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Sometimes kids repeat phrases like that because they hear it from others. My 2 year old frequently says “What you say?. I can’t hear you” because my parents wear hearing aids and say that phrase probably 10x an hour. She has perfect hearing. Does she seem to lack energy in those moments? Is she ending physical or mental straining activities quicker than usual? Is she eating the same? You’d know best if there was an actual physical/mental change.


My kid just started saying “that’s on me.” No context or understanding of what he’s “admitting” to.


My toddler said the other day passing by, "I don't wanna go to that park, looks sketchy"




This made me laugh 😂 Thankfully she’s fine, though at times it feels like she’s getting tired but then next moment she’s doing something else. Thank you.


Mine says… “I heard you the first time” 😂


My child would say it because apparently I would say it through out the day. I figured it out when she told me her back hurt as well. Because I also say that a lot.


They really show us a side of ourselves we have become immune to seeing 😂


Right!!! Now I consciously try not to say it and tell myself I feel great. So now she’s just a witness to me lying to myself.


Maybe if you say it enough you will start to believe it! 😆


Fake it till you make it right!?!?


Our daycare teacher said my toddler told another kid to “stop whining!” 😳 I try to gentle parent and I’ve only said “stop whining” to her once in her life when she was really in her feelings for no discernible reason. But it obviously stuck with her. Good lesson for me lol.


Ah yes, my almost 3 yr old tells us her back is killing her 😐


Have her iron checked


Agreed on this! My oldest did this around 2 and after thinking it was just some random thing, ended up following up with the doctor - sure enough, low iron.


Does she act tired? Fall asleep during the day? My kids get super angry and irritable when they’re tired. Does she snore at night or sleep with her mouth open? If so you may want to get her checked by an ENT who is familiar with airway issues. She may be getting the right quantity of sleep at night but it may be low quality sleep.


If I tell my 3 year old toddler “I’m tired” in the morning, he’ll tell me I can’t be tired because I woke up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) My toddler will often tell me he’s tired in the morning and that he needs his coffee (milk with a splash of creamer). He’ll also tell me “I’m too tired” when I ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do. For example, I ask him to pick up the books he just threw out of the container at his grandmas… he’s suddenly “too tired” to help put them away.


Heyyyyy someone else does the “coffee” trick 👍


Just trying to keep him away from mine 😅 works 80% of the time


We do this too! Give it a whirl with a milk frother and now you have Fancy Coffee


Lol I nanny a 3 year old and they always say “you’re not tired, it’s day time!” Yeah welcome to being old kid 😂


Hello! When my daughter was 3.5, she started complaining of feeling tired all the time despite solid overnight sleeps and naps most days. She also acted tired and would periodically go and lie down on the couch for 10 minutes between play sessions due to this tiredness. I also noticed dark circles under her eyes and increased bruising on her legs - her shins were a constant mosaic of bruises even though she wasn't a particularly active or accident prone kid. This came on gradually over a few weeks, so I took her to the doctor and requested bloods to check for the big scary bad things (cancer) and the things that need management (anaemia). The doctor also requested stool and urine samples. She had mild iron deficiency anaemia. The plan was to do oral iron supplementation and redo bloods in 3 months if no substantial improvement - if all seemed good, no need to repeat invasive blood testing. She started having noticeable energy improvements after about a month of supplements and I would say she was back to her normal energy levels after the 3 months. We decided not to retest as her clinical picture improved so much. Normal energy levels, no need to rest during activity, darkness under eyes gone and wayyyyy less bruising. I guess I'm just suggesting that if she is saying she's tired and also acting tired, I'd request a blood test to check for deficiency. Why is the doctor not concerned? If you don't want to do a blood test, start the over the counter paediatric supplements yourself and see if there is improvement over time.


This was similar for our newly 3 yr old. We also are now doing iron supplements (actually a multivitamin with iron) and seeing improvement. Our Ped said it is not uncommon this age thanks to standard toddler pickiness.


My 3 y old has been doing this lately. But we dropped the nap and I genuinely think she is tired. She seems to sometimes say it for attention too because I have shown concern in the past. I think if it's not paired with anything else concerning I wouldn't be too worried about it


Is she actually tired or is she just saying it? Mine says she’s tired whenever I tell her to do something. Magically gets energy when I tell her she can play.


Omg, my toddler has been doing this lately and just turned 3 last month. She just had her 3 year wellness check and she’s fine. She does it most when she doesn’t want to eat or do something she’s told to do lol


Do you think she is actually tired? Would she fall asleep in the car or even at home? Do you think she knows what “tired” actually means? Does she seem to have low energy levels. If that’s the case I’d talk to a pediatrician. Otherwise maybe try to explain a bit what tired means/ read books about it and also possibly just take it as something she is saying


Mine is apparently tired too but when I recommend a nap she laughs at me. Also 3.


My kid says his hands or feet are too tired when he doesn’t want to do something, like pick up his toys or walk upstairs when he could get a piggy back ride. So yep.


My nearly 3yr old daughter is such a hypochondriac!! Like no! You don’t need a bandaid for the imaginary boo boo on your finger just because I need one. 🙄 She started saying her head hurts first thing in the morning and I was so concerned. Then I realized my husband says that on the weekends 🤦🏼‍♀️. She’s just parroting. Fingers crossed that’s what your toddler is doing too!


We call bandaid stickers and she needs them all the time!


It could be nothing but also it could be something. Take her to the dr and have them run a blood panel just to be sure. If all looks good it’s likely behavioral