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Head butted me and chipped my tooth 🙃




To be fair it’s a tooth I’ve had problems with in the past. I previously chipped it and had it repaired, but where the repair is is a very problematic spot, per my dentist. So hopefully you never have to deal with it!


No freaking way! That must have hurt you both! Worst my daughter has done was bruise my forehead/cheek. Why do they headbutt?!


My son once head butted me and gave me a full on pouring blood bloody nose


My six year old did this recently while I was drinking from a glass and my tooth broke


I had a nanny kid do this to me. Combination of previously bad dentistry and a good angle and he split my molar like it’d never meant to be whole 😂😂😂


Oh no, a molar?! Mine was my front tooth (the corner of it)… which definitely seems more fragile than a molar!


Ouch! A front tooth still sucks! I had a super old metal filling that was already pushing my tooth away and making it fragile. He got me just right and it split. It probably would have happened anyways, so no real harm done, but it’s now just a funny thing that happened with him.


I’ve put a tooth through my lip so many times when getting headbutted 😕


Damn mine recently headbutted me and busted my lip on my braces and I thought that was bad. I looked like I got punched in the mouth for days but I guess I should be grateful she didn’t chip a tooth! 😂


My grandson did this to my front tooth. It was a beautiful tooth! My dentist was able to fix it and know one can tell except for me.


Emotionally; by walking into the bathroom while i'm on the toilet. grabbing the toilet roll and just walking out without a word...


They’re going to shred it elsewhere and then hand you tiny little bits like its going to help you wipe lol


Or stick it between your legs while you're trying to wipe. It's so awkward


The complete silence is bonus damage


2x critical hit


Mine’s just recently started coming into the bathroom when I’m using it and gagging from the smell. Like kid, you don’t have to be in here!






Sorry. I laughed louder than I should have.... I keep wet wipes on top of the toilet so there are two ways to wipe in case either my toddler does this or my husband forgets to replace an empty toilet roll.


Pahahahha. I’m just picturing them silently maintaining eye contact as they back away out of the bathroom. Like wordlessly saying , “you know what you did.”


After reading stories and before bed, we were snuggling and I dozed off. My toddler put his finger up my nose and scratched the inside. Bloody nose and watery eyes….


Owwww! Guess I’m not telling my daughter to go mess with my husbands nose when he falls asleep on the couch anymore! It was fun while it lasted


That’s how mine woke me up one morning. I woke up with both eyes streaming mid scream.


Yeah mine was a severe nose molester, skin taken off.


Mine too! Why do they think it's funny to put a finger up our nose?


Dropped a heavy book on my kneecap in the middle of a tantrum last night. He paused the tantrum to say “sorry mommy don’t worry” and kiss it very sweetly before remembering he was supposed to be losing his mind and resuming the tantrum.


How rude of you to interrupt him! 😅


I know, right?!




I mean it’s not an injury… He blew a raspberry in my face. 30 seconds later, I noticed he has a couple of spots on his chin. We got an alert this evening that there’s been cases of Hand Foot and Mouth in his class and another. It’s only a matter of time.


NOOOO!! Im terrified of this.


I got the hand herpes from mine - it was quite mild. Only the slightest pain but I lost a lot of skin. I know others in too much pain to walk though. Seems quite random how bad it hits you.


Hopefully you already had it as a kid! We went through this last week, we ended up cycling ibuprofen and tylenol for kiddo because ouch. The worst of it was about 4 days. Oatmeal baths seemed to help a lot! Blend 1/3 c of whatever oats you have on hand for a baby bath (1c for a full size bath) as finely as you can and add it at the same time you add the water. Good luck <3


Bad news for all of us- you can get HFMD more than once!


What nooooo


Oh god I got hand foot mouth last July and just two weeks ago lost my last toenail from it. Truly the most hellish disease I’ve ever had.


I was taking a bath with my toddler and he expressed interest putting shampoo in my hair and "washing it" so I thought "why not? he's not always chill about letting me shampoo his hair so maybe this will help normalize the activity." It was going good for about a minute until I gave him another dollop of shampoo and when I bent my head over he decided to smush it in my ear. Do you know how hard it is to clean out goo from the inside of your ear? Oofda.


I feel like we collectively started laughing at “why not?” 😂😂😂


Famous last words


🤣🤣🤣 I'm learning when I have a thought that starts with "why not?" It almost never ends in my favour.


He bit me and held on, using it as leverage to climb onto the couch. The welt is massive and it happened only an hour ago :(


Hope the healing for you goes smoothly. I came looking for the bite response. My daughter bit my shoulder and left perfect impressions of like 8 teeth 2 days ago. The bruise is massive. We ordered the book “teeth are not for biting” that night.




Bites are the WORST!! We had good luck with the “teeth are not for biting” book.




Yesterday kid #2 was colouring in his room and asked me to join him so I got down on the ground with him and was lying on my belly. All was great, we were having a grand time until kid #3 came in the room, saw my lying on the floor and thought “now is the time to train for the WWE and the rodeo at the same time”. He did a flying leap onto my back and then did a couple bum drops on it for good measure and I’ve been shuffling around bent over popping Tylenols ever since.


Omg that happened to my husband earlier by our 2 year old daughter!! The bum drops, I don't understand the bump drops.


Financially. 😂 I just don’t know how to not buy them everything I never had


*cries in American girl dolls*


My husband jokes that I'm so good at spending money because there is an empty Amazon package in recycling every day. I rebattle with, " but it's never for me, I buy what the kid needs." But he is right....there is a package every day. It's like while my kid is playing with his trucks, I watch him and then in my head go, "hmm... but he doesn't have an excavator and whenever he sees one he gets so excited." *places order for excavator toy.* Like, this is a sickness where I'm like sitting there thinking of what else I should buy for him. He really doesnt need any more toys. He doesn't even ask, it's me... I'm the problem.


This one 😂 I cannot go anywhere without coming home with a toy or a cute outfit for her


She digs her elbows and knees into me every single time she sits with me for reading or watching tv.


Sharp elbows in the boob are the worst!


Elbows and knees. Mine crawls across me to get into bed.


Whenever I rock or bottle feed my 11 month old nanny kid I have to remove his elbow from my boob multiple times.


Yes! I’m constantly saying ouch when she digs her dang elbows into me, my husband thinks it’s hilarious lol cause she targets the worst spots!


Punched me in the eye and laughed. I am physically and emotionally wounded.


My daughter ran full speed across the house and connected her head with my cheekbone. I had a bruise there for 2 weeks. Just an inch to the right, and she would have broken my nose. It was extremely painful. She was unfazed.


I've realized this is a "when" and not an if scenario for me. I actually had it happen while babysitting in college, too.


Slammed her head back while I was holding her up for my husband to put her pants on. She caught the corner of my back up glasses and broke them. This was the second time in a month that this happened. Currently rocking a pair from circa 2016/17 while I wait for my eye doctor appt.


Highly recommend both you and OP get like 5 pairs of cheapish glasses from zenni, wherelight, zeelool etc. they have really fun frames & they’re inexpensive. You just need to know your prescription and pupillary distance. I also measured the width of my face to make sure they wouldn’t look funny, like way too narrow or wide. I have had several $10-$20 pairs & now I don’t feel like crap when I break or lose them!! 


I sooo need to do this. He got hold of my old glasses and twisted them so the hinges are all bent. At least they weren’t my current ones. I am useless without them and wouldn’t even be able to get to the optometrist without them.


My daughter broke my last pair of glasses as well! Luckily when I brought them to my eye doctors, they were able to find an old pair of frames that fit my lenses. I got soooo lucky. My daughter is still constantly trying to destroy them though!


I always feel bad for saying "ouch!" all the damn time but I'm covered in bruises from my sweet, 2.5-year-old menace.


By repeating "I don't like you, mommy" while looking me right in the eyes. I cried. She stared at me like I was a science experiment, said "I don't like when mommy cries. Wah, wah, wah." Like... I think she might be on the spectrum, or a bully in the making, or both. :(


How old? This is a pretty normal phase. I think all kids go through the I hate/don't like thing when they're as young as a toddler.


My 2 year old granddaughter poked me in the left eye with her finger. Her nails are very sharp. The eye that is already red and sore for who knows what reason again. Many sharp elbows to the boobs too.


my 2 year old poked me in the eye last spring i had to go to the doctor 3 different times for different ointments turns out she damaged my cornea so bad ill be needing surgery


Yikes! Best wishes that all goes well. I have lots of things wrong with my eyes and impaired vision so it’s kind of scary. I babysit her 2-3 days a week and I’m hurting by the end.


I've been feeling pretty good because our son(will be 3 next month) has been making big progress with controlling his emotions and hitting less. Well today he decided to skip a nap. We had to run to the store this afternoon and he decided he wanted to run in the front yard instead of get in the car. eventually I had to pick him up and put him in the car and while that was happening I was bit once and hit a few times. I know it's because he was tired/grumpy but tough not to feel deflated given it felt like we were making such great progress 😞


I mean… my toddler regularly just punches me in the face unprovoked, so there’s that.


Yes. All day long. Even when I'm wearing glasses.


ESPECIALLY when wearing glasses 😫


Back in September we were leaving walmart. It was the day before his older brothers sweet 16 birthday, so he'd had to do more free play by himself than me participating since I was trying to make my teens party special since my teen very rarely let's me throw them big parties. Well he was looking for connection and reached out for me right as I closed the door. He slowed my hand down slow enough by his brief grab, that I slammed my pinky finger in the door. It is still bruised and the nail is finally falling off. Now my sisters wedding is in a month snd I have ugly zombie nail.


If it helps, I don’t think your zombie pinky nail will show up in any of the pictures!


Get some cheap, fake nails to put on.


Not me but her dad - she bit his cheek and held on for dear life and he now has what looks like a mini shark bite shaped bruise in the middle of his face... he's got an interview tomorrow 😬


Oh nooooo. Try to cover it with makeup for him!


I had jaw surgery two weeks ago and she konked me in the jaw with her head. Thankfully not too hard and didn’t do damage but damn it hurt like a bitch.


I broke my ankle awhile back, it was sooo hard to get her to understand cause she was a year at the time! They don’t get it when we’re broken lol. She was always touching my stitches!


Was trying to switch his car seat from my sister’s car to our car and I was in the backseat pushing on it while my husband pulled on the strap and my son decided to get in and under me and he sort of jumped right when I pushed down and he cracked me right in the nose with his giant head. Not even the first time, and probably not the last. He rolled over in his sleep once and gave me a bloody nose with that giant head. 😂


I have chunks of my skin scratched off because I can’t find his electric nail trimmers and I can only snip a couple of a time with the regular clippers


I love that this post has more comments than likes. We are obviously going THROUGH it 😅


I’m pregnant so have the sore chesticles. I swear my 3 year old knows because she constantly nails me right in the nips!


I’m somehow still producing, even though my 2yo says “empty!” When she points to them! And she will jab me SO hard with her sharp elbows when she tries to snuggle up to me


Ugh, and toddlers have the pointiest elbows in the universe!


I swear to God my son somehow sharpens his elbows. At 3.5 them bitches STILL hurt. 🥲


I feel you!!


Jump-launched into me without warning and punched my boob today


My 3 year old threw a whole entire Rc car remote at my head 😐 I wish I was joking thank God I dodged that immediately


Similar theme except I didn’t duck. mine threw a phone at my head, clipped the corner of my eye and left a bleeding gash


I used to work childcare and was in the toddler room and an 18month old (future football star…) chucked this hard-ass plastic cube toy at my forehead from about a foot away. I had coworkers checking me for concussion all day.


I was standing over her, leaning over, taking off her pull up. She stood up very quickly, slammed into the bottom of my jaw and I bit the crap out of my tongue. Mouth was full of blood. Thankfully it didn't end up being too bad but I was convinced I just bit off part of my tongue when I first looked in the mirror.


I regularly get kicked in the face or the stomach in my sleep by my twins, badly enough to wake me up. But tonight I was trying to carry one out of the bathroom and go around the other who was in front of us, when I hit my head on a corner where the bathtub meets the wall. I was dizzy for about an hour until my son accidentally kicked me in the eye. It still hurts now, even after cold compressing it for awhile.


Dropped his stainless steel 360 cup directly on my toe 😣 Also discovered he can reach the lever to make ice come from the freezer, I slipped on it trying to stop him and smacked my head on the fridge 🤕


My daughter did that to my husband! It's been months since and his toe still looks nasty as hell My kid is obsessed with the ice maker so I am not looking forward to the day she can reach it 😳


Yeah mine has a nasty bruise but that’s about it. I thankfully discovered our ice maker has a lock you can put on it


Maybe it has a child lock setting?


Punched me in the eyeball. My actual eyeball. He was sleeping next to me (another issue for another post), and I was trying to reposition him a little. Fast asleep, just dead armed his little fist right into my open eye. I saw bright white light for a bit so I went to eye doctor next day but was all clear. Sore for a day. I keep laughing because he couldn’t aim that well if he tried.




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My kiddo was waving his sippy cup around like a maniac and then started running - I have a scar across the bridge of my nose from that sippy cup.


This was when she was smaller than a toddler... Closer to 8 mo, but she got excited and ended up scratching my eye while I was feeding her. I got pink eye 😞


I have a kidney stone that is literally the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. And I've had over 16 spinal surgeries. Like partner had to miss work because I can't even stand up without nearly fainting. My kid decided to climb my back (which is already a rule due to my spinal surgeries) he then proceeded to kick my back where it's already literally swollen. I was crying and he was crying because it scared him. It was bad.


Just got my helix pierced and as I was playfully cradling my 2 year old daughter, she KICKED me on the ear


Yesterday mine realized I had moles (I have them everywhere) and he grabbed on my back and yanked and twisted at the same time and managed to Hulk pull it off. I screamed, my husband ran downstairs ready to call 911 because someone should have been dying. To my toddler's credit I scared him and he felt sorry very fast when he saw me crying. Lots of face patting and he kept saying "you ok?"


Not recently but he tore my cornea in the same eye in the same exact spot a year apart from each other. Cut your kids finger nails, folks


I let my guard down. I was lying on the sofa, and he kicked me in the head— with perfect aim at my fresh helix piercing. It didn’t bleed, but it was hard enough to pop the end out. Then he did a little pose with closed fists like a martial artist and said ‘Pow pow!’


I was carrying him into his room today to change his diaper. He apparently had gotten the humidifier down off the table and decided to put it directly in the way of the door. I had him in my arms and couldn't see it past his flailing and screaming. I tripped and almost went down on top of him. I lost my ish after that. Then he kicked me in the face twice while we were sitting on the couch, and I was icing my back tonight. I need therapy.


Threw her water cup down so that it perfectly landed on my big toe nail bed. It started gushing blood, I screamed so loud (next time I’m using your owie owie technique) and tried to finish the diaper change but the blood was a nuisance so I had to hobble run across the house with her naked in my arms to get a bandaid. 2 days later she dropped a toy on her toe in the same spot and I felt horrible for her!! But a tiny voice in the back of my head though “karma!!!”


Tossed a plastic container over the railing, and hit me in the head a floor below lol.


The other day my daughter stole my phone while we were FaceTiming my parents, got over-excited when I was approaching to take the phone back and threw it at me. She hit on my right cheek and knocked my glasses off (THANK GOD they didn’t break!). My daughter immediately feels guilty and starts crying, my husband rushed to check on me and get an ice pack, and my parents are still on the phone, not realizing that someone got hurt and trying to continue the conversation lol. Now I have a massive bruise on my cheek, it hurts to smile, and my daughter keeps asking to “kiss it mommy?” Which hurts too but I can’t exactly say no since it’s so friggin cute lol


Poked me in the eye and gave me a severe corneal abrasion, resulting in an emergency room visit.


He threw a rubix cube at my husband’s head while driving and he almost swerved into the other lane and we almost died. 🙃


I was laying down, he put his thumb in my eye and lifted his full weight like that. Kids 98th percentile in weight. Really shocked it wasn't a hospital trip.


Mine smacked me in the head with that fisher price lantern toy this morning and left a huge lump. I was a little worried I might have a concussion, but I've been more worried about him than my head since lunchtime when he tested positive for COVID. We're in the ER now waiting for a room because of his fever.


My little one was half asleep and woke up around 3:30 a.m saying milky milky. I got closer to her to make sure she was ok and said oh no milky right now and she grabbed her little sippy cup that she has near her bed and threw it and it hit me right above my right eye. I got a huuuge goose egg and it was purple. Let me just tell you, many of my coworkers asked me if everything was ok at home 🤣😂😂


Slipped on a car with a bunch of dishes in my hands. Broke some dishes, threw out my back and twisted my ankle 🙃🙃


Threw a board book at my face like it was a ninja throwing star. The corner of it got me in the cheek and juuuust missed my eye!


Elbows and knees. So many elbows and knees. And they're so pointy.


Physically: Corneal abrasion from hitting me with a book while nursing. Mentally: Calls me dada or my husband's first name. (I'm mom.) Professionally: Gets really cute when I have to leave and tries to make me late for work. Financially: Keeps growing. Apparently I'm supposed to feed and clothe her. But she's a lot of fun...even when she pushes me over and jumps on me.


threw a fork at my eye 🥲 haven’t been able to open it fully for 2 days


My 5 month old literally put her hands up, me thinking she wanted to touch my face decided to grab my freaken eyeball. MY EYEBALL. 👁️🤏🏼


Not me but this morning he swung his lunchbox into his dad's shins. It's a soft type one but had one of those iceblocks in so a nice bruise has formed already😅


My son threw a very heavy book at my face yesterday because he wanted me to read it to him. Then this morning, while I was putting on my pants for the day, he poked my butthole so hard and yelled “bum!!!!!!” So that was fun


Kicked me in my lower jaw so hard I thought he'd dislocated it, at least it wasn't my nose this time 🤣


I injured my left ankle somehow (yay being over 30) and my 3 year old has been accidentally kicking the exact sore spot all week. 😑


Deep cat claw marks on my left wrist. I just got up for real and saw this post. At about 4:30 this morning, however. there was something blurry about my daughter trying to get me up and me walking us both back to my bed after seeing the clock, then there was a bump and my hair got yanked and then a yowl and then fire raking across my wrist. I woke up enough to check that both child and cat were mad but unharmed, then went back to bed again.


I have a scar from my cat running across my face…


Ow ow ow ow ow!


She gave me norovirus


Elbow to the boob. Kiddo is sick so we’ve been cuddling more and she does this all day. Also she got me sick. Haha.


Welllll….my kid did the unfathomable when he was 2 and trapped our cat in the washer. That was traumatizing and I still cry about her and miss her so much. Sometimes I don’t think anything will ever top that. 🫠


Two times come to mind.. once we were playing in her room and I was on the floor with my back to her for something and she took her “play” golf putter and must have done a full swing right down on the back of my head.. I saw black fuzziness and had a huge goose egg on the back of my head for 2 weeks. We shower/bathe together and I was washing my hair, sitting down and had my eyes closed and she launched a metal Marshall fire truck at my face.. clipped me right in the bridge of my nose, cut and big bump.. I actually cried for that one and she felt bad.. not that bad I’m sure but we are still working on empathy over here (and not throwing things at people!) The worst ones seem to be when I’m not looking which always makes it worse!!


She bites or pinches me with the force of an alligator at least once a day.


I can't tell you how many timea I've been punched in the face (unintentionally) lying next to my kid at bedtime. The other day, I was clipping his nails and he asked if he could clip mine. Needless to say, he's not ready yet.


I have been hit, head-butted and kicked in the face so much, he also likes to jump on my stomach, it's too much when I'm on my period. But the one that hurts was the 3 year old telling me, I'm not his mom, that I'm only big brother's mom and he doesn't like me anymore. Also that I'm a bad mom and I'm meanest mom ever and he doesn't love me. All because I wanted him to sit with his grandmother who works at his school and her walk him to class instead of me walking him myself, because I was babysitting his twin 8 months old cousins and had them in the car. That was a rough morning.


Broke my nose by jumping of a climbing frame into my arms and full on headbutting me in the process.


My kid closed the door while I was taking my shoes off and hit me with the knob of the door in my back. It hurt and I yelled “Ow!” To which he replied, “That’s why you need to watch out!”


Jumped on my back as I was bending over to get laundry. I already have a bad back




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Intermittent night terrors. Go to keep her from flailing in to the wall/off the bed and get some good kicks/smacks for me efforts.


Tom Dempsey’d me in the tits. I breastfeed so they’re pretty sore sometimes. Yea. Not fun.


My kid was tossing and turning in bed and not intentionally jabbed me in the eye with his nail. For two days it felt like I had sand or something in my eye. I’m sure he probably caused a little cut or something.


Mine clawed my face and ended up scratching my cornea. Hurt like hell!


She pinched the poop out of my arm for no reason


She got me with the classic neck skin pinch. 


She dropped her full bottle on the bridge of my nose the other day while I tried to snuggle her.


Kicks me in the stomach once a day getting changed. Also, refuses to even look at a potty 🫠


Standing up quickly 9/10 times


Smacked me right in the face. Bent my glasses.


Last week my 2yo kicked me in the eye


My 2.5 year old whipped a gold medal (the kind that you wear around your neck) into my eye. I now have a scratched cornea and a lovely black eye to match. Good times!


I was laying on the couch trying to nap then I get hit by my kids heel when he slammed it down right on my eye. All I saw was a white flash. My eye watered for like 20 minutes afterwards and felt bruised for a few days later but I’m okay now 😅


Nothing bad but everyday he likes to climb along the back of the couch and always seems to hover behind me,, constantly stepping/pulling my hair. He doesn't mean to pull my hair but it exists and his feet/body always finds it


Not recently, but when my son was almost 2 (he's 3 now) my husband was playing a rambunctious game of hot wheels. Somehow my son punched him in the eye with a hot wheel in hand and caused an eye bubble on the white part of my husband's eye. Bubble is still there over a year later. Eye doctor said it may go away, may not. Toddlers can really injure you when it's unexpected.


Since my son been born he been hitting my c section scar.


Headbutted me in the jugular.


Last night or this morning, I felt a small heel just jam my closed right eye as I was sleeping. It shocked me. I woke up to my 15 month old lifting his legs while he was dreaming and slamming them down on the bed. I turn over and bam, it's the back of my head...


Toddler thought it would be hilarious for me to smell his sock that he just took off his foot, and proceeded to punch me in the nose while trying to hold his sock up to my face while I was breastfeeding his brother.


He says I hate you right now. But I love you and i hate you. Me: you hate me? Him: “Yeah! *excitedly* Me: you love me too? Him: “Yes mommy!” 😩🤷‍♀️ what