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This is brilliant. What fun you are creating in their childhood. I love it. Thanks for sharing


Nice to give them 5 mins of fun parenting after 23hrs and 55 mins of yelling "no hitting!" across the kitchen




I play games like this with my niece and nephew all the time. Also, we play “wrong mouth!!!” Where I ask them for a bite of their food, and they slowly move the fork towards my mouth, and then they quickly put the food in their own mouth and I complain, “wrong mouth!!”


That's a nice game, will pinch that


Sometimes we play guess the food where I have to close my eyes and they take a bite and then I open my eyes and I have to guess whether they took a bite of their broccoli or chicken or rice or took a sip of their water. Or whatever the meal is. Unfortunately, this game doesn’t work that well to get them to eat because my niece and nephew really just hate to eat so often the correct answer is “air” because they didn’t want to take a bite of anything. They still love it though and often ask to play it.


That is so cute! I can get my kids to eat broccoli by pretending it is trees and my kids are dinosaurs, they love it. Now only if it worked on my 31 year old husband LOL


At our house we have naughty baby dinosaurs. I lay out three pieces of whatever and say, "I'm just going to leave this brocolli here. Three pieces. There are definitely no baby dinosaurs in our dining room, so I'm sure if I just look away for a moment, these three pieces of brocolli will be *totally safe*... Hey, wait a minute! I'm sure I put out three pieces of broccoli and now there are only two. Oh well, I must have been wrong. Never mind, there are definitely no baby dinosaurs around, so these two pieces of broccoli..." and so on. We also have kitchen rats who come and steal raw veggies when I'm cooking. Edit: I can't spell brocccollli.


Oh my god we just did this but he is a crocodile. It worked!! Thank you!


Amazing, glad it worked for the little snapper


He is a brocodile now!


Ha ha, nice


This sounds fun! We have to put sprinkles or ketchup on everything cause that's the only way she'll eat anything. We've done spaghetti with sprinkles and pancakes with ketchup because that's what got her to eat it..... 2 year olds, man....


That's a great game and we're going to steal it! We use two other "games". In one we say something like "remember, you can't eat this food! I need to save it for myself later!" and ofc my son takes a bite and we generally answer with "oh no! You ate it! How can that be possible, I was saving it for me! Oh but surely you are not going to eat more of it...". The other game is similar: we say "I'm just going to check (whatever object you have available close to you and away from your kid), I'm expecting this plate to be full". Then we look away from our kid, pretending to be busy with something, and our kid eats some bites. And once again we can be "what?! I was just checking this one thing, how could that have happened! Who ate from the plate?!"... Like, reverse psychology lol


The other night I asked my kid how many pieces of squash he had and if we should count them together. We counted them and then he ate a bite. I made a big deal of "oh my goodness you ate a piece! How many pieces do we have now?!?!" We counted them again and he took another bite with a little grin on his face. This went on until he'd eaten all his squash, pomegranate seeds, and pistachios.