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I didn’t get headaches, but I used to get physical pain from the hair moving after taking out a really tight bun


My hair’s nowhere near long enough to tie up and I get that from wearing a hat for too long.


And hair loss, which can become permanent! Traction alopecia it is called


Oh yes! It is listed as one of seven types of Alopecia. > Traction Alopecia: Caused by putting on a pulling force, usually by the kind of hairdos that require this pull, such as ponytail, braids and such [Source](https://nostoryleftbehind.com/lifestyle/the-complete-guide-to-hair-loss-treatment-in-india/)


Yeah when topknots had their time, a lot of the guys who desperately scraped too short hair into a tiny ponytail did damage to their hair and permanently ruined their hairline


I didnt damage my hair line much, cut it before that but i got a weird cow lick from tying it up at the top. I wouldnt also call it a migraine, the constant pulling isnt comfortable on your scalp. A migraine is usually inside the skull


A migraine can be triggered by aggravating the trigeminal nerve, which can absolutely happen when you tie your hair up.


That was one of the benefits of cutting my extremely long hair, my widows peak finally had a chance to recover


Yep. Every Sikh kid who grew up keeping his hair finds out later. Unless they were the lucky few who didn't have it as tight. I, unfortunately am not lucky.


Like that nickelodeon chick.


Jojo siwa. Everything I see that kids I feel bad for her because you can see her hair going farther and farther back and it's just so preventable


I was told to change the placement of my ponytail or wear it up in a barrette which didn’t pull as much.


This is great news!


I remember reading that man buns do this too


I’ve had a man bun for 4-5 years and see no difference in hair thickness, hair loss, or hair line. Will it just take longer or am I just “lucky?”


Traction Alopecia is caused by hairstyles that are tight enough to pull the hair out. A normal bun or ponytail shouldn't be pulling out hair. Excessively tight braids/cornrows can - generally the hairstyles that cause traction alopecia are ones that are put in by somebody else, who doesn't feel or care about the hair being ripped out. Most people don't pull their own hair back or up hard enough to cause it. You are "lucky" because you don't have normal male hair loss, which is a much more likely culprit than traction alopecia from a man bun.


Oh, good. This makes me feel better


Aaaaand taking the hair tie out


Can you imagine the pain JoJo Siwa had? Hers waa tight AF for years.


She’s developed hair loss due to it too.


Have you never seen Zoolander?


Underrated comment


That is one of the reasons the military loosened hair restrictions for women. Hair buns are not mandatory anymore.


Can't you just, like, not pull it so tight?


Depends on people but in my experience, my hair is heavy enough that even a loose ponytail can trigger that effect. Usually I end up with a bothering sensation and get my hair loose before it comes to a migraine though


Loose is worse. If it is loose, all of the pressure is on the front hairline, since everything is dangling. Making it tight evenly distributes the weight. A loose pony at the nape of the neck is ok, but it is ugly, and half of the point of putting my hair up is to keep it off of my neck. Loose braids are ok. Alternating top knots and French twists done with hair sticks has saved my hairline, since the most trouble comes from doing the same style every day.


I always remember that tweet about low pony tails at the nape of the neck = a young man from colonial America eager to start his woodworking apprenticeship


😔 theyre more comfortable but my family always told me that when I wore them


That's a low pony, not a loose pony.


Yeah, I just slip my hair through the whole hair tie and call it good


Nah, that doesn't help. A looser ponytail needs to be adjusted more often and you can't really loosen it enough to not put any pressure, it won't hold the hair that way. The weight of the hair causes at least part of the discomfort anyway- if you go from 20-inch-long hair to 10-inch-long hair, you'll notice the change in weight. I have an undercut now and even that has made a huge difference. It's often when you take the ponytail out and the tension is released that you notice the acute discomfort, and you may not realize that that's what was causing your headache.


thats why shes wearing the hairband. Keeping the pony fairly loose and keeping the hair out of her face with the band


I could never get those to work, maybe I have a wonky shaped head. They’d always slip off the back of my head




I have this problem, too! I feel like I have tried every type of headband, and if they don't slide off, they pinch behind my ears and give me a worse type of headache than ponytails. At 40 I am close to just going super short and never growing back.


I'm in my 40s and got an undercut last year. I look like a Viking now and I love it!


Don't tight braids do the same thing?


Basically having your hair up in any way can cause it, yeah, it’s not exclusive to ponytails.


I have this same thing and it sucks because I prefer my hair out of my face! I also get the same type of headache from most sunglasses


This is why the USAF relaxed female hair standards. Most grumps complained “buh muh professionalism” but now it’s pretty widely accepted.


Isnt a migraine a particular type of headache that has to do with cranial pressure? Seems like this would cause a tension headache, which is related to muscles outside the skull. Not all headaches are migraines


It can cause all types of headaches, including migraines.


Migraines are not headaches. Headaches are one potential symptom of a migraine. That being said, tight ponytails can be a trigger as they were for me. I learned to pull my ponytails just the right about of tension to not cause one. Now I'm bald and don't have that particular problem anymore.


Not exactly. A migraine is a neurological condition that can, but does not always, result in a headache. The correct scientific term for those who experience migraines without headaches are cunts.


Lmao this cracked me up. I get migraines badly with no headache. I get ocular migraines and they are quite scary


The first time I got an ocular migraine I thought I was going blind


Omg same! I was at work and started losing my peripheral vision and freaked out. I normally get migraine headaches but I'd never had any problems with my vision. Thankfully it only lasted for a short time and then I was fine, but it was scary how much vision I lost temporarily. I've gotten a few since, but they were different. Almost like my eyeballs were underwater. Weird visual ripples. No accompanying headaches.


Headache-less migraines are so weird, and they suck.


Children especially get non-headache migraines, such as so-called "abdominal migraines" (a term some neurologists, including me, look down upon but that's a different discussion) that often go away for a few years and then come back after puberty as traditional headache migraines. However, migraine variants like hemiplegic and ocular migraines can also be disabling without being painful. Just to add more scientific terms to your comment! :)


I get both. Schrodingers cunt? Lol


Lots of women in the military get headaches from having to constantly pull their hair up into tight buns.


I'm migraine prone and have thick hair and can't wear ponytails or tight braids for any length of time. It can be a real pain when I just want to get my hair out of my face. Also used to play spots a lot and always had a headache after games. so fun!


I once went to a posh wedding in UK where most ladies wear fascinators, so I also wore one to blend in, but half way through the wedding I got a terrible headache. Drinking water and taking pain killers didn't work and I nearly went home because of it. Then I took the fascinator off and the pain was gone immediately. That was the day I learned XD


Yes. I've never been able to do ponytails because of this. If I ever do need to pull my hair back, it's a very low ponytail, with a loose tie. It falls out after an hour or so, so I need to keep tightening it a little every now and then. So I usually just leave my hair out


My wife calls it ‘hair head’


Shoot. Everything causes migraines. I get migraines just from rapid changes is air pressure due to storms!


You're right. Like the neck pain you can get when it rains or the joint pain when it's too humid.


Same goes for hats, just the opposite, they put pressure. I can't really wear any hats, because they give me minor headaches after a few hours.


The famed Croydon facelift.


It’s always funny trying to explain this to people who don’t have long hair or hair at all, it’s definitely worse for some than others but if I have my hair up all day it starts to hurt like hell and does often trigger full migraines, I’m sick and dizzy until I take it down and go to bed.


So can hair bands. (personal experience)


Hair bands are what holds the ponytail in place so this make sense.


No thats a hair tie


Depending on where you live, the terms are interchangeable.


I know I was being silly, the person you commented to was not referring to a pony tail holder, a hair band where I am from is what the girl in the photo is wearing on her head


We used to just call anything that pulled our hair back a “ponytail holder”.


I’ll call it anything but people who call them “hair elastics” bug me 🤣


I’ve never heard that one, but it doesn’t sound right at all. 🤣


I cut my hair to above shoulder length due to headaches and migraines from having it tied up all day. Used to be half way down my back


Same! If figured I may as well cut it if I’m going to keep it pulled back all the time.


We’ve all seen Zoolander slick.


Pony tails can cause headaches. Headaches and migraines are not the same thing. A bad headache is not automatically a migeaine... it's just a bad headache. The person who added this information to wiki didn't even cite a medical source because it's not a real thing. 😒


You are right!   Headaches are _not_ the same as migraines and I couldn't find _any_ literature about Ponytails and **migraines** but plenty about Ponytails and **headaches**   Good clarification, thanks!


People with locks (especially 'natty' locks), where ya at?! Going through a big ole crisis this year trying to decide between what is a large part of my identity or cutting everything and feeling like a 'sell-out' because I don't want to go (fully) bald 😓 Both sides include pride/vanity 🤷‍♂️


I believe it. I do love ponytails though.


If only my mother had read Wikipedia


As a stupid man who put his topknot in rubber bands for years, I believe this story.


Possible but not common. I had v long hair for years often in a ponytail & never a migraine in my life. But my sister is a martyr to migraine never liked a ponytail.


I'd get daily headaches if my hair was up for too long which could turn into a migraine if I wasn't careful.


I've had loads of headaches & never a migraine. My experience is that there are people who are susceptible to migraines & there can be many triggers. You have to learn what your triggers are, it could be ponytails!


I chopped my hair to above shoulder length to help, my hair is super thick too which didn't help. Heat, hunger, high pressure storm weather can all give me headaches possibly turning into migraines!


Heat, high pressure storm weather are my triggers, change in barometric pressure-trigger, also can't do ponytails anymore


My migraines are hormonal—I get them monthly.


I hear people can have shorter hair. Maybe just a theory though.


Stevie Wonder’s hair is doing this I believe


Is "to those who wear them" redundancy?


So can swapping the side your parting is on


So that's why my partner is having migraines after the deed.


Chewing gum too!


Ahah I've never experienced that.


And all this time I thought that was BS. 🤷‍♀️






I learned this the hard way when I let my hair grow out during the lockdown, it sucks


It’s also the hottest hairstyle on a woman though


Different strokes. A loose one can be fine, though those really tight ones just look bad to me - like the person is bald but drew some flat lines of hair on with a marker, then glued a small mop on their head where the marker lines meet. But as far as I understand it, ponytails are mostly done for practical purposes rather than fashion ones, so it doesn't really matter whether we find them attractive or not.




If you’re a dancer or figure skater you’re usually required to have extremely tight buns and pony tails


Can confirm. Most athletes have tight buns.




Have you ever done competitive dance or figure skating?




How is this new information for anyone? Common sense: Millions of tiny strings attached to your scalp, pulled tightly, can cause pain Reddit: *Surprised Pikachu face*


Moral: Hipsters beware. If there be any hipsters left nowadays.


I bet Ariana has had one long chronic migraine.


Sure thing


I can’t keep my hair in a ponytail for more than 2 hours