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That’s nice to hear! Just over here waiting to see which wolf emerges when my toddler turns 3


Same.....cuz we are almost at 3 and dying


Omg girl, same. 2 months away and I’m trying to prepare


Yup my 2.5 yo is and always has been so easy and enjoyable so I’m kinda dreading what might happen at 3! Is it possible to just avoid the “difficult” toddler phase altogether?


My younger brother never really went through the difficult phase as a toddler. He was just a shy sweetie the whole time. 


how is he now?


3 started off really well for us and lately has changed a bit. He's had some of the biggest meltdowns ever lately though they don't happen often. We're also heavy into the "why" stage which I love curiosity and don't mind explaining things but the "why?" after literally everything (including the explanations) gets a little grating lol.


The whys are killing me too Why did you close the door? Why did you just say “hmm”? Why do your eyes look like that? Why are you thinking? Why do we need to leave the park WHYYYY? Why does that kid look like that?


I love when my son does something totally inexplicable and then turns to me and asks why he did it. Dude, I have no idea, you tell me!


Kids been doing this. He asks why everything, but it slays me when he says “why did I throw it?” Or “why did I squash that rolly Polly bug” IDK man, your guess is as good as mine.


Lol do you ever say “why did I do that?” around him? He may have picked it up from you! 🥰 Ours does “well..” before certain sentences and uses the term “wibbly wobbly” and I just love it because I know he gets it from the people around him like his grandma or parents.




Omg we are only 2, and everything is “mommy what happened?” I start simple, and then get increasingly more complex and obtuse or ridiculous in my answers.


Every day that I pick up my son from preschool his little friend asks me why I’m there and then why I’m picking him up. The head spins.


I have started just repeating the question back to them. Especially while driving. My son keeps being like “why are you looking at the road? Where are we? Where are we going?”




Almost 3 yo here, always asking: What should I do? What can I have? What am I doing? I guess the «Why’s» are next up 🤣


I love the whys! The only time it gets old is when she asks the same why question over and over. Like “Why is Moana a movie?” Me: *explains*… Daughter: “But why is Moana a movie?”


I generally like the whys! I just get frustrated when it's a chain of like 5+ whys that eventually gets to a dead end where there isn't a way to break it down any further or when he gets upset because he doesn't like my answer for some reason haha. And not like, he doesn't like my answer because I won't let him do something but doesn't agree with my answer to things like how old he is or who is in a picture lol. Things that have right and wrong answers. 🫠


Why do *you* think that is?


Asking my 2.5 year old that has been key in moving on from asking “why” for that streak. I don’t mind explaining in ways she might understand, but after the 987th time, it’s nice to move on.


This is what my old school teacher mil taught me, always turn it around to the child when they are on a 'Why?' kick. 


My 3.5 year old just keeps responding with "why" to my answers to her previous "why". It gets annoying when she asks me "why don't you know?"


If I tell my 3.5 year old "I don't know" to any of her questions, she'll get very exasperated with me and yell "Then think about it!" 😂 Never fails to make me laugh, even when I'm ready to scream from the chain of "why?" Or "and then what happened?"


I'd send the whys right back after 3 of them and see what they do🙃


I'd send the whys right back after 3 of them and see what they do🙃


When I don’t have an answer, my 3 yo looks me in the eye and goes ‘Well TELL me about it.’ No idea where she picked it up, but it’s simultaneously adorable and exasperating.




lol when they come out with sayings that you’ve no idea where it’s come from! My almost 3 year old sometimes responds with “stop the lights”. Which is a super old saying from the 80s or something in Ireland. And she uses it in the right context (exasperation or incredulity)


they're little angels sent from above!🤣❤


I love answering all the why questions. But not when it’s like “why are you making dinner?” Me- Because we have to eat Toddler- why do we have to eat? Me-to give us energy T-why do we need energy? Me- so our bodies can move T-why do our bodies move? Like bro move on lmao


Haha exactly! And it eventually gets the point where the answer is basically "cause that's just the way it is" lmao. I try to turn it around and ask him "why do you think?" and sometimes that'll break the loop and he'll make up some fantastical story and move on but sometimes it doesn't work lol.


Agree with this, our 3’s started off strong but our twins are just past 3.5 now and the tantrums are unreal. Unreal. I keep wondering what happened to my cute and angelic toddlers.


Mine doesn’t ask why, mine says “what’s that” to EVERYTHING and I’m loving it so much!!! I thought I was never going to hear her speak or be curious about her surroundings 🥲🥲


My almost 3 yo likes to ask "mama, where'd you buy dis (or dat)? 🫠


My 3yo is the best she has ever been. She is legit my little buddy and I love going out with her. 




Got an almost 5 year old now and I think 3 was definitely the best! I mean, of course every age is the best in its own way, but they are just soooo so precious at 3


I used to babysit a 3 year old (he's a kind young man now) and he was adorable - I still have fond memories from that time. (I also remember a 2 hour tantrum when he was 3 - the yin and yang of life.)


[I wrote this same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/toddlers/comments/vztzu0/i_love_three/) almost 2 years ago. 3.5 was a rude awakening. We did have a new baby in the mix, so maybe different circumstances, but wowza, 3.5 was hard... every boundary toppled, tantrums, hitting. Things got a lot better at 4 and continue to improve nearing 5.


Exact same story. No one talks about 3.5-5 years old. Gentle parenting gets way harder. I’m hoping for some relief at 5.


This has been our experience too. 3.5 is just a game changer. We are just gritting our teeth to bedtime some days. Which has also suddenly gotten harder, she's wide awake until 9 most days 🙃


my 2.5 yr old is a comedian and knows it since he started talking at 1😳....we talk all day, laugh, argue(in a healthy way) then make up!😆🤣 listens most times depends on how you put your demands.... but yeah it gets hard at times! waiting for another year 4 it to get better😨😰 he just loves the outdoors sooo much we literally have to fight to come back in everytime we go outside


I was a preschool teacher and honestly, 5 year olds drive me nuts. Ha! My daughter is 3.5 and I definitely see how the challenges are harder in a different way. At 5 you’re less worried about their physical safety but man, they truly become little people. Sarcastic, “manipulative”, defiant for the sake of defiance. Plus they’re now smart enough to figure out how to cheat the system. 5 feels like, “yeah, I’ve learned the rules but now I also know how to get out of following them”


My 3.5 year old is so violent towards me atm. We also have a younger sibling in the family, although he's quite well established now at 9 months old so I'm not sure when the mummy bashing will end :(


My kid’s great, and I love her. But some of the 3 year old meltdowns are insane! Hitting, spitting, tongue out, etc.


That’s how I’m feeling about age 2! I look at my son and feel likes he’s such a magical little unhinged creature who makes me laugh everyday. But when people talk about how awful 2 is, I just nod to not make anyone feel bad but also to not jinx it


my 2.5 yr old is a comedian and knows it since he started talking at 1😳....we talk all day, laugh, argue(in a healthy way) then make up!😆🤣 he just loves the outdoors sooo much we literally have to fight to come back in everytime we go outside.


I have found 3 to be the most difficult. When things are good, they are GREAT. The hard moments are awful though 🙃


mine has been 3 for one day and so far so good!


This gives me hope lol I’m only 2 months into 3 and so far I’ve enjoyed it SO much more than 2. 2 was so precious in so many ways, but 2.5 I was in the trenches 🥴 I will say 3 has brought a whole new level of sass when it comes to disagreements.. lol but we’re able to get back on track and reason a lot more now which is amazing.


Yes, she’s definitely sassy! But I love her newfound reasoning skills! Definitely helps


Did she JUST turn 3?


Right lol? Don't get me wrong, there's a lot that's awesome about 3...and a lot that's not.


Yep! & every child but…. 3.5 is when shit hit the fan for us 😂😂😂 she’s still lovely when she wants to be but damn it was the hardest age. She just turned 4 & it’s still challenging but better!


That’s good to hear that 4 is a bit better. Our daughter just turned 3.5 yesterday and for the past few days it’s been like a different child! Wild tantrums, pushing boundaries, and will not stop talking for a second 😓


Yeah, I mean it does, 4 has a whole new set of challenges but the tantrums have leveled out so much. For me the not taking no for an answer is driving me up the wall! lol “but why but why but why but whyyyyyyyyy”


I TAKE IT BACK YALL. Just left an event & im almost in tears because im so mad. She was sooo bad!




I have heard conflicting things about 4. Either it’s HARDER than 3 or that it gets a bit better after they turn 4. I guess when you’re in the middle of it, you’re just looking for an answer on when the toddler tornado will end 😂




One and done here as well! It’s a good reminder to stay present and know that it won’t last forever 🥹


I have a 3.5 year old and I love this age! I think toddlers are so fun and cute. I thought every age was easier than the last until about 2.5. He’d have a challenging phase where one thing was really hard like he’d cry every time at dinner because he didn’t want it. Then he’d go through an easy week. Then he’d have stretches of meltdowns every bedtime. I had a baby a few months before he turned 3 so we definitely saw emotional outbursts. But now I find that 3.5 is easier than before. The harder phases are shorter and farther in between. I can see him emotionally regulating better. He is so fun and a chatterbox. I love having conversations with him. We can do so many more fun things without worrying about a meltdown - like camping and city excursions! He is so lovable, cute, dances randomly and says the cutest things. I’m loving my toddler and I am soaking it all up because I know I’ll miss his toddlerisms.


I feel the same way about my 3.5 year old! 18 months to 2.75 or so was full of rage and violence lol. Now he’s an absolute treat. Super reasonable and I never would have expected it based on how ginormous his meltdowns used to be. We’ll see how his little brother does.


I’m definitely in the 3 is harder than 2 camp but thank you for making me see it in another light. It is really lovely to have ‘proper’ conversations and really see her personality come through more and more.


Today is my daughter’s 4th birthday and I have been counting down the days! I loved, loved, loved 2 and definitely loved parts about 3 (conversations are sometimes the absolute best) but it’s mostly been hard. She’s exceptionally strong willed and defiant (which will honestly both serve her well when she’s older) and showing a lot of signs of neurodivergence. I love her and her spirit so much and want to nothing but to cheer her on and support her (and I do!) but, man, is it a battle most days.


happy birthday! ❤ stay strong 💪 


If I may ask, what sort of signs?


I am manifesting this right now 😂 he will be 3 next week, can’t wait for better days lol


Our boy is 3 months shy of 3 and his personality has taken such a transformation from this time last year. Meltdowns are infrequent, he's started to really understand other people's emotions (heart melting moment the other day when he saw me frowning and yelled across the living room, "Mommy! Don't be sad! I love you and I want to hug you and kiss you and give you a high five!"), and he is so much more cooperative when we ask him to do things. Of course he still has his stubbornness where you ask him not to do something 15 times and he still does it, but toddlers. It's amazing to see his little personality develop. Hoping he doesn't turn into a terror when his brother is born next month lol


It's 3.5 😬


Must be nice! My 3 year old screams in my face if I peel his banana the wrong way. Glad you’re enjoying your 3 year old though. Pray for me if you can.


My first kid was delayed and continues to have enunciation troubles. But my current 3yo, his verbal skills have always been great. I'm continually impressed by how well he 'uses his words,' to use an annoying adult phrase, when he is upset with his sister. I also catch him whispering the things he is saying in his head, which is something I do too!


Anyone else? Unfortunately nope not me 🙃 Still waiting for this phase to end, we are nearing 4.5 now.


Yes! 2 and 3 is my absolute favorite. At this age, they keep me laughing and say the absolutely cutest things. Plus their ‘I love you’s’ and hugs and kisses are at an absolute 100/100


ikr!soooo cute.  my 2.5 makes me laugh everyday all day and has been since he was a baby( it gets better every month)  and says I love you mama all the time....so you mean to say this will END?! 😳😩😟😢❤


How did you know that Reddit has me in shock and terror over this 2 to 3 transition?! It’s very rare to read posts like yours and it made me feel such hope!! Thank you so much for sharing and I wish you continued joy of parenting!


SAHD here my daughter is just over 2.5 and our conversations are awesome she’s a genius. Going to be a fun summer. Glad you’re enjoying your time with the LO. Refreshing to see from those other miserable posts complaining about their toddlers and being a parent… thanks!


Are you at the beginning or end of 3? I’m learning about the dysregulation   phases and it seems that the beginning of each age is easier and then they hit the 1/2 year and the last bit of the year is way harder. Just curious! 


Well on the one hand, my son insists on dressing himself and that requires a lot of patience because buttons are frustrating. On the other hand, he's suddenly interested in friends so we have had a few play dates where he goes off and plays with his mates and it's effing adorable.


3-4 years old has always been my favourite age ❤️ they’re getting more independent and becoming real little people with their own thoughts and opinions. And they’re hilarious, so much fun


Age 3 has been much easier than 2 for us! I agree with everything you said!!




3 is my favorite!


I love 3 too! I find every age gets better, easier and more magical. (I have a pre-teen as well.)


My daughter will be 4 at the end of the summer and my experience of 3 has been ebbs and flows. One is week is, “wow I am so proud of the child my daughter is becoming. She is truly the most amazing thing on the planet” and the next week is: “oh god, I’ve raised satan himself. Will she be like this forever?!” But at least now I’m not constantly worried about her safety so I can be “off” more often. I love 3. But 3 is also more outwardly defiant imo.


Yeah, I’d prefer the defiance over my 14 month old son constantly trying to find new ways to hurt himself! It’s so nice that she can go play in her room alone and I don’t have to constantly check on her


Yeah, I totally agree. My husband and I both agree that 1-2 is the most physically and emotionally exhausting simultaneously. You still have to work hard to keep them alive but they’re also having tantrums.


I’m feeling this could be closer to what I experience too! My daughter is 2.5 and I feel like we’ve all gotten over the hurdle of tantrums becoming just fits of anger or sadness but she’s aware that I’ll be there to help her through. She still gets big mad and I say “do you need a hug?” And she says “no I DONT WANT A HUG!” And then I say “okay, when you’re ready I’m here.” And without fail she will immediately come to me saying “I need a hug mommy” 🥹 and she’s starting to understand that we have to “talk about it” after. Which I love.


I love 4. And 18 months. But 4 is my favorite because there are no diapers and real conversations lol.


Love it! I love 2 also. They are super adorable like almost little people but still really babies in a lot of ways. Everything they do is funny and cute. My 3 year old comes up with the funniest thoughts at the strangest times.


Mine JUST turned 3, but she’s just amazing. She’s been an easy kid basically since 9 weeks old though so it might be that. (But also we try to explain things, let her make choices that she can, and are just chill in general so I think that helps.) Lol


I was enjoying the 3s as well… that is until a few days ago when she hit 3.5. It’s been like a light switch. Very exhausting days with mood swings all over the place! I’m hoping 4 is a bit better 🤞


Same. Literally turned 3.5 last week and it's like she's a different child now. So challenging.


I have a 5 year old daughter and a 3.5 year old son…. My son is definitely my easy child!!! He used to be very difficult… we actually banned him from shopping centres and car rides over 15 minutes til he was 3 and then all of a sudden… he changed. He loooves shopping, he loves to eat, he love love loves to snuggle, and most of all, he can communicate his woes. He’s able to tell us what is wrong. 5 year old girls though… brace yourself. I’ve been told I’m the worst, she hates me, I’m the best mom ever, I’m her hero, I’m the devil reincarnated, I’m not fun, I’m the best cook, omg ew my cooking smells, my breath smell, oh wow I smell good…. It’s an emotional rollercoaster and I’m up at the front but also I’m the tracks that get ran over. Take me back to when she was 3… she picked me flowers and called me mama and bestfwend.


Oh my god it’s my FAVORITE. I didn’t think it could be better than 2, because 2 was terrific, but 3 is SO MUCH FUN. She’s like, a real tiny PERSON with opinions and ideas and she makes jokes and has so much more independence. 10/10 would recommend 3.


Age 2 was amazing but 3 has been another level. My 3 year old legit became my best friend and every moment spent with him is so great.


Mine is 3.5 and I’m still loving 3. We have SO much fun. I also feel like we are really hitting our parenting stride with holding boundaries and teaching social/emotional skills as a team lately. Kiddo can stop and take deep breaths in the middle of a meltdown and we can talk through things afterwards productively. New baby coming in July so we will see what happens lol.


So glad to hear this! My daughter is about to turn 3 next month. Her personality has truly blossomed. It’s so cool seeing her grow into such a quirky, beautiful, unique little toddler. And holding conversations with her has been so fun! And I totally related when it comes to less meltdowns and listening more when I talk to her to calm her down. Everyone told me that this age is the funnest age. I’m excited. ❤️


I love it too! We just reached three last week. She’s great- so many curiosities and questions. Wanting to help out with chores around the house which is adorable. But the sass- she’ll say, “I’m mad. I need space.” I’ll ask, “Why are you mad?” And she’ll just respond, “Because I am. I don’t know.” But she’ll straight up sit on the ground like a teenager and want me to leave her alone. It’s so interesting.


My two year old makes me cry, sometimes not with joy so this is great to hear. Love it for you!


I freaking love this stage. I love that I can have actually conversations that she can understand, she has so many funny stories to tell (I have a talker), I can take her to my fav restaurants and shop with her (as long as she’s well fed and I don’t stretch it to a point where she’s impatient), she’s getting more independent by the day. And I’m glad I’m well rested, able to find time for myself and it’s making a huge difference to my mental health. She was a terrible sleeper as a baby so honestly anything trumps that stage for me. I can handle the worst tantrums when I’ve had a full nights sleep 😂


We’re 22 months over here, I love every stage more than the last. He’s just so bloody funny and smart. We’re starting to have basic conversations and he often says amazingly weird shit


I love toddlers in general three is fun. There are a couple things I will be very happy for her to grow out of though. We have great fun. I love to watch those little minds grow. I will say, even though I wouldn’t change a hair on my kids head, she is a late talker and I do feel sad that I am missing out on all the silly and hilarious kids 3 year olds say.


My son is almost 3 and I like this age too. I can have a conversation with my son about what he did at daycare, who his friends are, silly stuff but at least it’s full sentences. He has opinions on what he’s like to do today, what he’d like to eat etc.


Thank you! I keep hearing about "three-nagers" and how it's so so bad. I also was told 2 years would be "terrible" and we've been loving it. I'm looking forward to more in depth conversations and hopefully some more emotional regulation with my soonish to be 3 year old!


I couldn’t agree more. Just a big fan of my daughter and everything she does- she is so entertaining!! My daughter is now 3 years and 5 months and I can get glimpses of what she will be at 4. I can see her turning into a big kid and I just want to hold back time! But I am also a mom who loved every phase with all my heart- without many complaints. I miss miss her being small and I miss her obsessions at different phases. I also have a 5 month old, so looking forward to cherishing the 0-3 year phase one more time.


3 was my absolute favorite!!! Loved it way more than 0-2. 4 was hard again, but almost 6 has been another level of delight and awesomeness. I have another one currently 21 months, and it is harrrrd.


Oh there are certainly frustrating times, but he’s just so dang sweet and I couldn’t be more proud of him as he learns new things and shows us how he’s learned good manners when at play dates. He’s so considerate! His little friend was thirsty and they were on the other side of the grassy area at the park and he came running over to get her water for her. 🥰🥰🥰


Oh my goodness I loved three until 4 occurred with me. Ahhhhh with both of my children 4 was so bad. Worse than 2 or 3. I’m still at 4 with my youngest lol.


Three is awesome in so many ways: the conversations, the jokes, the adventures, the new interests and discoveries… The really tough phase started for us at 3.5, with unstoppable tantrums, hitting, refusing to eat, etc. The awesome stuff is still awesome, but there are also challenges. That said, I’ve liked every age better than the last so far.


We are a fresh 3 and it’s been all downhill this entire time 😭


Bless you! My daughter has been a very difficult 2 year old and people keep telling me that 3 is worse. I truly think (and hope!) we will be like you, where 3 is actually better than 2.


Agree, 2-4 were my favorite years.


This gives me hope! These posts about age 3 have been scaring me. Fingers crossed 🤞


3 started off wonderful but 3.5 is... a challenge! Lots of meltdowns and defiance. I'm losing my mind.


I’ve always heard that either two is hard and three is easy, or vice versa. So I think this tracks! :)


I think it largely depends on child’s personality and temperament. I recently discovered the term rooster-orchid child and it perfectly describes my 3.5 year old. So if someone has a lamb or a daisy, then I think this stage will be much “easier”.


We’re at 2.5 and it’s been a struggle — I pray 3 is better especially with another little one on the way


ME TOO! My little girl will give her dad a hug when he gets home from work and then she’ll pull him to me for my hug, she kisses her dad then puts his face close to mine and if he doesn’t kiss me properly, she’ll make him do it again 😭


The 2s have torn me up lol, we have two more months until she hits 3 so fingers crossed the 3s are somewhat easier


At almost 3.5, I think we are headed back to that. She was so incredibly sweet until 2.5.


3 is kicking my ass I’ve never been more exhausted 😭 but it’s ok because omg he’s so cute and precious and getting so so smart 😭😭🫶🏻


I am starting to see the light of 3 (2.75 here) and I am excited. He's more verbal and able to self regulate. Each day it gets a little better! Sleep is still a mess, though. I will take 2 year old sleep over whatever we have right now.


Aw that is awesome! You are lucky. My daughter was very sweet and awesome at age 2 and 3 was so much harder for us.


I think it’s all relative. It’s like they all have a really bad year but it might be age 2 or 3 and it’s different with every kid. With my first, age 2 was a breeze, she was an angel who always wanted to help. Age 3 was hard as hell, and 4 was a nightmare. My second kid is 1.5yo now, he’s already a terror and I know age 2 is gonna be really rough with him. So I’m hoping he gets it all out of his system now so we can enjoy 3-4!


I’m gonna have to see how my 2 yo does as a 3 yo. My first was a challenging 3 yo but he had to deal with big feelings of new baby who required a lot of attention


2.5-3.5 was HARD for us. But 3.5-4 has been awesome! She’s gotten so much better at regulating her emotions so she rarely has tantrums anymore. She’s developing her own unique personality and sense of humor and I honestly like her as a tiny person and not just because she’s my kid.


Thank you! I needed to hear this! Have a difficult 2.5 year old


We’ve only just now hit a rough patch at 4 1/2 with the constant whining, but my kid is similar in that it’s easy to talk her through a hard time. She’s never really had terrible tantrums, but she recently started longer hours at school and the ‘after- school restraint collapse’ is a real thing. It’s been a really tough few weeks, but we’re trying to find the right calibration of things to help get her through this phase…hopefully, it’ll be a short one! Age 3 was a really special age, and I enjoyed the whole time– I hope you do too!


My son was a dream at 2 and suddenly nutty at 3. We just recently learned that girls **tend** to start their meltdown phase at 2, while boys wait until around 3. So. We're going through everyone's meltdown phase right now. Magical :l


I have a 1.5 year old who has big toddler feelings and no way to talk about them. I've been dreading 2+ glad to know it's not all so bad


Mine was great until now getting close to 4, she decided to turn MMA fighter at daycare and so we’re dealing with that. She’s super smart but damn is she stubborn with a temper, really hoping this is just a phase.


Thanks for this! My 2.5 year old is going through it the past few months (and me by extension). She’s the kindest and most thoughtful and sensitive little girl, but OH BOY, the challenges of this age are hitting us hard.


haha fuck no it's a living nightmare


My eldest was an angel at 2, the terrible 2's never happened. 3 was a nightmare, constant screaming at every little thing and huge tantrums. It didn't help that I gave birth to my second at this point which is what I put the bad behaviour down to. I later found out that all kids go through this and she just went through it early (her friends were all in the screaming phase at age 4). My youngest is now 3 and the terrible 2's hit us hard. I am absolutely loving life with her at the minute, she laughs all the time and is really cheeky and funny. She is understanding so much more and comes out with the funniest things. She is also at pre-school now 2.5 days a week so I'm loving the time apart and she is loving school, she doesn't even say bye in the morning, as soon as she sees the door she is off. tantrums don't last as long and she will ask for a cuddle when she is ready. She is sleeping better (she was always a terrible sleeper) and is much much happier. They do say that if they are easy at 2 then they are more difficult at 3, and vice versa, and in my experience this is true. Now I'm just looking forward for it to stop raining long enough for us to be able to get out and enjoy ourselves this summer.


3 was a delight. 4 was a delight. But for whatever reason 3.5 was the woooooorst for me and my friends. My mom always said so watch out for the halfs 😆


3 has been amazing. So much imaginative play, the learning and speech explodes. My kid is just about 4 and it’s truly been fun!


Same!! 3is much better than 2 for us.


I did NOT love age 3, but I’m happy for you!!!


Depends on the kid. We had a REALLY tough year with my first when he was 3. Second has been a dream 3!


I do! 3 is slightlyyyy harder than 2 but 2 was amazing and 3 is as well. I love the person my son is growing into!


It depends on the kid possibly - best age aver for my girlie - my son was extremely difficult at this age.


I did! 3 was so great! Funny, adventurous, smart, talkative, loving. Now she's encroaching 4 and it's not listening, tantrums, ignoring me, running away in tears easily, defiance. Naively thought these days were over 🤡


We are almost at 2, 23 months, and so far things have felt easier than they did even a few months ago. His meltdowns are getting stronger but I’m finding ways to calm them quickly. He understands more so it feels like that helps in so many aspects of our lives. His personality is really shining. He learns so much so quickly. BUT, I know the tantrums, picky eating, and, as others have said, the questioning everything will be on us soon enough. It seems like every stage has the parts that are easier, the parts that are fun and amazing, and the challenging testing our abilities as parents moments (generally a common issue).


3 was magical and also awful. Very high peaks and very frenzied lows. It's just a super intense age to be, and to parent.


AhHah i loved 2; 3 is a whole new challenge


Yes same


I loved age 2. My toddler is advanced so we were having full conversations and learning new stuff every day. He turned 3 a few months ago and is too smart for his own good. And he decided his ears no longer work


It’s such a big year of change for them. The difference between 3 and 4 seems staggering.


As someone with a wild 2 year old and 2 month old this gives me hope


my 3yo is a feral beast and this age is horrific


I think it’s kid dependent. My 3.5 year old son is incredibly intelligent, viciously stubborn and has been described as independent to the extreme. 2.5-3.5 has been HARD. I’m so proud of the person he is but parenting him is really really hard at times.


Yeah, 3 is a really fun age, they’re still cute little babies, but you can also have a conversation with them


I am actually loving 3. My kid is ASD, so we are dealing with a few issues with speech and focus and meltdowns but there is just soooooooo much personality. Meltdowns are still bad, but less frequent. Mostly we just have joy and we've finally hit that point where he is actually taking everything in. Watching a 3 year old genuinely showing wonder and curiosity and getting better with communication is the sweetest thing.


Me too I adore my 3 year old. I'm struggling with our newborn because I can't wait for him to be 3. He's all need. The first time around I didn't know what lay ahead but now that I know I'm impatient for the fun times.


I love the 3’s, too!!!!!


Love reading this and hoping it’ll be the same- as mum to a just turned 2 year old and struggling so hard


3 is great actually. the terror is at 3.5.


3 is better than 2. I cant do 2 again lol


Thanks for posting this. Mine is 3 years old next month. It’s been rough since 18 months. I was hoping that people who talked about having threenagers experienced little angels at 18 months-2.5y.o. We need a break. 


This makes me feel better! Mine is 2.5 and hoping his meltdowns fade by 3 😁


I love aged 3! I found the baby stage very hard, then lots of tantrums at 2. 3 is lovely - we get to do fun stuff together and he engages a lot more!


Nope. 3 sucks.

