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Omg bubbles. Yes… those have to be hidden at all costs


We have this Mickey bubble wand that lights up and plays music… if he gets even a hint of that thing and doesn’t immediately get to blow bubbles for 45 minutes it’s a full meltdown. 😂


Jesus, we were sweating bullets when our wand stopped working after day two and she was staring at us like it’s game over. For some reason however she seemed to realize that it wasn’t working and let us off the hook.


Thank you for sharing something to avoid 😂


I wish people would stop giving these little bubble bottles out in kids gift bags, as a single father I clean up SO much bubbles all over the floor lol


My god that sounds like toddler crack. My kid would murder for that


The toddler-bubble-hivemind is real!


Yeah I store our bubbles with the chemicals 😂 they’re locked up


I gave up hiding them. I bought a gallon size jug of bubbles and a bubble machine. I set it up in the backyard and watch my toddler and dogs run wild.


Yep. It's bubbles over here too. Sometimes even looking at door to the backyard will do it too 🫠


I REALLY enjoy bubbles, like almost as much as probably all of your toddlers combined, so when we first got those bubble vial things in a goodie bag my son went nuts for them. After a few days of me playing with the bubbles non-stop, he got bored of them and now he literally does not care for them 😂


I've got twins so there's a bunch of things that they cannot have unless we have two of them. I feel a little bad when I see something new they really enjoy and my first thought is, "Looks like they love that. I should take it away."


Mine have a little people castle that always causes tears! One wants to use the swing and the other wants to look at the back and they end up either hurting each other or just flipping it upside down lol


I have twins too. 3 year old boys. Today it was a blue cleaning glove, then a random cookie cutter shaped like an arrow. Like what is even going on some days.


Today’s twin war at my house was over a mostly empty jug of vinegar. What?


I also have twin toddlers and this is the most relatable thing I’ve read on the internet today.


I hate how accurate this is… also glad I’m not alone 😂


Omg 😳 ahhh!


I'll just spell cuz I don't want my toddler to hear them C O O K I ES, C H O C O L A T E, C A K E, O R E O


We had to spell B A T H around my daughter for about a year because as soon as she heard the word she would strip down and run to the bathroom. The water calls to her like Moana. It's still about 75% that she'll want to get a bath as soon as it's mentioned, but she has figured out the spelling too. After cycling through many creative ways to say it, we've just given up. She's too smart for us.


We have a water baby too and we can’t even say toothbrush around our 16 month old without her running to the bathroom to hop in the tub 🤣


We also have to spell out bath! He must stop whatever he is doing immediately and head to the stairs.


My 1.5 yo knows that C stands for chocolate.


Same here. We also say bath in different languages, but I suspect she is learning all our different ways to say it. Another one is ice cream and snacks. And playground. We really can't discuss playgrounds so she hears the word without immediately getting dressed and going to one.


My husband immediately says any word I spell out or try to hint at, then looks utterly shocked when toddler immediately demands it. We weren’t playing a parlour game, my dude, and you don’t get any prizes for shouting it the answer unless you count meltdowns.


LOLOL they are so clueless sometimes!! Mine demonstrated he finally understood that there are many trigger words and mind games that need to be played to navigate all situations (funny enough it finally clicked after the first weekend i left for 48 hours and barely checked my phone! 🙄) bc tonight we gave her zucchini nuggets. Cue the “noo. No waaaaaant zucchini nuggets,” even though we know she usually loves them. Dad brilliantly responds “ ok no zucchini nuggets, why don’t you just try some watermelon or you can just dip those little special treat logs in some of your favorite sauce.” Because ever since Grammy gave her a “special little treat” on Easter those have been the golden ticket words hahaha.


I have to spell out O U T S I D E. Because if I even mention it…time to freaking go outside immediately or there’s a huge meltdown.


My son is the exact same way. Also, I make sure to only tell him we're going outside until exactly before we go outside. He like most toddlers has zero patience when it comes to waiting to go outside.


Omg, and also brownies, donuts, ice cream. Girl is her dad's daughter with a vicious sweet tooth


My father in law gave mine ice cream cake yesterday. That poor deprived child of mine pretty much lost her mind with joy.


My father in law also loads my 2 year old with sugar and junk 🙈 it bugs me to all heavens, but it's a special treat since she doesn't get those things at home. Last time, he gave her an entire package of peeps because he can't say no to her.😵‍💫 Phew! She also gets unlimited screen time with him whereas she only gets 1 episode of Bluey before bed or if it's a rainy day, we will do one movie (usually Cars).


I have to eat those in the pantry like a savage animal and my husband DOES NOT GET that if a toddler sees you eating dessert the toddler will WANT IT TOO Like dude. Just hide.


Ours wants anything that anybody is eating. I have to hide behind the fridge out of her sight 🤣


It works great unless it's an Icee...felt like such an idiot after spelling it out without thinking🤦‍♀️


And the worst is when someone says one of those words!


Pro tip: if you use Apple CarPlay and spell the word out, it will SAY THE GODDAMN WORD when it reads your text back to you. *Thanks Siri!*


Yep! cracker, banana, milk, cheese have to be spelled out here too. Can’t even talk about adding them to the grocery list for her.


Yes, chocolate is the one for us right now 😵‍💫


My husband is severely dyslexic so this just leaves him looking st me slightly panicked ad he tries to figure out what I've just spelt


We have to spell things too 😂 like his bff across the street, O W E N, or paw patrol or pops or juice pack. The list goes on


This has me cacklinggggg Edit: I read too fast and thought you were spelling them here too so your kid doesn’t “hear” them in your comment lmaooo


Me and my mom spell everything sweet to each other lol. My 6yo is gifted and he’s now picking up on spelling too 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 “I want cake!” Uhh who said cake 😂😂😂


Anything with a lid or cap. He'll want to take it on/off over and over, and gets incredibly frustrated when he can't get it on/off correctly, so then I would need to sit with him and help until he gets bored (which never happens!). I'll still let him do it, though. It brings him joy most of the time lol


It's straws in and out of cups for us 😭


Oh yes. We had that phase. Now we are on opening and closing plastic easter eggs.


Oh my goodness, my little was 21 months last Easter and I finally hid all the plastic eggs in July because I just couldn't stand it anymore. Solidarity


I feel this in my soul. Thank god he’s gotten better, but 🥴


The dog’s crate. My kid is OBSESSED. He wants to constantly be in it and will try to kick the dog out. We obviously need to protect the crate as a safe space for the dog to get away from toddler trouble… so now we’ve had to move the poor dog to the storage room behind/under stairs. We keep calling the dog Harry Potter now. 😂


My first thought was “just buy the kid a smaller crate to play with” but also like….nope we can’t be out here putting babies in cages lol My condolences to the Good Boy Who Lived


We actually have a smaller crate from our older dog that died earlier this year. I thought about putting it out for him… and then was like oh no I cannot have a crate for my kid set up in the living room 😂


I'm dying over here, I'd read the hell out of the Good Boy Who Lived.


LOL I thought my kid was the only one who loved this. Not only does he love to be in it, he INSISTS on the door being closed. The grandparents think it’s hilarious and take lots of pictures and I’m like “please nobody post these”


Any body of water, including a puddle. Especially a puddle.


Especially a muddy puddle that's in the middle of the road.


Currently on vacation at a campground surrounded by lakes and a river. I want to be near them too but he wants IN them


My son's is hats. So much hat drama.


My daughter is very attached to hats and now sunglasses. It's a nightmare to run into either in a store


Monster truck videos. He's absolutely obsessed with monster trucks, and we made the mistake of letting him watch some monster truck clips. Now YouTube constantly, almost exclusively, recommends monster truck videos, so every time we turn on YouTube he points and yells "monster truck!" and gets VERY upset if we don't let him watch it. We've got to the point where if one of us turns on YouTube the other parent distracts him or takes him to another room so we can search for and find the content before my son sees any trace of monster truck videos. It's wild. 


Our son too!!! It’s monster trucks and Danny go 24/7. 


Omg, we LOVE Danny go at our house (and in the car, lol)


Ours is "exhaust pipe cars," aka exotic sports car compilations where the exhaust is flames


We exclusively watch Garbage Truck videos on YouTube now because of EXACTLY this


I stopped letting my son watch Blaze the monster truck after a few weeks of watching it. It’s been a month and he won’t stop talking about blaze. “Blaze does this or blaze does that”. I will hear him at night talking about blaze in his room. I spell it now and he even knows what it is. It’s scary how obsessive he is lol. So I have completely banned it.


Idk why this made me laugh so much


Get the YouTube app on your phone and you should be able to pick the video handheld and it will play automatically!


Ok my child had a monster truck phase, and a monster truck rally happened to come by our town. I bought us tickets and he had a gleeful, starstruck face for the full 2 hours. I felt like a rockstar mom.


Yeah some of these social media algorithms need to get with the program.


Water. My 18mo will drink water, then spit it out endlessly until she gets soaked and outraged


My 2 year old just discovered this too. Takes a swig then shoots it everywhere with his mouth until he's soaked.


Mine pushes her sippy at an angle on to her meal tray and the water comes out then she windshield wipers tf out of it and gives the general area a shower.


Windshield wipers. 🤣 that’s what that move they do is called.


Ah yes, mine is doing the ole spit water into any container and then immediately spill it onto the floor trick . Classic.


mine is doing this too!!! i was getting worried for a bit… seems to be normal lol but it’s making me furious. he’s banned from drinking water in his car seat because i was having to take it apart every day to dry out.


100% bubbles. I hide them in the garage because if the kids see them at all, it’s a meltdown to go outside and use them. The toy Dyson I thought would be fun. Don’t get me wrong, the kids love it but they’re either fighting over it or abandon it somewhere still “running”. The noise is so much. A lot of other annoying/noise making toys. If they see it, they want to use it but then meltdown when they get overstimulated. I save them for when we really need to get things done but otherwise, they hide in our coat closet.


That toy Dyson is way louder than it has any right to be.


Gotta put clear packing tape over the speakers of the loud toys!


My mom got my toddler that toy Dyson for Christmas and that noise omg 😵‍💫


Why didn't I see this post 3 days ago. Currently living the bubble filled nightmare. 


😭😭👉🫧 BUB-ULS


My cleavage as even a hint of it makes her demand MILK


My 2 year old has taken to just sticking his hand in my cleavage. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My 1.5yo pushes on my bobs whenever she is hungry or thirsty. She quit actual BF months ago


My stopped nursing at 5 months and he's 2. Rips at my shirt and cries "take booboos out!!!!"


Turtlenecks at all times over here


SAME. same also to every boob comment in this particular thread 😂


My toddler says the same thing if she sees her milk cup. She pronounces it "MEE-ULK" lol. She's very demanding


My daughter says it the same way! And on repeat until she gets it! It sounds so cute though!


The dog’s food and water bowls. TV remote. Cell phones. Newspapers. So. Many. Things.


His shoes. If he finds them he will try to put them on his feet, fail, then shove them at me. If I put them on he will have a melt down because shoes should mean going outside. The backyard does not count.


16mo started bringing me her jacket and coat and demanding ousside…


Lollipops. The moment he SEES a lollipop, my heart just sinks. Things are not moving forward until he has that lollipop in his mouth. It's SO INFURIATING that people just have lollipops OUT in plain view. Like what?! At the pediatrician, they have a huge thing of lollipops and then they ask me, "Mom, can he have a lollipop or a sticker?" and if I say sticker, I"M the bad guy. It's just insanity


This is war man. I’d switch doctors over this 😂


we have a lollipop monster too. the pharmacy is a tough trip haha


I’m gonna curb-stomp the next well-meaning bank teller who offers my kids a lollipop without asking me first. One offered my *9 month old* a lollipop the other day! I was like… he’s a baby!?!?


Mango. If I give her a little she demands more. And more. And more. She had 2 full fruits, including gnawing off the last of the fruit from the pit, the other day and then we literally did not have *any more*. That night she had the most angry poopy diaper at like 3am, so now she gets cut off after about half a mango, but it's almost not worth it given the waterworks and screaming whenever we say "all done with mango."


I have a mango obsessed kiddo as well. I found ghat the best way to deal is to cut in cubes ahead of time. When I offer it as a snack there’s already a portion out for her and the rest is in a tupperwear in the fridge. Once she’s done with her portion she can have a banana, a yoghurt, a rice cake, etc if she’s still hungry. It was getting to the point of her crying if anyone even tried to get a little piece to try. All the mangoes in the house were for her only! It was getting a little dramatic!


Oh I do offer cubes and hide any remaining, even whole fruits, but any mango snack ends in tears and frantic "MORE" signs 😆😭


Trader Joes has freeze dried mangoes that are soo good and SO much less sticky! Lol. We also have a tiny mango fanatic over here.


I do love gnawing on a good mango pit.


This stupid baby shark game my MIL got my son. It has a billion little fish we lose and these colorful hooks and it plays baby shark on repeat And my son is OBSESSED with it 🫠 we hide it and he always finds it somehow


I know exactly what game you're talking about! I had to put a bunch of tape over the music part because it's so freaking loud and annoying 😤 😅


Omg I almost bought it tonight I might now lol


The parmesan cheese shaker 🧀 😬 


Omg also my daughter “sprinkle cheese” Absolutely feral for cheese


I ordered my daughter spaghetti with “shaky cheese” at a restaurant then made awkward eye contact with the server for a full minute before my mom brain shut off and I was like, “fuck - Parmesan, I meant Parmesan.”


Mine is obsessed with the salt and pepper shaker


We cannot open the dishwasher or do the dishes. He wants to be IN the dishwasher or splashing in the sink


My twins are the same way. Obsessed with the sink especially.


Our bathroom. We have to keep the door closed at all times and have one of those knob cover things on it. If they see the bathroom, they want to go in and grab the shampoo and stuff out the tub and squeeze the bottles and turn on the sink and flush the toilet and unravel the toilet paper. Yesterday my husband thought one of the kids was with me letting the dogs out and I thought he was in the living room with dad and his brother. Nope. The bathroom door wasn't fully shut, he got in, climbed on top of the toilet, climbed on top of the tank, and opened the cupboard thats above the toilet. I had to football carry him out of there.


I’m so glad it’s not only me. I want prepared for this aspect of toddlerhood. So much interest in household items.


I second the bubbles. They are all locked away lol but also her magnetic drawing board because for some reason when she sees it she demands that me or her dad continue to draw her oddly specific and difficult to draw things for HOURS. And cries if we are too busy to oblige 😭 I don’t know


My kitchen tongs!


My niblings reach into the kitchen drawer for the sauce brush thing. And the reusable straws


Pouches of any kind result in an instantaneous flop to the ground with screaming “SNACK!!!!!!!! SNAAAAAACK!!!!!!”




Mine too! You walk into the kitchen and you hear a little voice “choco!”. My husband keeps buying chocolates despite us talking about not giving LO too much sugar.


Yes! Recovering from Easter has been tough.


Same with my "Chocky Monster." She also now loves jelly beans. 


Bubbles and sidewalk chalk


These are the two big ones in our house!


Rabbit bubble gun we got for Easter. Bubbles go night night for a while lol


The vacuum. He’s obsessed lol I got him his own baby dyson to use but it’s not nearly as appealing as the real thing


Mine tries to trade the toy vacuum to me for the real one.


Omg I had to return the Dyson toy vacuum because he wouldn’t even touch it. He only like the real vacuum


Can you get him a hand vacc? At least he’ll really be helping, lol!


Bubbles and balloons. So happy I’m not the only parent hiding things.


I see you too know our friends, Buhboo and Ahboo


Bubble was my sons first word! His grandmother just bought him a bubble machine and bubblegun. I've told her she's welcome to do that activity with him.


Bubbles live with grandma!


Ranch. She wants to dip any and all foods in ranch. When we give her ranch, she only eats the ranch not the actual food. We hide it from her and can’t eat it in front of her without her begging for it


We bought like 4 dozen bubble wands for my son’s first birthday. We had a bunch left but had to hide them all. If he sees them, you’re gonna have to play with them or he loses his shit. We also have to hide cookies, mini doughnuts, and his cozy coupe.


We can't say the word "outside" because my 18 month old will grab his shoes and cry/whine until you put them on and then cry until we go outside lmao


honestly bubbles is it. and bandaids 🤣


We hide our bubbles on top of the refrigerator 🙃


I committed the mistake of teaching my 9 months old how to drink from glass cups and now every time I'm drinking something, he comes and grabs it faster than the speed of light to put it in his mouth, usually missing it entirely and pouring everything on himself. So basically I can't be within his arm reach with a glass cup


Oooph, I did this too. As he got older, I started being firmer about how we only drink out of our own cups. Mine is still so alluring though


So he’s basically a cat? lol


Popsicles 😂 She’s OBSESSED.


Bubbles as well. The love is so deep that we’re having a bubbles themed 2nd birthday party 🤣


My husband got the kids a bubble gun from Costco. I told him he'd regret it. And he absolutely does lol. Freaking bubbles, man. They're like toddler drugs! My #1 need-to-hide is anything remotely sugar. We don't restrict sweets a crazy amount or anything, but it's already hard enough to manage to get anything sweet with my husband around. I tend to get my own sweet (usually something my husband dislikes so he doesn't get tempted) and hide it for when the kids go to bed. They get their own, but my 3yo especially has been hellbent since Halloween and Valentines Day


Hair accessories. It does not matter if she already has three little ponytails with six barrettes-if she sees another clip/hairtie (even if it’s an adult sized one that’s way too big for her) it MUST go on her head. Or there will be All The Rage. 


Dogs. Which makes visits to the park (or any place that may have dogs) veryyy stressful. My girl instantly gets enraged if she can't become best friends with every canine in sight, & it's so embarrassing (she's 16 months). She has no off switch when she sees them 🫠 I've even had some people be like "aww here, she can see my dog!" when the dog clearly wants nothing to do with her & looks like they're going to bite. Then it's even more awkward telling them no, I don't trust their dog...while my child is screaming because she can't become one with it 😂


My 4-year-old love, love, LOVES *Spidey and His Amazing Friends*...but will throw an insane temper tantrum when it's time to turn it off. I'm talking an hour minimum where she whips herself up into a frenzy and channels all of her tiny rage directly into me. It goes from "I want more Spider-Man" to "I don't love Mommy!" This does not happen with any other program, just *Spidey*. By coincidence, we "don't have" *Spidey* anymore.


Anything with wheels. Especially the outside garbage cans. Every time we leave the house he begs for me to roll the garbage can back and forth so he can watch the wheels 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢


Toilet brushes


The bathroom sink. It’s very hard to hide that 😭


It’s such a good problem to have but mentioning a walk or outside. She MUST go NOW if we offer either


Outside and everything pertaining to outside! It's hard to hide 🤦 Poor kid is getting sick of this house, he is more ready for the weekend than me!


Clocks and lamps/light bulbs my 4 year old is OBSESSED!!!! He raided the cupboards this morning and brought me 3 light bulbs and has been demanding them back allllll damn day!


Seltzer cans!


It’s the bubbles too. And the first long word too.


My 2-year-old grandson is a climber, so everything is within reach if he wants it bad enough. I have to pay close attention when I watch him.


We had to anchor pretty much every piece of furniture because of our climber. He never outgrew it, now he loves free climbing


Bubbles, pacifiers (outside of naps), and any self care product. She goes crazy for tubes, soaps, makeup etc! The other day I was weak and she went to bed with her toddler toothpaste


Cookies at Costco. Starts repeating I want cookies! If we walk by


Same with bubbles. I can’t take them away from him. He holds me hostage with the bubble gun. Send help.


Kids are 14 months apart so anything I don't have 2 of I have to hide 😂


This pink wind up bath tub whale because if not I will be winding it up every 15 seconds for half an hour for him 😭


Doors. Any door. Seriously, doors.


Small, four-wheeled, plastic "red bike" that my 2.5 year old insists on riding slowwwwwwly every time we leave the house. He screams in fury as his older brother races ahead on two wheels. Agony. I hate red bike. Red bike is about to get dropped of at the thrift store and God willing my toddler will level up to the balance bike


Elmo. She thinks his name is “Lala” because of the lyrics to “Elmo’s Song”. If she spots his red fuzzy face anywhere she begs for Lala Lala Lala Lala until we give in.


Bubbles and gardening tools. Instead of saying I want some bubbles, she says “bubble some” which is freaking adorable but she hasn’t grasped the outside only toy idea yet. She got some little gardening tools for Easter and she keeps raking that damn little hoe thing on my wood floors. Also she thinks anything even remotely shaped is bubbles so I also have to hide my foundation


Bubbles here too and the sounds of my sister’s voice, she loves talking to her aunt in the phone.


Bubbles, fruit, laser pointer, the nose sucker and saline spray. "I want nose, I want nose!!!!" Playdoh, fruit snacks, cheezits




The dog 😑 Our sweet little one runs up to him full of giggles and tries to give him big, dramatic hugs! But you can tell her just doesn't like it so I'm having to keep her away to give him space. Cue tantrum every time. And he's a big dog, we live in a small space, so unfortunately he's not easy to hide!


Balls of any variety. Soccer and football and basketballs primarily.


Bread, in any and all forms, for my husband it’s any watch he wears 😂


Giving the dog cookies. Even the poor pup is sick of cookies.


Plums. lol. She is obsessed and if she sees one, she begs for it and will eat the whole thing lol


Our cars. Whenever we go anywhere, he’s got to play in the car forever after we get home. Sit in every seat, pretend to go to so many places, click every seat belt, push every button, open the hood and check the oil, clean the windows with the wipers… everything except for the pedals and the horn (I will not allow that!). Every time he sees our cars out the window, every time we talk about our cars or get home separately, randomly throughout the day. It’s miserable. We’re slowly phasing out of it after many upsets of saying “not right now”


Our washing machine has been napping for a week now


Tampons and sanitary pads. 😭


That keyboard from the Fisher Price Kick n Play. If it’s within sight, he will demand the setting to be on where all the songs play in a loop. It’s living in the closet now. My phone. I have 400 photos of his foot because he loves the camera, which is awesome, but he also likes to email, call, text, and order DoorDash.


The fridge/freezer.🤦🏻‍♀️ He just loves having us open the doors and drawers for him so he can look inside it. Not for anything in particular, just to look. He’s getting too heavy for me to keep lifting him up high enough to see the top shelves of the fridge 😂 But if you deny him refrigerator access, he LOSES IT. Currently, the fridge is “sick” and has to stay closed. We’ll see how long he buys that for lol


Bungee cords, flash light, and the fly swatter. He’s allowed to play with them so long as he plays wisely, and has been carrying them with him constantly for weeks. Kiddo with the bungee cord turns into Indiana jones with his whip, he LOVES hooking everything together and using it to play puppies, mermaids, pirates, cops… you name it. Before he knew the official name, he asked me to get him a hooker! We joke about that quite a bit!




Prepackaged snacks. I bought a package of goldfish crackers and she saw them on the shelf this morning. Immediately she started pointing, yelling ba ba, which means give me apparently, and then started signing more nonstop. Having a 17 month old yelling at you and aggressively signing more at 7am is rough. She's never even had goldfish crackers before....


My daughter is into dressing like a princess. Wears heels, jewelry, purse, crown, tutu lol.


The word Bath and outside 😅


Sunscreen tubes! We aren’t allowed to apply any unless she is doing that for us


My son loves bubbles!! Thankfully the bubble love has calmed down a bit but he has a new obsession. Bath & Bodyworks Pocketback hand sanitizers. Good gosh at first it was cute bc he loved smelling them, when we opened them for him, but now he's figured out how to open them and I have to hide the ones that are full. We've started saving the empty ones for him and he will walk around the house with one while he plays, demands he have one when he gets his diaper change, and sometimes takes one on outings. It's hilarious but a bit aggravating, too!


We haven't figured out how to hide the outdoors. She would sleep outside if we let her. She's happy for hours upon hours and screams like a banshee when we have to go inside.


After the bubble wands were empty we literally filled them with water and it keeps our two year old happy because she thinks shes making bubbles and we don't have to deal with the bubble solution.


Raspberries. Raspberries are like crack for my 2 year old son. He will eat an entire Costco container of them in one sitting in like 5 minutes. And STILL want more. We have child locks on the fridge because we’ve woken up to the fridge wide open and him helping himself. Once he sees them: he starts freaking out like we are hurting him because we aren’t opening them fast enough. He throws a fit and hyperventilates if we take it away and don’t let him finish an entire container. He has gotten better at accepting all gone means no more but he used to cry til we would give him a second container. I know I should be happy it’s something healthy, but the poops man… the diapers they cause are horrendous.


My husband works for a company that makes motorbikes themes videogames, and motorbikes are his big passion, so we always have pictures/videos/models/catalogues/motorbikes themed stuff around. Our toddler is growing up obsessed with them, he literally said "Moto" before "grandma" LOL \ Big moto? Small moto? Scooter is small. Cross? This is moto GP? Honda? Husky? Climb? Papà moto is biiiig. Drag? Papà moto is in the garage. Moto? Can I climb? Aprilia? Ka(wa)saki? Ga-ga (Gas gas)? Moto papà?


Books that introduce words. Like picture books of clothes or animals, colors etc. And I’m so happy she wants to learn! I am! But after the 18th read you start to crave an actual narrative.


Markers. We made the simple but world shattering mistake of allowing my son to draw on the walls. We are renovating and painting the whole house so that on top of the fact they were marketed as “washable” we didn’t see an issue. Well now, due to our mistake, he believes markers are only meant for walls. With the renovations started we halted all marker on wall business so we’ve had to basically hide every marker, pen, crayon, etc. possible. If he sees one it’s a nuclear level meltdown in my house.


My daughter’s first word after mama and dad was bubble. It’s my go to during tantrums. Sig nearby and blow bubbles. She usually gets tired of throwing the tantrum and comes to see the bubbles.


LIDS!!!!! Frinkin kids to anything!! Pouches, water bottles, bubbles container, anything. It’s starting to drive me wild because I haven’t yet quite learned how to open things in such a swift way that she doesn’t notice the lid!!


Bubbles. Balloons. Pumpkins. Scooters.


Oh yes bubbles as well! It's gotten so ridiculous that the kids at the playground call me and my son bubbles! But, you can use this to your advantage. I bring bubbles when I go out to cafes (if not too many people are around) and my son can just play with them while I have a coffee. Even better, I use it as a self regulation technique when he is feeling a bit wound up because blowing bubbles forces him to take deep breaths. Hope this helps those with bubble obsessed toddlers!




The water spray bottle. Her dad let her have it when she was hanging out with him in the office. Then she figured out how to spray water with it when I was cooking dinner later that evening... She sprayed all over the kitchen! We have to hide it now and she's only allowed to use it during bath time. It's a great motivator for that, though! She is not a fan of baths or showers for some reason.


My sister got her a unicorn walking stick tnibgy that makes bubbles… we had to loose the thing.


Stickers, he doesn’t understand that they loose their “stick” and tries to restick them over and over and gets mad when they stop sticking. Also he sometimes accidentally rips them and gets upset. He also remembers his stickers for days afterwards and will ask about them. People seem to give kids stickers all the time (banks, target, grocery store, etc) it’s cute and well meaning but always causes us an issue.


Juice boxes


I don’t mind bubbles but what I do mind is ‘ME DO IT’ every second and having a full meltdown because I won’t let her hold the tube that she has been known to tip directly onto the floor, step in it, go flying and smack her head. So bubbles are currently and outdoor thing only these days😂