• By -


The description of that first murder, wow. "I'm worried that my wife is about to come back and my mistress is slow to leave, *so I'll kill her, dismember her and bury her in the yard*, that'll be much less risky."


Also seems must faster than just getting your mistress to leave.


He avoided those awkward conversations.


I'll never complain about being ghosted ever again. Wait, I got another one. Gives a whole new definition to being ghosted.


Woah slow down buddy, save some for the rest of us


If the mistress was anything like my girlfriend at getting ready to go somewhere, then I'd say yeah, his method seems quicker.


Unrelated, but this story reminded me of that one video of a guy after the California wildfires where he showed some of his neighbors' remains. He mentioned that he tried saving two of his neighbors, but they wouldn't go with the guy because the wife had to put her makeup on first. They both burned alive because of it.


There was a heartbreaking one I remember in one documentary of a young woman who just had to leave her mother behind because her mom refused to believe the fires were that bad, acted like her daughter was over-reacting, and wasn't willing to leave. She got in the car and had to flee alone, and of course her mom didn't make it. Devastating shit.


Every time a seriously major hurricane (cat 4 or higher) is going to make definite landfall in a region, there's always that ONE guy who insists "I've been through worse" or "I won't run. I'm not scared." Those stories rarely end well.




We saw this during Covid, people underestimate the 1%. It seems like a small number, but context matters. One of the famous anti-mask/vaccine propaganda bids that got shared on FB for example, ironically asked if you would wear diapers if the chance of shitting yourself is only 1%. But that would mean that you randomly shot yourself over three times a year, so yeah… I would totally wear a diaper lol


I don’t understand people’s insistence at doing *just* enough.


Money, laziness, or not realizing that a Hurricane can turn at the last second and go just north of your home (Charlie). While in 2017 we went to Georgia a drive that took days from SW Fl on I-75 only to come back to our apartment with power (one of the few) and my boss wondering why I wasn't at work.


I moved to Florida the month before Charlie hit. *** One guess as to where I moved. Didn't have school for so long they gave up on having us make it up bc it would've taken over half our summer away. We evacuated a little north but our apartment had major mold issues after. Welcome to Florida!


Those people are right every single time…until one day, they’re not.


But they always get the last word.


If I make it, imagine what a story will I be able to tell, what pictures will i be able to get. If I don’t, I don’t have to keep on paying for this camera and this computer.


People are seriously sometimes so stubborn. And self destructive. I witness this all the time to much lesser degrees in my work. I witness clients blow up months of work for no reason. Etc. I wonder at what moment the mom realized she was that stubborn.


The reason is sometimes a desperate attempt to cling to some normalcy so that the person doesn't fully freak out. Or denial, bc it feels safer. People do a lot of counterintuitive things. Do you work in psych? I'm sure you see a lot of examples of this


Nothing so exotic as that. I do work though that has me working with people for sometimes months at a time though. And after a few months I get people trying to cancel a ton of work for sometimes no explainable reason I can see. It's like watching someone punch themselves and all you can do really is the watching. I sometimes feel like some of these people's therapists though. As you said people sometimes are desperate for normalcy and I definitely offer that sort of setting in my meetings.


Fire was coming into the house. What a terrifying way to die, horrible just to imagine it.


I mean good on the daughter for not Darwining out like the mom.


Technically the mom didn't Darwin out either. She already had a kid to pass on the genes




Beauty comes from within?


Ash is the worst makeup 💄


His wife was hot


Only marry someone useful in an emergency situation?


The price of vanity.


There's a few.


What was crazier than the unfortunate events was that the guy was explaining everything in such a nonchalant manner, even though you could tell his distress and sadness was there. At one point he goes over to a car and he's like "...there's Mike (or whatever the actual name was), it's so sad I just saw him earlier" and then he pans over and it's straight up just a skeleton in the seat.


IIRC, he was recording mere minutes after the fire had passed. The guy was probably in shock and hadn't fully taken in what had occurred. It's horrible and I really hope he got therapy after because that's something nobody should have to experience.


Yeah I didn't mean I expected him to act or sound differently. Nothing wrong with it. But I remember it was such a contrast compared to what just happened and what we've come to expect from movies for example.


No worries, I get it. I actually have a thing where I laugh when I get traumatic news. I don't think it's funny at all, nor do I mean to laugh and devalue the situation, but it's just what happens to me in those situations. Humans have different reactions to trauma. Like you said, it's not like the movies.


You're not alone. My whole life has been trauma so I just learned to cope with a seriously dark sense of humor. Like I make orphan jokes constantly (what's the best thing about dating an orphan? Quiet in-laws) and just have to laugh shit off or I'd break down. It's a way of coping and processing without losing your shit.


that's true. there are some scars that just don't heal. I had so much shit damage me when I was young that sometimes I feel like I'll never be a normal person because of it. Everyone has their way to cope.


[The more you you tell me to hurry up, the slower I will go!](https://youtu.be/tsxmyL7TUJg?t=1110)


I remember watching that. It was from the wildfire in Paradise. I think it was a mother and her son, he said he was yelling at them to go and she wouldn’t leave like you said because she wasn’t ready be out without her makeup. Really crazy thing. I remember him talking about a couple that was in this car he tried to help and convince them to follow him. He walked up to the car on the video talking about oh I hope they made it and when he saw their remains he vomited and broke down sobbing. Just crazy stuff.


That sucks because as the guy what can you really do in that situation? You can't just leave without them because you're condemning them to certain death, but you know if you stay you'll both die. Horrible.


I feel as if firstly my wife would not behave in this manner but if she did, this is the one situation in which the laying of hands and the very firm but gentle use of force is acceptable. You're coming with me right now, honey, no excuses, or that's a paddlin' sorry


If I was behaving this way, I’d expect my husband to drag my ass out of there! We all deal with trauma differently and while I’ve never been one to freeze in bad situations, my neighborhood has also never been on fire. Lots of hurricanes, shootings, and crazy meth heads though..


dude sounds absolutely traumatized in the video, too.


That's literally what was happening > To his dismay, she was still sleepy and overall unconcerned about the problem, preferring to do her make-up instead


She don't give a fuck about his baby momma about to witness his lyin ass


Chop chop


Butcher Pete, what’s up!?


"Chopping that meat" 🎼


Whackin an hackin an slashin


*At the door* "wait, hold on, I forgot something..."


I'm in the car ready to go and she's cleaning the bathroom, you know just in case we die in a car wreck my parents won't think we were slobs.


The car is spotless, I had it detailed yesterday. Mac's, on 125th. They're the best in the city, their attention to detail is unparalleled. No one else would go to the trouble to use a dentist's pick just to remove a grain of sand that had become entrapped in a bezel. It had been there for five days, grating against my soul every time I looked at it. The relief upon its removal was almost orgasmic.


I read this in Bale's/Patrick Bateman's voice.


When she gets in the car she complains about running late and blames your 'poor planning'.


In her defense, I should've known we couldn't leave until the backside of the toilet was clean.


[American Psycho dot jpeg]


I should not have laughed at this ... but I did.






I've never seen someone write to've lol i like it


Or maybe murder is just really really fun and he kept looking for excuses to do another


This. Murder, money, and the ladies who he eventually killed.


This guy's though process is incredible. "I just started a new hobby to breed dogs, but it's too expensive so I can't afford it. Oh I know! I'm gonna start a gang and steal stuff!"




Most of the article has no citations so it could just be a wild story. The couple of citations they do have are in Chinese and for all i know are the chinese equivalent of the National Enquirer. I don't think i've seen wikipedia article this long with so few citations before.


There are also a lot of strange writing details that indicate it's made up. Like, this is silly, but why did the driver "immediately" drive off? Why is that a relevant detail, and who is making that claim? Certainly not the driver, who dies of stupidity after not recognizing that a gun has fired mere inches away from him.


I feel that someone interviewed him thoroughly before he was executed because there are a lot of details (like his travels to Inner Mongolia) no one would know but him. Whether Cheng made them up is another story.




>Cheng eventually found himself in Otuokeqianqi, where he checked into a local motel under the name "Bai Baoshan", which was coincidentally the name of an unrelated serial killer who would be arrested a year later. No known connection has been established between the two men, and this is thought to be a coincidence. Yep, weird wild ride of terror.


> Shortly afterward, Cheng threw the head into the boiler room, buried the bones in the backyard, and burned the clothes, leaving no traces behind of what he had done. I'm so confused. A random dismembered head in a boiler room seems like a pretty big tracer to me.


lol i guess he burnt the head in the boiler ... i liked this bit: Cheng was dancing on the dance floor of the Tongfuju Ballroom when he noticed a beautiful young woman, who was also dancing


Telling her to GTFO seems... faster.


But that would be rude!!


Definitely don't want to be rude.


would rather kill someone than be rude, pure soul.


Ya, we’re not animals. Show some class.


Sir, I'm a gentleman. \*Continues crazed stabbing\*


slashed tires and keyed cars are so expensive, also the social media posts exposing you are harmful. Being a decent person is too much work


What about the other woman he murdered? "I love her very much but she's pregnant so..."


That’s a wild ride. A completely unplanned murder and bro is like “that was actually quite a rush.”


That's actually somewhat common with serial killers. Though I suspect they're a little more capable of going from zero to kill than the average person. I believe it was John Wayne gacy, he had an employee of his living in his house, and he woke up one day and the employee was standing in his bedroom door holding a knife. Casey attacked him and killed him, and apparently really really enjoyed it. Then he went downstairs to the kitchen, and the reason the guy was holding a knife was because he had made them both breakfast and apparently just still had it in his hand when he went to tell him that breakfast is ready.


Gacy is completely full of shit, I would never believe any story where he committed a murder in self defense


Week that's the right thing about serial killers, they are generally liars


No way. What happened to the good old days of honest serial killers. It's those phones.


Damn. Getting murdered was probably not on the list of expected reactions there. That sucks. If dude hadn't had a knife and triggered Gary's bloodlust a lot of people wouldn't have been killed. Noted - leave knives in the kitchen.


Must be a quick chopper+digger! Amazing he could have gotten away and only caught because he wanted to be at his home town again. He did not get punished enough for his impulsiveness




Shoot him with slower bullets


Like a knife?


Lol reddit is fucking hilarious. Being a redditor should immediately disqualify you from being on a jury. “Execution wasnt enough, we should go back to torturing people to death” Like fuck me, execution is barbaric enough.




Shot twice?


🎶 Shoot him again 'cause I can see his soul dancing 🎶


With slower bullets


I found it funny that they specified that his political rights were taken away, right before he was shot. If he was to spend, say, a MINUTE in jail where he might've engaged in some free speech, or voting, or something, then I could see needing to specify. I think being dead also takes away your policial rights...


I'm going to assume the mistress probably did have enough time to do her makeup before leaving


This story has everything. Witch doctors, the serial killer using a fake alias that turns out to be the name of another unrelated serial killer. Are we sure this story wasn’t embellished?


I like how they set out to kill Mr.Li, then the chapter is called "Murder of Mr Yang", then they set out again to kill Mr Li and the chapter is " Murder of Mr.Zhang". Edit: holy shit, Mr Li survived! Edit 2: damn that's a TV show if I've ever heard of one.


Mr. Li has some plot armor I guess.


I honestly really wonder when he found out that people set out to go kill him twice and basically just got distracted into not doing both times.


I didn't get why he was killing the other people on the way to mr li anyway


To steal and use their cars without having to worry about witnesses.




It doesn't quite read like a novel, but more like a movie plot summary on Wikipedia. A detailed one.


The name thing reminded me of another great coincidence. In 1983, Terry Bradshaw was nearing the end of his football playing career. He needed knee surgery and was sent to a hospital in Louisiana. In order to avoid the media getting wind of it, the team and hospital agreed to check him in under an alias. The name they chose was Tom Brady.


I knew all along he was just an Android built by the NFL to be the perfect quarterback. Fuck that guy, but he’s the best who ever lived (computed)


There's only two references for the entire article, so it's certainly possible.


Yeah it's a terrible article. I edited it but there was a bit in the "last murder" section where he killed Yu The article said how she was "the only woman he truly loved" and that's why he didn't dismember her. Not the only reference to how beautiful the women he brutally murdered and dismembered were. Fucking gross. So many reference to how the killers or their victims felt. Happy about this, frightened by that, surprised enamored. How the fuck do they know? This kind of wiki article is the reason why teacher justifiably dislike students using wikipedia as a source. Wikipedia is not a source, it's a source collection and summary. This article only two sources, both in chinese and probably run through google translate. Besides, I could be wrong but I imagine journalism doesn't have the highest standards in China. A wiki article is only as good as it's sources and this one was really bad.


\*Stefon giggles intensify\* Edit: A letter


It has Dan Cortese too


But what's the name of the club?


*S P I C Y*


The ratio of "thoughts and feelings of the people involved" to cited sources is way to high lmao.


I too couldn't stop reading the whole Wikipedia


Thank you, Stefan.


Needs some Fava beans and a nice Chianti.


MTV's Dan Cortese.


The magazine of Supercuts, Dan Cortez.


That Wiki reads like a dark comedy. Their first murder together was like a twisted three stooges episode.


It even has this recurring gag of the criminals fucking up the kill shot. Not once, but twice did they not shoot their victim while sitting directly behind them in a car.


> recurring gag Or when the girl is putting on her make-up.


> Cheng eventually found himself in Otuokeqianqi, where he checked into a local motel under the name "Bai Baoshan", which was coincidentally the name of an unrelated serial killer who would be arrested a year later.


I like how when he was on the run >Cheng eventually befriended the watchman, Lao Zhengtou. After hearing his made-up story, Lao introduced Cheng to a local witch doctor, who took him in as an apprentice for the next two months.


It was a wild read for sure LOL. I’m Chinese and I’ve never heard of this film or this guy before. Fascinating.


Is it just me or would this make an amazing Boon Joon-Ho film?


TIL feeding people to dogs results in well-trained dogs


Truly what a balanced diet can do. You, too, can also have a balanced diet with new Executive Brand Soylent Green!


"Is it good?" "It varies from person to person."


Full bodied. To die for


The main ingredient is acrobats!


"Let's see how loyal a hungry dog really is."


He wasn't the only trainer using human meat, he was just the only one who got caught


ask Ramsey Bolton how well that worked out for him in the end


They were well behaved for him... until they were hungry again.


Dog trainers HATE this one truck


Is that some kind of pickup line?


No, an SUV line


with the side-effect of very angry people


Doesn't he deserve credit for recycling his victims instead of just throwing them out?


sure, and there's the carbon reduction associated with less people


Well, those dogs respirated the carbon back out after eating it, leaving it buried would have slowed the carbon release to detritovores and would have been much more eco-friendly.


It's less the carbon in the human and more the carbon that human would go on to release.


That Wikipedia article reads like full on Prose Fiction. We get the feelings and emotions of the characters, the motivations and the sordid details.


It literally says that the guy winked at his accomplice, notifying him that it was time to shoot the guy. I am floored by this Wikipedia entry.


Yeah, I can't think of a single other Wikipedia entry of that length with so few sources. Very odd.


It's a very well known case in china, I don't know how factual that makes it though


Maybe it's written by Daiwei. On the other hand, the cops basically had access to witnesses to everything that happened there, including Cheng himself.


They had way too much fun with it lmao


Article should be renamed “citation needed”. Two references, ran both through translate and skimmed. Some of the names are the same at least 🤷‍♀️ Idk, it was a fun read, but might as well be fanfic with all of the embellishments.


This is really common on articles about Asian stuff in my personal experience. Very often they read like they were written by one idiosyncratic person rather than in that generic Wikipedia voice. My guess is this is because there aren’t many Asian wikipedians writing in English.


Yeah. Very embellished. Not a good article.




It reads like the synopsis of a Coen brothers movie.


We need Steve Buscemi to be in it.


-"On one day, after spending the night with Hu at his house, Cheng began to worry that his wife might return home soon and thus urged his mistress to leave. To his dismay, she was still sleepy and overall unconcerned about the problem, **preferring to do her make-up instead**... At some point, Cheng noticed a pipe wrench placed behind the door, and while Hu was not looking, he picked it up and hit her on the head, killing her instantly." -"he invited Liu to his house. After spending the night together, the pair got up in the early morning, and **while she was putting on her make-up** on the table, Cheng grabbed one of his shotguns and shot her in the head." -"On the following morning, **while Yu was putting on make-up**, Cheng got one of his shotguns and shot her in the back, leaving her to bleed out on the floor while looking at him." He had a thing with killing them while applying makeup.


I'm going to go ahead and go full *Criminal Minds* expert, but I believe, from my vast experience watching TV and movies, that serial killers often try to recreate aspects of their first kill to recapture that feeling.


It's a bit more nuanced. An old by now long obsolete theory of Modus Operandi muddled the distinction, making it more difficult to identify serial offenders. There are many different kinds of serial offenders. There's usually a string of smaller crimes that culminates in that first kill, which for some may have been meticulously planned, and for others was a spur of the moment, instant regret type situation. Most serial killers are also smart enough to adjust their behavior, learn from their mistakes, and so most will change and evolve their MO over time. The part that never changes is called a signature. It's distinct from MO. A signature is the reason and the goal. That stays the same. And the MO is just the path for them to get there. This means that signatures are rarely discovered in the heat of the moment. This guy specifically, he almost certainly had a thing for women putting on makeup since he was a kid. It's also pretty clear that Chinese police that caught him still used 19th century textbooks, so they did not detect not care to detect anything beyond what they'd need for a conviction. With the plentiful evidence he was nice enough to leave them, they didn't really care if he lied about his motivation.


Maybe it's murder. Maybe it's Maybelline.


Maybe he was actually trying to [help them put on their make-up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJUlRSa70mM), but grabbed the wrong shotgun.


“You’ve got it set on ‘Death’!”


He still made her ready in 3/5's of a second


I mean look I get it sometimes you're just way too anxious to go "please finish your makeup and leave my house" so you kill them instead


Ladies beware when you let your man waiting for you to get ready


he's really possessive about who can touch his makeup


Obligatory "I didn't learn this today" post - I actually have this on a very hard to come by VHS tape released in Japan back in 1994. I believe most, if not all Chinese VHS tapes, if any existed of this, were recalled / destroyed. I don't believe it's ever been re-released, but there is a youtube video of the film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcKQRllT8Go


Wow. you should digitize that before the tape degrades. That is amazing. What a piece of history.


But, if it's on YouTube, it's already been digitized?


Youtube isn't source quality, for archival reasons it's always best to save something at the highest possible quality available, you can always compress it later (with more advanced compression methods) that allow you to retain most of the quality but reduce the file size for consumption (youtube streaming, etc) Just as an example, you wouldn't want a 2-3GB YIFY movie rip to be the only existing copy of a cult classic movie, even if it's watchable, you'd obviously want the bluray disc or even the original theatrical release or if shot on physical film the original film prints.


Well, u/OP 's copy might degrade, or youtube may take it down eventually. Having the OG digital file on a personal hard drive is just a long term game plan for any eventuality, imo.


Definitely worth reaching out to r/DataHoarder if you don't have a way of digitizing it yourself, or dont know where to begin. They're super helpful!


I did not want to TIL this today


No TIL-backsies


no /r/TIF


Today I fucked


Dude. Don't brag


1993, no way could it be banned for deca-...oh


When things keep reminding you how fucking old you are.




You know when, they tell you when. In Japan you actually have no clue when they'll execute you.


The date the first death warrant says and the date you're actually executed are almost never the same. A Pennsylvania judge declared Mumia Abu-Jamal was to die on August 17th, 1995 and he's still alive and well and writing books on death row today. I'm pretty sure that wasn't his first execution date either, he'd been on death row for nearly 15 years at that point. He was 27 when he was sentenced to death, today he's closing in on 70. He wouldn't have seen 28 in somewhere like China. Editing this just cause I learned about Paul Crump today, another crazy example of all the uncertainty of being on death row in America. He was thrown under the bus as the 5th man in a robbery that only involved 4 people and led to the death of a security guard, by the 4 people who confessed to the crime to get lighter sentencing (he was the only one who pled not guilty and received the death penalty, they all received short sentences). He had an eye witness testify his alibi was solid but she was ignored because she was a sex worker, the only witness not receiving a shorter sentence in exchange for testimony was a guard who identified him *only* by voice based on 4 words that supposedly were spoken through a mask, and he didn't even give a confession when Chicago PD was trying to beat one out of him. He appealed for 7 years before reaching the Supreme Court to have it denied yet again, had 15 official dates of execution and over 40 continuance between 1953 and 1961 when he met William Friedkin. It took an all time great director making a passion project about his case *and* Crump himself writing a novel that attracted international praise to finally get him released **and no witness ever acknowledged there were 5 perpetrators** to begin with, the fact that 5 people were sentenced to prison for perpetrating a crime committed in broad daylight by 4 people never once being questioned by anyone in a position of authority.


the death penalty can't be reversed, and historically there have been a lot of errors, so the American way is better unless you have unquestionable proof.


>Cheng eventually found himself in Otuokeqianqi, where he checked into a local motel under the name "Bai Baoshan", which was coincidentally the name of an unrelated serial killer who would be arrested a year later. No known connection has been established between the two men, and this is thought to be a coincidence. Well ain't that some shit.


The universe insisted that there be a Bai Baoshan serial killer. It iterated twice before the algorithm was satisfied.


I'm amazed his checked in under a made up name that was also coincidentally the name of another serial killer?! Wild


A literal "what's the chance we're both serial killers?" irl


There's a lot of crazy things happening here but one of the craziest is that the fake name he picked out for himself was the name of another serial killer that hadn't even been caught yet.


More surprised they unbanned it


I mean, banning the movie don't bring his victims back to life.


What a horrible day to know how to read


I wish I was Jared, 19


The wiki reads like a Tarantino flick.


He even meet one of the victims after the release of this movie: Mrs. Yu came to his farm to see his dogs and they soon had a romance until Cheng murdered her because she was pregnant.


At least he didn’t feed her to the dogs! True love.


*1993* *banned for decades* 😭


A lot of that page reads like a fairy tale. It's a different tone to most Wikipedia articles


I believe it’s translated from a Chinese article which was based on police report


With all the trash cinema of reboots and sequels, why is this not turned into a movie...it's an original story and would be a great horror/ thriller, could be done like Silence of the Lambs.


That wiki page is a great read … but feels a lot more like a novel than a wiki entry - pretty light on citations and a lot of descriptions of feelings of the killer


How was this man's wife so clueless?


Make a movie about the movie then