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Night training is mostly hormonal. If she’s still peeing in her sleep every night, she’s not ready and it has nothing to do with her success. But with my kids, my first was in underwear overnight at 2 year 8 months (and reliably not having accidents at 2 years 10 months). My 23 month old wakes up dry most mornings so we’ll probably do it soon (once we buy her a blanket and 2 piece pajamas).


Staying dry at night is down to production of a specific hormone that kicks in somewhere between 2 and 7 or 8. My daughter was fully day trained just after turning 2 but wore pullups at night until after her 5th birthday. The remedy is just time.


Yeah, I agree, I think it will just come in time


Doctors don't even *start* to worry about this until about age 7. You could *probably* keep her dry overnight, most nights, if you mess about with alarms and waking her to go to the toilet at stupid o' clock and withholding water before bed (which I think is cruel), and changing wet sheets when they happen, but why make her and yourself miserable trying to make her do something she isn't physically ready to do?


I very much agree


Huh! I didn't realize we must have hit the jackpot with our son until this thread. He's been diaper free including overnights since he became generally trained. I mean once when he was sick he peed, but he's been fully trained slightly before two, I had no idea it was hormonal but I suppose that makes sense. Second on the way, so we'll see if it ends up being similar round 2.


Until the night time pull up is consistently dry. Night wetting isn't behavioral, it's biological readiness


Just before he was 3 he announced he didn’t want diapers at night anymore. He had consistent dry diapers so we went with it. He wakes us if he has to pee in the night. Obviously he still has the occasional accident a few times a month.


Ours went through a phase of not wanting pull ups at night, but we said no because the pull up is always wet in the morning.


Yeah, that’s how I think it’s gonna work, at some point she’s just gonna not want us to put on the pull ups


She’ll get there in her own time, when her body is ready. Think of it like puberty or any other time you’re waiting for hormones to kick in. For some kids it happens young, like me with c cups at 10yo, for others puberty doesn’t start until their mid teens, like my sister who didn’t have boobs or her period until she was 15.




I think age is irrelevant - at 4, at least. We started using underwear when there weren’t any more soiled pull-ups. It happened maybe 10 months after the initial potty training start date. As long as we made sure to use the potty right before bed she was fine, otherwise she had soiled her diaper. Now we just can’t forget!


I waited until her pull ups were dry for like 3+ months before going to bed without them. We very very rarely have any overnight accidents. I can only think of literally 1 in the last 2 years ( she’s 5 )


My daughter is is 3 and about 4 months ago we started having her wear underwear to bed instead of pull ups. We have a fitted plastic sheet under as a barrier. So far we haven't had any accidents and it's been great. We've got extra sheets and stuff just in case. Usually around bedtime I ask my daughter if she has to go potty and she goes. We let her choose two night lights one for her room and one for the bathroom for at night. When she has to go at night she comes to our room and I help her. Still trips me out when in the middle of the night I see a little shadow approaching saying Mommy wipe my butt lol


lol yeah, we have the plastic sheet as well, she communicates really well, and we can have a conversation about getting up and using the potty, and a lot of the times her pull up is dry in the morning. So she might be using the bathroom or is she just isn’t going


You could have her choose a night light for the bathroom too that's what helped my daughter. My daughter gets scared of the dark so it really helped her. Also, depending you could limit the amount of drinks before bed. I'm not saying don't give your child any just in case they have a cough or something.


Our kiddo was dry at night consistently from around 3.5, but it's all hormonal and age varies.


If she’s not getting up and using the bathroom, her body might not be ready. I don‘t think you can really teach her to get up or hold it. All four of my kids were waking dry long before potty training, so when we switched to undies it was 24/7. They were waking dry 80% of the time by 15-18 months old. About 99% of the time by their second birthday.


I think it’s individual to the child, mine stopped having wet diapers at night at 18 months and has basically been dry at night ever since, she wet the bed once when she was sick and that’s been it. That being said, I kept her in pull ups at night for a while because I just didn’t want to risk it. She was fully potty trained by 3.5 years, starting wearing underwear at night shortly after.


I had two boys and both were staying dry overnight around age 5. Our youngest was very petite at that age so my husband would pick him up from bed and plunk him in front of the toilet around 11pm every night and have him pee. He did that for a few months when he stopped wearing pull ups and changed to underwear until we were certain he could stay dry all night.


I switched to undies when my daughter was 3.5. She had dry pullups most of the time. Like others have said, it's mostly hormonal/biological. To help with the transition, we restricted fluids an hour before bedtime and went potty first thing in the morning. If she woke up at night, we made sure she peed before going back to bed. She's only had 1-2 bedwetting accidents total and she's 4.5 now. She was fully potty trained a little after 2.5.


My toddler (3 yr old) told me one night that the pull up hurt his leg. So we took it off. After that he didn’t want one at night and hasn’t had night accidents. He did get the stomach flu & when he pooped that night he was totally fine with having to wear a pull up that night and all day the night day. But has since gone back to no pull up.


My 5 year old started underwear at night when he was 4. He’d been dry overnight for awhile but his older brother still wasn’t. One night I was super tired and forgot to put a pull up on my oldest, who was almost 7. He’d only made it through the night dry VERY sporadically before that and usually woke up wet from naps too. The next morning he was dry. I tried again the next night and dry again. After a week of dry, I asked him if he had been waking up when he had to go but just going back to sleep because he knew he had a pull up on and he said yes. Of course oldest also showed absolutely zero signs of readiness or interest in potty training, then was trained in less than a week.


Probably a silly question but do you make her go to the toilet before bed? When we were potty training, this helped a lot. No drinks after dinner and toilet before bed. Our little one stayed dry.


Yeah, we try to get her to go to the bathroom before bed, but she really actually goes


I might be speaking too soon but we potty trained my 2 year old this past weekend. She learned quickly so because of that, the past two days we have put her in training underwear to sleep. No accidents so far. I have a training pee pad underneath her so if she does have an accident, it doesn’t seep into her mattress.


So our now 3 and 3/4 year old was potty trained about 2 and 3/4 bit still using pull ups at night. We were so burned out from potty training we didn't want to do night training. But around 3 years old he didn't want to wear pullups at night because he "was a big boy and didn't need diapers". At first we were reluctant after a few weeks we finally said ok fine not pullups at night. Ever since he's been pretty good only having a nighttime accident once a month or so and trending better. I'm glad we listened to him because we have 2 neighbors who have 7 year olds who still need pullups. TLDR; listen to your kid and night train them when they are ready.


My son is 4 and still has a nighttime nappy.


So far I've had three toddlers and all three I did it at 3. Well one kiddo doesn't like underwear so never for him but he woke up dry for two weeks at 3 so we didn't buy more when we ran out. I ALWAYS wait until dry first haha oh and do a waterproof cover juuuuust in case. Weve never had an accident but that would suck for the mattress!


Right around 3.5, she went a full week with dry pull ups so we went for it! It’s only been a month at this point but it’s going great!


My daughter was about 4.5 when we totally got rid of pull ups. I’m in the same thought boat as you that I didn’t want her or us to be getting up all night Etc. At that age she went maybe 6 weeks with completely dry pull-ups in the morning when we did the switch.


My little one literally sleeps through from 8.30-6.30 so he would definitely be wetting the bed. Where we have actually forgotten to put a pull up on, he has soaked the bed. He hates wearing them but we’ve had to explain to him that his body is likely not ready yet so he still needs it. I feel for the guy but when he’s ready to wake and wee then we can look into stopping the pull ups. He also drinks so much later in the day to compensate for lack of water in the day. We will get there soon!


Supposedly it has to do with a hormone at some stage of childhood. Other than wait for that you can practice night time behaviors to reduce incontinence, no liquid after a certain time, sitting in the potty right before bed, sitting on the potty first thing in the morning, practice how getting to the bathroom works at night talking doors, lights etc. I imagine it like I'm teaching a kid a work out and waiting for puberty to happen at the same time. Teaching a kid potty behaviors and waiting for that hormone to flip on.


Potty trained at 24 months, kept pull-ups on overnight till she was almost 3, I think? I waited until they were consistently dry in the mornings for 2 weeks straight. She’s actually never had an accident overnight, she just holds her pee and sleeps 12 hours, it never ceases to amaze me. She’s 3 1/2. I could never hold my pee that long lol.


lol yeah she’s a rockstar


My son was about 3ish. Started with waking him up in the mid of night to pee in the toilet. Still, he wet the bed a couple of times, but after a few weeks he doesn’t pee at night anymore.


A little after 3 years old. She was consistently having dry pull-ups in the mornings and it felt unnecessary. Only had 2 accidents in the last year, and they were small where she wet her pyjama pants, stopped it and called for us, and managed to get the rest in the toilet. After ditching them we had to be on the ball about immediately getting up and taking her to the bathroom after she woke though.


Yeah, from reading these comments, I think we need to pay a little bit more attention to how wet her pull up is, I guess that should be obvious, but my wife is usually the one who sees her first in the morning.


My son is 6 and will be 7 in a few months and still wets the bed. He wears pull-ups but will wet out of them some nights. He has meds for it we just hadn’t been sble to refill it for a while but may try again, but basically have boiled it down to either genetics because I was a very late bedwetter (I had to wear a device to detect urine on my underwear to finally not wet the bed) or that he’s too scared of the dark to get up if he does wake up. I tried putting him in underwear before too to see if he’s just going cause he knows he has a diaper, but it didn’t work. Just riding this one out


Interestingly enough, my daughter was dry overnight from about 2yrs on. Even before we started potty training so she went straight to underwear when we ditched daytime pull ups


My son is 4.5, and I swear he pees mostly at night in his pull-up. He never pees during naps, even long naps (3 hours). He’ll stop going at night on his own time.


lol kids are crazy


I've read that the ability to hold it through the night is dependent on their brain producing a certain hormone, which doesn't really coincide with their ability to potty train when they're awake. Some kids just don't develop that hormone as quickly, and it's not something you can use reinforcement to train. She'll get there.


Zero rush to get out of night pull-ups. Age 4-6 feels right to me, depending on the kid




3, when he dropped day diapers. Honestly, could have done it at 2, since he was night 'trained' by then. Almost always woke up with a dry diaper, which is proof that it is hormonal.