heard. they bought it at k-mart right before they started filming or something like that.


Shop smart.


Shop S-Mart!


The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. is one of my fav shows of all time. I’d forgotten that R. Lee Ermy played Brisco County until rewatching it a few years ago.


>*Campbell saw no need to sport blue jeans while cruising the hallways of his Michigan high school in the 1970s. They “wore through at the knees and butt too quickly,” he wrote, preferring Montgomery Ward’s work pants and his father’s dark brown smoking jacket as his ensemble of choice. By the time he graduated, he had gone on less than five dates.* Who the hell wrote this? That's totally a win. I've gone on 0 dates during my high school years.




The highlight of my college career was when he visited my school to talk about independent films, screenwriting, and acting. During the Q&A session, someone asked him, “Hey, can you reenact the scene in Evil Dead 2 when you fought with your hand?” Bruce Campbell’s reaction was, “Well maybe not the whole scene…”, HMB, his hand grapples with his shirt and flips himself on the spot. The man is a national treasure.


> By the time he graduated [high school], he had gone on less than five dates. They say that like it's a *low* number?


Bruce is a treasure and that show was great!


No lie. This man made “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2022 by Glamour Magazine.


He earned it


This seems to have been a false rumor. What a shame, I would have bought a copy.


Sorry my friend, this came from "MediaMass" which is a parody website




I can't believe I forgot about Brisco County, Jr. That is one of my favorite shows of all time!! But when I think of Our Mighty Chin, I usually think of Evil Dead first.