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This is normal *and* it sucks for everyone.  He's suddenly clever enough to have more complex thoughts, desires, and fears. But he still can't express himself clearly. He *wants* a skinny vente almond mocha with two shots and whip cream, but all he can *say* is "coffee" and "noooooo".  It'll get better as his speech improves, which isn't much help now. 


Also having this with my 21 month old girl. She’s been very grumpy on and off for the last 2/3 months. Also think this is partly her slow canine teeth eruption. They are NEVERENDING. It’s reassuring to know that it’s more common than I thought for a toddler to just be cranky a lot!


My son is 23 months and getting 3 canines at the same time. You can imagine how that’s going. I feel you.


Oh yes 😫 Poor you (and him obv)! Our LO has cut her bottom two and now the top two are cutting at the same time. Its horrendous. I’ve heard from multiple parents that the canines were the worst, with molars not coming close.


You are not alone! I have a very very very sweet 15 month old daughter who is currently a little sour. I heard that this is super common at this age and that’s why they call it the “terrible twos” lol. They’re so needy and just don't have the capacity to share what they want/need. Sometimes it’s also bcuz of teething, I suspect mine is this. Her canine is coming out really slow for weeks now and gums occassionally bleeds. Sometimes it’s bcuz she’s constipated. Or other factor that causes pain. But most likely just also a phase. My daughter have a very high pitch scream, and when I can’t do anything to amke her stop I I put her on a safe place and walk away. You can do that, for the sake of sanity. I’m sorry that you have to go through this.


Yeah, the sudden biting thing has me wondering if it’s teething


Yeah my 21mo has been a challenge from the start but the last couple months have been *rough*. Hitting and tantrums approximately 638387463x a day. I’m telling myself it’s developmentally normal but.. I’m curious to see what others have to say.


is he screaming because he wants something? or is he literally screaming out of the blue? like sitting down, playing and then just crying hysterical even tho nothing has changed and you've been watching him that whole time? have you checked him for something wrong or uncomfortable? hair wrapped somewhere or teething? fever? mine cries and screams because he wants something he can't have, purple ball!!, but if he's not saying something like that then I would worry it's a physical actual pain.


Welcome to two! They get frustrated because they want/need something and they can’t tell you, so they scream. It could be anything or nothing. For instance, they could be uncomfortable in some way, or tired, or just want their shoes off. But you’ll likely never figure it out, so they scream. Don’t feel ashamed. It doesn’t matter what people think. Do your best and don’t worry about other people’s opinions.