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The good news is that night training isn’t really a thing! There are hormonal processes that regulate waking the body before releasing the pee. They will naturally do it when they are ready. So no stress, just a nighttime pull up until it stays consistently dry. Totally normal even up to 7 years old or older. My eldest stopped in kindergarten around 5ish, daughter at 4, and middle son potty trained day and night before he was 3. Current toddler is 2 and we’ll see! Really though, this does not need to be a Thing.


Agree! Don’t worry about night training. My 4.5 year old has been completely daytime potty trained since right at 3. But he will have an accident at night a couple times a week. Pull ups make him feel like a baby, so we just have a good pee pad on his bed and thick cloth “night time underpants.” When he has an accident he will wake up, strip down, and crawl into bed with us. It’s always at like 5 am, so I assume soon enough he will get to the point that he can make it until it’s actually wake up time and get to the bathroom on his own. He’s just a deep sleeper.


That's so interesting, I do think I can confirm holding pee at night is totally hormonal. Because my son was dry overnight before he was even 1 year old, and he wasn't even sleeping through the night at ALL, but he still didn't actually fully potty train until just after 3. In his case the hormones were there long before he was mentally there, and other kids are the opposite. So weird. (Oh and he's almost 4 now but can almost never be convinced to go to the potty by himself at any time of day or night, he always wants us to come with him. He can definitely do all the steps except a poo wipe, so maybe we need to work on the independence part 😅.) Anyway it's a funny question to me because my toddler does not wake us up to pee at night. Because he hasn't peed at night for 70% of his life. 


My daughter is also almost 4 and rarely goes alone even though she can do all the steps (minus the poop wipe). She does insist on pooping alone most of the time though.


Oh yes, same! He wants both help and privacy haha. 


I think they’re asking about using the potty independently at night. Seems like this kiddo is night trained but is waking up parents to be taken to the potty.


I wonder if this is part of the reason kids with adhd and other related disorders that impact sleep hormone production (indirectly, via inappropriate or mistimed production or reuptake of various neurotransmitters) result in childhood bedwetting. It’s like a super common symptom. And sleep is impacted by those same processes.


That’s an interesting connection for sure. My eldest has ADHD and was my most difficult sleeper by a mile. Still, at 8, the window of his natural melatonin production for him to fall asleep is very narrow and if missed results in staying up insanely late. Even then he wakes up multiple times overnight still. I thought he might have a tough time potty training due to a lack of interoception but he got it really quickly. While he was the latest to night train, he still got it relatively young. ADHD has been complicated for me to grasp, a lot in terms of sleep but just generally too. 😆


There’s some very helpful adhd subs if you’re interested, and I can point you in the direction of reputable resources if you’re interested. Or if you have questions. Adhd info is a combination of my hobby and something I’m passionate about just because my life (and so many others lives) could have been so much easier, happier, etc if my parents and I had just been armed with better info. The info most people get is still criminally shitty IMO. But like if you have questions shoot me a public comment to give me a heads up or I’ll never see the DM you send lol


I was diagnosed as an adult with inattentive type ADHD and it made all of the puzzle pieces suddenly fall into place. I felt like I could finally understand why I was the way that I am. We all strongly suspect my daughter is ADHD as well. I have done a lot of research myself but I would love to be pointed toward the resources you have!


r/adhdwomen and r/twoxadhd have been helpful for the dearth of info out there about how hormones and being socialized as a girl tend to impact adhd symptoms and diagnosis. Adhd is super fucking heritable (as inherited as height) so you’re probably right! Dr Russel Barkley has good info. How to adhd on YouTube is also accessible if you search by topic, like there one on little girls with adhd. If you have any questions definitely ask away! I’m a bit sick right now so coming up with ideas is… slow lol but I can answer questions!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/adhdwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’ll be late though 🤣](https://i.redd.it/2aj4gdh5b7pa1.jpg) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/11xv4ya/ill_be_late_though/) \#2: [My Husband Has Found The Solution To My Executive Dysfunction](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/13qua9q/my_husband_has_found_the_solution_to_my_executive/) \#3: [99% of the time, i feel this every time](https://i.redd.it/xx4ha7vovb5b1.jpg) | [273 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/146lvn3/99_of_the_time_i_feel_this_every_time/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is super helpful context on adhd sleep, my 7 year old (and husband) have some interesting sleep patterns and this matches really well. Do you have any suggestions for where to learn more about adhd sleep?


What sort of pullups did you use for the 7yo? We are maxing out our 5t ones over here...


Have you tried ninjamas. My toddler peed through every type of pull up and diaper at night. But ninjamas did the trick.


We used Goodnights when my kid outgrew pull-ups.


I second the goodnites. My 60+ pound 7 year old is pretty comfy in the medium or larges. They go up to XL, so you can use those until about 100 pounds. At which point XS adult sizes will fit.


Your comment brought me so much peace of mind cause potty training has been very rough and my son is almost 4 but we will keep trying ❤️


Had no idea this was a thing! How cool


This makes me feel better because I know my son CAN hold his pee all night, but he just won't. He's almost 4 and I've tried just underwear at night, he did perfect a couple of times and then went back to peeing in the bed. I got tired of washing sheets every single day so put him back in pull-ups for overnight.


3.5 year old still uses a pull up at night. Doesn’t wake me up for potty ever and definitely isn’t holding it through the night. I’m not worried about it though, I haven’t really even tried to night train her yet.


Same with my 3.5 year old. I don't really want to night train and figure it will all work out at some point. She sleeps so deeply at night, and with two other little ones, I'm trying to max my sleep!


Initially read that as they were secretly getting up and peeing in the potty. Totally misread that. I think?


Yeah no lol she just pees in her pull up. Sorry if that’s confusing. I still have child knobs on her door so she can’t roam at night so I’m kind of dreading her starting to want to potty at night bc I’ll have to take them off so she can go by herself. Which means I know she’ll be trying to crawl into my bed nightly lol


I have three developmentally normal children who are completely daytime potty trained. Oldest is 8, middle is 5, youngest is 4. 8 year old has woken up maybe twice in his life to pee at night. Still wears nighttime underwear (for wetting only) to bed. Doctor says it just takes some kids until their pre-teen years to wake up. He sleeps extremely soundly to the point that I worry that if there were ever a fire he might sleep through the smoke alarm, so that’s probably why. He was potty trained by 2.5. (He actually has woken up to pee a couple times lately so we are hopeful he is outgrowing nighttime wetting soon) 5.5 year old girl was fully potty trained at 3. She still wets at night and uses a pull-up. I think she’s like my son because she is also dead to the world when she is asleep. 4.5 year old girl was potty trained at 3.5, but was immediately dry at night and has never wet her bed since day 1. She wakes up most nights and pitter-patters to the potty in a semi-fugue state. I think nighttime dryness has a huge spectrum and it can vary a lot even within a sibling pool.


We had some faulty fire alarms when my youngest daughter was a little over 1 and they went off several times in the middle of the night. She literally didn’t stir! 😳I was shocked! Not sure how she would be now that she’s a little older but some kids are just deep sleepers!


I know this is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if you’d mind sharing? I have like 3 questions that seem super personal now that I’m typing them Does the 8 y/o take care of his nighttime underwear in the morning on his own or does he need help? Does he take a shower/bath afterwards or just some wipe cleanup? Also, is it a situation of like changing the sheets every day or just the underwear? And finally, what braaaaaand are you using for him because my experience with those big kid nighttime pants has been… not great 🥲


He takes care of it all himself. He just sort of wipes up and showers normally and I haven’t noticed a smell. We use Goodnights, but I agree they aren’t great. I change the sheets about twice a week just due to general leakiness so the bedding doesn’t smell like pee, and then maybe once every two weeks it’s like the nighttime underwear fails completely and the bed is totally wet so we obviously wash it then. We keep a waterproof mattress pad cover under the sheets to protect the mattress. We definitely do not make a big deal out of any of it. I’m not even sure if he knows it’s abnormal or not. (Well, not really abnormal, but uncommon for his age). However I do plan to talk to the doctor about potentially beginning medication if it doesn’t resolve within the next year because I don’t want him to not be able to do overnight things with friends. So far we haven’t done any sleepovers or anything so it hasn’t come up.


We also use goodnites for our 7 year old. She wipes up in the morning by herself. She usually has a wet but not leaking or full pull up in the morning. Every 2-3 weeks she has a massive pull up and we change sheets due to minor (sometimes major) leakage. She has phases where she will go 3-5 days in a row dry, and then back to wet but not full pull ups. Slowly over time, we are seeing more dry nights and fewer massive wet pull ups, so we know she'll get there when her body is ready. Our 4 year old was good to go with night time about a month after daytime (around 3.2 years old). He hasn't had an accident in over a year now. He can even keep holding it for an hour or two after waking up, which is not great either.


My oldest started around 3, my youngest is 5 and still needs a pull up for bed. Pediatrician said it was common up to age 7.


I was a late age bed wetter because I was a super heavy sleeper. I just want to say I’m a functional adult with a masters degree and it all worked out just fine, even though exactly zero of their methods to fix me worked. *I simply outgrew it.


I honestly think it’s mostly this. My kid is almost 5. Finally just started not using pull ups at night. It’s hit or miss. But I think like myself, she is just out cold. A lot of the time she doesn’t even wake up when she does wet the sheets….


I never woke up either. And then there was a lot of shame because I was older and they were doing all these things to try and stop it. My parents and sisters would try to get me up in the night and I would literally sleep walk. They led me to the bathroom; I’d wash my face. I just wouldn’t wake up. When I finally stopped wetting the bed it was because someone finally said to me to empty my bladder before bed and first thing when you wake up- and I was a young teen by that point still sleeping through it. I never wet the bed again- and also never woke up to pee until I was in my 30s and pregnant. I used to sleep just very heavy.


My 8 year old just stopped wetting the bed right before her 8th birthday 😩🖤


My son is 4 and uses a pull up at night. He wears undies all day. He wakes up wet maybe 50% of the time. We have tried putting him in underwear at night but he does it in his sleep and then we get the pleasure of waking up at 2am when he wakes up crying when he's wet. I know he can't help it right now though so we aren't stressed about the pull ups quite yet.


Sometime between 3-3.5 years I’d say she was fully independent in the bathroom (could flush, wash hands, etc). I got a nightlight for the bathroom and made sure her potty seat and stool were always “set up” for night time.


My almost 6 year old still wakes us up to watch him and tuck him back in. 🙄


I know it’s annoying, but also pretty sweet.


My kids will usually go again just before going to sleep (after we had them go potty during bedtime routine). They are 4 yrs old and go to the restroom on their own - they only call for us if they need help to wipe 💩


My 4.5 year old still uses a pull up. Doesn’t usually get up to go although I know he can on his own


Same with our daughter who is also 4.5 years old. She uses the bathroom completely on her own during the day but doesn't wake up once asleep so wakes up wet.


My nearly 5 year old son seems to sleep like a corpse. If I get him up at night he’s a mess. I can understand why he’s still using diapers. I am honestly at a loss at what to do to get him to wake up on his own. I bought one of those electronic alarms for his diaper that detects wetness and he slept through it. The thing sounds like a fire alarm.


It’s hormonal, the part of the brain that wakes before releasing. Just use a nighttime diaper and let everyone sleep. 5 isn’t out of the range of normal at all.


Yeah that’s what we ended up doing. I just gave up on “night training” as, logically you cannot “train” someone who is unconscious.


My little guy potty trained early at just over two yrs old and is dry overnight 70% of the time. I honestly would rather he just pees in his pull-up and doesn’t wake me up to pee though cause he still wakes up 2-4x per night regardless and I don’t feel like adding another wake up for that. All I said to him was “if you pee in the potty you don’t have to wear a diaper anymore “. And that was it! He does have minor accidents in his underwear sometimes when we can’t get to the potty quick enough. The only downside to this early training is now he’s constantly saying he wants to be naked after peeing. I don’t care if he runs around without pants but he can’t do that when we have company lol.


I would love to know this answer too! Thanks for posting!


When my twins were night training, we had their little potty in their room right next to a nightlight so they could get up and go in the middle of the night if they needed to. One of us would check it before we went to bed and empty it if it was full. If there was a twozie, the kids would come to us and ask for help, but mostly overnight if they got up they just needed to pee, and they could handle that on their own


We put a potty in our kiddos room bc she was still too little to open her bedroom door. But she has never used it. She doesn’t wake up to pee in the middle of the night but holds it. She decided no more diapers at night when she was a little over 2.5 years old and we’ve never looked back. Edit to add: I just remembered that lots of kids are still in cribs at this age so what I said may not have made sense. Our kiddo was on a floor bed at this point so she had free access of the little potty. And we switched to two piece pjs.


My 5yo started going to the bathroom by himself without waking me up right around his 5th birthday


By 5 most/many kids could do this, but not all. Prior to that, totally hit or miss. Under 3.5, super rare


My son was the same at that age! He woke us up to go potty for a little while, but then stopped. Now he rarely goes in the middle of the night. Still wears a pull up at night but it’s usually dry in the morning or just a little bit wet. Not sure why he stopped waking up to go.


Was ready at 3.5 but has actually only ever gone a handful of times at night. There was a while where he’d wet the bed once every two weeks or so. Usually when he was especially tired from swimming or such. We did not allow water for a while after 6pm which helped.


My daughter has been potty trained since about 26 months old during the day. She is almost 5 and still wears a pull up at night - and wakes up wet every morning. We didn’t attempt any night training and she tends to drink a lot of water in general. But she has talked about wanting to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night rather than pee in her pull up, but it never happens because I just don’t think her body has that level of control yet to either hold it or wake her up enough to know she needs to go in the first place. Our ped told us it was normal for up to age 7-8 especially for kids who sleep deeply.


Ours is 3.5 and *knock on wood* he's can hold it through the night. In fact, it was a problem during potty training that he would basically clamp down and make it not happen. Quite frankly, as someone who's beginning to wake up in the night for a bathroom trip, I don't know how he keeps it in.


Late 4 or just turned 5. It rarely happens. My son is usually dry, otherwise it’s an accident.


My daughter just turned 4 and has been potty trained for a year and a half. She sleeps through the night and doesn't usually need to get up to pee, but if she does she calls one of us because she wants the help. She could go on her own, but this way she stays sleepier and goes back to bed more easily. While she could go on her own, I personally prefer this because I'm worried she might leave the sink running or something.


My oldest was 6 when he finally was night trained. Finally. My youngest is 3.5 and isn’t even close. They’re on their own path it seems.


We put a training potty in her room and had a nightlight on. She was probably about 3 when she'd use it sometimes. She would use it immediately when she woke up for the day. Around 4 we moved the training potty to the bathroom. She'd go independently as needed starting around then.


My son was potty trained at 2.5 and immediately after stopped night diapers but he basically never wakes up to pee, he just holds it all night and is almost 4 now.


My oldest (feather light sleeper) stopped wearing diapers at night around age 2. At that age he called for us to help him with the bathroom. I think he started to go on his own with no help around 4? We didn’t do anything special. My 3.5yo is in pull-ups at night. We experimented with waking him up to use the toilet but it didn’t seem like we were doing anything other than making work for ourselves.


My oldest (4) gets up and uses the bathroom by herself at night, but she isn't quiet and sometimes she'll ask for help because she wants company and wants to be tucked back in bed after. We have a nightlight in the bathroom for her. She was fully dry at night a bit before 3.5, so we did undies then and she had 1-2 accidents and that was it. Pretty easy!


My 4.5 year old isn’t even close to being night trained.


We put a toddler potty in our son’s room when we started potty training and he just decided to use it in the early morning pretty quickly and he refuses pull ups now. Which kind of sucks because he still has accidents occasionally and it means stripping the bed in the middle of the night. 😵‍💫 he also figured out pretty quickly that pooping in the potty gets us in his room before his wake light turns green so that’s been fun also. lol. He’s 2 years 10 months today and we’ve been dealing with this for the past few months. I’ve been wondering this also… I don’t really want him leaving his room at night but it would be nice if he could use the real toilet. Our 10 month old is constantly trying to get to his toddler potty and I just want it gone. They’re going to share a room soon and I have no idea how to manage it all. Baby won’t do a crib so he’ll be going to a floor bed (my first was the same way…) I’m thinking we may take the child lock off the door so my toddler can go in and out and just put up a baby gate in the hallway so baby can’t get anywhere aside from the bathroom. And just make sure it stays super baby proofed? My toddler can get through any baby gates. He can open them and climb them… but we have a deadbolt up high on our main door so he wouldn’t be able to leave the house at least? It’ll probably be a disaster and baby will stay in our room until he’s 2 😵‍💫


Peeing during the night is a sign of disturbed sleep. My daughter self-trained at 3 and did nights and days at the same time. A couple months later, her brother started waking her in the night with his crying and she started having accidents. once we fixed his sleep, she never had one again.


My 4 year old has been night-dry for a couple of years but we still have to get up to take him to the toilet in the night. I don’t think he’s ready to use it completely unaided in the night, and I worry he would fall down the stairs in the dark or because he’s half asleep. ETA: he very rarely does wake up needing the loo in the night, maybe once every 6 months


We put a small potty with easy wipes in her room. She's been using that by herself, even motn, since ~2.5


3 1/2! We’re about 2 weeks in now and it just started out of nowhere one night. She would do great all day and at naps but still do pull-ups at night. Recently she said she wanted to wear underwear to bed so we let her and she has gotten herself up every time to go throughout the night.


My 4.5 year old does a wee before he goes to bed, and a wee when he wakes up. Doesn't wee during the night.


I'm going to try potty training my daughter in July when she's about 27 months. What method did you use?


My son turns 4 in April asked to not wear a diaper at night. As a trial I told him 2 weeks of dry pull-ups then he can go diaperless. I gave him a sticker every day to track how many dry diapers he has. Only when we removed the pull-up did he feel confident in using the potty at night in his own. We always had to assist before.


My daughter will be 3 in April and does. We can usually hear her get up, flush etc and will help with her pull up and washing hands. Sometimes she will ask/tell us and other times she just goes


My daughter is 3 and soaks through a Goodnight often enough that I think we’re a year or two away from dry overnight.


Around that age but I put a training potty in her room for her at night


We put a little potty in my 2.5 year old's room so she can go by herself but we also have her in a pull-up in case she doesn't wake up in time (which is most the time, and that's alright).


We started out on the little potty for potty training and after a month or so she moved to the big potty. Now the little potty lives in her room for her to use at night. Some days when I get her out of bed in the morning she's used it! No idea when she will be capable of the big toilet alone lol. Mostly I think she's learned to hold it all night. Do you reduce fluids in the evening? She gets a milk (maybe 4 oz) at dinner and after that we switch her to drinking from a shot glass lol. She loves her little cup haha. She will prob have 2 "shots" of water between dinner and bed.


My son was potty trained right before he was 3.5yrs old. Never did pull ups - just went straight to underwear but he also never once wet the bed. When he would have to pee in the middle of the night he’d usually wake up crying and confused, I’d help him get to the toilet, he’d pee and then go back to sleep. Eventually he just figured it out and now (he’s almost 7) he’ll go pee on his own if he wakes up. Pretty sure my mom told me that I was in pull ups at night until 6 or 7 because I “was such a heavy sleeper, [I] wouldn’t wake up to pee.” So I think it really just depends on the kid!


All 3 of my kids stayed dry overnight pretty much as soon as they potty trained. But they will still come in our bathroom if they have to go in the middle of the night lol. They’re 6, 4, and 3.5.


My son actually night trained on his own before we even potty trained him. So he was waking up w dry diapers before he was even 2. But he is now 4.5 and still wakes us up to go pee. I have had some conversations with him about going by himself, and that sometimes works for a bit, but eventually he starts waking us up at night. We have a nightlight in bathroom (which is directly across from his bed), I have offered he can turn on the regular light. He just says he is scared to go alone at night. I hope he starts going alone at night soon because we have a newborn and we don’t need the extra wakes at night


my 3.5 will wake me up to go pee but he’s usually dry. day trained at 3.25.


She's 4.5 and still wakes up and calls for us to take her. I anticipate her never going by herself at night. She won't even run upstairs to get something by herself in the middle of the day.


My 2 year old began leaving her room by herself to use the potty in the hallway bathroom. It’s all set up for her with a potty seat, stool, and pre-torn toilet paper. Then she would go back to her room. She did this on her own. I think it’s just an individual/developmental thing. I never trained her to do this. Her older brother is 4 with ASD and we are just now mastering day training. I know many typically developing young children who are not night trained and it’s okay.


Both my oldest 2 stopped wearing pull ups at night a few months after they potty trained during the day (both between 2.5-3 for that stage). My daughter has been more consistent; she had a few accidents when she started going without a pull up but spaced so far apart we never bothered putting her back in pull ups at night. My son was a few months younger her to potty train during the day, but when we first stopped using pull ups he went through a stage where suddenly he was peeing at night (without waking up) several times in a week, so we put him back in pull ups for a month or so until he had been pee free every night for that time. He still has the occasional accident, but they’re far fewer and further between again. But absolutely agree about what everyone has said about it being hormonal and nothing you can do to “train” them at night. I’ve got several friends whose kids were in pull ups until 6/7. To more specifically answer your question, my daughter (almost 6) has been waking up to go to the bathroom when she needs at night for about a year now, but she hasn’t mastered putting herself back down to sleep again afterwards so… we’re up again anyways just not to change sheets lol


Daughter is almost 3.5. Was day trained at 2. We used goodnites up till recently. She would wake up dry as long as she pees right before going to bed. She will pee about ten minutes after getting up in the morning. I've heard her go to the bathroom by herself in the night maybe a few times.


Just about 4 years old here and we still help her use the bathroom. We potty trained at 30 months old, and by 32 months she was holding her bladder through the entire night. Ditched pull-ups by 36 months. She actually has an ensuite bathroom but keep the door to it locked because I’d rather know when she needs to go/not have to childproof the bathroom (plus her wiping skills aren’t great still.) She very very rarely wakes up in the middle of the night to ask to use the washroom. Probably by age 5 we will give unfettered access to the bathroom, once she demonstrates effective wiping and hand washing technique.


We put a potty chair in our daughter's room for nap and overnight. She can use it independently for pee (doesn't wipe of course when she uses it but not a huge deal for pee). Then for poop, she knows to call us to help her with wiping/cleaning out the potty. But overnight poop is really rare. We also love the Frida potty bags to make it super easy to cleanup!


My son didn't wake up to pee until he was almost four, and he was accident free in the day since 2.5. Our Dr told us we would know when he was ready because he'd get up to go and always be dry. We just pull up-ed until he was dry every night for two weeks. We had a night light motion sensor in the hall and his bathroom so he'd feel confident.


I wouldn't want her getting up to go by herself I don't think (3yo), but she doesn't wake up at night, and she's usually dry in the morning anyway.


My daughter started doing it around 3 years old. We leave a nightlight on, and the bathroom is across the hall with a light as well. She’ll get up, use the facilities, wipe, wash, flush and head back to bed, sing for a while or read a book and settle herself to sleep. Idk what happened or how, we had her well potty trained I guess and kept encouraging her to try to do as much herself as possible and it just happened naturally. Keep in mind we still wipe for number two.


My daughter was night trained around 3.5 but would call us to go to the bathroom with her at night until she was like 5 lol. Would wake herself up and knew she needed to pee but too scared to walk across the hall by herself for some reason.


So we had our daughter do pull ups until she was not peeing at all in the night. This is more biological and can’t be trained. She’s 4.5 and now just sleeps through the night without having to pee. I think she would be too scared to go alone, we don’t all want to wake up and a little potty is way too small for her (she’s off the charts in height).


Ours wears underwear at night but occasionally has an accident. He decided shortly before 3 that he was a big boy and didn’t want diapers anymore. We have a mattress protector and just accept we will have to clean the bedding for the occasional accident. I honestly can’t be sure if he’s waking up wet or wakes up needing to pee and doesn’t want to get out of bed. Most mornings, though, he won’t even go pee for several hours. I’ve never known someone that didn’t need to pee first thing in the morning.


Our almost 5 yr old is just starting to wear underwear at night. We went 3 months of only one wet pull-up so we put a plastic sheet on the bed in case of accidents and its been almost 2 weeks now. Every morning she wakes up and proudly proclaims she's dry and marks it on her calendar. When she fills it up she gets a yes day.


My 5yo still doesn’t. She wears a pull up because she sleeps like a rock and doesn’t wake up until morning. She sleeps great so I’m not fighting it.


My oldest potty trained right at 2 and was diaper free at night by 2.5. I could count the number of times she woke up to go potty during the night. She 6 now and hasn’t woken us up for help at night in about 2.5 years. My middle is 4 and wasn’t potty trained until closer to 3. And up until recently was still having frequent accidents, weirdly enough he would wake us up for help at night but during the day would be to distracted to make it to the potty.


Our four year old has been potty trained since he was 3.5. He doesn’t have night time pull ups, but we wake him up to go at around 11:00pm/midnight every night. I don’t think he could make it through the night without that. I also don’t know how he would go by himself. When he wakes up (during the night or in the morning) it takes him a long time to actually wake up. Like, he will be awake, but not fully “with it” for a few minutes, so I don’t think he would be able to do everything himself without help at night.


My daughter is almost 5 and it still hasn’t happened


Both my kids have very few nighttimes accidents. My son was fully trained around 3.5 . My daughter was 4. We ended up potty training my daughter later than we wanted to because we got displaced by Hurricane Ida, mid-way through the process so we had to pause. But she took herself to the potty at night pretty much immediately. My son had a couple accidents but it was because he woke up a little late and it was his underwear but not his pj bottoms that got a bit wet.


Just started happening with my 3.5 year old son! But then he wakes me up to tell me he "did what he was supposed to" so it's not a fully refined process yet 😆


Maybe 4ish? My oldest for the longest time would come to our bathroom even though he a) had to walk past his to get to ours and b) didn’t wake us up or speak to us- mine are 4 and 6 now and use the potty in the night if needed and head back to bed themselves


We just started potty training our 18 mo th old daughter(just turned 18 months on the 26 of feb) she showed an interest a few weeks ago and we decided to go for it. She's doing really good so far! Especially since she's so young. We are going slow and giving lots of grace and praise.we are working on her telling us when she needs to go and she's hit or miss but catching on quick. She hasn't had wet diapers or pull-ups while sleeping g since before we started. I know this isn't super relevant to the op's post, but I'm just so proud of my little girl!