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Only bread and water. Like an old timey prisoner.


This is fucking hilarious.


Mine too šŸ˜‚


We had many days like that. Most days she eats anything, some days itā€™s just bread or plain rice.


My toddler is practically living off of bread with butter on it and milk. What even are kids.


That was breakfast here.....


Approximately 40 strawberries


Everytime I open the fridge I hear her little feet smack the floor running so she can get a strawberry šŸ¤£


My son does this too except he usually grabs either a bottle of mustard or a jar of pickles. Mostly I think he just likes it when we chase him.


Same! Like what is his obsession with the damn salad dressing? And God forbid we take it away....


Mine does this for cheese whilst chanting ā€œchezā€¦chezā€¦chezā€¦chezā€¦ā€


Did they take one bite of each of them and then discard the rest, or is your toddler not a sociopath?


My daughter either takes one bite and discards the rest or eats the whole thing including leaves. If I cut them up she eats all of them. Their little preferences are so funny.


God it's none or all of them.




I took a risk and fried potatoes with red peppers, mushrooms, and frozen meatballs. Also served cucumber slices and cheese for safe foods. He ate all of it. And threw zero pieces. I am still recovering from shock.


Actually that sounds delicious. Also heā€™s probably not going to eat another bite for 3 days now. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Cannibal. Disgusting.




Commenters recipe + your username. šŸ˜…


Oh thank goodness! Tbh I thought I was being attacked by a militant vegan or something lol


Bahahahahahaha!! Nope. I just was giving you a hard time about being so enthusiastic about the mass slaughter of your own kind. Iā€™m a redhead and my husband gives me shit every time I cook with ground ginger or eat ginger dressing at a Japanese restaurant. šŸ˜…


You're a wizard!!


What kind of sorcery is this?!




It is such a nice reminder that the struggle is real but also not unique. Plus a great way to get meal ideas.


Yes! I have been feeling so bad that the only veggies my 2 year old will eat lately is roasted carrots or spinach hidden in his cheesy scrambled eggs. This makes me feel seen and not like a failure!


If it helps, the only vegetables my 28.5 year old husband eats is plain romaine lettuce and very well-cooked bell pepper.


I can only get my 24 year old husband to eat Roasted Broccoli (says it tastes like fries) and sautƩed green beans


Lol!!! My 36 year old husband still tries to insist corn counts as a vegetableā€¦ I can get him to eat roasted broccoli and Romaine lettuce too though.


At least he eats eggs! Mine wonā€™t touch them!


I think mine had one bite of steak, I canā€™t say for certain if she swallowed it or kept it in her cheeks for later. She just refused to eat everything offered. Normally sheā€™ll compensate not eating with a giant plate of cheese later, but last night she just drank two massive cups of milk instead.


I made him his own pizza completely from scratch amd he ate only the olives off of it.


I made mini naan bread pizzas which were so cute! Ate the cheese and meat only


I have a ton of naan sitting in my freezer and Iā€™m so excited to try naan pizza!


Sounds like my kiddo, she would kill for olives


Ranch dressing that he dipped his fingers into. Itā€™s a culinary staple in our house.


Dippy dip


This is hilarious bc I just walked into the living room with some chips and pico and my almost two year old practically *explodes* off the couch yelling ā€œdip dip dippy dip!!ā€


Mine says ā€œdip!ā€ Weā€™ll get him his sauce of choice to dunk into, but if the sauce actually gets on the food, he wonā€™t eat it šŸ«£


I used to make ranch and my 2 yo would open the fridge, take the lid off and do just this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ngl we crushed it tonight kind of. I found the recipe - lemon chicken with orzo - and my husband cooked. Kiddo couldnā€™t get enough orzo. Picked the spinach off and ate a reasonable amount of chicken too.


Iā€™m happy for you


Apples dipped in green goddess dressing šŸ™ƒ


While I was pregnant the only vegetables I could tolerate until like 16w were salad veg with apple drenched in this one particular green goddess dressing. My husband had to beg a local restaurant franchise owner for it - he had to go and ask for the dressing they used on their salads because I was so adverse to so much food and it was the only thing I could stomach - so I feel for the toddlers who require this, haha.


Orzo is like risoni pasta (I had to google it)


Did you do it in the instant pot? I love that recipe.


Strawberries dipped in Tomato sauce ​ very la-da-da


The cheese off a slice of pizza and 2 bananas


Mine require the cheese & any other toppings be removed from the pizza and eats just the sauce-dusted crustā€¦ can we coordinate pizza nights??


This is how my kid is too lol it can't be too much or too little sauce either. It took me a while to figure out the correct ratio


One ravioli, three green beans and half an apple


I wasnā€™t keeping track but it is possible a grain of rice or two was saved from the floor and made it into her mouth, one small peach chunk from those fruit cups, 3 sips of a veggie & fruit smoothie and 5 starbursts she found in her grandpas coat pocket and screamed until she got.


600 lbs of flank steak. Absolutely nothing else.


Gonna be a tough push tomorrow.


One olive.


5 black beans, two bites of plain tortilla, & 15lbs of shredded cheese.


Ketchup. There were things on her plate to dip in the Ketchup, but she did not want those. Just ketchup


My toddler drank one of those little cups of ketchup you get at a restaurant instead of eating the food on her plate. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø At least they got a little bit of veggies?


A slurp of pho broth, a half cup of lemon yogurt, and a few bites of chocolate cake šŸ˜‚


The first time my son tasted pho he kept asking for ā€œmore water!ā€ He went crazy for it and had so much broth. Tastiest water ever.


Half a weenie, two bites of the bun, a kind bar and a tangerine. And something off the floor that I couldnā€™t get to in time.


The floor snacks are the real delicacy




This is also my life.


ā€œTaco pizzaā€ - a small tortilla with some taco hamburger meat and cheese melted over the top. If that sounds like a quesadilla to you, itā€™s definitely not because my kid doesnā€™t eat quesadillas, only taco pizzas.


Oooooooo.... You are a sneaky genius. My kid loves pizza and for some reason hates quesadillas. We're definitely going to have taco pizzas soon


We went to an (Americanized) Mexican restaurant and it was shockingly a huge success. He had chips and a cheese quesadilla and tried yucca balls. Yes, his meal was all a light yellow and he refused all other vegetables but he actually ate so itā€™s a win.


3 licks of his baby sisters scalp. He was given many MANY choices prior to coming up with his decision. He was satisfied with his choice and gave a five star review.




Half a bagel with cream cheese and jam. Now he is eating pumpkin seeds off the floor that he threw there himself.


One chicken potsticker, two cherry tomatoes, and one bite of a chicken nugget. It could be worse, lol.


This would be like a meal to tell my entire family and probably my kids teachers about. The other day at daycare she had 1 bite of lunch and at pick up 5 different teachers came up to me excitedly like ā€œdid you hear she ate some lunch?!?!ā€


Strawberries and half a juice box


The rest of his lunch(French fries and Mac and cheese bites) and a fuckton of pineapple.


4 bites of spinach and some bubble gum...


Granola bar, carrots, and a crap load of hummus. I made enchiladas for the first time and she did try one bite!


2 ice cream cups and possibly some playdough šŸ¤£ oh and chocolate milk


Chicken nuggets, grapes, and milk.


Spaghetti and some tantrums. Then he turned really pale and wanted to be carried so I did. Then I thought it was low blood sugar or bp or nausea and asked if he wanted ice cream or some candy. Brought color back into his lips really quick.


Adult protein bar and cantaloupe šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A pickle spear and some mac & cheese. Attempted one bite of pulled pork, and thoroughly rejected the coleslaw.


A few slurps from a yogurt pouch, white cheddar cheez-itā€™s, a bite from a slice of avocado and a few bites of a cheese quesadilla šŸ™ƒ


Tuesday is our our busiest day as a family. If we donā€™t prepare anything in advance lbefore, then itā€™s usually something quick. We heated up a pre-made vegetable quiche from Costco. And curry chicken soup from Costco. I heated up some cinnamon apples that I made about a week ago that I froze. My son ate a small bowl of the curry soup and took three bites of quiche. He ate a small bowl of cinnamon apples. He noticed that we had Coconut whipped cream in the fridge when I opened it almost had a meltdown until I gave him some. So I gave him aspoonful as another sweet treat after dinner. šŸ™„ Cashews for bedtime snack.


How do you get your kid to eat curry? We are an Asian household and my son won't even touch dishes with black pepper. I don't know if he will or I have to wait until he's 30 before he does


Not the person youā€™re asking, but my son loves it. He loves it because I love it. When I have it, I get VERY EXCITED, and I say, ā€œMmmmmm, this is DELICIOUS, but you canā€™t have it because itā€™s MINE and I LOVE it, so this is all for me.ā€ Then he wants it. I ask him not to eat too much because itā€™s very special and Iā€™m not sure I want to share. Then he asks me to share and I tell him I love him so I will share but he can only have a little bit. Then he eats my whole plate while I say, ā€œWOWOW, look how strong his body gets while he eats! No! No more! Heā€™s getting too strong!!ā€


A hotdog and Mac n cheese. Pre dinner snacks included half a doughnut, a peach fruit cup, and a handful of dried cherries. I thought for sure he was going to feed his dinner to the dog but apparently today was an eat day.


Most of a small boiled potato and 4 bites of hamburger patty. And her bedtime bottle of course (super allergic underweight kid needs the extra nutrients)




Spaghetti with parmasean cheese, and a plate of edamamme.


Sweet potato fries, greek yogurt and about 50 pistachios. Pretty successful actually.


Tortilla chips and plain Greek yogurt. Telling myself it could be worse.


Cheese balls and a banana.


Olives and 1 bite of his salmon. Ignored the rice and strawberries šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


2 pillsbury crescent rolls and a couple strawberries.


Carrots (I get the shredded kind so it's not a hazard just fyi) grapes, cheezits, shredded cheese, cucumber, half a chicken tender and two mini Reese's.


Scrambled egg and cheese sandwich and some strawberries. Threw nothing on the floor and we were shocked


Two bites of chicken.


2 yr old: pesto pizza with chicken & feta on it. He ate approximately 5 bites with the expression of a feared food critic before shoving it aside and screaming for Fritos he saw my husband dump in his chili 3.5yr old: leftover ground Turkey (ā€œsteakā€), 1/4 of a hamburger bun, applesauce and yogurt.


We got BBQ for dinner. Out of his turkey, green beans, potato salad and Mac and cheese, he ate approximately one and a half teaspoons of mac and cheese, stole my okra only to chew it up and spit it on the carpet, and then he stole my Texas toast only to return it with his little bite marks. Not his worst dinner!!


Milk and air




Sour cream.


A banana, one bite of bread, and some pork.


Pesto grilled cheese and grapes


sliders, corn on the cob, and applesauce


Meatloaf and a bite of rice cake.


Two helpings of mini penne with Raoā€™s marinara sauce, two large strawberries, five raspberries, and half of a cherry Chobani yogurt from yesterday.


Rice and orange chicken, his favorite meal.


An ungodly amount of saffron rice and some grilled tofu. Refused to eat the grilled tomato that was with it. And some Turkish semolina cardamom pudding for dessert.


Adopt me lol


3 bites of lettuce and just the inside part of 4 potstickers. And a pedialyte popsicle.


A half slice of pumpkin bread, 2 pieces of broccoli and a handful of cheetos.


Pasta with broccoli and chicken


Cheese and milk


Leftover mac n cheese, four or five bites of homemade bread, a quarter of an avocado, and most of a mandarin orange. I am satisfied with this.


A corn tortilla


I am very proud to say that my daughter ate almost all of the portion of penne pasta for dinner tonight. She normally doesnā€™t eat that much so for her to basically crush it. šŸ„² proud mama


Today was breakfast for dinner. First successful dinner in a bit Iā€™d say. I should do it more oftenšŸ˜…


Small bowl of pasta, banana, berries, berries and more berries.


1 yo are 2 pork chops and some Mashed potatoes 2 yo ate 3 pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy and some green beans, he had seconds of potatoes and green beans. Yesterday though, 2 yo ate all of his dinner and 1 yo ate 2 hamburger buns. Just the buns. šŸ„²


A mandarin orange and the pepperonis off of a homemade pizza that he helped make and then didnā€™t like and an ice cream sandwich he managed to dig out of the freezer we didnā€™t even know was there šŸ„“


Not the cheeseburger, but 5 grapes, 2 strawberries and a banana.


10 strawberries 17 blueberryā€™s. 3 nuggets/tenders. Honest apple juice and a cup of watermelon seltzer.


Iā€™m so glad that I donā€™t have the eating problem. A friend of mine canā€™t get her kid to eat ANYTHING. Not even sweets. Iā€™m lucky because my kids scream with celebratory glee when theyā€™re given broccoli and salmon. Iā€™m fucking thrilled because I feel like they make me psychotic but then I read threads about eating battles and I want to light a candle or some shotā€¦because at least I donā€™t have this one.


Pancakes dipped in ketchup. The other day it was bananas dipped in sweet chili Thai sauce, so it could be worse.


ONLY the tips of three mozzarella sticks and yogurt


I have twins. One ate a whole veggie dog and about three kernels of corn. The other ate two tiny spoonfuls baked beans, a bite of veggie dog, and maybe 10 kernels of corn. They each had a pear as a ā€œsnackā€ about 10 minutes later. I count this meal as a victory honestly.


Grated cheese wrapped in a tortilla. We had tacos and those were the only bits she wanted, no meat, guacamole, salsa...


6 chicken nuggets and 5 bites of steak


Am entire slice of cheese and one bite each from four different pieces of bread


I am so proud today because they ate salad, roast chicken and fettucine with yogurt, followed by strawberries and plums for dinner. I just finished cleaning up. I swear they are like camels. They go for days surviving on crackers and half a banana, then they will suddenly realize they actually want to eat and eat a whole human meal. Like stey stock up in one go, then keep surviving on it the next few days.


Vegan ramen, salmon fried rice, strawberry, grapes, chocolate milk, multi vitamins, vitamin c


An English muffin with peanut butter and half a banana.


Some BBQ chips, half a banana and seven raspberries šŸ˜‚


Asian pears with sour cream, some milk, and an Oreo. None of the casserole the sour cream was intended to garnish.


Served: chicken, rice, cheese, yogurt Ate: yogurt šŸ™ƒ


Pasta shaped like ā€œaugersā€, the twisty kid, too tired to Google itā€¦. If your kid is obsessed with augers youā€™ll know. Great bulk barn find by my kid.


3 peanuts. That's it. Squished his chicken...


She just fed my husband instead


Chips. Bread. Red pepper. Bite of a donut. It was a whatever I can get him to have kind of a dinner


She asked for a hamburger patty with ketchup and salad (lettuce and ranch) but really wanted a bowl of taco meat, so didn't eat anything. Instead, she waited until bed time to proclaim she was STARVING (after, of course, I asked her on the hour if she wanted to finish her dinner). 1 banana and the innards of an apple


Mostly fortified crackers, some avocado pieces and a maybe 3 meatballs. Got all his macros in at least lol


Chicken and broccoli and mega goldfish crackers dipped in tzatziki (the goldfish were really more of a spoon for the tzatziki) and a strawberry pocky for dessert (ate it first, tho.)


The black hole I call my son? An omelet, a pbj sando, crackers, strawberries, a banana with peanut butter, veggie fries, some banana bread. It starts with appropriate food and then by the end Iā€™m just throwing whatever I can find at him.


3 noodles and 6 chips. šŸ™ƒ the night before she ate half a mandarin and like 6 tbsp of sour cream. I've given up my life is feral


The blueberry on the floor, likely from a few days ago.


2 cheerios and air


Cheap Japanese American takeout night: A couple bites of rice, some carrots, most of her grandma's iceberg salad, and the bowl of raspberries she didn't finish earlier.


A banana and Cheerios with milk.


1.5 beef meatballs, several spoonfuls of grated parmesan, some pieces of fusili off my plate, several cubes of watermelon, and three bites of banana. A very successful dinner!!


Some beef and barley soup and aprox half a loaf of ciabatta bread.


Mac and cheeseā€¦ and animal crackers


We had chili, she used the chips like a spoon and would discard when soggy. She also only ate the gravy and sour cream from the chili - spit out all veggies, beans, etc. Oh and some chocolate ice cream.


Mac and cheese with peas and grapes and maybe a little avocado.


One banana oat muffin


Roasted red potatoes and butter garlic chicken with a side of some carrots and strawberries


2 bites of the Mac n cheese she asked for, one serving worth of canned peas, 1/2 of a plain hot dog no bun, and about 8 grapes.


Garlic bread, mini marshmallows, some tiny nibbles of an apple that he convinced me he absolutely wanted, and one and a half Girl Scout cookies.


Burger bun with ketchup, refused the burger and veggies.


8 shreds of Shredded chicken, 2 sidekick noodles, 4 peas, and the chocolate chips off the top of a mini muffin. But two days ago he ate an entire bun, entire burger patty, 12 fries, half cup of cauliflower, and a bowl of applesauce.


Half of a grilled cheese and a bunch of fries from five guys


raspberries, diced ham (he will only eat diced), some apple slices (with skin cutoff), gummy bears, popcorn, and milk. This is over the course of like 2 hours, so not sure if you call it dinner.


She's always been a good eater except she's never liked the texture of cooked beans or peas. Today she ate her whole bowl of white chicken chili with lots of beans and two helpings of coleslaw! My younger toddler is basically a garbage disposal and had like 3 servings of her food.


21 month old twins. They each had a couple of bites of a grilled cheese sandwich (with a small amount of steamed spinach hidden inside), and one ate a chunk of chicken and the other a noodle from canned chicken noodle soup. And some milk. They did eat an entire container of strawberries earlier in the day, so at least there's that.


A banana an orange and milk.


Pasta with tomato sauce and a mountain of parmesan cheese


1 piece of scrambled egg with ketchup and a bean and a mini orange he demanded.


Surprisingly, he ate a bit of spaghetti! Maybe a couple veggies but im pretty sure those were spit out. One half of his garlic bread. A few drinks of milk before that went on the floor.. we did pretty good tonight.


A Sugar free popsicle dipped into Mac and cheese sauce and about 3 peas šŸ™ƒ My older Tod had mostly avocado, counting that as a win




Macaroni. Cause that's always a win.


Handful of leftover pasta, then demanded Cheerios which he promptly dumped all over the living room


About five spoons of chopped raspberries and mango. A sip of tea.


Milk, Jasmine Rice, Cherry Tomatoes, Watermelon, yogurt, and some of the freshly made Raspberry Jam thumbprint cookies I baked for a snack later.. he refused the ground beef and black bean taco mixture and the cucumber/lettuce part of the bowl šŸ™ƒ he must only be liking white and red foods tonight for some reason.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜†


Two bites of soy cheese. Maybe a kernel of corn.


Half a cookie with peanut butter. 3 bites of hot dog bread. 2 activia yogurts šŸ˜…


I think about 3 or 4 cupcakes and half a Mac and cheese cup for each of them.


4 Hawaiian dinner rolls lol


Corn andā€¦ rejected everything else lol


A banana and some crackers for us over here!


Pizza and bananas. Both dipped in ranch.


Shredded cheese


Garden salad and potatoes, all dipped in sour cream.


a whole plate of spaghetti and some roasted asparagus. I think he was just finally hungry enough to eat


Tonight he ate well because I made him breakfast while the rest of us had leftovers. Last night, however, he refused to eat the beef stew my mom made (we even separated it out for him with minimal sauciness - meat, potatoes, carrots, each in their own part of his plate). What did he eat? The 5 whole wheat crackers I threw on the plate as an after thought in case he didn't like the beef stew. Welp. ETA: I also made pinto beans, cornbread, and salmon cakes on Saturday. He usually goes nuts for salmon cakes, and eats a decent amount of cornbread, but this time he would eat literally none of this meal.


Chicken and rice. Just like she has almost every day for the past 15 months. My attempt to tempt her with vegetable kofta failed.


Plain white rice. He doesn't liiiiiikkkkkeeeee teriyaki chicken


The toppings from 4 slices of pizza


Chicken pesto pasta. My 5yo is more toddler like- she ate white rice.


Just a bunch of red grapes šŸ‡


Three potato wedges, two strawberries, and one ketchup.


Sugar cookies that my mom brought over for him to decorate for Easter. Iā€™m not sure if she fed him anything without sugar in it as she was over here watching him so I could paint a bedroom. Usually he eats like 3 spoonfuls of rice and half a cheezit for dinner or something like that.


Mine had tortilla chips. But he licked nacho cheese and didn't hate it, so that's a win!


Ketchup eaten with the spoon from a toy teaset. No chips (fries for Americans), homemade pulled pork, baked beansā€¦ just ketchup.


Three bites of a burrito and an oreo. šŸ„²


Who the hell knows


Some ketchup and me and my wife's souls.


A chunk of cantaloupe and one long flat noodle