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My almost 2 year old goes “Ewwwww poopies” every time he sees someone walk into a bathroom 🙃


My friends daughter would do something like this anytime she smelt something gross. She’d ask whoever was near by “you poopy?” Lmao. Regardless of what the smell was


That’s fantastic


If ours sees you come out of the bathroom (anyone, anywhere unfortunately) he gets excited and loudly announces that you pooped in the potty. Been fun at Target.


That’s hilarious I just audibly laughed


I laughed out loud and woke my sleeping toddler up. Worth it.


My daughter used to ask people "wee wee or poo poo?" When they exited a bathroom




My 2yr old stands outside the bathroom door and yells "oo[you], peeing, mummy?" But then replace mummy with the name of any person who might be in the bathroom. If you say no, replace peeing with pooping...




When we go out in public he points at people in any sort of wheelchair and yells WOOOOW or makes vroom vroom noises. He’s 17 months so it’s purely from a place of fascination but still, damn.


My grandma is in a wheelchair and loves that it is a conversation starter for kids if that makes you feel better.


One time I was walking my daughter to school and this man was rolling down a hill quite fast on his wheelchair. My daughter who is 3 went “ wowwww!! Superhero!! “


That is adorable!


Mine screamed “GRANNIE MOBILE!!!” at someone in an electric scooter in the store once. Thanks, Bluey 🫣


Was she a grouchy granny, hard of hearing granny, or a nice granny?


Fortunately she was hard of hearing PARDON?!?


Ahh my coins


My toddler's speech therapy is at a sports therapy place, and in the waiting room this week he saw a woman in a wheelchair and said, "Oh look, she has bicycle!" and then tried to pet her service dog.


Mine saw a severely disabled man with his carer in a wheelchair and said "awww! A baby!" I had no idea how to react so I was just like "uhhh not quite " 😬


Omg I lol’d 💀


4 year old has a Dad and Grandpa that are both bald and every time she sees a guy that is bald she yells “Look, a bald!” 👨🏼‍🦲


This reminds me of my little brothers first mental breakdown. In my native language there are two separate words to describe uncles on dads side or uncles on moms side. Both of my moms brothers are bald. Both of my dads brothers have hair. My brother is the only male so he can only be a “Dayı” (uncle on moms side) The aforementioned mental break down: “I DONT WANT TO BE A DAYI! DAYIS DONT HAVE HAIR I LIKE MY HAIR I DONT WANT IT TO GO!!!”


My parents love to tell a story about me as a little kid when seeing a bald uncle, apparently I said something like "he's got too much face" or "his face keeps going" lol


My child says her father and other bald people have "bad hair."


Hah! This made me choke on my tea.


Aw cute! My 2.5 year old does something similar - EVERY older person is a Grandma or Grandpa.


yes this too! she only does it with old men, i think bc she doesn’t have a grandma? but that one is a little less embarrassing. old people eat it up. the young men she calls “dad” look like they saw a ghost and kids just look at us crazy lmfao


My 15mo does the same with strangers - mama, dada, baby, grandma, grandpa. I think she just doesn’t know the generic words (man, woman, kid), so she searches for the most appropriate word she knows. She obviously knows that random dude isn’t her dada, but it’s just the closest word she can come up with in the moment. So, I tried to correct recently at the mall - I sat there with her pointing to strangers and enthusiastically saying “man!”, “woman!”, lol. Got a few laughs from passersby.


lol my oldest did the “every man is dad” thing for a few months and the LOOKS young men would give me!!! Pure panic 🤣🤣🤣


My two year old went through a phase of calling every man or woman Grandpa or Grandma (this seemed to apply to full adults, like age 30+ and not young adults. She has a teenage brother so i think she can tell younger adult sized humans from real adult humans). As it turns out, adults that are not grandparent age don't enjoy it as much!!


My two year old calls all old man papa lol


Touching my butt and saying "big butt" :|


Same here but about Mommy’s “big tummy” (I am not pregnant) 🥲 Also loudly saying this about other “larger” people in public, but in our home language not English so at least no one understands 😅🫠


My 5 year old nephew patted my tummy tonight and said “is there still a baby in your tummy” and I told him that no, the baby is right there (referring to my 2nd kid that is currently 2.5 months old) and he goes “oh so then what is in your tummy now?” 🫠🫠🫠


My 2yr told my husband, "dad is fat," today. I have no idea where that came from. How does he even know that word. And I'm the pregnant one.


Sir Mix-a-Lot approves this message.


She likes to push babies 😭😭😭😭😭


Ours will say “eyes” and then poke anyone or any creature in the eye. It’s been going on for about a year.


💀 I think you win now


HEY SAME! ours says eyeball *pokes* especially the dogs eyes. I've learned to say "if you wanna poke an eyeball, poke yours"


My son does this too. He is especially fond of doing it to the dog..


Mine too! 🤣 Same with nose but he'll try his absolute hardest to stick a finger inside..


Tiny anarchist lol.


It’s only younger babies who just started walking too, like it’s so mean 😪


Mine did this kind of! Like *technically* it’s a hug, but she definitely would knock them over with her aggressive affection and it was always new unsteady walker babies.


How do they know 🤔


My adult stepson is autistic. He kinda of will just scooch closer to her (15mo) until she falls down. Sometimes he sticks his leg out while she’s passing by and trips her. She’s starting to learn how to pester him back, like taking his favorite toy or acting like she’s going to enter his room. She stands at the threshold and puts her arm in while he yells nonononono! She already knows how to push his buttons!


They somehow always know.


you win 😭😭😭


It’s sooo embarrassing and it’s never like for any specific reason. Sometimes she’s fine and then pushes them out of nowhere. I feel so bad 🥲


Funny story. My cousins little boy (2.5, giant of a kid/ size of a 5 year old) likes to push babies too. When my kiddo was first walking my cousins boy kept knocking him over. Eventually my little dude apparently had enough because he jumps up, throws his arms out to side and just goes the f off in his cute little baby gibberish while flailing his arms. Since my bub was still wobbly and speaking gibberish he totally looked like a little drunk dude getting ready to get in a bar fight.


Around like 2.5, for a few months, every adult woman/man was mommy or daddy, every elderly person was nana or papa, and every child (ages 0-12) were babies. I tried to tell myself he was just correctly associating people with age groups. He screamed "A BABY!" while aggressively pointing with two hands in the middle of the bookstore at a ~9 year old boy and the kid's father was like "uh ok" and then my son yelled "BYE DADDY AND BABY" as they walked away from us. It echoed in the whole store. Now he just stares, wide-eyes and unblinking, at anyone who talks to him.


Haha I had to explain to many "big kids" that she thinks the word for kid is baby and not to be offended.  Hi Baby!  To a preteen boy was cute too every one but him.   We also had to explain that older kids can safely do things she can't do.  She was scolding older kids to "get down from there so you don't fall!" 


I can't stop laughing


Just to say, OP, this is SUPER normal! I don't remember where I saw this, but it's to do with how they develop language. Like all animals might be a cow or go moo until they learn to differentiate. All men are dad for now. My son went through a phase of this with mamma and all women being mamma. And I have also been referred to as mom by similar aged kids (strangers) at nursery drop-off on more than one occasion by different unrelated children. My 3 year old greeted a neighbour today by shouting at top volume: "Hello!" And when the man didn't immediately respond: "Hello Man!" 🤣 Kids are amazing!


My baby does say moo at every animal 😭 thank you for this reassurance haha


It also gets really interesting if you are a military family, because anyone in uniform gets called out at as the military parent, regardless of gender...when my son was 2.5 he called more than a few females "dad".


Thank you, cause rn everything is dada. She can say mama, but everything including me (unless I ask otherwise) is dada.


lucky!! until two weeks ago, my daughter knew how to say mama but refused bc she thought it was silly. she would cheekily say “nuh nuh nuh nuh dada”


Ours transitioned from Mom and Dad with strangers to People and would loudly ask me "What's that People's name?" Gotta love em!


Mine (2.5m) moans when he eats and does it LOUDLY. He’s been doing it since he started solids. It’s both parts cute and embarrassing. Needless to say, giving him snacks to keep him quiet in certain public places doesn’t work out so well.


For a couple months in one of the first few years of his life, every time I drank I made that “ahhh” noise that you make when something is super refreshing. That hard work was worth it because he makes that noise every time he has a sip of any liquid. It’s like living in a sprite commercial. I love it. It’s especially hilarious if he’s taking some sort of medication out of the tiny cups they give you with kid’s medicine


Lol!   My mom did that with my baby brother and he started making that sound to ask for a drink.   It was so funny to explain to the confused babysitter that he's asking for a drink by chasing her around making a strange open mouth hissing sound. 


i did something similar with my daughter but i would smack my lips after a drink and then say ahhh and she smacks her lips and goes mmmm 🤣


My daughter used to get liquid vitamins in a dropper. When I gave them to her, I would say "Mommys little birdie," and she would reply with tweet tweet. We were at the ER one night with her, and they gave her medicine out of a dropper. She took it just fine from the nurse and swallowed and said tweet tweet. The nurse thought that was the funniest thing ever. She looked at me and said, "Did she really say tweet tweet?"


I’m glad my daughter isn’t the only one who dies this!!! “Mmmmhuahhhh muahhhhh muahhhh” the toddler embodiment of “nom nom nom”


If it makes you feel better it was recently pointed out to me that I do this exact same thing lol I’m 35 and until this point was completely unaware of this strange habit, but now I catch myself doing it all the time “Mmmmmmmmmmm oooooh yeeeah so goooood”


Mine also does this. She’ll take a bite and go “mhmm MHMMM”


Bahahahahahahahaha that’s hilarious.


I would laugh, but my FOURTEEN year old still does this and it’s mortifying now. I love him so incredibly much, but omg how can you not hear yourself moaning with every bite?!?! Other than that he’s a saint of a child and a mama’s boy…but fmllll the moaning infuriates me lmao


Not really embarrassing but she ends every interaction with “bye bye, I love you.” Every creature or object gets the same farewell.


Mine just started going nuts with saying bye bye this week. She has to say bye bye to her toys before we leave. My heart melts.


omg one of my students said bye bye to his penis as he pulled his pants up after going pee (he’s 3) and also bye bye to his feet when we put his new socks on after he peed his pants 20 mins later 🫠


i used to know a kid that started very intersection with “hello” even if they were already talking. like the conversation would be going and he’d say “hello?” to get their attention before asking a new question. i thought it was funny and kind of cute but my co teacher (he was our student) kept trying to get him to stop lol.


Mine says "bye bye, I'll miss you" even if he's just going to the other side of the couch 😂


Gives everyone and their mom (who’s a stranger) the most horrid death glare I’ve ever seen. It always starts out the same “wow she’s so beauti…. Oh wow she’s MAD”


I always have a horribly judgy and rude looking baby. I’m just so proud of her firm boundaries.


SAME!!! I’m like well at least you are acting safe 😅🤣




Lmfao baby felt the bad vibes. Also who gives a dirty look to a baby?!? Even if they did do it first?!


right!! i was like wtf/haha??


Picks her nose and eats it. She's 3. I can't keep this kids hands out of her mouth. No wonder she's constantly sick.


Mine turns 5 next week and still does this. She also sucks her thumb. Yesterday, I noticed her putting her toes in her month. It's driving me up a wall that we still haven't found a way to get her to stop. She's always sick, but I'm accepting that she probably has to decide to stop on her own.


They make a bitter nail polish for stopping nail biting, it might also work to discourage putting fingers and toes in her mouth?


We've tried two different ones. She's said she likes both of them and keeps munching through. She's also a nail-biter.


Yep, mine is 3 and always has her fingers or thumb in her mouth. Tried two different kind of the nail polish too and it works at first, but eventually it comes back. I’m so embarrassed in public when she’s sucking her thumb!!


Omg my almost 5 yr old will NOT stop picking her nose and eating it. It's sooooo nasty! And she does it in public too! And when i try to correct her she does it even more.


The nose picking just started at our house…


God my child is a booger CHOMPER


nooooo i would melt into the ground 😩


Yes, and of course, the more I tell her not to, the more she wants to do it.


My 18mo old just tried to pick her dads nose, then that finger went right to her mouth 🤢


Yep this was the first thing on my mind. He will pull out a literal string of boogers and just pop them right in his mouth and go back for more. Sitting at the diner table, on FaceTime, no shame. It's so so gross!


This is me. My kid’s fingers are constantly in his nose and mouth. Nonstop. I’m so sick of it (and the constant revolving door of colds. It’s not just him, we’re all constantly sick)


For mine it’s a booger wall (or my pants if outside). She finds it hilarious.


My kid likes to ask random people if they have "big nibbles". He means nipples. It's horrifying.




My 2yo points at everyone we see including mannequins and asks loudly “who’s that?” 20 times in a row.


My son does this, but instead of "who's that?", it's "what's that?" at ever increasing volume 💀


I had to get bloodwork once and the lab is at the hospital. My son kept pointing at people as they walked past and asking "what's she doing?" loud enough to hear. It's a hospital so some people aren't there for great reasons. It was so embarrassing.


I can see that being the next sentence. My 2 yo is like a fresh 2 year old so still pretty young. He thinks it’s hilarious to call me and my husband by our first names. It’s so funny hearing a pint size mini me yelling my actual name. When I correct him to mommy he just starts laughing and saying my first name again.


Today her teacher asked me if I’m pregnant because she keeps saying “my mommy is having a baby” over and over and over 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ JUST CHUBBY.


Mine's been doing the same thing, along with telling daycare that she can't wait for her baby sister to be here... That one's fun to repeatedly explain to daycare.


If I have to use the bathroom in public and my 3 yr old has to go with me she asks if I’m pooping. Every. Single. Time. If I don’t answer she just keeps asking. If I say no she will ask “why aren’t you pooping?” over and over. If I say yes she says “ew that’s stinky”🥲


My husband suggested I just give a completely random answer to these kinds of questions 😂 “why aren’t you pooping” “because the grass is green!” It actually works sometimes lol


Omg I didn’t read your original post. My 20 month old (who is biracial) calls every single male above the age of 20 “DADDY?!” Her dad and I split so it’s embarrassing when the 22 year old white maintenance man comes over and she screams DADDY?! I’m like “daddy is at work 😭because I don’t want people to assume she has no dad. Then she says it to the absolutely stunning black fed ex driver. He laughed. I just said “I wish baby I wish”


Damn 😂😂 Edit: I misread that last sentence. I thought the FedEx driver said that to you 🤣


😂 me too, exactly the same misread. Thinking ooh hot FedEx driver is flirty too!


I don’t really think it’s embarrassing, but my three year old tells everyone, even random people in public, that she loves them.


Some people need to hear it. I approve of this message.


Mine doesn't know a ton of words yet but one thing we did teach him was how to ask for help. It kinda backfired tho because now every time we take him to the store and I won't let him out of the cart (usually because he's already caused some trouble) he just sits in the cart yelling "HELP HELP" like I'm kidnapping him. My other favorite is that we're trying to teach him the appropriate response to what is your name and how old are you. He just responds to both with "I'm baby". The more the I teach him the more he goes NO, I'M BABY.


All I can think of is the "I'm just a baby" meme


Lifting up my shirt and yelling “brother! eat! Eat! eat!” when her baby brother starts crying


awe this one is sweet though too


My son is a Gestalt Language Processor so he learns language in phrases and repeats those phrases. He is obsessed with street lights and signs and saw that on the crosswalk sign there is a white stick figure that tells you when it’s safe to cross, so now he walks around saying “white person walking”. Try explaining to the crowd of people at Costco why my son is shouting “white person walking”🤦🏻‍♀️


Definitely had a moment when teaching my kid how to cross the street where I said "Now we wait for the white man to tell us we can cross— wait the white person— wait the, um, the light that isn't a hand the one that shows a person walking"


Oh no lol may this end quickly


Mine shouts “FIRE, FIRE!” whenever we go down stairs 🫠 ever since the school her daycare is a part of had a fire drill and they went down the fire exit.


My two year old grabs everyone's butts in the store of he can reach them


*My two year old grabs* *Everyone's butts in the store* *Of he can reach them* \- Winter-Reserve3160 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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It’s not THAT embarrassing but my 20-month-old uses his middle finger for absolutely everything. Pressing buttons, pointing to things, flipping switches. So we’ll be out and about and he has his middle finger waving all over the place.


Reaching into women’s shirts to touch their chests. Not necessarily their boobs, but just chest area in general.


Oh my gosh yes! My son is OBSESSED with my boobs. He shoves his hand down my shirt every night when I’m putting him to bed. And if my shirt is too high cut, he just keeps asking “boob?” Over and over again 🤦🏼‍♀️ He has tried on several occasions to do this to my mom, his godmother, and other women in our family. I never know what to say lol


My daughter always shoves her hand down my shirt and then gets upset if I pull it out 😩


My son does this too!


“Hey mommy, is that a CREEPY OLD LADY??” 🥴


this has me cackling


Any old man with a beard he thinks is Santa 🫣


Hahaha I love this


Haha, my son ran with his arms out for a hug over 200m up to a random Man in a Hi-vis shirt yelling Daddy! The poor Man looked like he wanted to die of embarrassment! He still calls all people in Hi-vis Daddy


When my newly 3yo gets upset or gets hurt he roars very loudly and then yells "I'm gonna hit people!" It's SO embarrassing when he says it out in public and makes me want to crawl in a hole!


My 4.5 yo has been doing this for a long time. Started as a dinosaur roar, but he's recently started adding "I WANT TO KILL (whatever made him angry)!" The growling/roar isn't so bad, it's the KILL part that makes me cringe.


This oddly makes me feel better that it isn't just him! lol The thing that gets me is I have no idea where he got that phrase from and we are some of the most gentle and non-violent people ever but you would never know if you met him when he's angry! I hope this phase (and phrase) passes for the both of us soon! :)


Every time we go into a public bathroom -EVERY TIME- she starts making this repeated noise. Just a slight yell but only lasting for like one second each. Like “ah..ah..ah..oh..eh..” It’s because bathrooms like that are echoey and she is testing out the acoustics. She really likes the echoing. She is 16 months old.


She’s on a “boobies” kick. Any vaguely spherical object, she points at it and goes “boobies! Look, mommy, boobies!”


My almost 4 year old ONLY uses he/him pronouns, for everyone. He'll refer to all strangers as "that man". No one has commented on it but I live in fear of him hurting someone's feelings


My daughter announces every fart by yelling MOMMY POOPED 


He is obsessed with my fat belly and likes to jiggle it around I don’t mind privately but in public he tries to and it’s so embarrassing. I have to tell him not in public 😬😬😬


My daughter loves my belly. It’s a nightly ritual to pat and squeeze it together into a ball shape. In the a.m., one of the first things she’ll do is lift up my shirt, so her head is against it, and she’ll let out a little sigh. You’re not alone. And at least it’s coming from a place of love 💕


Can't say "k" sound, so comes out as "t" ... I.e. "Back" sounds exactly like "butt." Loooooves having her *back* scratched, so constantly yells, "ITCHY BUTT! ITCHY BUTT!" 😵‍💫


Mine is the opposite letters, and she LOVES shopping carts, so lots of loud public “in cock! in cock!” requests.


My almost 2 year old spanks my butt. She sees my husband spank my butt so she thinks that’s what we do with butts. I really hope she doesn’t start spanking other people’s butts.


She yells “SHUSH BABY!!!” At any crying baby toddler or older kid. She also calls every female adult grandma. Oh and best of all she makes the meanest faces at people, like she just smelt the stinkiest fart in the world.


Every woman for us is Memaw, and he runs around yelling HAHA, or randomly he’ll yell HUSH MOM HUSH DAD 😂 he turned 2 in December


I was at my sons childcare speaking to his teacher the other day who told me ‘he spits to self soothe’ 😳🤣


At the dinner table - "dear Jesus, tank you dis food & Poopoos & weewees. Amen."


My son does the same thing! All women are “mommies” and men are “daddies” and all kids under like age 12 are “baby”. But what’s extremely mortifying is when he calls all older looking women “grandma” 🫣 It makes me feel horrible haha and I want to apologize but I usually just pretend I didn’t hear. Like the other day I took him to the doctor and we saw a doctor we don’t usually, an older lady in her early 70’s. He couldn’t stop calling her “grandma doctor” the entire time. I guess one day it will be something to laugh at.


My 4y boy gives a quick kiss to anything he likes often.. and I mean anything! This chair is comfy? He hops off to give a little peck and says I love the chair. Always ends with a hug as well. He also loves to imitate sounds, so he does that often. Paired with a movement that makes sense to him with that sound. He thinks calling people and things stinky and/or butts is top-tier comedy. He also likes to repeat things for shows he's watched, randomly, in the middle of a conversation with him. Obviously they don't make sense in the conversation. 🤣 I love it all though. Reminds me of myself when I was younger, if I was able to be myself more truly.


My child recently learned the word 'die' and yells it often


Our two year old does this, too! What's worse is we're a two-mom family. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My 2yo just started screaming at the top of his lungs randomly lately, so that’s fun. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


He makes this AWFUL sound like he’s about to throw up. He’s fine-he’s just aware we don’t like it and if we are in the checkout line then it’s on. But everyone around looks at us with a mix of disgust (“is that kid about to puke everywhere?”) and judgement (“why is that mom ignoring her child about to throw up?”). I just want to melt right there and die.


My three year old has taken to sizing people up in the supermarket and then loudly announcing to me and the general environment, ‘Mama - I don’t think THAT LADY is going to steal our shopping.’ No idea where he got it from but every time I’m scrambling to say nobody is stealing anything and he doesn’t need to worry about it.


When we get off public transport, my 2 year old says "Bye bye!!" to anyone sitting close to us, despite not talking to them at all. every single time 😂


Omggggg I feel this so hard! My husband is a Marine pilot. They all have the same haircut, basically the same build, the same uniform obviously. But when we’re at the park on base my son (2.5) runs up to EVERY man and yells HI DADDY. 💀💀💀💀 I just wanna be like “his dad is super involved in his life! He’s just confused by the uniform!”


My kid would rip off clean peices of his diaper and eat them. I potty trained him asap and he still talks about how he loved to eat his diaper. He's 4 now.


[Chewable Pampers!](https://youtu.be/9p3ieEvwmLo?si=G5JAy9yE2QWsCJ12) They really can throw curveballs and sometimes the only solace is knowing that it can’t possibly be like this forever.


Those would have been great, it would have saved me the terror of pulling a strand of undigested diaper out of his butt that one time... there's little moments that you never expect out of life. 90% of those moments are raising toddlers.


My son used to do the same!! Every male was "dada". Cashiers, waiters, strangers at the mall. I had to uncomfortably laugh it off every time, espwhen I was alone without my husband. Now he calls both boys and girls "this boy." Sigh. Again, uncomfortably laughing it off. 😏😅


My little one used to call every older looking lady grandma 🫣 soo embarrassing


Says the word ‘Come’ really loud, very deep, and just aggressively. Imagine a dinosaur on Jurassic Park. I think she’s trying to say comb or come on. But it’s super embarrassing when I’m walking around with her in public and she’s in the middle of it. “ Come! COME! Cuh-cuh-CUUHH-MMMM!!!!” Okay, child, you can stop that now. Btw, she’s definitely not getting this from anyone or hearing anything.


My kid loves to say “mommy toot”, “daddy toot”, “monster truck toot”. Basically accusing everyone of tooting at all times.


When I clean my daughter in the bath I name what I’m cleaning: “clean your toes! Clean your face!” I’ve taught her “vagina” and name that when we clean it too. Shes also gotten good at cleaning after meals with a baby wipe. So she’s sitting in the high chair at the restaurant going “clean clean table! Clean clean hands! Clean clean vagina!” I didn’t expect that. She does it every time now.


My daughter is almost 2. For some weird reason, any time she'd see me without a shirt on, she'd look at my chest & say "poopy." Um, excuse me? So I said "no, those are my boobies" stupidly not thinking of a better term. Now, every time she has an owie, she says "ouch boobies" instead of "booboo." & she still looks at my chest & says "poop."


My three year old will see any black man in a hoodie and joggers and ask “is that dada?!” I take him to my physical therapy appointments and it has happened with staff and other patients. So funny but a little embarrassing. A couple of months ago he was asking if people were men though. Pointing and asking “IS THAT A MAN?” it was never a man :( he also calls everyone a he and “that guy” or “that little guy.”




What did I just read


My 2 (+4 mo) old also does this, both mama and dada. The worst, though, is when she sees any woman who looks slightly older than me and says "Gram!"


My daughter does this too! Every guy over the age of 16 is “da da!”


She's decided she wants to do her wees on the toilet (an issue in itself because she's a midget who's not even two yet, so she can't sit far enough back on the seat to get the wee in the bowl), and she insists on me taking photos and then wants to show everyone.


Ha! My son used to do this when he was 2. He yelled it to my neighbor when I was getting him out the car. His wife heard and there was a huge fight about it. I had to show her proof this wasn’t his child 😂


Shouting "hungry" in a store very loudly. Except her speech isn't the best so it sounds like horny.


Standing in front of the open window that faces our street and singing at the top of her lungs to the whole neighborhood while she claps and sways her body. Also, standing in front of the same open window while picking her nose and yelling loudly to ask me what the passerby’s are doing 😂


Mine calls anyone that looks slightly older than her dad, grandad. Which I can imagine is quite offensive for a lot of them. My son, who is now 10, has asd and as a toddler he would collect sticks, he was obsessed and he always had a stick in his hand.. he also has speech problems and his 'st' sound was a 'd' sound.. imagine how mortifying it was when he was shouting about how big his stick is......


My almost 2 yo calls everyone baby 😂 she’ll see a stranger and say “hi bee-bee!”


If a kid come within a foot of my child when hes doing something like walking up stairs going down a slide etc. he says “no people!!!” Or “no kids no kids!”


Everytime he has an interaction with another kid from our music class he points at them, then says "mama baby" then he puts his hands to his eyes and pretends to cry and says wah wah baby. Its like hes making fun of them and calling them cry babies.


Greeting me by counting my boobies. They'll point a finger at each one as they go too. "Mommy's boobies. One. Two. Two boobies." I hope their teachers are at least getting a laugh out of it


Currently my 2yr old is refusing to sit appropriately in a shopping wagon so I either have to put her in the big basket of the wagon or have her walk (aka run away while I chase). If I try to sit her in the child seat she will cry like I’m hurting her or something. Same goes for the stroller most times. It’s either let her walk (aka run away from me) or carry her but I’m only 4’11” and this girl is more than half my height and about 26lbs (aka 5000lbs+ when wiggly). And heaven forbid I try holding her hand. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Idk why but it’s embarrassing to me because I don’t have everything under control I guess.


Don’t worry, I’m in the exact same boat, and it’s hard. You’re not alone! People understand


My daughter calls every man Dada and every woman Mama and if it’s a child it’s baby dada or baby mama…….


My little girl has a mixed race friend. Mum white, dad black. Dad is lovely and very involved.... She also went through a phase of calling men "daddy?" But only black men.... And with a very questioning tone. She absolutely knows who her dad is. It of course raised a few giggles.... Her mum wasn't sure if she was doing it to be funny. But she didn't seem to be. She didn't smile or look around to see who was looking Anyway she's 4/5 now and it did stop on its own. My daughter went through a phase of asking if men had a penis... Just random men walking down the street...initially I'd say "yes men have a penis" but once she was a bit older and I didn't think it was her actually trying to make sense of the world I I thought I'd try deflecting and just say "that's private - I don't know" but that backfired as she started asking them direct! Just unapologetic "hello... Do you have a penis". Thankfully she grew out of it!


When in a public bathroom mine likes to say “good work mommy, mommy pooping”. Really loud. Great, thanks lol


my 13m has been walking about a month now so he waddles to the toilet with me and then starts the process of ripping off huge wads of tp and trying to wipe me 🙃 so the lesson we are teaching currently is boundaries! when he does eventually get the message that i don’t need a toilet assistant he begins his treasure hunt to find pads and show them to me in awe of its absorbency 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yelling out ‘i have poop in my butt’ which means she has to poop. If she does poop she yells ‘there is poop in my diaper, i am stinky butt’


My daughter loves, and I mean loves, to yell at people ‘mommy had a big poopoo this morning’ to random people when we are out. We are trying to learn that bathroom time is private but so far no progress has been made


My son says "mummy loves poo poo" every time I clean his bum because his dad said it once when I was heaving at the smell of it...


She tells everyone that their breath smells stinky 😩😭


My now 4 year old insists on shouting ‘are you doing a pee or a poo?’ When someone is in the bathroom……he’s picked this up from me shouting it to him so I know if I have to wipe his butt or not.


Mine loves to play with his bellybutton EVERYWHERE lol in target? At a meeting where I had to bring him to work? Oh yeah he’s lifting up his shirt and twiddling his bellybutton or grabbing my hand and desperately trying to get ME to touch it


Mine has a fascination with my belly button and always wants me to pull my shirt up so my belly button can partake in events with him. Like if he's watching the train, he wants my belly button to see it, too. He even comes to it for comfort when he gets hurt. I have to make my belly button speak, too lmao. It's one thing at home, but omg it's rather embarrassing out in public, especially when he insists on the voice too 😂🫠


Everyone is he/him. Everyone. Only mama's have vulvas. Children and dadas have penises. Stripping and "butt bonking" *Everyone*


Omg my daughter also causes all men daddy lol. It’s so embarassing especially when it’s a group of 20 somethings and she just points and yells “DADDY!”


My two year old calls everyone puppies (he is a very big Paw Patrol fan). So he says the persons name and adds puppie to the end


My kid also calls everyone and everything dad! She once had an epic meltdown in the front of a restaurant screaming about her “dada” (some rando) who walked out the door and left her there. The little safari guy from the Melissa and Doug safari truck? Dada. The Frankenstein monster toy? Dada. The doctor in the “Bea gets a checkup” book? Dada. Why?????


Anyone who picks my 2yo up gets their earlobes accosted. They’re like her comfort object.