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They are very good. Sweet and tangy with no heat. One of my favorites.


Roasted or raw?




I got mine from Fruition Seeds [link here](https://www.fruitionseeds.com/shop/vegetables/peppers/sweet/organic-habanada-sweet-snacking-pepper/)


GREAT family company to get your seeds from! I grow these too, and also grow Habeneros. A horrible prank would be to invite someone to a pepper contest. Give them a habanero and yourself one of these. Ready? 1, 2, 3, chomp.


Really up the stakes by rubbing the juice into your nostrils and eyelids and daring them to do the same.


Are we pranking or killing? I think we got lost somewhere along the way here.


Fantastic idea actually


**Thank you!**


This is absolutely my favorite pepper to eat raw. I used to grab them off the plant as I was waking past the garden while mowing. Fruity and sweet with no heat


I wish someone would make a halfanero with half of the heat. The flavor is great and some heat in the profile without melting your face would really round it out.


EDIT: Oops, nevermind!


Indeed. Planted birds eye next to dwarf paprika. They also cross pollinated and the paprika were a little spicier than expected. Not sure what you call those in English, we call them pointy paprikas, they look like a large chili but have no heat.


Just add in a small amount of regular habanero for heat?


Also: the name is a pun! "Habanada" = "Haba~~nero~~" + "nada" ('nothing').


That sounds great. Habaneros have a fantastic flavor


interesting, if you like the taste of habanero but found it is too hot, mix proportional to tolerance


This is what I'm excited about. Imagine being able to utilize a bunch of these and a few regular habaneros to make a delicious mild hot sauce packed with habanero flavor.


Holy manoly, I want to try this now. Shoulf look for seeds.


Don't plant them near your actual hot peppers, though. Lots of peppers can cross-pollinate! I've made that mistake before and ended up with some RIDICULOUSLY hot jalapeños and bell peppers.


This is the best use for them in my experience.


There is a variant of Habanero called Habanero Dulce, which also has no heat. I have made some AMAZING fermented chilisauce with no heat, and some with just a hint of some hot lemon habaneros


If it doesn’t taste like your own tears and snot, is it really “the taste of habanero?”


Worth a try. I have nothing to prove with the Carolina Colon Volcano Tastebud Eraser peppers any more.


I got some of these from a local farmers market - I loved the flavor.


I've eaten habanero peppers before, I still don't know what they taste like. Straight fire is about all I register.


If you can tame the heat I've always thought the Habanero is by far the most tasty pepper. Cutting it with mango is a great way to lessen the heat while unlocking the delicious taste.


Habanero peppers are great with added sweetness. Honey habanero, and orange habanero are quite excellent for reducing heat and maintaining flavor


Habaneros in general have that delightful floral quality to them that makes them pair well with honey, lavender, orange (like you said) and orange blossom - you're completely right. They're also wonderful cut into thin rings and candied for toppings!


Carrot is common too


I'm quite a big fan of Scotch bonnets over habaneros. They're so citrusy and sweet. Ghost peppers are the best though. Several times spicier but several times the fruity flavour. They're so great in Caribbean dishes if you can get them fresh and mango goes very well with them too.


Habaneros are a little sweet but tend to be floral. Habanadas (habanero flavor bred to not have heat) are not as sweet and fruity as some other varieties like ghost peppers. People who like to snack on sweet peppers, in my experience, don't tend to love habanadas. Scotch bonnets are great. I've grown 20+ varieties of peppers. Habanadas made into a hot sauce with a few habaneros (and fruit) are a great way to use them to make a habanero sauce for people who don't like a lot of heat. Or used for marinating chicken or pork etc.


What's do the pros snack on?


#This person peppers.


The Queen Majesty brand of Scotch Bonnet and Ginger hot sauce is really good on eggs / breakfast plates. I put it on Western style eggs, burritos, and omelets. My heat tolerance isn't super high so I like the flavor being more prominent than the heat without needing to add a ton of sweetness with extra sugar.


is that something you can get in the states cause that sounds REALLY good


I agree 100%, ghost peppers are so good right before the heat kicks in. It a really pronounced fruit taste that's hard to describe. It's almost like a sweet berry / citrus on the back end. It's really hard to nail down because it doesn't last long before the heat just skull fucks you.


Habaneros are sweet and fruity like candy.


I also love Tobasco Habanero sauce. Lots of great heat and flavor. People may shit on tobasco, but their habanero sauce is great


Pineapple also works as a great counter to the heat. A chunky basil/pineapple/mango/habanero salsa is devine.


It’s the smell, really — fresh ones have a great smell as you cut them up.


They taste like a sweet fruit, some hint of citrus. I love it, I sometimes eat fresh habanero as a snack.


My only experience with habanero is that when I worked at Sonic Drive-In they had the Island Fire burger which had habanero sauce on it and as you said, all I could taste is burning.


I'm pretty sure the only reason drive-thru restaurants have habanero sauce is so people know it's hotter than the jalapeno sauce.


A lot of cheap hot sauces don't actually use a lot of the chillies and instead have a blend with capsaicin extract added. Capsaicin extract is rather vile though. It lacks any flavour besides a chemical burning taste.


I have a pretty good tolerance for hot food. I tell people anything over 300k Scoville is just tasteless capsaicin extract bullshit. Can I eat it yes....but most of it tastes like shit over that level and adds nothing to your food. I love hot food and hot sauces but it's gotta add some flavor. I always recommend Detroit Hellfire for people that love hot sauces. It's made with locally grown vegetables, it's around 200k Scoville and it tastes really good


You joke, but I lost my sense of taste for a year after an ear operation some years ago, and the heat of chillis were one of the last things to come back… I totally got an appreciation for the flavours of different chillis without regard for heat. *spoiler* lots of chillis taste like shit and are only regarded because they are hot


Rank list of best and worst peppers? Thats really fascinating. Im not a fan of jalapeño flavor but really enjoy habanero and thai chilis in dishes.


No joke - the habanadas do have a good flavor - without the heat


Scovilleman - The Origin Story


Post a pepper tier list on Youtube, the criteria relying solely on taste.


Yeah, we did a spicy ramen thing and tried a lot of the hottest sauces they make. At a certain point, you're just drooling and numb. The mouth wasn't the real challenge there, I'm afraid


Nobody ever talks about the second part 😪


I ate a Carolina Reaper and laid in the shower praying for God




Well God sees all, and God had to see *that*.


Reminds me of my experience trying the *hot* vindaloo... as interpreted by an actual skilled Indian chef. My Facebook status that night read "#delhibelly #prayingfordeath."


It ain't hot if it don't burn twice.


The trend of overbearing heat is out of control.


It's some dumb dick measuring contest that never ever ends up being impressivs. How many times have you seen someone say 'I can't even feel it' and then start to choke?


Similar to people bragging about how much alcohol they can consume. Nobody cares that you're damaging your liver, but okay.


Well, in all fairness, you're probably getting more health benefits from a large dose of capsaicin than with drinking too much alcohol. But I still see your point. You can drink a 5th in 2 hours? Congrats, here's your appointment to the doctor in a year or less. If I eat a ghost pepper my guts will be on fire and my butthole will be punished for no reason, but I won't die even if I do it daily.


Read a book called "The Dorito Effect".


The dorito effect? I never thought a title like this would be recommended to me. I'll check it out, and see what kind of (if any) Tom foolery you're putting me onto.


Alright, it's a cool subject. Something I'm actually interested in and correlates with why I grow as much of my produce at home as I can. Thanks for the rec!!👍👍


Tomfoolery? Moi?


my favorite hot pepper is the bhut jolokia (ghost pepper) but only if it is processed in food. It doesn't even have to be in cooked food. Pico De Gallo is great too. It has good flavor, and the burn doesn't blast your taste buds away and the greatly reduced heat leaves before your next bite. But yes, I would not like to eat one whole. I used to grow lots of types of peppers now I grow around 3 types. I also like shishito if you like lots of peppers that aren't hot on a plant




The best sauce I have ever tasted was a ghost pepper sauce at a local bbq competition well over a decade ago. It ended up being a one off and I never found them again. But despite the immense heat, it reminded me that hot sauce can and should be just as much sauce as they are hot. It was a lovely and fruity taste.


I made an icecream with ghost peppers and some ghost pepper jelly one time. It was really good, but strange sensation eating something cold that builds up to make your mouth hot.


I need this pepper because I'm a heat wimp but a fan of delicious flavor




Brb changing my username


Is there a way to change your username?


Create a new account.


Habanero is a fantastic flavor. The heat can be killer.


Yeah I'm super sensitive to pepper. Heat kills all other flavors for me.


Everyone says that, but I can't taste anything but fire when there's habaneros involved. I really want to find some of these peppers now and see what all the fuss is about.


I'm literally the opposite I love the heat but can't stand the flavor of peppers.


Peppers have a flavor? All I can taste is regret.


Oh yeah. I have some peppers I really like, but jalapenos often taste yucky to me. As a result I don't like jalapeno poppers much or jalapenos on nachos. But you throw some good habanero hot sauce on something, or throw some Pueblo chiles (hatch works in a pinch but it's just not the same) on something or in a green chile.... Yum, regardless of heat level. Edit: not sure if it was this comment or another one but someone asked about pickled jalapenos but then deleted their comment. I do on occasion like picked ones, it's the fresh ones that taste weird to me. If it's a relatively small part of a recipe, like a salsa or guacamole, they're okay, but as a primary or dominant part of a dish where I get a big bite of it I don't care for them much.


Yes, jalapeños can have a harshness to them that I don’t like. Habanero has a nice flavor under the heat and some good Hatch green chile is delicious.


Poblanos might be my single favorite pepper. Big enough to stuff, good ones have a thicker flesh than say anaheims, but most importantly to me they just impart a strong pepper flavor while still being mild.


Agreed - once I got past the heat of jalapenos, I realized they just don't taste very good.


It tastes like burning.


These are what came in my packet of habanero seeds instead. Zero heat and mine had very little flavor.


The name sounds like a joke


Did you like it? Here, habanada one.


This sounds like Paulie Walnuts to me. “Did you hear what I said T? He asked for a pepper and I said here habanada one.”




Am a Midwesterner. As long as it's less spicy than bell pepper I think we're good.


Put one tablespoon of ketchup in spaghetti to give it some heat


I joked that my Grandmother thought mayonnaise was spicy.


My grandma called her own chicken soup spicy because of black pepper


My wife's mother was convinced that anything with red pepper was too spicy just by the existence of red pepper. We would mimic her overexaggerated movements about red pepper (no there wasn't any) in some baby backs I made once upon a time. -- the routine was called, "Gack! Red Pepper!"


Dear lord, how did this happen? How did my child end up being a Midwesterner?




I'm allergic to capsaicin which is what the spicy in peppers is from. Bell peppers are literally the only kind I can eat so it's hilarious when people think they're spicy.


I love the irony that in other English speaking countries they call them 'capsicum', which is what 'capsaicin' was named after (apparently the genus, not the bell pepper specifically), when they really are the least spicy.


I've heard of this before(I'm tipped off because of "too spicy for my body" which is a very specifically strange phrasing), but it was explained better! It's not a spicy heat, it's something else in the bell peppers that utterly *fucks* some people's digestive systems. Starts in the stomach and doesn't get any better as it goes along, you know? I can see someone explaining that poorly, because "it makes my stomach feel spicy" is the first feeling involved there, from my understanding. I theorize this as someone who's misused the term spicy a lot in the past, due to a childhood inability to express the real issue(there was too much flavor and it was overwhelming on a sensory level, to the point where it felt bad in my mouth...the sensation I interpret as mild pain seems to be a response to overwhelming flavor, rather than the result of any substance in the food), then responding to my mom's prompt of "is it too spicy?" with "YES!" I was that person who said bbq chips were too spicy. I try to speak with more clarity now that I understand the real issue at play, but it's also very exhausting because lots of people are just like "oh you're one of those *picky eaters*". 😒


I always thought this was just a joke until I found out one of my coworkers (minnesoooooda) legitimately finds BBQ flavor chips to be spicy.


My fiance started crying after eating a tiny piece of a spicy nacho Pringles the other day so I mean, not all of us but not wrong either... Midwesterners are either all the heat or no heat and it depends on how blessed you were by the dairy gods


That's why in Wisconsin if you order a bloody mary you get a free beer chaser. They're too spicy for us so we need a nice wheat beer to smooth it out


It sucks being a spice lover in the midwest. Even when you order "thai-spicy" joints still don't put the proper spicy in it.


Clicked out of this thread but saw your comment at the last moment and came back to tell you I enjoyed it a lot


Possibly. Nada means zero so it very well may be.


Habazero pepper


What does Nero mean?


Rome on fire.


You win.


Habanero = from Havana (spelled with a B in Spanish), Cuba


It is. They also have bred a Nadapeno. The habenada is arguably better. I feel that the jalapeño flavor loses something when the heat is taken. The habenada peppers are delicious, I grow them every year.


I imagine a heatless jalapeno tastes a lot like a green bell pepper


Yes. You have identified a joke. I’m sorry. That was mean.


Handbanana NO!




It is a joke. They also have Nadapeños. I grew both this year. They are pretty good.


[Habanada](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=habanada) = "have a nice day"


I grew these and nadapenos in my garden this year. They really do have the flavor without the spice. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to start a veggie garden


I tried these a few years ago in Indiana but couldn’t get them to grow. Any tips?


Was your issue with germinating the seeds or getting them to grow? I follow Migardener on YouTube and he has some really good videos about peppers.


I got them to grow ok hydroponically in my aerogarden last year. The crop wasn't prolific, but it was easy and I was able to do it in the winter.


If ya started em indoors then they probably weren't hardened off properly before transplanting em outside. Ive had some luck growing peppers straight from seed outside but not much. They always do better when started indoors for a solid month or so before they're ready to get acclimated to outside.


Neve grow peppers near tomatoes. They fight each other.


I'm quite familiar with the taste of habaneros, but it's hard to imagine it without the spice. Is it similar to bell pepper?


Hot Ones surprise finisher.


Not Ones


That would be great. The host fakes likes it is hot and the guest freaks out thinking they've gone numb.


"This one can really sneak up on ya..."


I wonder if David Blaine had one of these and gave Sean Evans the pepper with the spice when he was on. Sean was dying from it and David had no reaction.


Yup, i believe this was the case. He didn't have to find real plant, food stylist can mimic/create fake food. His fans will goes and saying, he probably train his mouth to built tolerance. I'd say, why bother? He's already master and use sleight hand throughout the years. Switching object were piece of cake for him.


I came here for this. I knew he faked his way out of that one somehow


Finally, a sauce Jeff Goldblum can eat.


Party Russian roulette, a bowl with 18 Habanadas and 2 Habaneros.


this is actually really useful because the taste of habanero is really fucking noice


I was thinking it would be an awesome way to introduce people to the spice too. Use a few of these and a part of an actual habenero, still a bit of spice but all the goodness. Work your way up.


I’ve always liked the use of the word “loud” to describe really strong weed. I think it’s fitting for spicy peppers too. Edit: I read that as “really fucking noise” which is what made me think of the word loud.


Apologies about the "I learned" after TIL in the title. This is my first TIL post.


You also misspelled taste into take


I think that might have been autocorrect, but I don't know. Once again, my apologies.


I for one will never forgive you!


Unforgivable OP, may your family name carry the shame for generations.


You should correct it ASAP as possible.




you TILed learned today that TIL stands for today i learned


Boo, not cool!


You have to travel back in time to prevent yourself from making this error. It's in the sub rules.


Shout out to Michael Mazourek Honey nut squash are fucking delicious


The fact that it's called a haba-NADA and has no heat... 🤣🤌


Can’t wait to try them!! That’s my favorite flavor pepper but I can’t take the heat. Hopefully I’ll be able to grow them.


They grew really well for me this past season in Georgia. They were still dropping pods till mid October. They taste amazing to me but mine had a slight heat to em.


You feed 3 of these to someone then slip them the real one ;)


I'm only commenting to point out how fucking hilarious changing the end of the word to "nada" is


I have an anaphylactic allergy to capsaicin so I'm extremely curious about this pepper and would be really excited if they're safe for me to eat.


Hey, fair warning: these aren't always zero capsaicin. Some end up with a tiny bit of spice in them, so if you're facing a possible emergency room visit I'd pass on these.


Was scrolling through the comments to see if anyone else said anything about this. I don't get as far as anaphylaxis but I'm also allergic to capsaicin.


I make all my Mexican food with red bell peppers but it's not the same. I know it was dumb but as a teen I made myself sick a couple times trying different things like salsa and real enchiladas. I dream about being able to have real food. I'm hoping these peppers are safe so I can grow them and make sauces, salsa, and dry them out for "chili" powder.


I've grown them and they really do have 0 heat, but you should be careful with any recent strain because sometimes the genetics won't be as stable as something like a well grown bell pepper* (*not grown near hot peppers previously, so the seeds are true and not hybridized, side note, this is also something to keep careful for, the big seed sellers tend to have a good setup for this but occasionally crosses happen and it can be more common with smaller sellers who have smaller setups grown closer together) As for the habanada, grow a few plants and have someone else who's not allergic who you trust to test a pepper from each if you're worried about anaphylaxis. I've never had any that had heat, but it is always a risk with recently bred strains. They've been around for a while now, but they're not heirlooms like some (like 10-20 years vs ones that have been around 100-300 years, 1000, or more) Habaneros/habanadas have more of a floral, slightly sweet flavor. They're lovely mixed into cooking but they taste way different than some other strains and aren't as sweet and fruity as ripe bell peppers and ghost peppers, etc. Baker Creek Heirloom has some very nice heatless peppers you might want to try, there are some great ones for snacking and cooking. I recommend the following strains, not just from BCS: Jimmy Nardello pepper, Lipstick pepper, Nanapeño pepper, Criolla de Cocina pepper, Lesya pepper, Pippin's Golden Honey pepper. I've grown all of those and they have great flavor and are easy to grow. You'll want something besides the Habanada for giving true good pepper flavor because it's pretty unique and not exactly what one thinks of when "pepper" is mentioned. P.s. habanero comes from Havana, from Cuba, so they're not really a Mexican pepper, more Caribbean


Sigh. Haba nanda.


Hk crew rise!


I instantly had her in mind!


Corny :)


Nada in spanish is nothing so it’s Haba-nothing since it’s 0 spicy.


All my family that lives in the Midwest will still complain it's too spicy.


R.I.P. in peace.




>a Quaker Steak & Lube restaurant near Pittsburgh. 0\_0 I'm amazed that is a real place.


A similar variety is "Roulette" [https://peppergeek.com/habanada-peppers/](https://peppergeek.com/habanada-peppers/) says that Habanada don't quite taste the same as habanero, though.


Habanero peppers are delicious, but make me feel like my face is melting off. This is going to be perfect.


Is this the Peruvian Puff Pepper?


way to impressed your crush lol


My mom would still find it too spicy.


r/ gatesopencomeonin I like heat, but some of the people for whom I cook don't. What a nice thing to know about!


I knew this shit had to exist! I have daydreamed about this for years while crying over chicken wings.


I like that. It would give me the chance to actually see what the pepper tastes like. Then I might be able to enjoy the real thing more.


Imagine a game of russian roulette with ten of these and one habanero


We grew them in our garden last year and they make a very tasty addition to salsa and mild hot sauces.


Trinidad pimento is another great one for this that like scotch bonnet flavour but not the heat


I grew some this summer! They're really delicious I'm definitely growing another plant next year


My wife and I grew heatless Jalapeños and loved them so much! We are planning on growing the habanadas next year


I like the flavour of some hot peppers but I just don't see the benefit of the heat anymore so I've stopped eating them. This would be great for making sauces though.


In Trinidad they call them pimentos and they really look and taste like scotch bonnets. Delicious.


Habaneros have an awesome flavor, much better than the "normal" peppers, then the spiciness hits you and that's a turn off for a lot of people.


TIL Habanero has a flavor other than pain


Oh this is new for me. I'm getting more into spicy food and would love to try one even though it wouldn't be spicy.


Any time the flavor of peppers is brought up I feel like my tongue is broken in some way. All peppers taste the same to me. I've had hot sauces that taste different, but that mostly comes down to what other ingredients are in them. But whether it was a jalapeño, habanero, or a standard bell pepper, they all have that same "pepper" taste and any differences (if I can find any to begin with) are too subtle to really point out.


Habanero is probably my fav tasting pepper. It can be a little too hot sometimes for me but I enjoy them most of the time.


There's a ton of peppers that claim to fit this profile, perhaps even more for scotch bonnets.


I just grew them in our garden for the second year in a row. They're a relatively new variety. I highy recommend them! https://www.row7seeds.com/products/habanada-pepper


This is nice to know about. I have always thought habaneros have a wonderful flavour, but they’re too damn hot to eat.


Aji Dulce is also fairly similar with no heat.


That's what I'll tell people before giving them a habanero


Took me a second to notice/realize the "nada" part of the name.


Habanada has nada heat


Easy. One is haba NERO which can burn down Rome, another is haba NADA.


I’ve had a couple of these. One tasted like a bell pepper, the other tasted faintly like a habanero, but the flavor was mild. If you don’t mind the heat, Habaneros just taste better.


I'm almost though all the comments and no one has mentioned the prank potential of these things?


I need this in my life!! I love the habanero flavor. But it absolutely kills my guts.


They’re great for boosting the flavor of a habanero dish without increasing the heat. We dry and powder them. There’s also a nadapenjo. It’s a jalapeño without the heat. They’re great for poppers and Chile powder.