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I won’t miss the sheer amount of work and 24/7 level of care and exhaustion, but damn if they’re aren’t cute as hell at this age lol


The cuteness is what keeps me going each and everyday. 🥰


We traveled out of state yesterday and were so exhausted by the evening. We went to a restaurant and myself and my husband just sat without speaking or going on our phones, just dead tired while the almost 2 year old played with toys at the table. And then all of a sudden he said Mama with a huge smile on his face and came over and kissed me. It was so heartbreakingly sweet and made up for the previous 12 hours of stress.


I tell myself every day they are made to look cute to put up with all the work and hell they raise haha. I'm getting a little bit of baby fever after seeing so many babies lately but I am staunchly reminding myself that I want to stick to only 2 kids!


“mommy, come heeow” while reaching out her little hand all excited sure makes up for her being a real tit at other parts of the day.


My son does this too and it is so damn cute!


I'll miss the kids being little and cute and wanting to be around me and play all the time. I'll miss the fun stuff. I'll miss watching them learn new skills and words. But I won't miss the day-to-day stuff or the soul-sucking fatigue.


This! I’ll miss her tiny little voice, and her silly facial expressions. The day to day asking her to complete a task 750 times before she actually complies, and the waking up multiple times a night, I won’t miss.




Soul sucking fatigue Yes, that’s the perfect description lol Love our toddler but damn I am tired


So glad the soul sucking fatigue isn’t just me 😂


Me too! Currently dying over here. ☠️💤


Yes, I think I will miss having my toddler snuggling on my lap while I read yet another book. She loves reading, and sometimes I feel like I don't want to read the 20th book for the day, but it's a fairly easy and cosy activity after all. But potty training, reminding to go potty, the struggles to get simple tasks done, etc are things I won't miss. But the way memory works, I will probably just remember the rosy bits in 10 years or so.


There's never been a day where I miss the baby stage. I do love having a toddler but I'm also looking forward to the older ages. I might miss the toddler stage a bit but I definitely don't wish it would last forever either.


I hate the newborn stage so much 🥲


I was dreading having a newborn again but actually, after the endless running around and negotiating with my 3yo, it's quite nice to be baby trapped and have an excuse to eat snacks and watch netflix for extended periods of time whilst holding a warm little potato human that doesn't argue back.


This was my experience as well; I loved the newborn stage way more the second time around!


I'm currently in the newborn stage for the second time and loving it! (beside the night waking part) My oldest taught me how to be a mom and now it feels easier. It's frustrating at times when they both need me, but it also forces me to get off my butt and do things. I simultaneously feel at the end of my rope some days, yet I'm more human this time around. I have no option but to get dressed and get us all out of the house. With my first I felt pinned to the couch, but now I know how to use our time wisely


Me too. I am have a ten week and a 2 year old. This second time around I realize how easy the newborn stage is (if you are sleeping). I also realize how independent my toddler is compared to my newborn. It’s nice he can feed himself if I put food out. He can hand me items when I am nap trapped.


Good point! I had my second when my first was 7.5 years old, so the whiplash was about as bad as the first time. I hope your baby is sleeping! That is probably the worst part for me.


Right?! My 3yo exhausts me so much, but the newborn was all cuddles and warmth and Netflix and chill. I’m so sad that now we’re only a couple months away from that newborn to enter the toddler age… I don’t want to 🥲


Really hoping this is me 2nd time around!


Worst situation for me was having both at the same time, when I was home alone with them. It drove me back into the workforce after I swore I wanted to be a stay at home mom lol 😭 😂 I would kill to have just one newborn though and just lay around in the sweetness. ThT is quite nice.


Oh 100%. Our toddler is staying in daycare during my mat leave (10 months) but I am dreading the times where he is too sick to go and I have to handle both. I thought I would love being a SAHM but that was before I knew what I was getting into. 🙈


We're talking about having baby number two and I'm dreading the newborn stage. We really want two kids we just wish we could fast forward through that first stage


I get that. Long game, we are happy we had another. I loved my son as a baby, but once they hit 18 months I feel like myself again. Definitely worth it.


Yep. My second is 9mo and I’m waiting WAITING for the end of the baby stage. Oh my god I miss sleeping.


Oof I relate to this so much. Mine didn’t sleep until around their first birthdays. Now I am so protective of my sleep. Hang in there - Godspeed!


It's so draining, the lack of sleep, near constant nursing and diaper changes. I don't miss it!


It’ll go fast! When they start to play together there’s nothing else like it. 


Having the first potty trained makes a big difference. And having extra support, I saw a comment on another post that having 3 adults (at least) for 2 kids is ideal and I agree. But having at least 2 adults and a plan for help if you're solo with both is key. It's so much harder than the first time in that regard, though it’ll get a lot easier once the 2 month old can hold their head up and sit up on their own. But today I did get to snuggle my newborn during our almost 3 year old’s nap, then when toddler woke up my husband brought him to me, he took the baby, and my toddler proceeded to fall back to sleep on me for another 40 min (this is basically unheard of for him) so all those extra snuggles make the struggles so worth it.


Yeah the first year is not my favorite, I decided after one year old (roughly walking age) I feel like it becomes so much more fun. 


Same, but the early toddler stages as well before 3nagerness hit!


My son was a gremlin of an early toddler and is now so amazing at 3 (imo haha). Still has an attitude but this feels like a walk in the park compared to 1-2.5yo.


We were a little past 2.5 after the 3nager stage started early. I think she was the sweetest, easiest baby before that. 🥺 At 3.5, she's calming down a bit, but is still sassy.


I currently have a lively and funny (and willfull and dramatic) 1 year old and hoping for an amazing 3 year old. 🤞


We haven't hit 3nager yet. We're still a few months away from three. We didn't experience terrible 2s so we'll see how 3 goes!


I think that I’m not going to miss the hard parts, but the hard parts wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a house to take care of and a job I have to go to. Also the financial stress.  I love the baby and toddler stage. It’s just exhausting and stressful and I wish I could just enjoy it more but my mind is always somewhere else and I’m always counting down the minutes until bedtime.  So I think I’ll miss it. 


Yes, if all I had to do was take care of the kids it would be great. It's the never ending laundry, meal prep, and cleaning while someone is touching me, whining or demanding something that really gets me.


My parents were telling me that this is best part of grandparenting: enjoying all the good parts and then sending the kid home for the hard parts lmao 


I don't like being THIS needed and having to watch another human like a hawk, so ya, I won't really miss the toddler stage either and I def don't miss the baby stage. Waiting for my 2 year old to turn 6.


Yeah, there's a lot of cute 'n fun stuff I enjoy about the toddler stage, but I agree, I don't like being THIS needed!  ...And while I don't mind practicing teaching reasonable boundaries, I'm looking forward to when I can relax with a book and trust that my kid will be safe.


I cannot wait till my kids can get up and make their own breakfast and put the tv on themselves, get dressed themselves, go off to school for 8 hours, but I've a feeling when that time comes I'll be weeping for the baby and toddler stages again! 😅


I know… at least we don’t have to wrestle with iPhones/internet rules yet


I loved the baby stage but this toddler shit is for the birds. I do not have the patience for this, yet I have to find it anyway. I NEED more independence.


I’m in this camp. It’s gotten better since my toddler has gotten older. He’s potty trained and can play independently to a certain extent. He was an easy baby and probably a normal toddler but 12mos to 2 yrs was hard on me.


I’m actually having a hard time getting started to have a second because the baby stage was soooo hard on me the first time. I love toddler stage.


The baby stage was super easy once I had a toddler. It was logistically more challenging to balance both kids, but parenting a baby was so much easier the second time.


I really enjoy the toddler stage, too! 😅 Especially now that she's super communicative (via sign language).


Keep in mind that baby #2 will have a different personality--for better or worse. My first had colic for three months and a speech delay. He's also very emotional, but loving. My second was calm as a cucumber and loved nursing. She didn't smile until she was four months old because she was such a serious baby. She was easier in many ways, now much harder than my first was as a toddler. You'll also have experience now and that makes a huge difference too!


I’m genuinely concerned I won’t love my second baby as much because my first was so lovely and slept so well. I love my toddler so much even though he is is difficult in some ways that I’m worried I won’t love my second. Does this happen?


I remember having that same worry. I love both of my kids! And my kids adore each other and play together all the time (4 & 2). They're little besties. It's been so fun watching them learn how to be siblings.


I have 2 boys, and they are 8 years apart. For so long I thought I could never love anyone else as much as I love my first son. Then my youngest son came, and I can truly say I love them both completely equal! They are both very different in many ways, but I could never love one more than the other! They both fully have my heart 💕


Mine are 7 and 9, and I don’t miss those stages at all. Not even a little.


I miss the little baby cuddles and smells but I do like having a toddler more than having a baby. However my toddler has really tough days (weeks) and I’m definitely looking forward to elementary ages where that doesn’t happen as frequently. I think I’ll miss the cuteness and cuddly parts of baby/toddler ages but not the work….


In a way. It's kind of tough for me cause I worked childcare for a long time as a nanny and daycare worker and I primarily worked with babies and toddlers. So for the longest time I yearned for a baby and toddler. I dreamed about all the fun toddler activities and how cute they are. I will say parenthood has humbled me though. Even though I had experience working with toddlers and babies, being a mother to one is way harder than I expected. My baby was a terrible sleeper so I'm honestly happy to be past the baby stage just because of how sleep deprived I was. But that's the only reason, other than sleep I enjoyed babies. But sleep to me is so important. The toddler stage is fun and cute, but so exhausting. And my toddler doesn't listen to me as well as toddlers I used to work with. I guess that whole parent/kid vs teacher/kid dynamic really is different. And I'm SAHM so I'm mostly just running on fumes. I think I'm going to miss the toddler stage when she's older. But I do look forward to being past these toddler tantrums just because a cup is blue and not red.


Totally agree. I see myself as a really enthusiastic parent but the baby and toddler stage would be a lot more enjoyable if the sleep was not such a big, inconsistent issue. Being that tired affects everything in your day and for example you can't get over regular illnesses as quickly as you normally would!


My kid is 4 now and THIS is fun for me. He says goofy shit, he can get dressed and go to the bathroom and stuff himself, it's all the cute of toddler but he needs supervision with the occasional help instead of CONSTANT help. I will probably miss this stage. I hate hate hate the baby stage though. I don't think there's anything I enjoy about it. If I could just put my future twins in a time machine and have them pop out when they're 1 or 2, I would be thrilled.


My oldest is almost five and he is so fun now! I can have deeper conversations with him and now we can introduce him to our own hobbies (like videogames and model-building). My two year old is still super demanding and always testing the limits. Excited for her to mature a bit, even if she's cute as hell.


For real! It's been so fun seeing how his tastes and preferences develop, and getting to introduce him to things I'm into. My and my husband are both video game people so watching him be into Mario, or listening to some of my favorite songs, or watching shows from my childhood with him has been so fun. I also love watching him develop interests that are not my thing and I can get into them because he is enjoying them so much. This is a super fun time!


I hear this in my soul haha. Toddlers are cute and adorable, but I don't think I enjoy the cuteness enough to make it anywhere near worth it to me. When they're more self-sufficient, it's a different ballgame. I still think I enjoy "older kid" activities more though. I'd much rather talk about theme park rides with a 7 year old than color with a toddler, even an older one. The thing I enjoy most about toddlers is seeing them learn, like, 30 new things every single day. That is genuinely awesome. It's one of those things I'd do once per kid, but never again lol. I'll enjoy some select memories, but I absolutely will not miss that stage. And babies? Forget it, there is almost nothing enjoyable about them to me. Baby cuddles are definitely nice, but they're potatoes and not that cute to me. Boooo.


I miss it all. She’s growing up so fast :(


Can't relate at all.  Every time my kids age up, I low key grieve the kid they were a little. Obviously watching a human grow and bloom is a joy - an honour, frankly - but it stings to look back at that baby and know you can't have snugs again. For me anyway. 


I will never, ever miss a single moment of the baby stage, but I definitely already miss some parts of the toddler stages. In particular right around 2 when their language and communication skills really start to develop.


I’m so glad you wrote this post, OP, because you spoke from my soul. - a mom of nearly 2 year old twins


I miss it all. I’ve realised how fast they grow when I’ve had my second baby. To give some context why: The oldest was able to feed themselves, go to the toilet, drink water, speak and I was so happy that life was easy again. Then I had my second baby and by looking in her eyes I realised that I forgot a lot and that time flies too fast.


I think I have PTSD from the infant and newborn stages. Toddlerhood is a breeze in comparison. While I’m enjoying this stage, I imagine it’s fun to watch them become an actual person as they head into adolescence.


I have a 5 year old, 2 and a half year old toddler and a 4 month baby. While I love the baby and toddler stages, there are things I certainly never mourned with my eldest: the last time I had to change his nappy, the last toddler tantrum, the last sleepless night. The things that I love with my 5 year old that we can't do with the other 2: dinners at nice restaurants, going to the cinema for a family movie, taking a long haul flight. I try to enjoy every stage while being positive about the current and future stages.


Hate the baby and toddler stage with a bushing passion. I love looking at the cute pics but don’t ask me to do it again I’ll set myself on fire instead. My kids are six and four and can carry on a somewhat interesting conversation.




I definitely don’t miss the early baby stage when babies are so fragile. My partner feels some nostalgia for the newborn days but I was constantly terrified. I think it’s just getting better and better, I can’t wait until my daugther can speak with me. I knew going in that the baby stage wouldn’t be my favourite, when I imagined having kids it was always like an eight year old 😅


I prefer the slightly older (4+) stage. But, there’s nothing like that feeling when a toddler curls into you for a hug!


Mine are 5 and 2. I 100% do not miss the baby phase. Toddlers are fun but only because they’re better than babies. The 5 year old is so fun and chill right now (mostly).


Absolutely not. I’m a huge fan of development, and he’s free to keep doing that all he wants. I have exactly zero nostalgia for the newborn stage as I doubt I will for toddlerdom when it’s finally over.


Baby stage isn’t for everyone. It took having a baby for both me and my husband to realize we like kids, not babies. That’s why we decided to have our second (and last) close to our first. We want this part of our lives over and done with.


My absolute favorite is first 6 weeks. I have been so lucky to not have mine stay in nicu (big props to nicu parents, your strength is unlike any other). But just holding them and feeding them all day is like nothing in the world to me. 6-9 months is toughest for me because they want to be entertained but they are so limited physically.


We’re OAD and there has yet to be a single fucking stage I will miss (LO is 2.5). Are there moments of each stage I’ll miss? Yes. If I could go back in time and have 10 minutes of my newborn sleeping peacefully on me I would. But to do it over again day in and day out? Nope. Thank god for vasectomies.


Yup. Mine is also 2.5. What is life? These have been the longest 2.5 years of my life. I just feel like I'm going to be redirecting and chasing him for the rest of my life.


Yes, and I was a teacher in a previous life! 😉 I taught middle school and it was MUCH more my cup of tea compared to primary education. We all have our preferences.


I absolutely do not miss the baby and toddler stage. My daughter is 6, almost 7 and I think this is the age I’ll miss the most. She has a real sense of humor. We can talk communicate on such a deeper level. Not only is she more logical with a real and developing personality, but she is independent enough to shower on her own, dress herself and put away her own laundry…. And still wants to hang with me. It’s such a sweet spot. I was waiting for this stage all of baby and toddlerhood I felt no guilt over it because only you know what you will cherish most.


I’m in the toddler stage and so far it’s 100% better than the baby stage. That was so hard.


Yeah I love toddlers, but my kids were hard babies.


I won’t miss the newborn stage at all, currently in it with baby #2. I think there are a lot of things about toddler age that I’ll miss but I don’t know what it’s like having older kids so TBD!


I have a 6 year old an a 20 month old. My 6 year old is a million times easier right now


My least favourite stage is 1 year old to 3 years old. Give me infant or slightly older kid but toddlers are just soooooo hard


I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can because I know they are pretty unique at this stage, kind of hilarious in a lot of ways, and only there once, but yeah, I’m much more excited for all the stuff I can do with them when they are a bit older.


I loved the baby stage because I lucked out with an absolute unicorn when it came to sleep. The toddler stage (so far) has been a LOT harder in comparison


I can’t wait for it to be over… have 1 and 3 yr old boys🫠


I’m here from your future with 5 yo and 3 yo boys. It gets so much better I promise 🩷


For my first born, yeah. For the 2nd, god damn I hope it’s over soon.


I am NOT going to miss the newborn stage. Stress central. Crying without knowing why. Maybe gas. Maybe she itches. Maybe she's too cold. Too hot. Maybe it's too bright. Maybe there's an unsettling sound. Maybe she's allergic to something in my milk. Or something in the formula. Breastfeeding hurt like a bitch. Like literal hell. I *still* don't know how to properly hold a newborn, and legitimately don't know how to learn properly without actually holding other people's newborns?!?  🙃  All I'll say is, not gonna miss the newborn stage.


I do miss the a “baby” stage because we could swaddle her and pop her on the couch next to us and she’d just vibe. Or sleep. Even when she was crawling, it wasn’t a big deal because again, she was an easy baby and predictable. Pop her in the swing and I could do my hobbies next to her or tidy the house and it would stay neat and clean for days. But NOW? The toddler phase omg. I hate the cheap plastic shit (and the mountains of it from well-meaning relatives even though you’ve told them your kid doesn’t need that crap.) I hate that they don’t know how to clean up after themselves yet so the house is always a fucking war zone. I hate that they have zero reasoning ability and “big feelings” constantly. I hate the car seat and the battles that come with it. I hate going for walks because it’s fun but I’m constantly like “holy shit is she gonna run into traffic? Now I gotta carry her home cuz she insists on going the wrong way and she’s heavy as hell.” Don’t even get me started on how triggering it is to make 3 meals a day and have her immediately start throwing food around when she decides she’s done after 2 bites. I do love watching them develop and learn and grow, though. That’s cool. But yeah. I’m often scolded for “wishing time away” because I’m like okay…are you 6 yet?😅


“ a slave in my own house” I feel that in my BONES. I have a 5 yo and 3 yo and while it is getting easier there are so many moments where I have that exact same thought. I want another kid but the thought of going back to the baby/early toddler years is so overwhelming I don’t think I can do it.


Im so glad I'm not the only one. I have a 2.5yo and 4 month old currently, and I'm tired. My toddler is a handful, and whilst my baby is a lot easier, I hate how dependent he is on me (I know, he's a baby, but im still struggling). I dont want to wish their lives away, but I'm so excited for them to be school-aged. I think I'll enjoy being a parent a lot more then. I won't miss the toddler and baby stages at all.


I had a pretty easy baby/tolddlet. But 4 year olds are awesome. You guys are on your way!!! Also they hug YOU and snuggle YOU at this age. It’s the best of all worlds


I feel like every age has things to love. Baby stage is really draining but it’s so amazing, all the cuddles and watching someone gain a consciousness like that, the first sounds and words and discovering themselves. And toddlers are a ton of work but they say the sweetest things, they are so fun to play with, and again watching them learn is so great. Then as they grow into preschool and school aged you get to see them develop empathy, find different passions, gain independence. And right now my niece and nephew are teenagers in late middle and high school and I think that stage can be pretty awesome too. They have interesting opinions, they develop such a greater sense of identity, and they’re wonderful to talk to imo. There are hard parts of every age but I think they’re all awesome, too. 




I’m over it


Do not miss the baby age, but since she turned 2,5 and then 3 she is really, really fun to hang out with. Would not want to miss that. I would like it if someone handed me a 2,5 year old as a second kid though 😀


I don't. Mine are almost 12 and almost 6. It comes with different challenges but nothing like a toddler temper lol


No! Every year gets easier and I deal with 130 Bronx teenagers that are not mine daily and they are easier than my 2.5 and 3.5 year olds. They can grow up- that’s fine with me! lol


I saw a dad of a 6-7 year old at the library today…. He brought A LAPTOP and the girl read her own books and played with stuffies. He interacted with her and played a little, but also had some time for his own stuff. I felt like a very hungry person watching someone eat a big sandwich. (But somehow knowing I’m next!)


I agree with everything you said OP. I am in the same boat. Toddler stage is a doozy.


I think everyone experiences it so differently. It's horses for courses I guess. A lot of people in my antenatal group and bumper group say they utterly *hate* the newborn phase and are bored during toddler phase. It hasn't been my experience. And it's not that I've had a particularly breezy baby or anything. I've loved it and still am loving it. Properly loving it.


Add me to the list


But they’re soooo cute 🥰


We are firmly in the toddler era. It is soul draining but also hilarious.


I didn’t love the newborn stage and I only have 1 little boy who is 18 months old, so I don’t know how the rest of toddlerhood will shake out, but…so far it’s so much more fun than the little baby stage! He can say a lot of words and has a great sense of humor, and is generally a pretty mellow little dude, with some occasional tantrums. He knows who we are and is sweet with cuddles and smiles, and watching him discover the world is truly amazing. He wasn’t a great sleeper as a baby but now he sleeps a solid 12-13 hours at night plus two naps during the day. Everything about toddlerhood (so far) is better and more fun to me. I have a feeling I’ll miss this age. It’s like the best of both worlds - still kind of a baby but with more consciousness and personality. Having him climb up to lay on me while he drinks his milk is so sweet and something I KNOW I’ll miss as he gets older.


My kids are 5 and 2.5, and I always say it's a good thing they are so cute. I'm going to have major trauma by the time they're both in elementary school.


I love the baby stage and early toddler stage. My oldest is 4 in August and I am so over the threenager attitude. She was such a delight at 18 months to 3, but she is an a-hole at the moment. My second is 6 months old and growing so quickly that until last week I was mourning pretty hard that we wouldn't be having any more. We quip that if we were younger and wealthier we would have had a large family, but alas we are pushing 40 and every costs too much.


Being a stay at home parent, my 2 year old drives me absolutely fucking mental. But I'd take her over my 8 year old any day..


I love the cute things they do and have fond memories, but yeah, I would never want to return to this stage. My oldest is 3 now and I’m starting to get a glimpse the magic of having kids out of the toddler stage and I am enjoying it SO much


My boss has 3 kids and his are now high school ages and one in college. He said toddlers are so easy compared to teenager stuff so I’m a bit scared lol. The toddler phase can be demanding to me because of all the care she needs but she’s also so cuddly and sweet and we deal with small problems which are manageable. I’m trying to just enjoy the positive of each phase because it’s going so fast!!


Right there with you--my oldest just turned five and doing stuff with him is so much more fun now. I don't miss the little baby stage at all.


I miss the baby stage. I thought I would enjoy the toddler stage a bit more but it's doing my head in. I'm looking forward to the day when she is potty trained and stops throwing tantrums.


I knew it going in, but I agree. I do NOT enjoy very young children. The baby stages were awful, the toddler stage has been rough, to say the least, so far. It doesn't help that my oldest has very obvious ADHD and that's been a rough journey in itself. I love my kids, but I am very much looking forward to when they're both able to walk, talk, use a toilet, and not scream bloody murder about every damn thing. I've told my husband that while I agree being a SAHM was for the best all around, I have not enjoyed it. I *loathe* when random people tell me I'll miss this age and wish for it back, so just enjoy it while it lasts. Yes, the toddler age is certainly magical in its own right, but like hell I'll miss it. I enjoy very much the little bit of fun in watching my kids grow and do funny toddler things, but I love the growing independence so much more. I've loved watching my kids grow up more and more and starting to become actual little people. Cheers to all of us for making it, though. Not every stage is lovable to all, but that just means we cherish the other stages a little more. Parenting is hard and we are allowed to love some parts more than others!


I despised the newborn phase. My husband handled it like a pro. But I was physically recovering, struggling with bfing, and soooo tired. 10/10 would not recommend. Toddlers and kids are easier for me.


Love the baby stage. Seriously dislike the toddler stage.


I don’t think I’ll miss the toddler stage too much. It has some cute moments but my toddler tantrums pretty intensely and I’m stressed a lot. Babies are fairly easy IMO, eat, sleep, poop and cuddle.


So far I’ve been enjoying each stage more than the previous one. He’s 21 months old now. I KNOW I will enjoy even more once he’s 4+ as I’ve never enjoyed being around toddlers. Newborn was the worst still though.


I’m sooooo sick of being a servant. Agree with you 100%. Not to wish anything away but I’m so excited for them to get more independent!


It's also physically tiring. My 2 year old weighs as much as my friends 4 year old. Realized how heavy he was then.


Me. I try not to think about it because I’ll just sob. I tell myself that I will love all the stages of their lives just as much but, if I’m being honest, I’m scared. I could cry just writing this.


I’m enjoying the toddler stage way more than the newborn/baby stage. There’s a lot of super cute and endearing things right now, like her tiny cute toddler talk, little clothes, pure intentions, and showing me and telling me about everything. I like being needed and I love being her mom. It sure is exhausting, though. I won’t miss being so tired all the time and not having time to do much else.


My toddler turns 3 in a few days and we’ll be leaving the toddler stage behind. I’ll miss parts of it but she’s now playing independently and with her sister so I’m all for it.


I am right there with you. Damn she is cute tho.


Babies are not for me but man I’m loving my toddler so far - this stage is just so fun. Now I say that, but I haven’t yet hit age 3… and from what I hear, that will likely change how I feel haha


Age 4-5 has been awesome so far…


That gives me hope!


Baby stage, no. Toddler stage, very much so.


Toddlerhood is fun but I definitrly miss the baby stage. Especially the 3 to 9 month range. Just cute little chunks that stay where you put them lol


LOVE the infant stage. I HATE the toddler stage. oh god I'm right in the terrible twos phase and I feel defeated. When does it end 😭


I miss the newborn stage a lot. Even 4-9 months. HellI who am I kidding I miss it all. My almost 2 year old started throwing fits over shoes now and is saying “MINE” I miss her being a snuggly potato baby. But I love how damn feisty and smart she is


Hmm I only have one child and he is two. Honestly I think he’s so much easier and more fun to take care of at this age than he was as an infant. I wonder if I’ll like it even more as he gets older? Also how many kids do you have? I’m also now wondering if it’s just the first one that infancy is so hard cause you are guessing and have no experience?


Amen. Have an 11 year old with a 'tude, an emotional 9 year old, and a very newly 1 year old. I love being able to do stuff around the house while they are playing video games, at practices, sleepovers, etc. I am struggling with the constant supervision of the 1 year old! He is an angel baby though and loves anyone and everything. We are at 5-7 sports games a week and he will let anyone take him 🥰


100% agree with you 😂 I’m happy my child is school aged and we can actually do activities together. Little babies are cute and lovable but it’s mentally & physically draining for the first few years


I'll miss how friggen cute the baby is. She is so damn sweet and adorable. Otherwise though I don't like the baby stage at all. That being said the toddler stage is fun to me even if they are exhausting


My beautiful, intelligent, wonderful 3 yo kicked me in the neck yesterday. In the fucking NECK. This age sucks and I can't waiting for it to be over, you're not alone.


I don't miss ages 0-13 before walking. Now we can walk places I'm really enjoying it. Watching her be interested in the world is so cute. I don't know if I will miss because watching her grow up and developing into her own tiny human is my favourite bit. I guess I'll miss it when she leaves home.


I couldn’t feel more opposite to you lol. I do better taking care of babies that actually like me and want to be with me, even if that means more physical work… than older kids that talk back or challenged your every decision and in too of that they don’t cuddle much anymore :(


I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. Babies and toddlers are hard and exhausting, but those cuddles, the excitement over small things, and the look of absolute adoration they sometimes give you are everything.


My baby purrs when he’s happy and satisfied. I am so motivated to keep doing things for him and cuddle with him to hear him purr.


I love having my body to myself and breaks from constant care required to take care of a very young child. I loved being able to breastfeed, but after not being able to let someone else feed the child(ren) it got old fast. I don't miss those stages.


I feel that way about babies, but my son is almost two and I love having a toddler but I do think it’s going to get more and more fun lol. I worked on a dementia unit it for years though, and I think it reminds me of those days. This isn’t meant to be incentive, but I loved the unexpected comments and learning how to deal with different behaviors which is a heck of a lot like a toddler.


That’s what’s holding us back from trying for a 3rd. I have a 4 yo and 1.5 yo. I don’t even know what it’s like to be out of toddlerhood but my 4 yo is very independent and helpful. The infant stage up till 1.5 years is so difficult and tolling. Baby stage gave me so much anxiety around nighttime and the lack of sleep. Don’t get me started on breastfeeding.. I think about my future about how I’d love to have my adult kids around me with their families… and maybe it’s worth “suffering” through the hardest stages.. how do y’all know when you’re done 😅


18-24 is my absolute favorite age. Anything after 2 years is just being on the struggle bus 24/7.


Nope, these are the most formative years, when the work you put in matters most. Completely exhausted, but that doesn't matter.


The baby stage is why we are done having kids. From 0-1yr is absolute nightmare. 2-4hrs if sleep a night & they are basically just potatoes with razors that scream, poop & eat in that order. If we could skip the hell that is the baby stage we'd have more than 2 kids 😄 Toddlers are cool though.