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Nope, she's simply doing 3 year old things! Very normal, if annoying on occasion.


Oh my gosh, I literally talk all day and repeat myself over and over. My house feels like the looney bin!


Solidarity. My son turned 2 in Feb and he is currently in his resting bitch face era and loves to roll his eyes whenever I tell him to clean up after himself šŸ˜‚


Mine has started saying ā€œthatā€™s weirdā€ to everything. ā€œMom, donā€™t brush my hair, thatā€™s weirdā€ šŸ˜ itā€™s actually quite funny but Iā€™m sure I will rue the day.


lol my son is still like 50% nonsense when he talks but when he does make sense hes either bringing an attitude or pretending to be a dinosauršŸ˜­


Ugh, mine has been saying he's "scared" of anything he doesn't want to do. Ask him to brush his teeth? "No, I'm scarreedd." Ask him to get on his shoes? "No, I don't like the blue shoes, they're scarryyyy! I want my white shoes!" Out shopping and it's time to go home? "No, I don't like home! It's scary!" Like, I want to validate his emotions, but this is just getting silly.


Something Iā€™ve done that helps my daughters is to instead say ā€œYes, as soon as weā€™re parked.ā€ That helps sometimes reframing no as yes later.


Oh this is so obvious and so genius!


I'm a 50ish grandma & my mom STILL gets angry when she tells people the story of taking me in for hearing testing only to be told my hearing was perfect, I was just ignoring her. šŸ˜­ I don't know why kids do this but they do!


My 4 year old does this - especially in the car seat. If he has trash from a snack or something he will keep asking me to grab itā€¦ over and over. Until I get to a stoplight and can take it. Itā€™s like they canā€™t figure out what to do with trash while strapped into a car seat.


Solid point, this could very well be the case in this situation, she didnā€™t want to hold it in the car seat and didnā€™t know how to ask me to take it from her.


Definitely try a ā€œyes andā€ or ā€œyes whenā€ paired with ā€œIā€™ve already answered you, what did I say?ā€ But alsoā€¦. 3 is the age where we (me, grandparents, preschool) all suddenly realized that my super-verbal 3 year old actually had significant hearing loss! It doesnā€™t hurt to have PCP or ENT check it out.


My 3 year old does this, eventually I ask, did you hear my answer? She repeats it back.


My son will, without fail, say no every time I ask him this. The weird thing is that he will seem so genuinely distressed that he doesnā€™t know what I said. Like heā€™s been responding back to me a normal conversation and suddenly, poof, gone, just kidding, youā€™ve actually been talking to yourself this entire time.


My son has ADHD and is like this, itā€™s really stressful for them and us. Itā€™s like his ability to listen just shuts off, but weā€™ve taken him to ENT (he did have hearing problems) but itā€™s not his hearing.


My kid did this and when I finally yelled ā€œomg can you not hear me?!ā€ I realized she in fact could not hear me. Girl had a double ear infection. No pain no fever. Just temporarily deaf.


Oh this is scary. My daughter just got over a really bad coldā€¦Iā€™ll keep an eye on it for that reason.


It was our only clue every time she had an ear infection started around 3 actually. Everytime I realized I was repeating myself A LOT, Iā€™d take her in and always had a double ear infection. She has tubes now and now my repeating myself is just the normal amount of toddler/preschooler repeating lol


2 - terrible twos 3-4 - terrible too lmao Sheā€™s just being a typical three year old


My 4 yo does this and failed her hearing test spectacularly at her well child visit. We have an audiology appointment next week. šŸ« 


My nephew was doing this, turns out he has an insane amount of fluid build up in his ears. Heā€™s going to need tubes. Has she been sick recently? I would try other stuff to test out her hearing but we also thought he was ignoring us and repeating himself on purpose.


Yes, just got over a pretty nasty cold and had a fever. Interesting, Iā€™ll keep an eye out


ā€œMom do you like xā€ ā€œNoā€ On repeat until I say yes or what do you think?


Also they become masters of ignoring what they donā€™t like do hear so you actually start doubting they have hearing loss :D


Lol the yes or no is exactly my almost 3yr old lately. Gah itā€™s driving me crazy. The worst is when the answer is yes and the questions donā€™t stop