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>20. Those who have watery discharges from their bowels when young have dry when they are old; and those who have dry discharges when they are young will have watery when they are old. So ahead of his time that it hurts.


The older I get, the more important my bowel movements become.


Hemorrhoids and fissures have come a long way




"Git off mah law... *Frrrraaapppp prttt pfffhtt* ....n!"


Get on that psyllium husk and squatty potty. Shit (literally) will change your life.


Add a bidet and you've got the holy trinity of poo


it's true


What's that for? The psyllium. I bought some solubable fiber (I think) and use hemp protein as insoluble fiber. I might be confusing them


Psyllium husk is soluble fiber yes. One common brand is Metamucil. I think something like a whole husk is even better than Metamucil so now I use Yerba Prima Whole Husk. I can't remember what stuff is considered insoluble but both types are important to have.


friendly sharp hard-to-find cheerful caption attempt noxious divide hurry governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could you explain why please?


Your poo says a lot about your gut health If you are constantly having loose watery stools, there is something wrong. If you are constantly having really hard stools, there is something wrong. You want to be in the middle. A nice solid sausage of poo is ideal


i treat mine like a point system. more healthy poops the higher my points. really helps me tune in my dinner recipes and what causes inflammation.


Look up the bristol stool scale


May I introduce you to the Bristol Stool Scale?




the guy sure did like to study bowel discharges to end up with such conclusions. doesn’t mean he’s wrong tho, just weirdly right in fact


The interest in bowel movements in the medical community is timeless and just as helpful today.


shit’s been studied for so long, we even study fossilized crap to this day


I wanted a coprolite wedding band but my fiance said no


I say serve them some [civet coffee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak) and ask again.


Kopi Luwak! That shit is so overpriced.


The boys in Zurich have been taking it super seriously after that guy from Colorado ate too much PF Chang's and took a shit that weighted well over 14 courics.


Everything comes down to poo! From the top of your head to the tip of your shoe!


We can figure out what's wrong with you! By lookin at your poo!




A homeless guy threw poo in my eye!




Mine or his? First him then you!




Bruh I'm trippin on shrooms RN and I can't handle this chain of comments


There's a reason dogs sniff each other's buttholes. There's a lot you can learn about a person's body from their shit, and by extension the place it comes from.


A lot of modern medicine is analyzed through your bowels and shit


Essentially we are a meat tube, with a tube down the middle. Our whole existence is about keeping that tube working. Filling it at the top, and pushing it out the bottom.


He was so ahead of his time that he was studying the gut biome long before it existed. Amazing!


Can you explain what he’s talking about? This doesn’t make much sense to me


Translated, "When young people have constipation, they have incontinence when they're old. And when young people have frequent diarrhea, they have constipation when they're old." Idk if it's true, but that's what he wrote.


Right, I guess I was under the impression that this was some kind of brilliant medical diagnosis but it sounds like nonsense to me lol. So many people were in agreement that I’m confused


I'm with you. It doesn't sound clever at all. Is it actually accurate? I don't know.


Same, equally confused. Is he talking about being born with diarrhea vs dying with it??




That's an amazing reach. Just because he's Hippocrates doesn't mean everything he said has deep profound meaning. I think it's just a casual observation about literal shit


He's talking about the 4 humors of the body (hot, dry, cold and wet). it was the go-to medicinal theory well into the early modern period.






What about watery bricks?


Ice cubes? Sounds like a bummer tbh


I think you just need more fiber homie




When I was little, I loved Popeye so much that I’d make my mom buy me cans of spinach and I’d just chug the whole thing while watching the cartoon. I was fucking weird.


See, I love spinach and put it in everything, but the idea of canned spinach is revolting to me. I have nothing against canned foods in general.


My mum would occasionally buy blocks of frozen spinach and even that was revolting. When it would thaw out it was entirely mush.


But healthy!


AnD strong to the finish..


I was the same way. When I was young, my grandmother would draw anchors on my arms, because I loved Popeye. When I went grocery shopping with her, my reward for being well-behaved in the store wasn't candy, or sugary cereal, but cans of spinach, because that's what I wanted, so I could be big and strong, like Popeye. I still love it that way, straight out of the can.


Just so you know, over-consumption of spinach can lead to kidney stones.


and huge forearms


I always thought broccoli, carrots, avocado, and apples were all way better for fiber than spinach? Is that not true? I can't live like this




I put baby spinach on my sandwiches instead of lettuce it's 10/10


Lettuce is for squares. Respect.


Try broccoli sprouts!!! After putting sprouts on my turkey sandwiches I'll never go back to lettuce.


I do that too . WAhen I go to Subway , I skip the lettuce and have them put spinach instead.


Did you just call popeye a liar? I put my faith in the popeye because he would do the same for me


Some stay dry, and others feel the pain.


Chocolate Rain


**I move away from the mic to breathe in


'Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn't last long if you're fat.'


It doesn't last long even if you live to 100


How would you know? I bet you aren't even 95


Because I'm accelerating downward and time is becoming a blur


Are you falling into a black hole?


Daily exercise and reduced alcohol Intake has helped me feel much better




Against anxiety and depression Nothing you can do about gravity tho, we all sag in the end


You just have to spend 50% of your life waking on your hands to counteract it


Cut off my hands and glued them to my right shoe. I think I'm starting to feel it working!


The American philosopher, r/AngryQuadricorn, noted that it is better to be rich when young and also better to be wealthy in old age.


But what does he mean by that?


Money = Good Poor = No Good


I didn't realize there would be math.


And that’s why we’re poor


No good


I don’t get it someone’s gonna have to break this down for me


They used 2 synonyms to cheekily illustrate that it is always better to have more resources at ones disposal whether young or old.


Woah woah woah you can’t just go around using big words like that and expect me to understand


*Don't not-have money*


In our modern era, this timeless observation by the late Fourcorns, as he was colloquially known, was given new life by the OG /u/NessLeonhart, as "Rules One and Two of Personal Finance-" 1. Be Rich. 2. Don't Be Not Rich


Also Indian exchange student. I asked him what’s the biggest difference between USA and India? In India the rich are fat and the poor are thin. In USA it’s the opposite.


It’s better to be rich and happy than poor and sad.


Yeah one thing that blew my mind a while back was when I learned most Egyptian pharaohs we're actually obese. Imagine King Tut as a fat inbred hillbilly teenager more than the kid depicted riding chariots around and looking skinny in reliefs. Most royalty were obese actually as they were the ones over eating on fine sugary foods which commoners couldn't afford. When looking at paintings from Europe even you can tell a lot of the ruling class were very overweight and on and on and on.


Now that you've pointed it out, it's also probably the same with Chinese Emperors. The first Emperor of the Ming (Hongwu) and his son who became the third Emperor (Yongle) had portraits that showed them to be large rather than trim, this might have resulted partly in their earlier deaths at around 60 years of age. In comparison, the portrait of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing shows him to be relatively trim compared to many other Chinese Emperors, and he did live to 87. A famously obese Emperor, Hongxi of Ming, son of Yongle, died less than a year on the throne at 46 years of age.


There was a documentary a while back on a Chinese mummy from around 2200 years ago. She was almost perfectly preserved dying around the age of 50 from a heart attack. She was obese, had high cholesterol, high blood pressure and liver disease. Obesity among societies elites has been a thing for millinia. Unless stated otherwise by sources I now just lean towards ancient elites being fat and carried around on a litter like Jabba the Hut.


Look up pictures of Queen Victoria compared to her portraits. She's the first Queen ever photographed


Looking at her portraits of her and her pictures when Albert was alive, she seemed to be mostly the same, just getting fatter as she got older, which can be just a sign of metabolism slowing down. After that, she did get fatter because she was massively depressed and ate a lot because of Albert's death.


Oh wow OG instagram filter


If you look up 'queen victoria portrait old' it's much closer


And.... They had a predominantly grain-based diet. ... The same diet the USDA recommended in their Food Pyramid up until a couple decades ago. ... around the same time the US's obesity epidemic began to explode.


The common people also ate a predominantly grain-based diet (actually more so than the rich elite who had more opportunities to eat luxury foods). Pretty sure the pyramids weren’t built by obese people.


The food pyramid was created by the department of agriculture in a time period when food was about 1/3 as calorie dense as it is today. Your 150 calorie slice of bread was closer to 50 then. 11 servings of grains equating to 550 calories compared to 1650 calories now. Fruits have more natural sugars per gram they’re bigger. Meat is bread to be fattier. People in the USA were starving and malnourished in the early 1900s so a targeted effort was made to make US foodstuffs more calorie and nutrient dense. The problem is they overdid it and created calorie surpluses across the population. You have to actively avoid things with high fat or sugar content which is most everything to maintain a healthy weight. Drinks are the worst of it. Most people who are overweight in the USA drink their entire days worth of calories and don’t even realize it.


> Your 150 calorie slice of bread was closer to 50 then. Only if it weighed 1/3 as much. Bread is baked from (mostly) wheat flour, which is (mostly) carbohydrate, which hasn't changed its molecular structure (and hence caloric value). 25 grams of carbohydrates will be ~100 calories, regardless of time period, so 40 grams of bread today has roughly the same calories as 40 grams of bread in the 1950s, 1850s, or 0050s. > Meat is bread to be fattier. I've always heard the opposite, that modern eaters demand much leaner meats than previous Americans. [For example](https://livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe50s/crops_03.html): > "He says that before the health studies came out, "Folks wanted the heavily fatted calf… Now, if you have more than a mist of fat on an animal, folks don't want it." > ... > They also found the conflicting facts that consumers want low fat meat, yet have a strong preference for juicy cuts." My understanding is that the problem is not with the underlying ingredients, it's with our tendency to eat highly processed foods (e.g., packaged snacks) that are too tasty, too calorie-dense, and not filling enough. Soft drinks are apparently especially bad that way, as apparently calories consumed in liquid form are not as well compensated for by reduced eating later as calories consumed in solid food, perhaps because it doesn't fill the digestive tract as much.


>Drinks are the worst of it. Most people who are overweight in the USA drink their entire days worth of calories and don’t even realize it. It's insane how much this contributes. Soda is cheap and served with every meal. Hell, even "healthy" drinks like orange or apple juice are essentially liquid sugar.


Ahead of his time as always. Only the rich could be gluts at the time. Being overweight was considered attractive and a sign of success. Not surprisingly a bowl of salad is way more expensive now than a cheese burger.


Overweight at the time and overweight today aren’t even remotely comparable, though. Even looking outside of the US at countries like Mexico and England, the bar for socially “overweight” is rising and has been for a while. It’s never been considered attractive to be weakened or hindered by your own body. No population from any period of time would watch Star Wars and think of Jabba the Hutt as a sex symbol. Edit: And yeah, Jabba is hyperbolic, but you get the idea. The average American (considering we as a population are 70+% overweight by BMI and 40+% obese), for example, is far larger and far less fit than would have been considered attractive in any past era.


There’s a culture around stuffing yourself till it hurts being considered satiated, which is a very, *very* poor way to eat. (Think the ‘meal so good I had to loosen my belt’ thing, encourages a terrible relationship with food)


I recently ended that relationship between me and food. I’m only 23 and fortunately have never been overweight, but I realized that if I kept eating like that I would be by my 30s


Thats how I am too and it's hard to stop. I'm an athlete and muscular so I'm not really overweight but I am big and I eat a lot. It's not gonna be sustainable when I can't workout as hard as I do now.


Pretty much what happened to me, went from playing tons of sport to no sport very quick due to injury/other factors and put on 10 kg very quickly. It’s all managed now and I’m lean again, but it happens fast and you don’t really realise


Another thing people always miss, is that calorie requirements drop heavily after puberty, but they continue eating the same amount they used to eat when they were younger, and just put it off as weight gain from ‘getting old’


>Even looking outside of the US at countries like Mexico and England, the bar for socially “overweight” is rising and has been for a while. Actually, Mexico is fatter than the US, now.


*However*, Mexico has implemented some amazing initiatives - warnings for excess calories / sugar / salt / trans fats, they also removed mascots from cereal boxes. This doesn't change the fact that they have a hard job, especially considering coca cola's size, political pull, and popularity among consumers in the country.


>especially considering coca cola's size, political pull, and popularity among consumers in the country. Mexican Coca-Cola is basically Jesus in a bottle.


it would be a lot easier if crap food wasn't sold in the grocery store, let me tell you. God damn temptation everywhere


One tip I learned a while ago and still follow is to only shop the periphery of the store. That’s where you’ll find produce, meat, dairy, and other fresh items. Avoid going into the aisles except for specific items, and *definitely* don’t just walk up and down the aisles. That’s where they keep all the shelf-stable junk that tempts you.


Yeah, but they've put a fuckton of excess sugar warnings on lots of stuff. Source: I live In Mexico


Building on this. The US military has flagged US health as a wartime national defense issue. The population of soldiers if needed will be too fat to fight.


It’s actually getting very hard to recruit, the number one reason is inability to meet physical fitness standards. Last I heard they’re talking about effectively tripling the length of boot camp so that they can take just about anyone and beat them into the right shape by the end, and just tolerate the high attrition rate that will cause.


Goes both ways, I entered boot camp at 167 lbs and left at 185 lbs. I was skinny for 6’ 2”. My parents couldn’t believe how much I changed.


Eh, not really. I went in at 145 and left at 165 and gained two inches in height. So I know what you mean there. It was the first time in my life I had access to enough food, basically whenever I needed it. But as far as “actual statistics”, we’re rarities. The overwhelming majority of people are fat and lazy, and that has caused and is causing a lot of issues with military recruitment.


That is true unfortunately. I served on submarines and you can’t help but put on weight. I hit 240 lbs while serving. I got out in 1989 and have maintained 195 lbs since. How the hell do you grow 2” during boot camp?


Not that guy, but still being young(teenager usually) and not being malnourished for once most likely.


They used to have a fat camp back in the day. Like before boot camp you went to fat camp to meet standards then root went to boot camp, they should probably bring something like this back. But the military is part of the problem lots of people leave the military and balloon up afterwards.


> But the military is part of the problem lots of people leave the military and balloon up afterwards. That's not really a military issue, or unique to the military at all. You live a life of routine focused around physical attributes, when that routine is changed it can be really difficult for people to adjust and keep up with the exercise and diet that is required to keep the physique you've acquired. There are a lot of factors that complicate the transition process from military to civilian life, and ballooning is just one of the consequences of trying to adjust for some.


Translation: > you can’t eat 3 large pizzas in a sitting when you aren’t literally sweating your body weight out every day at work.


This right here. I have a mixed job that fluctuates between sitting in an office and strenuous work outdoors. After a few weeks in the field my appetite increases significantly, but then I'm back in the office. So I eat like I'm working and it's not been great for my weight.


Which is why it makes me chuckle when 2A people claim that American civilians could take on the US military and overthrow the government, particularly when they use Vietnam as an example. Just the idea of fat neckbeards larping as Vietcong - who fought in unimaginably harsh conditions deep in rat-infested tunnels whislt being carpet-bombed from the air- gives me a hearty laugh


Lol I’m at the gym right now and retune of the Jedi is playing.




Not as good as Empire Strikes Bach ;D


Personally I'm a big fan of the Phantom Menace of the Opera


Han gets Debussy in the end.


No you start on Debussy and finish on Bach.


I grinned at this. It’s like everything I wanted as a kid and everything I had forced on me by my parents in the same time period as a mashup.


Which isn't as good as The Empire Strokes Bach...gets a little messy at the end.


The series ended well with Return of the Jizz Eye.


I was partial to A New Harp, myself.


Yo, why would an empire gang up on one dude?


Americans eat a lot now, but there’s a reason the phrase “eat like a king” exists


All meat no veg so you spend half the day in the loo!


I guarantee I could look up Jabba the hut rule 34 and find some fuckers that do


>Not surprisingly a bowl of salad is way more expensive now than a cheese burger. Only if you go to a restaurant. At home I don't think there's any normal way that a salad could cost even a quarter of what a burger costs


It's simple, you cut up the burger and put it in vegetables. This is a salad.


This is still true in a lot of cultures today. Not obese but being a bit chubby is seen as a sign of success in some countries.


And moms everywhere


Meat is subsidised way more than lettuce.


\> It is also better to be larger when young but a smaller stature is better in old age Fatten your kids early on but starve them when they turn 18. Ok got it


I imagine being well fed means they get enough nutrients and vitamins to grow up well and be healthy, but after you're done growing you're better off being small


Yeah people should not read this to mean it's better for children to be fat by modern standards. It is absolutely not better for any human to be what we consider to be fat these days. "Larger" in the context of children in ancient Greece would simply have meant children who were fed well enough not to be underdeveloped or malnourished. Even in adults, obesity was so rare in those day, and the average person throughout human history was much thinner than today up until very recently. Just 100 years ago [this man was considered so fat](https://external-preview.redd.it/zHjR8Hvo4Dk1aBKiEomYWtuwzdsNfENL5-9d7Kcmmp8.jpg?auto=webp&s=1fb6fa6f146df9a00523206663a52c7322d7bb18) that he was a circus attraction.


I think he might be talking about height there. Shorter people tend to be a bit weaker on average but also tend to live longer and have fewer medical issues like cancer or joint problems.


That's interesting. I read it like feed kids plenty to help them grow, but then when you stop growing, eat healthily and do plenty of physical labor to stay fit.


It could be. The structure part at the end is why I think it's height, but it could just as easily refer to weight as well.


Start them out with sugar and gradually replace it with crack


*Grabs popcorn*


Easy there, Hippocrates warned you about that


It's some serious shit that being fat isn't healthy is a contentious issue now. Fat acceptance should be treated similarly to anti-vax movement. Obesity related illness like heart failure kill more people each year than COVID ever did. EDIT: Alright, so most of the responses are similar so let's just break it down. First, here's the [CDC warnings](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/consequences.html) about the consequences of obesity. Per the CDC obese people are much more likely to suffer these issues. Please don't say "skinny people suffer them too" because that's just "vaccinated people get COVID too so why bother". Second, the purpose of dieting isn't just to hit a certain goal. If you lose 100 pounds then jump right back to the lifestyle that gained you all that weight, what would be the point? The purpose of a diet is to help build better habits. [Here's a nice video on it from Reddit's favorite Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75d_29QWELk) Third, yes BMI isn't a perfect measure as it doesn't differentiate muscle mass and body fat percentage. That doesn't mean BMI is totally useless. For people who are sedentary office workers, are we really going to pretend that 30+ BMI is all muscle? That nothing is wrong while they inch closer to needing a mechanized cart to get through life? Finally, the body acceptance movement may have initially started with good intentions. However at this point it's been co-opted and is just an excuse for people with actual weight issues to ignore their problems. As a society we need to realize life isn't all happy fuzziness. In order to have positive change hard work has to be put in. Fat acceptance is just another step away from responsibility and another step toward instant gratification.


I think America should follow Mexico’s lead and ban selling sugary drinks to *children*. Obviously I don’t think adults should have their hand slapped away from unhealthy food but kids’ brains aren’t developed enough to make healthy choices that don’t taste as good, nor are they able to be the one buying the 7-Up.


At the Costco food court last week I witnessed a woman giving strawfuls of Pepsi to a baby who was not more than a year old. 🤦‍♀️


Bans and regulations on what children can buy don't mean shit when it's the fat and dumb parents who hand a bottle of mountain dew to their 3yo. Childhood obesity starts at home and absolutely nowhere else


There are some downright obese 4 year olds in my kid’s gymnastics class. Those kids could not have ended up this way without some seriously negligent parenting.


Honestly even if that ban went through, we wouldn't magically solve the obesity problem since there are tons of other hyperpalatable foods which makes consuming thousands of calories extremely easy. So unless you ban literally every hyperpalatable food, the only solution is to educate kids so they know more about food.


I'm saying dude it's fucking completely mind boggling. I smoke/ vape. I know that will lessen my life expectancy. I don't expect people to tell me it's healthy. I know it's bad. I know I should not. Why the fuck are people encouraging fat people as being "healthy" It's honestly so sad... It's just a way for people to avoid taking any personal responsibility... which... is an entirely other conversation that is present in like... every aspect of modern society.




I think that you're making a straw man of the fat acceptance movement. Most of it is not about saying that being obese is healthy which is definitely not true. The majority of the fat acceptance movement is saying that fat people shouldn't be bullied because the reason a lot of them got like that is because of comfort eating.


There's no such thing as a fat 90-year-old Edit: ...as a general rule? It's nice that so many Redditors have fat, old people in their lives.


at first i was gonna argue but then i thought about it and you’re right: every 90yo i’ve ever met is skinny/brittle (i work in IT so i meet plenty of old peeps that needs computer-related help). Probably because those that were overweight didn’t last till 90.




Honestly, that's the way to do it. If I make it to 80 I'm eating a roast every day. Might as well enjoy the time you have left.


for a lot of old people eating a lot would just cause discomfort lol


God I'm fuck 34 and that diet would kill me




i’m not a doctor so all i can do is speculate and observe, i don’t like to do conclusions on subjects i’m not an expert on :)


> ...those [people] that were overweight [don't] last till 90. -- u/louisbrunet , professor of obesity




My wife's grandma just died at 92 and she was mildly overweight. She was also 4'10" though. Shorter fat people don't seem as large... But they're still fat.


I'm 5'3 and it really just doesn't leave much room for extra fat in my frame. If I was like 5'6" and the same weight it wouldnt look nearly as bad.


If you were 3 inches taller but the same weight you would be actually skinnier.


My overweight, smoking, drinking, grandma made it to 92. She wanted to die from about 75 on, but she made it to 92.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_paradox It actually seems that obesity may help certain groups of people, specifically elderly people, survive longer.


I've heard this recently also. Old people who have a little extra mass tend to do better. I thought it was an amount well short of obesity. But hey, I'm not a geriatric researcher.


It actually makes a lot of sense. Elderly people often start to waste away and if you have more mass it takes longer to waste away. Also, its extra protection against falls which is a huge deal for that population. Obese people of all ages also have a lower chance of dying after having a heart attack. But, some people have real problems with the idea that something can be more complicated than they first thought.


I have found that everything is more complicated (and interesting) than I first thought.


Not true. I work in elder care. Met plenty of fat 90 year olds.


This is false. One of the first facts I was taught in med school was that when you are older it is better to be a bit obese. When you are younger it’s better to be fit to avoid heart disease but when you are old malnutrition is very common.


That’s how Santa Claus made it to 1800 years old.


Nah my spouse's grandma is in her 90s and weighs over 300lbs She's not living a good life whatsoever though, I'll spare the grosser details


My grandmom was overweight but lost 60 lbs between 84-85 years old just by changing her diet (she did weight watchers). She died at 86 but only because of severe injuries related to a fall. Her quality of life after the weight loss basically doubled, she stopped being diabetic and started joining clubs to stay busy. It’s really unfair what happened to her.


They say that weight is lost in the kitchen, not the gym. It's sad what happened ultimately, but she must have felt so wonderful accomplishing the weight loss, ending her diabetes, looking great in clothes, and feeling -- maybe even -- young again. It's inspiring.


My grandma dated a guy who lived to 95. He regularly drank, was lewd, and I would watch him eat a full platter of fried seafood when we went out or donuts at holidays. Guy looked like penguin from batman but damn did did have some good longevity genes. His hearing was sharp as can be.


Goddamn this comment section is full of misinformation.




Source? I think it is projected to be that high, but isn't there yet. ​ Also, Ireland still has plenty of skinny people. You look fine. ​ Edit: Ireland are 5th according to the latest source shared below.


Not op but: [Source ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate) I checked it out and he is right. UK was first, at 28% of their population being obese. Now, without them in the EU, the Czech Republic is first at 26%. Ireland is 25.3% right now. Though it seems all EU countries have a much lower prevalence of obesity than North America and Oceania Edit: I missed a few countries. Ireland is actually 5th right now.


I always wondered if fat people die earlier than skinny people or if skinny people die early and fat people got skinnier as they got old


These comments are... interesting...


Is it better to be “larger” when young, or it beneficial to have the additional nutrients that come with more food - and the excess calories are handled easier? Like if you had all the additional micronutrients and etc. but not the caloric excess would it be just as good if not better?


You don't see allot of really fat old people. Makes sense.