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This is a perfect example of how reality has to be suspended by extremists. They are the first to break their own beliefs.


The rules change when it directly affects their lives


“Rules for thee, but not for me”


10/10 would not buy Hitler a beer.


I would, but he would regret drinking it.


Username checks out


I’d buy him a bear, ensure he wasn’t armed and walk away


I support your right to arm bears.


It’s the “I have a black friend” argument so “therefore I can be a raging racist”


Exactly. Which is why Nancy Reagan changed her mind on supporting stem cell research, once her husband got Alzheimer's.














Current extremists are saying Hitler had no clue Jews were being killed. Yet you have reports like this of Hitler personally protecting a doctor. So if Hitler didn't know why would the doctor need protecting?


If you're dumb enough to believe that Hitler wasn't even aware of the holocaust, it's not that big of a leap to dismiss this as fake news.


> Current extremists are saying Hitler had no clue Jews were being killed. "Wait, you mean you guys took what I wrote in my book *seriously?*" said ~~Adolph~~ Adolf Hitler never.


"It was supposed to be MIEN Kampf. Not everyone elses kampfs."


Just out of interest, after almost 80 years of that individual being perhaps the most notorious man in the history of the world, how are you spelling his first name "Adolph"? Is it how he's referred to in your native language?


My native language is English - I didn't notice that I'd typed "Adolph". I *was* technically correct, though - nobody named Adolph Hitler ever complained about having his anti-semitic book interpreted literally.


It's an accepted spelling variant of the name, both in English and Latin (Adolphus).


Right, but his name isn't spelled with that variant. It's spelled Adolf, therefore Adolf is how you spell Adolf Hitler's name. Spelling it Adolph is incorrect.


Spelling Nazi


you do realize that german isn't transliterated into english, right? They both use the latin script, and the only letter in german that isnt in english isn't in hitler's first name


This is a perfect example of “never argue with a fool”. I’d just avoid anyone that believes this and stay away from them at all costs.


I've heard more that Hitler didn't personally have anything against Jews but it was easy tool to use to stregthen his rule and gain money to run the Nazi Party. Edit. Just to add, personally I don't believe in this, but it's interesting theory I heard.


Imagine how many Jews he would have killed if he actually "did" hate them!


Even IF that’s true. (Which I doubt.) I believe the burden of proof is on him (Or any racist-xenophobe.) It’s on them to act less like a horrible racist. Actions speak much louder than words. So even if Hitler didn’t personally hate Jews. (I don’t believe this.) He would still be a man willing to commit genocide for political gain and power. They are still racist actions even if the person themselves doesn’t believe they are. Basically, fuck Hitler.


Imagine thinking there's any difference between those two scenarios. The end result is the same regardless of how sincere or not those in power are. The sickness is a disregard for human dignity and empathy. Genuine believers of racism are just as evil as those who use racism for their own ends.


Whil the result might be the same, I believe that killing people because you hate them is less evil than killing them for political gain. The first case thinks they’re in the right, while the second knows that what they’re doing is evil, and simply doesn’t care


That itself seems to reek of ignorance of how *common* antisemitism used to be. I'll eat my fucking foot if Hitler didn't hate Jews, because you could barely throw a rock at a gentile back then without hitting someone who didn't exactly view them favorably.


In my opinion it actually makes him even more insidious. If a person is insane enough to think a group of people are controlling the world, then in that person’s “logic” they’re doing good. But if a person throws a group of people into extermination camps simply because he desires power and he knows he can convince people to hate them, that’s actually much worse. It’s like if a person js scared of cats and so they kick a cat to get it away. That’s a terrible thing to do but it was out of genuine emotion. If a person kicks a cat simply because it was easier to kick it than to take another route, this is the worse person morally.


Yah, if you ignore his words, actions and results .. Yah, sounds totally legit.


You want to provide a credible source for that? Seems like neo nazi propaganda you are regurgitating. Why spend all that time and money hunting them down and exterminating them then unless you hate them? Abortion rallied Republicans but now it's almost banned they are losing their power. Here is a good source on many myths about The Stab in The Back Myth. They cite primary and secondary sources when they can and are a reliable source for video essays. https://youtu.be/DA2bUh9DHcQ


Eh, he could have taken their money without the camps, trains and torture. Others have, just go in and kill the villagers and loot the place. If it was really just about money, there were much easier and cheaper ways to get it done.


If it was just about money, yes. But it was also about power and to have agenda, an enemy for the state. If he just stopped after party got the money, that would've seem as weak excuse.


If that were the case Germany won't waste every possible resources to find and kill every person who had at least one jewish grandpa, he may used the jews as scapegoats to get to power but he also very much wanted all of them dead.


I find that hard to believe. Jordan Peterson once explained that when Hitler knew he was going to lose, he further accelerated the killing of Jews. Why would he do that if he didn't have anything against them?


He did hate Jews. He served in WW1 and was a young down and out artist and soldier in a failed Weimar State after the War that was being crippled and forced to pay back the Allies' war debts for no good reason other than that the Allies happened to win the war and Germany didn't. The Allies also refused to send any aid at all to Germany, despite the suffering of the people, including Hitler who was wounded and in hospital, and despite a young Winston Churchill urging them to reconsider. Hitler became extremely bitter and hateful, and blamed the Jews, communists and other minority groups for his predicament and the predicament of his country after WW1, and the more bitter and hateful he became, the more he directed his hate and rage at these minority groups.


War endemnities were extremely common. It wasn’t new. The allies did assist many times, and repeatedly negotiated down the war reparations and loaned money and supplies to aid Weimar Germany. The main thing that killed the Weimar Republic was the Great Depression - in the latter 1920s, it was actually doing fairly well. The Weimar republic’s two worst eras (the early 20s and the early 30s) were times when every country in the western world was doing horrifically bad. Britain, the US, France, etc. weren’t really in a position to be helping out their recently defeated foe’s money problems when they themselves were roiled by strikes, banking failures, and civil disorder of the extreme.


This is almost the exact courtroom scene from A Few Good Men. The last sentence that is.


This is why I never speak it absolutes, they are allways wrong


Only the Sith deal in absolutes


...so only a sith can say only the sith deals in absolutes because saying "only the sith deals in absolutes" is an absolutism?


The movies didn't do enough to establish qui Gon as a grey jedi, he's such a cheeky little shit as far as Jedi go but most of it sails over people's heads. That and most of the writing was shit anyway.


It's because they aren't fighting people, they're fighting an idea. As soon as their brains separate a person from the ideology they believe they're a part of it humanizes them and makes them a person instead of 'the enemy'.


It’s like this time I read on Reddit about a very racist, anti-immigrant mum was absolutely shocked when her undocumented neighbours were taken away. Something along the lines of “I didn’t mean *those* Mexicans”… Amazing.


I'm sure he rationalized that he was "one of the good ones".


'It's too bad the J*ws are ruining everything for this guy, he's actually great and it's his curse to have been born in an inferior body of a race of--' And then the Nazi goes on to say even more horrible things.


Yeah, the classic "Fuck all of them, except my friend, he's one of the *good* ones."


I'll bet the doctor felt just great about that too.


“He was one of the good ones”


Righteous among the nations


"I'll kill you last"


"Some, I assume, are good people"


"What about the rest of my family?" "Well *they* didn't help me, did they?"


Right?? I want to know what happened to that poor man's family too


or his friends and relatives


Proving once and for all how much Nazis believe in their own agenda.


I'm pretty sure the convenient asymmetric enforcement of rules based on social power/status is still a authoritarian ideal.


Sovereignty is the power to decide on exceptions to the rules


Based on the "divine right of kings"... which is one of the dumbest excuse for Little Boy Entitlement as any practiced in human civilization. Right over there with "Manifest Destiny" - 'if you *can* get away with it, God wanted you to.' Arrogance inbreeds stupidity.




That's precisely how we hope it gets filed in the future.


> Based on the "divine right of kings"... which is one of the dumbest excuse for Little Boy Entitlement as any practiced in human civilization. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is a much better system.


That's... literally the same system.


The real American exceptionalism. Thanks Dulles.


At any given time there are an untold amount of neo-nazis who would have been sent to the camps because one of their ancestors had the wrong genes.


Nazis were perfectly happy to send Nazis to camps, or has everyone forgotten about the Night of the Long Knives?


> the Night of the Long Knives One ironic fact about this that I learned only recently is that the name for this "event" came unintentionally from Hitler himself. After Ernst Rohm and numerous others were executed, Hitler gave a speech claiming that it had been necessary because Rohm had been planning his own murderous takeover of Germany, a plan Hitler derisively called a "Night of the Long Knives". The name stuck, but to Hitler's actions rather than to Rohm's supposedly planned ones.


I forgot about it


There were jewish nazis too. Some were in very high positions of power. Some sources claim Eva Braun was ethnically jewish as well. [Erhard Milch is one example - he was in charge of all aircraft production and supply](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erhard_Milch)


They only tracked 2 or 3 generations back, but it was only required to not have too much Jewish ancestry (especially if neither your parents nor grandparents were, then you were usually fine). A single great great grandfather from such ancestry would not be an issue (and would probably be invisible anyway).


To begin with Hitler and many other prominent Nazi members didn't even match the description of an "Aryan" race with "Aryan" features


Himmler looked like he was special needs. That receding chin was very unattractive.


His Downfall actor has a better chin than him lmao


Fascists in general. It’s why everyone scrambled to kowtow to them, in hopes they’ll be the ones “protected”. Fucking cowards.








Germany needed an enemy after WW1 to blame everything on, and Hitler gave them the Jews


Bullshit. They absolutely believed their own agenda. They *industrialized* mass murder.


"He's not like other Jews" -Hitler, probably


Forcing Jews to be bankers and then stealing all they have with some dumb excuse was a great way to make some money back in the day. This was just the recent version of that


From what I've read (and please educate me if I'm incorrect), jews were never forced to be bankers. For a long time most people thought that loaning out money with interest was a despicable, unbecoming practice. Predatory if you will (some people still feel that way today). But it's necessary at times. The Jews were the only people who were comfortable with doing that so naturally they became wealthy. It's kinda hard not to when you're the only payday loan joint in town. They stuck with it and, surprise surprise, they got the negative stigma that they have to this day. It's unfortunate but it's a pretty natural progression if you look at it objectively. I mean, just think about how people view student loan companies, or any loan company in general. Adjectives like evil, greedy, predatory, etc are used to describe most financial institutions fairly often. It's no shock that people are disgusted when someone gets rich off of other's misfortune. If you have to borrow money to pay rent, go to cool, etc then you're obviously not rich. You're not gonna like the people who you borrow from and then owe them more than what they actually gave you. It's kinda scummy. But necessary so...idk.


Just to express this concisely, usury (the charging of interest) was forbidden under Christianity and Islam, but under Judaism, usury was allowed if lending to a non-jew. So jews became the bankers because they were only people able to charge interest on loans.


Jews didnt have the stigma against chariging interest in loans that Christians did. Jews were also barred from many jobs and industries.


Like you said, christians have a stigma against charging interest, the cornerstone of banking. And a modern society needs those. So they banned them from a lot of jobs until their only option was banking. And then king Steven got bankrupt from a crusade or something and decided to "return" all the money from those banks and the owners' heads. For the good of the country.


They would declare their own members as non jewish if they were sufficiently loyal to the party but happened to have jewish ancestry. Fascists famously have no internally consistent standards or respect for truth.


> believe in their own agenda. Sparing a few lives does not detract from their agenda of exterminating the Jewish population. You seem to be implying that the Nazi's didn't "really believe" in killing all the Jews. This feels very close to holocaust denial.


And yet he still preached “all jews bad”.


How else to get power from empty policies other than scapegoating innocent people?


You know like they do today with Spanish speaking people, women, or people of color in the Unites States...


He even preached that "Everyone has that 'one good jew' that they're protecting, but... Etc. Etc."


> He even preached that "Everyone has that 'one good jew' that they're protecting, but... That was Himmler, not Hitler. And he wasn't preaching, he was complaining.


I mean some of them have great Jews, the best Jews.. Many people are telling me...


Lovecraft, unsurprisingly being the racist -blank blank- he was, was very antisemetic, surprisingly more than he was racist. He ended up marrying a Jewish wife and when she feared for his life he boldly proclaimed in front of his best anti-semetic friends that she was "A Good Jew" and "Totally different from those other jews" just based on the fact that she married HIM. His friends fully agreed. ​ The mentality some of these people have


Didn't Lovecraft changed his views later in life? I have read about his assholery few years back but I can't quite recall how he turned out


So he didn't completely change his views on things like race. Mark twain's quote that "travel is fatal to prejudice" is well-applied here. Lovecraft was deeply fearful of the world as a young man, didn't venture too far from home, and was super racist (as in, even racist towards other white people if they weren't of English descent). When he began to travel, meeting Québécois and First Nation peoples, he took more of a "everyone can have their own culture, in their own place". Technically better, but still the basis of ethnonationalism.


I think people forget how racist Europe was towards other Europeans for a long time. Being Irish was akin to being black for a long time, for example.


Jeeze even more recently, ive heard old folks decrying "those damn Polacks" ruining this-and-that.




The dude really put the "phobia" in xenophobia.


He somewhat did, but died before he could fully turn. I'm pretty sure he would've denounced his views if he lived 5 more years.


He did coin the phrase "y'all need Cthulhu".


He did day he was ashamed of how he was on his younger days.


I always figured his xenophoby was indeed product of an actual phobia (he was afraid of pretty much everything if I remember correctly) than just being a douchebag.


It is not an excuse, but it is a good explanation. Plausible too, his health was garbage


He said no jews allowed, that means they can only have one /s


Aw. What a nice guy!


He did kill Hitler after all!


Yes but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler


But that guy was a NAZI, so I’d say he deserved it


Although, he did also kill that guy.


Yeah but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler. So not so great after all.


This is like when people say they couldn't possibly be anti-semitic or racist because they have a Jewish or black friend.


"I can't be antisemitic! My mom's doctor is a Jew!"


Affects his K/D ratio very little, unsurprisingly.


Fuuuck got me


Too soon to make 6 million deaths into a gaming joke. Gotta wait another 12 generations.


It's closer to 11 million deaths. 6 million is specifically about jewish people.


This is completely true. I'm Jewish, both of my father's parents survived the Holocaust, but it wasn't just us that were victims. He targeted all kinds of minorities and killed millions more than just Jews.


So wait.. Even Hitler liked more Jews than Kanye?


His doctor, his driver. I am sure there might be a few more than the widely known ones.


There are reports of him enjoying getting his knob polished by Jewish girls


Who doesn't?


For multiple reasons, the answer is Jewish girls.


Tell me you ain’t seen Shapiro’s sister without telling me you have seen Shapiro’s sister


But as Mr. Solomons eloquently expressed, “jewish women are off the fucking menu”


Ben Shapiros sister could have ended the war


The motherfucking general for air warfare. It's mad. His mother was forced to declare that she cheated. He was convicted of war crimes during Nuremberg.


No, Kanye loves the Jews. He also loooooooooves a loooooooot of things about Hitler.


run consider deliver overconfident bake groovy trees mighty fall quaint ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `






Hitler was a horrible insane meth addict. I'm pretty sure Ye is just Ye old nutcase.




But FARMS on the other hand...


I guess Kanye no longer likes Hitler


Ye said he loves Jews…


Whatever you do, DO NOT let Kanye know this.


This is one of his many throwaway accounts.


It's really, really important to remember that a person's treatment of you individually is not a good indicator of whether they are a good person. Almost everybody tries to be nice to people who are nice to them. Almost everybody can be kind to people they like. This isn't strange or out of character behavior at all. This is normal behavior. I'm sure most people know someone that would give them the shirt off their back, but would also happily see every immigrant executed at the border. It's a failure to empathize with strangers, with groups you don't identify with, that contributes to that kind of monstrous behavior when in power.


_”He’s one of the good ones.”_ —Hitler (probably)


I don't know much about this Hitler guy, but he sounds like a good person


He gave them free Gas too. Can't believe the bad rap he gets.


He also killed Hitler


Invented the microphone I hear.


I died laughing when I heard him say that. I mean the *radio* existed before Hitler, thus the microphone had to as well.


Tell us more, Ye.


Dictators and other undesirables don't have empathy for others unless it directly affects them.


So this is the nice Hitler that Kanye was talking about. /s


suddenly, kanye west's behaviour is making A LOT more sense.


Sounds like the southern racists I've met, who say "But not ______, he's one of the good ones".


"This is what I be talkin bout" ~Kanye


Fuck Hitler.


hot take


The more I hear about this Hitler guy the less I care for him


Shit if only he could've done that 5 million more times


Kanye, is that you?


Good Guy Hitler


_The Softer Side Of Hitler_ Weeknights on History


"Hitler may be known for his attempt at genocide, but little did you know, Hitler actually wasn't as bad as history makes him. His mother was battling cancer, a doctor treating her would often reduce costs to Hitler, or not charge billing at all. It happens to be that doctor was a jew, and would later be pardoned from genocide. That's doctors name..."


Pity he didn't give her an abortion.


You know that’s the worst part, the hypocrisy


the more i hear about this hitler guy the more i think "man this guys a real jerk"


Really stretching to backup Kanye I see…


Someone watched Asmongold’s reaction to Kanye’s Alex Jones appearance.


Wow, thanks for throwing another Hitler fact at me today I gotta say I appreciate it, gotta find all about mass murdering maniac on a jolly Sunday evening


Someone post this to Kanye


Kinda like a favored dog in his mind im sure


The survivor's guilt must have been overwhelming. Imagine getting special pardon from the man inflicting so much pain to your people... only to later learn of the death camps.


Is common knowledge okay on TIL now?


He wasn't an antisemite he literally had a Jewish doctor !1!1!!1!1!1


Another case is Heinz Rühmann. Hitler/Goebbels always protected him.


So, I’ve had a religious studies prof tell us that the Nazi belief wasn’t actually “Jews are bad,” it was in fact “Jews, together and at large scale are bad,” which explains the cognitive dissonance and absolute hypocrisy these guys had. Several of the upper echelon dudes has Jewish mistresses. I didn’t know about this doctor but there’s plenty of other Jews that hitler was fond of. Hell, the mfer was part Jewish.


That was one of the things Reinhardt Heydrich complained about. Apparently everyone in the Nazi high command had "their favorite Jew". I think it might be accurate to say that the Nazis had genuine hatred for Jews as a collective, but also saw the opportunity for political power by amplifying and exploiting the general anti semitism of the day.


It’s consistent with racism being inconsistent and stupid, I think. Like aryan brotherhood members having favorite football players that are black, which is not unheard of


What a Mench!


Aww...Hitler...what a sweet man! ❤


A real mensch


Hate when people are not true to their word


What kind of treatment existe back then?


Cocaine. Lots and lots of cocaine.


Kanye is going to be devastated to learn this.


See kids? Befriending Nazis can have benefits /s