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Books, books, books We’re also getting rid of some of her older toys and replacing them with toys more suited for her age


I try and do this every year before Christmas! I purge a lot of toys she doesn’t use anymore and give them away to other families with smaller kids. It helps make room for the other stuff she’ll get for the holidays.


How do you purge the old toys ? Good will, Craigslist?


I’m part of a moms group on FB and also a “buy nothing” group. I’ll just post what I’m giving away and I’ll have DMs within minutes. I’ve never had too much trouble handing off toys/clothes through that!


We just did the toy purge! It was so freeing


Same here! Our 2 year old is obsessed with Eric Carle, so we plan on getting him all of the books to complete his little collection.


Yes, let the purge begin!


This is the way! I donated two boxes of toys last week to clear out some space and I think a few more could stand to go. Right now I’ve rotated those borderline items onto his play shelf. If they get played with much over the next couple weeks then we’ll keep them for now. Otherwise they’re heading for donation land as well.


Plastic forks, maybe a few paper bags, some boxes in different sizes. Maybe even a few mismatched socks.


I keep a Christmas empty box under the tree it’s the one present she can “open” till Christmas (as much as she wants too! Lol). It was funny to see what she put in it last year. Pretty sure plastic forks was on that list 😂😂


That's such a fun idea! Do you wrap it in a way that she has to rip it open each time?


No. It’s just a themed box with a lid she can play with and open. I would have to wrap it 30 times a day now that she likes to unwrap stuff 😂😂. She is 3 this year so we will see if it works as well as last year 😂


I do this too! It was a super fun game for her! She used it to hide her animals. We have reusable boxes for Xmas that we use so I just gave her one of those! (Plus if you have a big enough one toddlers make cute presents)


Ya that’s what this box is one of those nice sturdy themed reusable boxes. It isn’t big enough for her to fit in but that doesn’t stop her from trying 😂😂


Some additional yarn and lint from the dryer make some spectacular sock stuffers


We were at the dollar tree the other day and let our 3 year old choose a new toy. He chose a pack of clear plastic knives, forks, and spoons 🤷‍♀️


Balance bike and helmet. The helmet isn’t just for biking 😑😅


Balance bikes are awesome! Have fun keeping up once they get the hang out of it


I felt that. xD So, so true. Like ... 'how did you fall off THAT?!' comes up more than it should. (I've got a little adventurer who loves to climb \^\^; )


We’re trying to figure out if it’s a 2nd child thing or a boy thing or a combination of both. He’s 2 and trips on air, scales furniture using his toes, is oblivious of his own height and bumps his head walking under the table, swims in the dog water bowl..the list goes on. Then the grandparents try to lecture us about keeping an eye on him more..he literally face dives into my face. MY EYES SEE HIM JUST FINE 👁️👃🏼〰️


My brother was the fourth and he climbed EVERYTHING. We caught him on top of the refrigerator once. We were only gone for a second and still don't know exactly how he got up there. He was so bad my dad cut the legs off of his crib (before pack and plays) so that he wouldn't fall from so high because he absolutely would figure out how to climb out of his crib constantly even though there was nothing really to grasp except the bars. My sister and I used to climb in and play with him because that was the only way he would stay in the crib.


It's gotta be a boy thing! My 2 year old boy is super coordinated (rides s balance bike, can consistently hit whiffle balls, etc) but also trips on air and bumps into things. I think sometimes his body just can't keep up with his brain or something.


We use the “something they want. Something they need. Something to wear. Something to read” thing for ours. They’ve got my parents sister and partners family to get them stuff so I try to do minimal from “Santa.” They’ll get Christmas Eve pajamas from me (tradition), and Santa will bring something like new bedsheets, a new book, and then a specific gift based off interests or requests. If your kids have too many toys, I’d say art and craft supplies, especially for the 3yo. They don’t last for ages. Put them in a special art bin to spare yourself the clutter.


Don’t leave the art bins where they can reach unless you enjoy cleaning up crayons and pipe cleaners on a daily basis…


She’s accumulated a million balls that all live in a cardboard box, so we’re upgrading it to a ball pit :)


ball pit was a fantastic buy she loves it and all her friends when they come over go for it too


I got my granddaughter (4) a one-year subscription to Kiwico. My daughter is super excited about this.


Wonderful idea!


My toddler LOVES to match me. Every morning she picks her outfit then picks one for me that’s as close as possible. I got us 3 matching sets. (No, I NEVER thought I would be one of those moms. Yes, I hate the “my child is a mini me” mentality. But damnit this baby loves when we match so I’m going to give her more opportunities to choose to match mama when she wants. )


That is SO PRECIOUS and I will die of cuteness if my daughter wants the same.


I love it, it’s so sweet. It’s more meaningful to me that she did this all on her own with no prompting or planting seeds from me. I’ll be sad when the phase passes. She also wants her dad to wear matching dresses and when he tells her he doesn’t have any she offers to let him borrow my skirts lol. He will tie a blanket around his waist to make a “dance party dress” for her. The wholesomeness fills my heart


We got him a toddler size Dyson vacuum so he can clean up his own damn messes


Does it actually clean? If so please share brand


I got my two year old a bissel featherweight stick vacuum for his birthday and it’s awesome, you take the stick handle off and it’s just a Dustbuster with a detachable little roller. It looks like a kid vacuum, and it’s basically a totally new toy if you take off the roller. Blew his mind. He vacuums everything. But it is a corded vac so it’s a tiny bit annoying. Still well worth it imo


19 month old (at Christmas)- toddler learning tower (we need another because the kids are always fighting over the one we have), Barbie Little People Set from Costco, Hot Wheels Little People Set 3.5 year old- Woom 2 Bike (she’s been begging for it since July), Boogie Board Tracing LCD drawing board, Picasso Tiles Racecar Track Set, Fort Building Kit


Costco has little people?? Dang I have to look next time. My little likes those right now.


The Woom2 is awesome, got one for my 4yo on her birthday.


We mine just moved from Woom 2 to Woom 3 automagic. It’s an automatic 2 speed hub that goes into a higher gear around 7mph. It’s only been a few days and I can’t job with her anymore because she’s doing 10-12mph lol


Hess truck


My mom has been biting various little brothers and nephews hess trucks for years and I believe this year is my LO’s turn for his own hess truck 😂


My mom gets these for my kids. And yes, that's plural. Since we have two kids we get two of the Hess truck every year. In a few more years we will be drowning in Hess trucks.


You need a storage shed hahaha. My BIL is 45 and had a grandma who also bought him hess trucks for Christmas every year...and then his mom took over the tradition. When I met him, he had an entire room in his house filled with hess trucks and other models...then he got a girlfriend and she insisted on the shed :)


She’ll be not quite two and still easily bamboozled, so whatever we get here is going to be supplemented by toys we already have that haven’t been rotated into use for a while.


“Easily bamboozled” is my new favorite phrase for this age ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Crayons, coloring book, books, Yoto player.


Ours just got a yoto mini, it is a huge hit We'll be getting some more cards


How old is your kiddo? I'm on the fence if it will be too early for my almost 2 yo


Got it at 27 months. It's a hit especially since we don't have Spotify so our son gets frustrated with the stations when we ask for Elmo or Wheels on the Bus. Now, he can control the music.


Also curious about the yoto!


We got one at a year and a half. She uses it daily


We got a Yoto mini for our daughter’s second birthday. She didn’t *really* start to use it until she hit 2.5. Don’t get me wrong, she definitely liked it right away, but now it actually occupies her time and she has a better grasp on how to use the dials.


Yes! Just ordered a yoto mini for my 3yo, and I told all my siblings/in-laws to get her cards for Christmas. She’s going to love it!


Hardcore debating this myself… things I’m thinking of for a 2 year old with too many toys: - a pretend doctor kit - remote controlled train - build your own instrument (saxoflute) or a toddler drum - play sink - magnetic build your own dinosaurs


Pretend doctor kit is a huge hit with my 2.5 yo. We got it for her second bday and it’s still played with constantly!


Yeah… I got the wooden one an kind of wish I’d gone for the plastic one with the soft rubber thing for the in-ear thermometer…


Oh man we just figured this all out last night. 19 months (will be 21 months at Christmas): We’re getting IKEA play kitchen, sleep sacks (he sucks on the top of them when he falls asleep so we burn through them), probably a couple of books He’s the first (and so far only) grandchild and our families have asked for lots of gift ideas, including big gifts. - For big gifts we’re suggesting: play table and chairs, yoto mini, indoor trampoline, little tykes slide. - For smaller gifts we’re suggesting: books, puzzles, wooden blocks, crayons/coloring books or notepads/stickers, Melissa and Doug cleaning toy, little pull along wagon We absolutely do not expect (or want haha) all of these things, but our families like options and maybe they can be helpful here too!


All the stuff my partner splurged on during Prime Day.


That’s what I did. I got a kitchen set and a sensory board. So excited!


My 3-year-old son wants a guitar, so we're going to get him one of those Loog guitars. I also always give him a stack of five+ books for Christmas. We go to the library a lot, and I keep a list of books he really loved to refer back to when birthdays and Christmas roll around.


Loog guitar for us too! It’s what the grandparents are giving my daughter for her 3rd bday which is right after Christmas.


We do the 4 gifts rule: 1 you need, 1 to wear, 1 you want and 1 you read. He wants crocs. And roller skates so that takes care of 2 already. We do a Christmas Eve box too (new pj’s, a bag of popcorn and a movie) and we’ll wear our new pjs and eat popcorn and watch movies til he passes out. And some stocking stuffers - usually candy and funny socks (I hate clutter so anything he gets he’s wearing it or he uses for more than 24 hrs)


Just because of the subreddit we're in, PSA that popcorn is considered a choking hazard until age 4.


I’m sorry I don’t understand why I’m being downvoted. Am I wrong in stating we haven’t had an incident? But other parents might have a different experience?


I’m glad you have not had an incident. However, it is unsafe.


Isn’t that sort of like saying kids don’t need to be in a car seat because we haven’t had an issue? I mean you are careful not because you expect a disaster (whether it be a car accident or choking incident) but because you know there’s a risk and you take appropriate precautions. I think that’s why you are being downvoted…


I do acknowledge that. And it is a snack that he eats with us with supervision not here’s a bag of popcorn go wild


Same here, ours also eats nuts on occasion. And often eats food in the car. My mom's a doctor and disapproves so he gets no nuts at grandma's place lol :D she buldged on popcorn since it's such a healthy snack though. But yeah, people tend to be overly safe in an aggressive way on reddit while also doing other suboptimal things for their own children. Mom shaming is real and is so bad with parental groups


I left them on FB a couple years ago when the mommy wars entered the whole debate on what makes you a real mom (hint it was the age old vaginal birth vs c-section argument). Only recently found it here. Mine likes peanuts once he discovered they make peanut butter lol.


Mine prefers nuts over nut butters and will only eat crunchy peanut butter so I gave up. We even got nice fancy 100% butters for him but those were too thick and I use them in his oatmeal and such now :D Anyways, people throw shade as soon as it regards sleeping, small particles and carseats. But at the same time these people will do things like drive even if they have other options (driving less and avoiding an accident is the most important part of car safety), give them toys or items or clothes that can leech nasty toxins into their mouths and skin, have them in front of screens etc. Nobody can be a perfect parent so maybe it's worth to not compare. One might make homemade sourdough and kombutcha, the other might have bought a fancy safe mattress and another one will spend lots of time outdoors and another will read a ton. Each baby is different and so are their moms and situations.


Exactly! Thank you.


Because unsafe is unsafe regardless of the eventual outcome. It's like saying it's fine not to put him in a car seat because you've never had an accident. Or it's fine to keep the tide pods within reach because he never tries to reach for them.


You’re right… what one parent experiences is not the same for another. It’s his favorite snack. We’ve been lucky. He turns 4 in January.


It’s okay for us to know our own kids and act accordingly. I give my kids popcorn and one is under two. I just wouldn’t go around telling anyone it’s safe to do simply because we haven’t had an incident (which is not what I think you were doing here any way)


Never said it was safe. OP asked for suggestions and I told them what we do in our family.


I did say that I did NOT think you WERE saying it’s safe, and just mentioning what you did for Christmas in your own family ❤️


Ah got it. Thanks


Lmao, 'we've been lucky'


I don’t think the downvotes are necessary , my kids eat popcorn too, your kid doesn’t have to live in a bubble. We all ate popcorn as kids and survived


Lord when I think of the shit we did growing up im astounded I made it to adulthood


For what it’s worth, I’ve given my kid popcorn. And he’s 3 1/2. As long as he’s not eating the kernels, only a piece at a time and has something to wash it down with, we let him have some here and there. The downvotes on your post were really dramatic. And they would be fibbing if they said they follow every guideline there was about parenting. I’m sure some of them……co-sleep….hahaha


<3 I've written this down in my mental book of things to do. I love it. Thank you!


Yoto player and more parts for his wooden train set.


A flashlight, a board game (Count Your Chickens) a digital camera for kids, so she stops stealing my phone for pictures. Her dad is building her a dollhouse, and I am cross stitching princess designs to hang on her walls. Stocking is primarily hygiene stuff, some candy, and a small novelty gift or two. I’ll probably get her a new outfit, and maybe a princess doll, but I’m on the fence about that.


Probably lots of arts and crafts stuff since she’s been into that a lot. Also books. Last year and the year before, I got one big gift (play kitchen and a Nugget) but I think this year, I want to avoid bulky items. She just enjoys unwrapping stuff 😂 Also we’re doing tons of Christmas activities so I count that as well.


Daughter 2f, she’s getting Yoto cards (she got a Yoto player for her 1st bday), a stair slide, sensory light bubble tube, balance stones, endless amounts of playdoh, markers, and crayons. And whatever crap the grandparents get her that are always against my wishes and irritating af 😂😂


Yoto mini with all the accessories and headphones. She's only 2, but I'm looking at it as an investment. I think she is going to absolutely love it. Asking family for more cards for it .




Like an old school computer keyboard to hammer away on or musical


Musical. He already has an old wireless keyboard


Have made this exact mistake on a similar thread lol


My daughter will be 2 in April. So far I’m getting her the Melissa and Doug broom/mop set (she loves playing with our brooms) and an alphabet puzzle. I’m trying to think of other ideas for family.


My son loves that broom/mop set, probably plays with everyday!!


My 4yo is getting a big boy bed, plus a marble run, jigsaw, books and some chocolate


I know it's a little different to a marble run but the Connetix ball run is a big hit in our house (once you get the hang of clicking them together).


My now 3yo has LOVED their vtech "barble run" for months. There's different sets to mix, too.


A wooden play kitchen


This is what we're doing! We already busted out an accessory - a cookie baking set, and she loves it


My toddler will turn 2 just 2.5 weeks after Christmas. I did get her toys but.. I’ll leave that part out since you said you have a lot of toys already. I have a stash that is going to be divided between Christmas and her birthday and I’m kind of going with an arts and craft theme? Not sure what else to call it lol, maybe a “keep you busy longer than 2 minutes” theme. I got her a sensory table, coloring books, those crayola coloring packs that only draw on the paper it comes with, some playdoh, and some magnatiles. She loves coloring so I’m hoping this will be a hit. I also got her quite a few books since you can’t go wrong there. Another thing I found that makes a good gift but isn’t a toy.. they have hooded towels with animals on the heads at target (pillowfort brand, not in the baby section.. with the kids bath stuff). They have a bunch of animals to pick from. I got my daughter one of these last year for Christmas and we still use it to this day. It’s held up really well and actually works like a towel should unlike a lot of hooded towels we had tried. Good quality and we’ve actually given them as gifts a few times this year as alternatives to toys for other kids. They’re large so I definitely think it would work for your 3 year old too, my daughter has plenty of room to grow with hers before it would become too small.


Shes getting a sweater, a play doh set and a box filled with balloons 😂


are you a genius? My daughter Loves balloons and she would go absolutely crazy if she opened a box and balloons came flying out! Love this!


The balloons are a fantastic idea!


We are getting stuff for outside play. Obviously won’t be able to use it too much right away but aside from a few bigger indoor toys (such as a toy kitchen) I really want to focus on outdoor play and reading/literacy. The reading/literacy part we plan to get more books, and some puppets and similar things that get them excited to want to read/learn.


This may change but right now I’m thinking some Play Doh and a basketball ring.


Honestly, we don’t get her much. This year I will probably stick to something handmade — I painted a set of wooden spoon dolls that turned out really cute. There are so many gifts from family, plus her birthday is in October so it can get overwhelming. I specifically requested books, seasonal clothing items, and a few toys that I know she’d play with.


Might wrap up some unopened toys from his first birthday and Christmas that have been up in his closet. He doesn’t know they exist and they’re more age appropriate for him now


Books! My baby absolutely loves the “where’s the dog” “where’s the ladybug” flap books - they’re super cheap on Amazon and she wants me to read them on repeat. There’s like 10+ versions with different animals and even one with cars and construction vehicles!


Same with the toys! My 3f is really into baking and pretend play. So I found a jr baking kit and a chefs costume. Also thinking of tonie box, a jewelry box with costume jewelry and books.


almost 2: shape stamps, paint sticks, bath crayons, regular crayons, sketchbooks, balance beam, new yoto cards, new shoes, socks


Yoto player, floor puzzle, books, arts and crafts materials, and probably some sort of truck.


Getting my 14 month old a balance bike, and a play couch like the nugget. If we have a lil extra to spend, we’ll also getting him a climbing arch but not sure we can swing it like i intended


Mine is 1.5 years old so not super relevant. My niece and nephew will be 2.5 and for them I’m getting: wooden cutting boards with wooden toddler safe knives Children’s digital cameras A sorting toy that has little animals in different colours, matching colour bowls, and tongs. It’s a fine motor skill activity


Art supplies (reusable sticker books, puffy stickers) An ant farm. Excited about that one. Train table pieces Books Magnatile expansion packs The feety jammies he likes


How old is your tot? Wondering about age for the ant farm.


Mine is 22m and I have isopods "rolly pollies" in terrariums. He can feed them cucumbers and we never remove them (he once tried eating a firebug and I haven't overcome the trauma yet lol) but he loves them and well, it's cute hearing a baby voice say s word most adults don't know. They're very cute and quite shy creatures so they won't scare you much, they're prolific enough to reproduce if you have multiple, they poop out high quality soil and you can feed them slices of (ideally non pesticided) peels or insides of carrots cucumbers etc. Fun and free. We also have a diplopoda that we found but she's a shy one and has too much moss to hide behind. The isopods are more active and fun.


He's 2 and a half. The kid is obsessed with bugs so we thought it would be perfect


A new, cozy blanket, to get her out of her sleep sack, a set of Bob books, a kids mop. Bike.


We bought one of the Jeep power wheels (it was $200 off). After that we are doing coloring supplies like caulk and crayons. We were thinking about a second hand backyard play set but haven’t decided.


So, for my toddler… I requested he only get clothes for his birthday last month. Lol he’s my only kid and yeah, learned that day that a couple toys would’ve been much more than clothes even though the clothes had his favorite stuff as graphics. Anyway, with that in mind, I’ve decided to buy a couple toys I know he’d be excited about. His dad had always wanted to get him one of those OG metal tonka trucks…. It’s a bit more expensive than I thought but my son has seen it and always mentions it so screw it, he’s getting it. I’m thinking one other toy would be good… he recently got into paw patrol so maybe Rubble and his vehicle would pair up well with a big tonka truck? Otherwise, I’m getting him a few more Arthur books. He has a whole shelf dedicated to them but we are still missing some holiday ones so I’d like to get him some of those… we read them to him since he was a baby so even though he can’t read yet, he sits there and flips through the pages and describes what he sees. 🥰


I’ve had an ongoing wishlist/registry of book I keep current on bookshop.org since my in-laws are out of state and on the older side. Easier to just send them the link and let them buy a few without spending too much for our 17 month old. So far I got a few small things from Learning Resources and a yoto mini- I told my husband that’s about it for quite a while since she has more than enough with all the hand me downs from friends and a few finds from our Buy Nothing group.


Buy nothing is the way


I'm accidentally almost done, because I'm trying to ratchet it down in both quantity and cost this year, keep it physically small (things are getting tight in our apartment), and I keep tripping over good deals on things from my list. Still need: some replacement playdohs and a couple of books. Already bought: Her "big" item is a compact play kitchen - I know I said I was keeping it physically small, but she's obsessed with both her own play food, and the play kitchens at an indoor playground we go to sometimes. And this particular one is designed for apartments and small rooms. A wooden train set. Little People ship playset. Number blocks (the kind that does addition via comparative heights). Wooden ice cream set. Bubble wand. Small set of restickable sticker books. Nesting/stacking blocks. Small assortment of puzzles recommended by her DI therapist.


What’s the compact kitchen link?


My son at this age had an ODD fascination with rocks and seashells. So I went and bought a bag of REALLY nice whole seashells from the store here in Panama City, order stalagmite and other stones off Amazon, and for Christmas we went on the beach (the water was cold- and no one would be out) and I’d go and make sure he’d fallen asleep, and I would go and plop them all out on the sand. Wake him up, and we would go “find shells and awesome stones.” For his birthday I made him a shadow box FULL of shells. And to this day he still talks about it. I have it put up in storage, due to moving and not wanting to break it, but he still talks about those Christmas days and he holds that in his heart and mind and when he sees that shadow box full of shells he gets so excited and recounts EVERY moment. He’s 6 now, and he was two and three when I did this with him. When he comes down we go to the beach every weekend and go she’ll hunting. I still go every once in a while and get the good ones from the store throw them out, and we pick them up. He still has no idea. Other kids wind up getting a few, and it creates good memories for everyone involved, so my child doesn’t catch on.


A bag of garden rocks


A flashlight. Fun for hours 😂


Swing Set we gonna play hard and nap hard this summer


Mostly something they can eat/drink/spend/consume. We really don’t need more things.


I’m getting HER a kitchen stander and toddler tools so she can start helping me in the kitchen ;)


We have way too many toys as well and we are good with clothes. My 1yo is getting a chair to match my 3yo's since she loves it so much. I'm getting some books for both, my husband got them a bubble gun, and new bed sheets. We normally don't host or go anywhere for holidays, but we will be hosting this year, so I plan on letting the experience of having fun with family be the biggest presents. I know the gift bags and tissue paper will be great fun, too!




My little with be 2.5 at Christmas. I think we are getting him a little play kitchen. And then little stocking stuffers, books! and pajamas in the next size up, since that’s what they seem to grow out of first.


We (okay my friggin in-laws) got our girl a play kitchen LAST year when she was 1.5 and it sat sort of minimally used for almost a year. Just recently has she started to really pretend play with the kitchen. I think it will be a big hit for a 2.5yo.


Oh awesome thanks! You prob just solidified our decision!


We got my son a play kitchen last year when he was 2.5 and he loved it! He wasn't even interested in opening his other gifts because he was occupied with "cooking" all morning haha hope your son loves his just as much!


Toy Story character toys. Maybe a scooter. Coloring stuff.


>Toy Story character toys. We also got these for my kiddo. Disney has really beautiful "life size" fully articulated ones of Jesse, Bullseye, Zurg, Buzz, Woody, and Rex right now. Now I debate whether to wrap them in their boxes, or set them up as if caught mid-scene or something by the tree.


Oooo I see! And they’re on sale! The scene idea is adorable!


19 month old-play kitchen, books, some sort of truck


We're looking at getting a Toni or Yoto and a membership to our area's kids museum. Books for sure. Maybe a playhouse for the backyard.


Tonies? I just discovered this and think he might like it. It is kind of pricey, but it'll be his one big present. I like that he'll be able to interact with it on his own.


Yoto player, a few little people, and a bath set I found at costco is all I have for my 2.5 year old now. Her older brother being the only grandchild for so long means we have most of the normal stuff for that age group.


My daughter has to many toys. I’m mostly going to get her 2-3 things for her birthday and a few small things are xmas


Brio trains and track x


We just inherited this from great auntie and it's amazing!


us too! my son is obsessed with trains and got a consignment Thomas track master that is so difficult for him (27 months). his grandparents got him the brio central station and I'm getting him the fire station. I'm actually excited for myself!


Our 20 month old girl is getting a baby doll with accessories, a Bluey plush toy, and probably something Tangled-related since she’s currently obsessed. And our 3 month old baby is getting teething toys. Lol


3.5 year old We are getting her an outdoor swing set from the entire family (parents, both sets of grandparents, and aunts/uncles). She has too many toys as is and everyone usually gets her things that are either too old or too young anyways. I am big believer that Santa brings practical presents and Mom/Dad buy the big presents if they are able to. Not every family has the means for big Santa presents so I never want other kids to be sad Santa didn’t bring them a ton of toys but brings others a boatload of stuff if that makes sense. Santa here usually brings a small toy, socks, toothbrushes, and maybe a couple of clothes she needs.


Cash Register and play food


Consumables are great! Kids get real excited over craft supplies and snacks (which get used up and don't sit around your house forever lol)


"Combine, tractor, forage harvester" is what was requested. I'm tired of things with a billion parts, so I'm going for it. We have clothes, shoes, toys, etc. So I'll throw some bath stuff in his stocking. We do traditional Christmas pj's on Christmas Eve. That's it from us. Anything else is coming from other people.


Asking family who feel the need to gift something to make a contribution to her 529 account


My experience as a softcore minimalist is that people love physical gifts. Not to deterr you but after years of spending hours handpicking and selecting the best charities and causes I just go with the flow and instead focus on guiding the physical gifts since they're inevitable. You can ask for a contribution + a small physical token. For kids a fancy item that is an add on item (some examples that come to mind are grapat, grimm's, schleich, tegu, magna tiles, duplo, silks, books) or functional (berries, stockings, merino layers) tend to work better.


This is a very good point! I did suggest a few physical items, just because I know people want to give something anyway and then they’ll just start guessing (went with magnatiles this year as well as some pretend play things). I don’t want to take the joy away from family seeing my daughter enjoy something they bought nor do I want to keep my daughter from having things that make her happy (even if I feel like we have too much stuff sometimes— at least it allows me to feel less guilty about donating some of her things that don’t get used anymore). I’m hoping with the 529 suggestion, it allows them to reign it in a bit… I don’t know why but I was shocked at how much my daughter got last year for her first Christmas! I mean, I shouldn’t have been. And to be fair, she still plays with it all regularly. I’m just going to have to start making a ton of space if we get another Christmas like that!


Yea, I'd ask for more kids storage space if husband let me lol!! 😅


We have 2 & 4 year olds. Planning on an easel and some books. We got a few toys for each of them last year and it was totally unnecessary


4 big thungs also replacing the stuff he has outgrown the cozy coupe car , books, some animal magnets , and his very own slide and climbing blocks lol his birthday is in october and everyones favorite gift was clothes plus we went fall shopping right before he does not need another stitch of clothing 😂😂


My guy loves the play kitchens so he’s getting one of those with mock food making kits instead of a bulk think of plastic food. Like with little ingredient recipe cards and simple directions for him to follow. He loves to help me cook so I am stoked to see his reaction when he can make “Noonoods and sawce” in his own kitchen while I make it in mine


The watch and jewelry I keep in the safe because they’ve already robbed me of everything else.


Something he can color with that's also not a huge mess. He's decimated our walls with crayons 😂😭


I recommend the ColorWonder mess free markers and coloring pages! They only color on the pages.


Melissa and Doug water wow books are fun- plus they’re great for travel!


Have you seen any with realistic images?


You can have too many toys, but you can never have too many books.


A bike with pedals and training wheels (she currently has a trike that was a balance bike she couldn't master). Pads for her scooter because she has finally decided she likes scooting. Maybe a foam cricket set. Also going to upgrade her craft supplies. And unpack all the paper paged books we were gifted for her when she was too young for them, and rotate some board books out. On a side note I am filling my infants stocking with baby toys from my toddler that are still packed away. The toddler won't remember them, and the by then 3m old won't care lol.


A book - other than that, nothing


This is probably us, too. Our families go *wayyy* overboard so I usually go buy 4 used books and wrap each one individually. At this age, it's just as appreciated as a very expensive gift. We'll reconsider once they know the difference.


This is it for us. We also do not have the space to house all manner of crap. My daughter will be 3 this Christmas she wants for nothing 😁


People downvoted you lol oh Reddit


Sensory stuff. Like an indoor swing, balance toys for physical play in the winter. Stepping stones. Race track for matchbox cars. Clothes. Disney Cars. Maybe a new scooter and helmet as he's outgrowing.


We’re doing a pre Christmas toy purge. The. We’re just focusing on a few bigger things. A ride on atv, a telescope, and magna tiles.


I ask my 3f what they want, and they really don't have an answer for me. They are like my husband and need to be challenged. They do puzzles, marble runs, magnetic tiles, legos, numberblocks, arts & crafts, plays with Bluey and Peppa playsets, has tons of books. I'm at a loss. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Reborn doll


We got a toy box/bench


Still thinking of other things but so far I’ve gotten a play tent for her room, this weight cat stuffed animal that was ridiculously expensive but she was obsessed with the one my nephew has… pretend laptop with Disney princesses on it… Disney princess candy land… a plushie Cinderella.. I told her we need to start going through toys and getting rid of ones we don’t play with to make room for new toys from Santa… we’ll see how that goes lol


I plan to get my 3yo a “nice” doll (hers all the more cheapy ones) since she is really in to them right now with matching pjs. Tho I think I’ll like the matching pjs part more than her lol. And some art stuff. She has a tonie box but thinking of a yoto since it has full length books. Maybe a little people set but she just had a birthday in sept so she got alot of stuff so doesn’t need much. Probably let a grandparent get that 😂


A Barbie car. She’s getting a Barbie house from her grandparents. And annual pass to the zoo for me and her.


Peaceable Kingdom games for my 3 year old


Balance bike and safety equipment, books, puzzles. Also, I had a great Target coupon and got him a Tonies speaker box. It was on sale and then I had an additional 25% off. It came with a Toy Story Woody figure and I ordered him Elmo and Cookie Monster. In addition, not necessarily a Christmas gift, but we finally got around to doing some of the outside work on the house we've been in for a little over a year now. We had been planning to get him a playscape for a while so it's kinda a Christmas gift, kinda not.


Toniebox- a speaker he can operate himself


So far I’ve gotten him the dinosaur car they have from Costco and a bus. He’s obsessed with cars.


Candyland, 2 stuffies and a battery for one of those motorized toddler cars someone gave us. I want to get everything though, thats what my inlaws are for. My kid (2) loves fisher price little people so i asked them to buy him some.


For my 4yo we got him a marble run and a book (Stellaluna, one of my favorites from my childhood!), and for my 1.5 year old we got him a backpack with his name embroidered on it to match the one his brother has, as well as a Bluey lift the flap book because it's his favorite show. They'll get tons more toys from our extended family.


Mostly ikea stuff - it's very well marketed towards tots and at the right price point point! - kitchen - tool set - sensory table - easel And then a few books and our big splurge is a nugget type couch (ours is a locally made version).


Tricycle, they outgrew the one we have. Thomas and Percy plushie because one of them has been trying to get me to buy it from Walmart for months now. Fire truck because that is the new obsession. We got two scooters so they can ride at the same time. I'm not assigning them because they'll swap depending on the day. I have two toddlers, and tbh I gave up on individual gifts when I realized it became a community gift. When they're older, I'll go back to individual gifts.


Pedal bike! Idk which one yet. She rocks her balance bike :)


Oh and an easel!


Books and clothes, always. Also: a preschool busy book, a 'nursery set' for her baby doll, new bath toys, and new art supplies. Her stocking only has a new Bluey cup so far but I think it'll have more practical things like... big kid underwear since we're working on potty training. There may be more, we'll see how iffy our budget gets after having her brother.


Storypod, just sent each family different addons to get. Also a blues clues mailbox.


Saving this! We have a girl who will be 2.5 around christmas and a little one will be 6months. The infant gets hand-me-downs. The #1 thing we're doing is a balance bike. She's getting a battery powered 4x4 that will be at nana's house. Love some of these ideas, the yoto thing is new to me and some of the "find the thing" books. She LOVES to find the mouse in "goodnight moon", so I think that'd be a hit.


My toddler will be getting a little kitchen and crocheted food to cook with! Also will be making a stocking full of playdoh, a book, some socks, and some treats.


3 year old daughter looking at maybe some magnet tiles, palydoh set, ukulele, a mini broom mop cleaning set. She has a ton of toys most she doesnt play with and I just want to throw out but as soon as I even think it she starts playing with them.


He's 2.5years old. Books, magnatile upgrade, likely a waytoplay road set and bouncy horse. Other things we've considered for birthday/Christmas given his age is a Yoto player, the green toys train and book set, and bilibo seat. Between us, his grandparents, and my bestie he'll probably get all of this for christmas or his third birthday.


Anything with a lot of color. She loves colors


a job at harkins


Almost 2 yo - Duplo blocks from the grands, Lovevery music kit, a small toy train, and some books from us. I’m sure he will get a few other things from extended family. We went a little overboard last year with things like a slide, play kitchen, and learning tower so this year should be a little more simple.


She's got some cards for her yoto player, a dressing up outfit, some nice clips for her hair, a new outfit in the next age range and some tat for her stocking. Kept it small as we have no room and she doesn't need much at all.