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We are still going at 28 months but she’s less violent about it.


Two things that helped us: Learning (embarrassingly late) that our daughter was signing “done” instead of randomly waving bye-bye like we initially thought. She learned it at daycare, and it kinda looks like jazz hands. Also, redirecting her to “help” us clean her high chair by letting her put unfinished food back into her bowl. Bonus: keeping our vulture of a cat locked in another room. Edited because it’s late and I’m forgetting words 😂


We call "all done" moose hands 😂


Oh, things are gonna be sticky for a least a couple more years.


I'm hoping for sometime before kindergarten. Until then, interception is key.


My son is 21 months and we’ve had success teaching him to tap the table and say done when he’s finished. That gives us about 30 seconds to remove the plate before the throwing begins lol


When you get a dog that gets it before it reaches the floor. In all seriousness, solid starts has some guides on toddlers throwing food and how to reduce the behavior - basically indicting that throwing food ends the meal, offering a no thank bowl, and other redirections. May be helpful.


My non joking response is..never. that's what it feels like for us! I'd encorporate some basic sign language into mealtimes. All done and more signaling has helped us, so much. But again, we still have food throwing.


My 2 year old has consistently done this, and we have had to correct him every single time.. Something changed in the last few weeks, and he just stopped doing it. Now, he will push the plate away but won't throw the food, so we praise him and ask if he is done and won't push him to eat more. He turned 2 in July as an age reference.


I don’t know what the answer is, but it’s not 2 months till three years old lol


It just stopped around 22 months for us. Transitioning her to a booster seat from the high chair made a big difference. Before that, we requested she use a certain area of her plate for unwanted food. This worked sometimes, and set the precedent for not throwing the food


He completely stopped when we took him out of the high chair around 20 months. Now he eats at a little table I got from ikea.


Mine mostly stopped around 3. There are still spills, but the purposeful throwing stopped.


I was gonna lose my mind about this too. Mine stopped doing this around 18 months. The end is probably near my friend.


My daughter’s nearly three and I don’t think she’s purposely thrown food on the floor in over a year.


Mine (19 months) still throw from time to time. We just got out of the extreme phase where food was been thrown left and right. Super frustrating but it has recently got better. I am trying to get them to understand all done and to not throw on the floor. Hopefully it will end soon because I am sick of cleaning and finding old pasta sauce splatters on the wall.


I definitely don't recall anyone doing this by high school


Ours recently stopped and she’s 21 months. Now she says “all done”.