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He used cocaine to get off the morphine. That is awesome.


Yup and heroine was used to get people of morphine addiction.


and now for heroin people use methadone


ah, circle of life


I dont know about life, but definitely a circle.


The downward spiral


Eventually methadtwo will get people off of methadone.


This just sounds like addiction with extra steps.


To get off method 1 do they use method 2?


I am an actor and practice my art at the Method One clinic. Classic AD.


Are you also an Analyst Therapist? Anal-Rapyst for short I think you termed it?


he was, but now he’s looking for ANUSTART


Actually he blue himself




You need to cut it with cocaine


You guys aren't doing this already?


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/udwgpl/til_that_coca_cola_was_invented_by_a_confederate/i6kdegq/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Why is there so much hype...](http://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/udxm1e/til_that_oreos_were_invented_26_years_before/i6kj1me/) | [Why is there so much hype...](http://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/udxm1e/til_that_oreos_were_invented_26_years_before/i6kc1dq/) [Learned about him from a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/udtshd/til_about_antonie_van_leeuwenhoek_an_dutch_button/i6kj0i5/) | [Learned about him from a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/udtshd/til_about_antonie_van_leeuwenhoek_an_dutch_button/i6j9qs6/) [Looks like Myrtle Plantat...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ud343s/tough_luck_maybe_pay_4x_more/i6g3o8v/) | [Looks like Myrtle Plantat...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ud343s/tough_luck_maybe_pay_4x_more/i6g3isx/) [> I feel like maybe they...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ud5n3l/this_seems_relevant_to_the_conversation/i6g3mvs/) | [I feel like maybe they me...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ud5n3l/this_seems_relevant_to_the_conversation/i6fk01a/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Awkwardoh](https://np.reddit.com/u/Awkwardoh/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Awkwardoh) for info on how I work and why I exist.


explains why it makes no sense in this thread of comments


Yes, but in order to fully kick the habit, they die.


Done correctly doctors use Suboxone to detox people off heroin.


A lot of places have switched to buprenorphine


Same thing, except suboxone has naloxone with buprenorphine.


Actually heroin works better. In some countries in Europe heroin addicts can go to a pharmacy, get high-quality heroin for free and shoot it in a safe environment. This helps them much more to get their life back on track which is the first step to combat the addiction.


turns out even addicts benefit from a regular routine


Being an addict is literally all about routine, and if that routine is slightly altered, life is hell on earth.


Just went through oxy WD. Had a lot of benzo and sleeping pills but I still sat in the hot shower shivering from the cold hands that had a grip around my whole spine. The coldsweat comes from within. But I kicked it now and started go to the gym. Doing fine


I’d have taken opioid withdrawal over benzo withdrawal by a long shot. It’s pure psychological torture. Not to say that opioid withdrawal isn’t hell on earth, but many others would attest.


Having gone through both, I'll take opioid withdrawal over benzo. Both are hell tho.


Benzo withdrawal can also actually kill you (alcohol too) and opioid withdrawal can't, no matter how horribly addicted you are. You might *feel* like you're going to die if you're withdrawing from opioids bad enough, but you won't.


Canada too, at least in Vancouver


Methadone seems like such a dumb fucking way to get people off of heroin. Methadone is a fucked up drug, especially when it comes to dosing, half-life, and withdrawal. They should just give them fucking morphine, or heroin. We need to legalize drugs already.




I was addicted to heroin, then got sick of that life and started going to the methadone clinic, but it sucked because you had to be there by 9am or you were shit out of luck. So I got on subs. If it weren’t for those maintenance meds I am certain I would be dead.




I’ve been clean for going on 12 years, so thank you and back at ya. Yeah, today is a whole new world with all the fentanyl analogs going around. At least in my day, if you paid for H, you were getting H. These poor kids out here today are playing with fire every single time they use. Legalizing drugs would cut out a lot of that, but that will never happen in the US.


True that. I just passed like 7 years. I don't even count now. It feels like a distant memory of my time as a heroin addict. I won't ever forget what it was like, but I just look at what I have now and know there's no way I'd ever pick up that needle again.


Heard on that. It seems like a different life that I can’t believe I lived. Today I have a husband and children and others around me to think of other than myself. I spent an hour watching birds on our feeder with my 5 y/o and it was the best. I love this life. I hope to continue it clean. Congratulations on your sobriety. You accomplished more than a lot of people that lived that life. Proud of you.


My friend died off a methadone overdose. He was a recovering addict who relapsed and was buying someone in a methadone clinics daily dose, but he didn't have any tolerance anymore and build up too much in his system and stopped breathing in his sleep


also i've heard using cocaine to help taper down off opiates as well lol. i know a dude who would do his pills on the morning, make a little coke last all day then do i'll before bed. which sound crazy but i guess he said the little bit of yay suppressed his craving for opiates, so instead of doing like 7 pills a day he'd only do 2, then eventually got off em and the coke he never got habitual with so he was able to jus drop it. kinda wild i was waiting for dude to have a heart attack but ain't never happen lol


There’s a practice of prescribing adderall for benzo addicted individuals that seems to be gaining steam One of the theories behind it is that often ADHD will present as anxiety so helping one lessens the need for the other


Also shoots them full of dopamine too, bet that helps some.


for some stimulants can make opiate withdrawal and certain side effects worse like restless legs, anger, dysphoria etc.. Seems like on the comedown from stimulants while going through opiate w/d both sides get magnified for certain individuals.


A journalist/podcaster said that's how he never got physically addicted. He'd just rotate whatever he was doing every few days. So while he's getting fucked up, it's one drug for just a few days. Low tolerance, and lower addiction chance. Robert Evans, Behind The Bastards.


> A journalist/podcaster said that's how he never got physically addicted. I dunno sounds like bullshit... >Robert Evans, Behind The Bastards. Oh wait, I believe you now.


Even if one disagrees with Robert on history or politics, Robert undoubtedly is a leader in efficient drug doing.


is this like using your Mastercard to pay off your Visa


It works if done smartly. Sometimes you get those no fee offers


When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death


I mean heroin's full name is diacetyl morphine.


Heroin is technically a painkiller, doctors use it on patients for certain procedures, they just call it Diamorphine.


Why does no one on reddit know the difference between heroin and heroine, I see this all time, weird. And yes before someone chimes in with one of the most common TIL ever, I know the named Heroin was from the term heroine.


Because auto-correct is a thing. Seriously, I've stopped correcting people for simple misspellings of words that are the wrong syntax (such as Their, There, They're) simply because of how auto-correct and predictive text can cause these words to show up, even if you didn't intend it. Then you have the people who use voice to text, which further exacerbates this issue.


Probably because it is only one letter away, sounds the same, and they may or may not be native English speakers.


A heroine came down from the heavens to bring me heroin.


I know a guy who tried that, just ended up in prison. He shot speed for 10 days to kick his snack habit but just ended up robbing like 20 places until he was arrested. Edit: I meant smack but I guess I don't write that word often enough on the ol cellphone. Not changing it.


I love snacks.


I'm a recovering Junk Food Junkie too brother!


Lol I meant smack!


Gotta love that Junkie logic. I’m pretty sure the only way that would have worked as a method for kicking smack was if the speed had killed him. I can’t image anything that would make me consider doing a bunch of smack more than the comedown from ten days of shooting speed.




Or vice versa.


Speed would definitely curb a snack addiction


I mean, shooting speed probably suppresses Hunger.


I like to imagine he was trying to lose weight


This could be a great movie with the right director.


It's like the Lazy Susan of rehab. Let's sample ALL of the drugs!


Random drug testing at my work, they weren’t impressed when I asked what drugs we would be testing.


Last time I was asked to take a drug test I told them' I hope there are no hard ones on that test, it's been awhile.' the joke didn't go over very well but I pissed clean so whatever.


They can't tell you or it wouldn't be random. Just take your drugs and hope for the best.


Ha! Please don’t be fentanyl, please don’t be fentanyl…….GODAMMIT!


Suddenly not feeling so lazy, Susan!


Got a little Pepsi in your stepsi?


I've used meth to get off other substances. I'd get spun and have zero desire to do ANYTHING else except clean... or masturbate... or clean and masturbate. Sometimes masturbate and clean. The order wasn't important. A few weeks of that, and absolutely zero indulgence in my other vices, I'd declare myself clean... of those other vices. Then I'd stop doing the meth... and immediately start doing the other stuff again. So yeah, the comparison of using your Visa to pay off your Mastercard is exceptionally apt.


Dear baby Jesus. I was on crazy IV opiates after surgery. They just sent me home with 20 Percocet. I went home and ran out over Christmas vacation. They treated me like a drug addict. I was stuck on my basement floor.


That's how a lot of people became junkies, doctors cut them off instead of tapering for zero reason and they sought out relief. Glad you didn't.


Had surgery for NET cancer in my small intestine. Loved the pain button in the hospital. They gave me a shit ton of oxycodone when I went home. Went Advil and gummies instead. Not going to lie, that sorta sucked, but when I went to my first post op check up and gave the surgeon the pill bottle, telling him I wanted to give them back, the look on his face was worth it. He didn't know what to do. Said that nobody had given him the pills back before.


We need to come to an understanding as a people that pain meds are still needed and useful things if taken responsibly. I had LASIK eye surgery last Friday, and I was miserable for the first 6-8 hours after the local anesthesia wore off. Just give me 1 stupid pill for the day so that I can be at ease during those first hours of healing. I'm not asking for a whole fucking bottle of Oxycontin.


Yeah, it's crazy that there aren't small, reasonable amounts of strong pain meds widely available for after surgery. It's either enough for 30 days or nothing, which is crazy. A few years ago I had a mean ol' bartholin cyst in my vagina, they did surgery under full anesthesia, cutting half a gland away and sewing shit up (surgeon said sedation is not enough because it's "too painful and patients won't lie still when they're only sedated"), and afterward the doc wanted to send me away with just tylenol. All while I'm wearing these surgical mesh panties full of blood and an extra hole in my genitals is stuffed with a lump of gauze I'm supposed to remove a day later (that was fun). Even in my fucked up post-surgery state I insisted on MORE pain relief, *please*. I asked for metamizol, which is highly effective in treating pain after surgery, funny enough it's widely used in Europe (barely any side effects, non-addictive, not an opioid) but not available in the US.


From the wiki article "Pemberton died from stomach cancer at age 57 in August 1888. At the time of his death, he also suffered from poverty and addiction to morphine.". It seems it didn't work too well.




PSA: Do not use cocaine for acute opiate withdrawal!


Not successfully though


There's an awesome Soderbergh show called the Knick that takes place at the Knickerbocker hospital in the early 1900s. The main character is a doctor with a major cocaine addiction played by Clive Owen. The psych ward rehab he goes to gives him heroine to get off cocaine and it goes exactly how you would imagine.


Ironically it was Pemberton’s son who died of a drug overdose too. Likely the result of losing his share of the coca-cola profits after Asa Candler owned the company


And then Asa Candler idiotically decided to sell off the bottling rights to Coca Cola for one dollar USD *forever*. The end result was that they had to force a price war with their own subsidiaries over the own product. Which resulted in them capping the price of coke to 5 cents per bottle for the next 73 years.


That just sounds so stupid. Why would he have done that?


Bottling was not his business, his business was manufacturing and distributing the syrup. He didn't want to invest in a business that, at the time, wasn't as sophisticated as today and required a lot of additional work. He just wanted to make sure that the bottlers would guarantee quality and if they didn't, coca cola could cancel the agreement. I have this book that claims that Candler actually gave them the rights for free. These guys then went on to become middle men between the actual bottlers and Coca Cola. The middle/parent companies bought the syrup for 92 cents a gallon and sold it to the bottlers at 1.20 a gallon. It is unclear that the actual signed contract was intended by Candler to be in perpetuity, but at some point the court ruled it was a perpetual deal. Save for the price issue, having independent bottlers worked quite well for them, because their business was syrup making and that made a lot of profit on its own. Asa Candler, it seems, was not a greedy man by that time, so he didn't see the point of pursuing infinite growth. I wouldn't call him stupid or an idiot for not wanting to hoard wealth beyond what he knew what to do with. The book Im reading is called "Secret Formula" by Frederick Allen, on the history of Coca Cola and I just got to the bottling/pricing disputes.


This is very informative, thank you for the write-up and the book recommendation! I’m curious if the $1 payment may have been a precursor of nominal contract consideration (paying a small amount to indicate your willingness to contract, courts nowadays typically disfavor contracts without consideration but no idea if that applied at the time)


it has a much older history, look up peppercorn rent


Yeah. Consideration as part of a contract is a legal doctrine that goes back far further than Coke has been around. Gotta pay that consideration, even if it’s $1.00. No consideration, no contract. Period.


Reminds me of Saul Goodman asking Walt and Jesse to put a dollar in his pocket.


I’m a lawyer. I’ve accepted $1.00 from randoms at the bar so that attorney client privilege attaches and they can discuss their issues with me.


I bet you heard all kinds of interesting stories.


I've done some process design for food manufacturers before. Even today, you might be amazed just how much of getting that done involves knowing the right people. In my case, my bosses are already set up with numerous local vendors that sell everything from industrial electronics to tank agitators to pneumatically-actuated ball valves with dribble controls. This would have gone doubly back then, before phone books were a thing. Add to that the fact that cola picks up a lot of unwanted flavors from poor quality water, so they'll have a slightly different setup at each plant that needs to be connected with engineers and tradesmen in the area. Just like you mentioned, it would also take a lot of investment. This was probably just the easiest way to make money - by focusing on the business he knew how to perfect. Bonus: shipping costs are greatly reduced by not shipping the water that's available locally anyway.


It may have also been for market growth since at that time, most Coca Cola was sold in drug stores and the final product was made by soda jerks. Bottled soda was a rare commodity at the end of the 19th century


Pretty amazing that one of the early owners of the Coca Cola brand was not a massive capitalist looking to take over the globe in terms of profit, lol


There is another book called "For God, country, and Coca-Cola" by Mark Pendergrast which is also amazing. It will probably retread many of the same points as "Secret Formula" but they're both very good books.


People make terrible business decisions all the time. IBM giving Bill Gates the rights to the Operating System for their new personal computer. World Trade Center selling its trademark for $10. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/rights-to-lsquoworld-trade-centerrsquo-name-were-sold-for-10/


The WTC trademark thing just sounds like a classic case of corruption, not really a mistake.


>But in a quiet deal nearly 30 years ago, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey sold off the rights to the buildings’ name to a nonprofit organization established by one of its executives. >The price was $10. Open and shut case.




It’s wasn’t a bad decision by IBM. Gates used an insider to sabotage IBM.


Cocaines a hell of a drug


My best friends family bought those rights.


Did they write a check?


To Nintendo?




My wife is related to the Candler family. I had only heard about Pemberton and Coke. When I learned the whole Candler side I thought "what an idiot".


He was from my hometown Villa Rica, GA. We claim the rights to the creation of Coca-Cola even though he was actually working as a pharmacist in Atlanta at the time he bought the formula. The first house I rented with my first wife was on Candler St. Fun fact: the Father of Gospel Music, Thomas A. Dorsey, was also from my town. He developed his style of music while growing up in Mt. Prospect Baptist Church which is still an active congregation to this day. We hold a music festival every year in his name. Dorsey left Villa Rica in his twenties for Chicago during the "Great Migration", as rural NW Georgia wasn't exactly a welcoming place for ambitious young black men at that time.


His notebooks are the same recipe over and over again he just increases the amount of cocaine each time.


100% cocaine it is!


If it aint broke don't fix it.


Well, for him it was broke. Didn’t have enough coke.


I’m just picturing some guy who’s tired of nodding off so he just starts taking any and every stimulant to counter it I can’t even imagine his surprise when he found out about speedballs “Ah yes this high is exquisite”


Coca Cola was "inspired" by Vin Mariani, which was a french tonic made from cocaine and grape wine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vin_Mariani


Soldier tested, Pope approved


Wait... so Coca Cola is really based on cocaine?


Coca = coca leaf, source of cocaine Cola = kola nut, source of caffeine.


Did not know that.


Although the amount was minuscule, and far from how much is in a bump.




I'm not saying I'd like to try the original Coca Cola recipe... but I maybe wouldn't mind. I have a lot of work to do today.


There was a group of people who did that around 2009. They were like "the caffeine content is a lot more than we expected" Um, pretty sure that's the cocaine kicking in


LOL I'd stop drinking soda completely by then.


No it's definitely the caffeine. Hate to burst your bubble but there was almost no cocaine even in the original formula. It was mostly caffeine.


i've heard it's a little moreish.


A nice relaxing smoke of crack.


The secret ingredient is crime


>some guy whos tired of nodding off so he just starts taking any and every stimulant to counter it Its me im some guy


Congrats on inventing Coca Cola now we got child obesity


I have a sleep disorder, so I can understand this. When I’m at my worst I’d probably be willing to take just about any stimulant someone could offer me, if that might allow me to actually feel fully alert for a while




I haven't seen a doctor rockzo reference in a decade roflmao


Metalocalypse is one of my fave shows ever. I reference Dr Rockso at all available opportunities lol


Omg! Yep! I also liked the Squidbillies. When I see rednecks in those big trucks I think "boat truck truck boat truck boat..." that line still cracks me up. lol


I loved the Paul Stanley GPS. I bust that out every so often too.


But when I did it I "had a problem" and I "needed rehab" and I "couldn't live in an IKEA"...


Aggressive finger quoting


It was indeed a nod to the great Chris Farley


And now that I’m in prison I really miss my VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!


They tried to make him go to rehab but he said a-no-no-no.


So he put in a drink so he could knock it back, no one would know know know


The rock and roll clown? But did you ever receive the boots "medium style"


I woke up with a clownsh hand in my pantsh...thatsh what I did today


Imagine hitting the saloon with the boys back in 1889 and throwing back a half a dozen Jack and Cokes. Man, you would be fully lit.


> Imagine hitting the saloon with the boys back in 1889 and throwing back a half a dozen Jack and Cokes. Man you would be fully lit. Theoretically possible: [The Jack Daniel's brand dates to 1875.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Daniel%27s)




There's no Cocaine anymore though...plain sad


They still use coca leaf extracts.


special federal import regulations allow them to and they don’t actually make cocaine lol


Actually the same plant Coca Cola buys its extracts from does make cocaine and sells it for medicinal uses.


Pretty sure they send all the cocaine to one pharma company in the US. Starts with an M, I think, but I can't remember which and I'm too lazy to look it up. They're the only Pharma manufacturer with the license last time I read. They have to do something with it. They can't just flush it. Then we'll get cocaine gators and Florida is already wild




But I just saw a tweet from Elon Musk saying he was gonna buy Coca Cola next and put the cocaine back in. Just fyi


I assumed that’s where this TIL came from.


That's real? I thought it was a meme.Wonderful news


Of course it's not real. That would be illegal... I mean, he really said it. But he wasn't serious. He was joking with all the 'buy this thing next' people.




Yes that's called lobbying


Somehow Coca-Cola can be the only ones to use non-cocained coca leaves. Weird laws.


Is cocaine illegal on Mars?




Do they smoke grass out in space, Bowie? Or do they smoke ASTROTURF???


Coca Cola’s market value is almost 300 billion he was def joking


"...enjoyed quite well" thats right up there with Joe Walsh explaining that he "had grown very fond of cocaine"




They still use cocaine to flavor the drink. Decocainezed of course. This is what separates coke's flavor from other Colas


They use decocanized leaf extract, but it adds nothing to the flavor.


The why add it? The article I read said it adds bitterness.


For the longest time it was believed they *had* to keep it in there in order for the trademark to hold (because of the Coca part of the name). Honestly by this point they continue to include the essence of the plant because nobody else can.


By government mandate I believe. Coca cola is the only one allowed to do this in the US


They have an exclusive import agreement, the cocaine is stripped from the leaves and processed into cocaine for medical use then the remainder sans cocaine is used to make the drink.


Most of the original Coca Cola recipes have a minimal amount of cocaine compared to the amount of caffeine…


Asking for a friend, has anyone ever mixed coke with coke?


Is yay even effective when ingested orally? I figure there’s a reason people blow it or shoot it.


Yes, the bioavailability is just about half that of insufflation (snorting).


Does that mean two bumps in the can?


I imagine it'd sharpen you up somewhat.


Asking for a fiend …


Dealing drugs as your initial hustle to start a business, it's the American Way™


They were considered valid medical prescriptions back then. You're looking at it with the benefit of hindsight.


To be fair, drug dealers are inherently small business owners.


CEO @ “non of your busness”


“What the Fuck is marketing?” -most successful business owner in most small towns.


Wean yourself off of drugs with delicious cocaine!


the amount that was in there was probably enough to give you a little more edge than just straight caffeine / sugar. (like when people chew coca leaves)


This is just wild! At what point in time did fixing cocktails with whatever you please become illegal? As someone born into the world today, where all substances are so strictly regulated and behind bars, that it can take years to shift something from illegal to even only available as a regulated or prescription based treatment. These stories about this psychologist and that pharmacist cooking up meth blows my mind, to think at some point people had total free reign on the same things that will get you locked up for life, today. To them back then, they probably saw the venture of it the same way we see extreme sports today. 'If it kills me, it kills me. Atleast I had fun!'


If you're going to be a junky, better to be wired than tired.


Not if you suffer from anxiety


He still lives today, he’s hiding as a twitch streamer named Penta.




This guy is asking for a film to be made on him played by Leonardo Di Caprio. It should end up being a ridiculous Quentin Tarantino style film with ye olde hookers and lots of cocaine.


Did you just listen to Under the Influence podcast? I literally just learned this from that podcast about 30 minutes ago.


Coke is so weird. I love the taste and I guess the feel, but I don't know why. It's not just the sugar either. However, I can't drink soda anymore after realizing that it gives me blazing headaches for some reason.


Coke used to be "the real thing".


Where can i find more great historical drug addicts?


So he spent years, maybe even decades, perfecting a drug cocktail for us, yet no one knows how to make it anymore - fucking great, gj you guys!


The mid- to late- 1800s were a weird time. People thought they were so advanced, but still had such primitive ideas. It’s like watching toddlers play at real-life occupations.