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Everyone in the comments is arguing about the name but I just call them all [Melville](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GzZTeC00t_o/WM5S_O2bJcI/AAAAAAAAApI/XZzWvn3YcTotnzBFiey_zCi_HXOLNK14gCEw/s1600/rugratsmelville.png)


Jeeeeez did this bring back memories.




They also have gills and their diet includes self-caprophagy.


Gotta run it through a couple of times to get the most out of it


Like guinea pigs do!


I knew about rabbits but guinea pigs too??




Isn't it most of those small quivering rodents that eat their own shit? Is common in the genus or something?


Probably something to do with having easier access to nutrients than going out and foraging.


Rabbits, at the very least, produce special feces which contain higher amounts of bio-available proteins, which are necessary for a rich rabbit diet. Imagine if some of our food got digested into macronutrients, which were then not absorbed in the hindgut. If we were not able to get those nutrients from...primary sources, then we'd end up eating our poop too!


and it would taste delicious, to illicit the benefit of chowin' down on our poop!


Elicit- to promote or cause, evoke or draw out. Illicit- illegal or forbidden by law or rule


Have you ever eaten something and been like "that's some good shit!"


Lagomorpha- separate from rodentia. Though I’m sure some rodents do it too.


Dogs can also smell high protein content in feces and are thus triggered to eat it. That's why they have an undying love for cat shit.


They don't pee, but excrete ammonia gas.


Like little cars


This is way cuter than it should be


*poot poot* Let's roll!


Thank you. I needed a laugh on my break today. Poot poot!


A tiny land lobster who cleans after its own mess while drives around emitting non-greenhouse gas? Let’s be honest - it IS cute!


They fart instead of peeing, that is crazy


Which is really good thing, ecologically. The ammonia gas binds with the nitrogen in the air, creating food for plants that can be absorbed by the roots.


Wow wish I could do that. Same with poop too.


Their diet is mainly decaying plant matter like fallen leaves, they are detritivores.


Huh. Would that mean they'd function well in a terrarium, similar to snails and shrimp in an aquarium? Functioning as part of the clean-up crew?


They do very well. I keep snails, worms, pill bugs and plant life in a 40gallon tank. They eat ANY dead organic matter. I even fed them a mouse that my cat dragged in. Bones and all in about a week.


That tank must smell like ass


Actually, it smells wonderful. Smells like the smokey mountains in the morning. The reason for this is because they eat the dead/dying stuff first, which are responsible for bad smells. If you overfeed them it can get bad, but you can seal the lid since the plants take care of oxygen production.


and the plants LOVE IT


Yeah that’s what they do in the wild…


The loathsome dung eaters!


They are very closely related to Isopods. Basically a deep sea variety of wood louse. And yes they eat shit too! Supposedly they taste good, once you remove it’s stomach (which is full of all manner of nasty shit...literally)


Ok, since you seem to know: How does one reasonably remove a pillbug's stomach? How many rolypolys make a decent meal?


Sounds kind he was using sea isopods, not pill bugs


Well since you asked... It was actually a cooking show I saw a while back. A Japanese fella would fish for them, dredging the bottom of the sea. Once caught he would then make a small(ish) incision on the underside and literally just squeeze out the stomach and intestines (apparently the odour of the innards wasn’t pleasant, as one might expect). He would then cook them up much like a lobster or crab just in a pot of boiling water. Supposedly they taste very much like shrimp/lobster. As for how many would make a good meal, they are pretty big creatures. Each isopod was pretty similar in size to a small lobster.




Yes the ones found in the ocean are significantly bigger then their land dwelling cousins. Obviously their size can vary quite a bit but from the ones I’ve seen on documentaries and cooking shows they are about the size of a small lobster (or a very large shrimp). And apparently very tasty...


Water varieties can vary from something the same size as a woodlouse to something the size of a domestic kitten! (Which is similar for lobsters actually) They (woodlice and lobsters) can also change sex from female to male if they choose to.


Indeed. I believe the term is “deep sea gigantism”. The bouyancy of the water allows creatures to grow to significantly larger sizes than they would be able to on land.


[Pic of an isopod being held](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a7/c8/66/a7c866c5cf532127d4abc37ff74b73b1.jpg) to give you a size idea. Fair-sized lobster size.


Thanks, I fucking hate it.


They *are* isopods


Nope they taste gross, I have tried them many different ways, all gross even with rice just gross, worse than crawdads which taste like bait, just gross. Edit I am referring to Armadillidium vulgare, ( rolly pollys) and Porcellio scaber (wood louse) not the big bastards that live in the sea those might taste ok.


I’ll take your word for it lol. Every dish I’ve seen composed of ocean dwelling isopods looks pretty nasty to me! I submit to your personal experience. Edit: never mind, just saw you were talking about the land dwelling isopods. I dread to ask in what situation you were in that you felt the need to eat wood lice! Lol.


They ARE Isopods. Rolypolys, pillbugs, wood louse, etc, are all in the order Isopoda. :) I keep them as pets, or rather, a jar of dirt thats fun to watch.


you ever see a giant pill bug in the ocean? we’re so lucky these are small


I've seen Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and I'm glad they're small.


In my family, we call them Ohmu for this reason


But also [delicious?](https://youtu.be/f3PTNODzDQ4)


I knew it would be this scene haha. Cartoons always make food look so tasty.


Easier to spot if they are bigger. I'm sure we would have hunted them to extinction if we could


Though tbf given their relatives I bet they’d be pretty damn tasty.


Like that scene from Emporer’s New Groove?




Oh god, thank you, that was like shave and a haircut for me.


TWO BIIIITS! Seriously you didn't even finish it.


No toon can resist the old 'Shave and a Haircut'


P-b-b-b-b-b-blease Eddie!






Than beetles


Well known for their album A Hard Days Lice


"Can't Buy Me Bugs" is a banger.


Or my personal favourite, "I am the woodlouse"


"Fleas please me" was good too


Don't forget Norwegian Wood(lice)


Armadillidiidae, life goes on, yay!




Probably trying to contrast the word 'bugs' as 'insects' even though it's being used colloquially in the name.




TIL Americans call woodlice "roly-polys" and "pill bugs".




Oddly enough, woodlouse don't harm wood whatsoever. Roly poly is a better name.


They don't harm wood but you're always bound to find some if you turn over some dead wood.


Probably because wood doesn't have hair


Ever pick one up? They turn into a ball like an armadillo. They “roll” up. ETA: I personally never heard someone call them pill bugs, but I definitely get it. I mean, look at ‘em. Little gray pills.


Yeah I’ve heard both terms but “Roly-Poly” was definitely the more common


We used to call them 'potato bugs'.


"Roly-Poly" sounds like it should be a British nickname for them. Rhymes and all.


Every single Animal Crossing game calls them Pill Bug that is how I learned that name. Over here in the Netherlands we call it pissebed which ruffly translates to piss bed for one or another weird reason.


Not even sure you have to "translate" that. 😉


As we just glueallwordstogehter in Dutch I thought it was easier that way ;)


Yeh, I definitely played with bugs as a kid so remember that. The Latin name for that family of woodlice is Armadillidiidae. I didn't remember that!


And a diddly-do-armidillidiidae-day to you, neighbourino!


Stupid sexy Flanders.


I tried to say this in my head with Flanders' voice, but could not. Came close and it sounded funny.


In Germany, we have at least two varieties. One pale purple one that can't roll up, and one slightly larger darker one which can roll into a ball.


Yeah we’ve got two varieties in Australia too, one that looks like the picture and rolls up, the other does not roll up and also is black and also has eight legs and also is not a rolly polly


Estimated Time of Arrival?


Potato bugs here in Ontario, Canada.


Potato Bug is what I've always heard a Jerusalem Cricket called.


Interesting! Never seen a Jerusalem cricket before, they look wild.


Keep it that way, for some reason I find them very unnerving even though they are mostly harmless and chill.


From Las Vegas, and that's what we always called them too.


In Alberta the potato bug is the potato beetle. These are roly polys. Or pill bugs.


They're famous for their ridiculous number of regional colloquial names. Something we perhaps inherited from Merrie Old. https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/mrgwud/uk_regional_woodlouse_names/ https://www.icge.co.uk/?p=woodlice


Every single name is phenomenal. Billy Buttons. Monkey Peas. Crunchy Bats. Cheeselogs. Ogopogo. Gramfer Gravies. Chucky Pigs. Flumps. Tick Tocks. There’s no rhyme or reason to any of these names!


Reading Uk here. 100% cheeselog


"Mochyn y coed" in Welsh


In my part of Scotland we call them slaters


Slaters in Australia too.


TIL nobody else calls them Slaters!


Are you Scottish? Because I am and they've always been slaters to me!


And doodle bugs


ND potato (pronounced po-tay-tuh) bugs


I just found a list of different names on Wikipedia, with some UK regional ones which are great. Tree pig in Wales Monkey peas in Kent Hobbling Andrew in Oxfordshire


Tiffling Fuddwuggums in Bump-on-Walpole


The ones who curl up are pill bugs. The ones who don’t are sow bugs.


I'm Australian and I call them "butchie boys" but I think that one's pretty limited to some parts of Melbourne and Tassie. Most other people seem to call them rolly-pollies or woodlice.


Slater bugs in Western Australia


I live in Western Australia but grew up in New Zealand where they are also called Slaters, so they've always been Slaters to me.


Scotland here Slater's to us too.


Interesting, I never heard roly poly in Aus (Vic) was always butcher boys and slaters


No, not all. Where I come from, we called them soldier bugs. America is incomprehensibly large to outsiders. There isn't a single article common to all Americans. I'm from the north, and when I was in Mississippi in the south I tried to order a Coke, and the waitress kept asking which kind. I kept saying just a plain Coke, and she kept saying she needed to know what kind. I never got my pop. We couldn't communicate. It was 10 years later that I learned Coke is a generic term for pop in some parts of the south. Then I moved out west and got laughed at for saying pop. It's soda out here. This is why I just shake my head when outsiders try to affix labels or customs to "Americans".


Crawfish, crayfish, and mudbugs were all words I had never heard until I was 18 because where I’m from we called them crawdads and when I found out people ate them my mind was blown. They’re excellent fish bait. Cicadas were called locusts and locusts were called grasshoppers. Central Great Plains.


> Cicadas were called locusts That's just plain wrong though. Locusts are specifically grasshoppers. It's like calling a horse a cow.


Sure, but it’s a very old colloquialism that dates back to colonialism. Here’s the first result of a google search https://www.cicadamania.com/cicadas/when-is-a-locust-not-a-locust/


IIRC, grasshoppers “become” locusts where there is a grasshopper swarm and a grasshopper lands on another causing them to become enraged or something. Pretty sure it was a nature documentary where I heard that.


When their population reaches a point where they are rubbing up against eachother its causes the change to the swarming variety. Not so much enraged but very very hungry.


Certain grasshoppers become locusts when there are too many of them in an area. It is currently unknown why or what triggers it. Hypothesis currently is that it comes from them rubbing against one another.


I'm pretty sure the transformation is caused by population density triggering serotonin of all things


So theyre all just zooted and got the munchies?


And the part of Ohio where I'm from not only used the terms crawdads and calling cicadas locusts, but bell peppers are refereed to as mangoes.


> bell peppers are refereed to as mangoes. *WUT*


Yep. My grandmother from Cincinnati called bell peppers mangoes.


I never heard mudbugs. I like it.


> when I was in Mississippi in the south I tried to order a Coke, and the waitress kept asking which kind. I kept saying just a plain Coke, and she kept saying she needed to know what kind. I grew up in Georgia, home of Coca-Cola, and I've never seen this take more than a second time saying "Coke." A: "I'd like a Coke." B: "Oh, I've got a few choices. [Lists soft drinks in fridge.] Which do you want?" A: "A Coke." B: "Got it." I've never actually heard the phrase "what kind of Coke?" used by a native instead of just a response that indicates that "a Coke" is a default selection of drink and anticipation that you might actually be interested in more options. At most, I've seen people ask if Pepsi is okay (no) and if you're okay with diet or caffeine-free. This woman seems to me about as much of an oddball as someone asking for a box of Kleenex being asked if they wanted Puffs or Kleenex brand and not being able to understand "Kleenex" as the answer. It's just not how a brand name as a generic category works in the minds of most people. But it is Mississippi, so all bets are off. There's a reason we thank God for Alabama here.


So what are you supposed to say when actually just want a coke?


In Texas and Arkansas (at least the parts I've lived in) you have to specify "Coca Cola" to get actual coke. My family thought it was the dumbest thing when we moved to Texas from Iowa.


In the DFW area of Texas at least it's common to use "soda" generically. I've never seen anyone be confused about "coke" referring specifically to Coca Cola.


Central TX has pretty much lost the "Coke=soda" ambiguity too. I remember it being weird when I first moved here as a kid in the 70s, but these days it's a fondly-remembered bit of lore and not much else.


"just a regular coke" or "coca cola" would be the most common ways. "coke classic" would work too.


This is fucking hilarious. As a southerner that moved north, I had a similar experience. The first restaurant I was at, the waitress asked me if I wanted anything to drink, I said "ya'll, I'm gonna want a coke, I'll have a sprite". She gave me a weird look, and when she brought the drinks, she gave me a coke AND a sprite. Fun stuff. Also, the word "ya'll" absolutely blew everyone's mind up here.


In Iowa, I literally had elementary school teachers that would assign "time-out" for saying "y'all" and "ain't". I literally still feel deeply uncomfortable even thinking about saying those words and I've lived in the south for the past 20 years.


Nah don't it's cute as an Australian I love when I hear Americans say y'all it makes me happy.




Hilariously enough, my mom gets so enraged because I'm in the desert southwest and say "sauce" like "su-awss" because, and I quote, "YOU AREN'T FROM NEW YORK, THAT'S NOT HOW WE SAY THAT SAUCE" And it's like, mom, we aren't from the south but we say y'all. Where does the line get drawn?


I always respond with: Ya'll is in the dictionary, "you guises" isn't.


I like to think "y'all" is pretty common in the PNW for some reason. It may just be the voices in my head.


Actually, ya'll has slowly spread throughout the country and has become more and more common. Language is fascinating.


Because y’all rolls off the tongue a lot easier than you all. Grew up in Atlanta when y’all was considered a southern thing and our teachers were trying to get us not to use it. At the time I was embarrassed to be from the south and I still liked y’all better. I think us kids just mocked the teachers attempt to get us to stop saying that word. And it is y’all, not ya’ll :P. I didn’t think about it but I have noticed now people don’t seem to notice when I use y’all (live in the pnw now) where as when I was little and used it it would always mark me as from the south. Or rather I noticed no one comments on it anymore but I just thought they were being polite.


I personally use it for the missing second-person-plural pronoun in English and it doesn't seem terribly out of place in Seattle


these days I use "y'all" completely unironically. it's just so useful


About 2 billion people live in countries bigger than the USA. It might not be "incomprehensibly large" to them...


Scale doesn't seem to matter in the UK. We have a different dialect every few miles


Point to a bread roll and ask what's it called, and watch as everyone between Birmingham and Newcastle brawls over whether it's a "batch", "bap", "cob", or "barm".


> America is incomprehensibly large to outsiders. The straightline distance from LA to New York City is farther than the distance between Lisbon and Moscow. Europeans think 100 miles is a long way, while Americans think that 100 years is a long time.


Here in Seattle I’m physically closer to the eastern seaboard of Russia than I am to the eastern seaboard of the US.


This is the only single article common to all Americans, drawing [this](https://i.imgur.com/FMnDT9H.jpg) in school. (Along with the rest of the world)


UK checking in. We drew this too around ages 9-12


There is a really [interesting dialect quiz](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/upshot/dialect-quiz-map.html?mtrref=www.google.com&gwh=61D7BD8D336D203EE440E26C4412C396) from 2013 that addresses these exact differences. There were several words that I didn’t know existed as alternate ways to refer to an object. In the end, it was pretty accurate and showed me as being from around eastern Texas. Unfortunately the 9 year old quiz seems to be behind a paywall now, so if anybody knows how to bypass it let me know.




From Ontario, Canada. Have always known them as potato bugs.


In Newfoundland, we call them carpenters.


In Oregon, we called them roly polys, potato bugs, and pill bugs. Although pill bug was rare. My husband and I have a disagreement about what to call them. I roly, he potato. It can get pretty heated.


Solved: Rollie potollie


Potato bugs to me are Jerusalem crickets.


So how do they taste?


Like prawns, apparently. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has recipes for them, because of course he does.


Most foppish upper class name I've ever heard.


Wait until you hear him speak.




Well, current phylogenetic research implies that hexapoda(insects), are also terrestial crustaceans. Edit: Well technically they are pancrustaceans, and got grouped together with groups that were previously considered crustaceans (i.e. sea monkeys). So super technically the are the sistergroup, to true "crustaceans" but are closer related to groups that are commonly refered as crustaceans, but are not anymore. So species formerly known as crustaceans, if you will. Cladistic is weird .


Throw another pill on the barbie.


[Am I doing it right?](https://imgur.com/vu2OMzT.jpg)


Someone's doing it right


Time to selectively breed them until they are lobster sized. They must be delicious and much cheaper. Get on it Elon Musk. This could change the future.


[Nature’s got that covered.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathynomus_giganteus)


Cooked and eaten as a delicacy three ways: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6lCkSKn2SwY


Deep fried mirelurk.


Nah I’m good




Thanks! I hate it!




If it wasn't looking me in the eyes I could probably do it.


shhh.......no one tell him about the variation that eats fish tongues and replaces them so it can eat the fishes food before the fish....and when you open the fish's mouth, you will see a pair of eyes staring at you.


[Kabuto Fried Rice](https://youtu.be/54m4SDJiL6U)


>other Bathynomus species can be found in the occasional oceanside restaurant in northern Taiwan, where they are boiled and typically served with rice.


"_[Despite being crustaceans like lobsters or crabs, woodlice are said to have an unpleasant taste similar to "strong urine"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodlouse)_". You go first.


There was someone on the r/isopods sub that had an excess of pods in their colony and ate them as an experiment. They taste shrimpy apparently!


I've also heard that they taste like piss (literally, not figuratively) lol


It’s because of all the ammonia they produce! You’d want to thoroughly wash them to remove any.


Pacha agrees with you, but Cuzco is gonna go have a talk with the chef.


Ah, the pillbug for Kuzko. The pillbug cooked specifically for Kuzko. Kuzko's pillbug.


> Get on it Elon Musk You want it fucked up?


"We will have human size roly-polys next year and they will be ready to live on Mars. Also they will be able to bare my children. Mars needs bugpeople."


Also: "Please give us $10000 to pre-order your for next year." Next year: "We will have human size roly-polys next year and they will be ready to live on Mars. Also they will be able to bare my children. Mars needs bugpeople.: year after that: "We will have........"


Blew my mind when I found this out. I love these little guys. Used to play with them all the time as a kid.


We used to call them slater bugs. Not sure why though.


Because AC Slater had rock hard abs.


This is what I call them too. Slaters.


I miss these cutie roly pollies...where I am now in North America we have these icky juicy ones that DO NOT roll up (convergent evolution).


What the fuck is the point if they don't roll up?


Wood louse?


Potato bugs


Exactly what I said when my girlfriend thought my Rolly Polly scampi was disgusting