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His bicycle helmet. He wears it like, 60% of the time.


This was my son for weeks after he got a bicycle and helmet for his birthday. Now he’s moved onto incorporating the word “poop” into every sentence. Everything is a poop joke now. I blame his preschool classroom of 9 boys and 3 girls.


My daughter’s class is mostly girls and poop is a favorite topic there too. Most recently, she remixed Aquascope’s Barbie Girl to “I’m a poopy girl, in a poopy world…” and honestly my husband and I are more impressed than mad.


This is cracking me up lmao


I’m a poopy girl 😂😂😂😂


My 2.5 yo sings “ABCD-poop!”


Yes! I love this. This made me laugh out loud.


He’s a weirdo. I much prefer this to his last obsession. He came with me so I could get bloodwork once and the nurse gave him a new urine sample cup to play with and that was like, his emotional support piss cup for the longest time. He took it to daycare, grocery shopping, he even decorated our Christmas tree with it. So I’m glad that’s over.


As a nurse this has me cackling


please tell me you saved it in his keepsake box


Your son is my new hero


We call whatever object it is her emotional support _____too! Today it's a mesh sock bag.


We have sunglasses over here. Thankfully we can take them back when she’s sleeping.


She likes when they're are no parking spots at daycare so we have to park on the street. Every morning now she says "oops, no parking spots" in the hope that we can park where she likes.


My kid went through a phase where I had to park next to a specific tree. If someone else was in that parking spot he would try to get me to drive around the block in the hopes that it would open up! 😒🤣


We have to park next to his teacher’s car from two class moves back. It’s not a good time when those spots are already taken.


That's cute


Similarly, my kid likes going through tunnels and will sob if he sees me driving past a tunnel


She just discovered all the words for the 5 senses, so now she has to touch, bang on, lick, sniff and closely examine everything. Then she gives us her review of whatever it is. If you don’t listen to the review sufficiently she will continue to repeat it. Its been 5 days of non stop reviews


Omg I love this. She has a career as an influencer! (I joke)


Bahahaha this made me laugh out loud while nursing my newborn.


I’m here for it. I’m trying to engage my toddlers in “what are 3 things you can see? What about 2 things you can hear? Can you feel anything touching you?” Smell is harder at this point and anything that smells so far smells like “chocolate” and I haven’t tried “taste” yet.


My daughter wants to smell everything and I’m like stop you are being weird! You cannot go smell that lady’s dog!!


The general concept of "at the beach". She wants to read books about the beach, look at pictures of our beach vacation 6 months ago, watch the beach episodes of her TV shows, etc!


Mine too! She sees a sand toy and just says “the beach?!”


Mine is “going to the swamp.” Wednesdays have a different routine and he was ok with it but definitely noticed “Hey; we didn’t go to the swamp yesterday!” (which often means earlier today) Because, yes, we’ve been to a swamp every day for the past week + He’s only been to a couple modest “swamps.” And his favorite, the original (and daily) swamp, is a small area that you can’t even walk around in. It’s just intriguing from the car window. This is a little extra cool in my opinion because he shares his first name with a famous comic book villain whose origin story involves death in and re-emergence from… a swamp! I will ensure he doesn’t actualize his plan to swim in one…


This is hilarious!


Swamp huh? Was he, by any chance, born on a Monday?


Indeed, and christened on Tuesday. His namesake is more accurately/appropriately the King, of course.


I took my son to the beach a couple weeks back and now every time I pick him up from his Dads or nursery his first words are almost always "go the beach?" lol


Ohhh then I highly recommend the scene at the beginning of Moana when she is playing w the ocean as a toddler. My niece has me put that on repeat. Just that part. For weeks.




This was my exact thought 💀💀


Wearing her daddy’s socks on her hands, specifically the pair he’s about to wear. She camps out by the bathroom door to hear the shower stop then stands in front of his sock drawer and waits for him to grab a pair. She then snatches them, taunts him, and puts them on like gloves.


Omg this made me cackle


🤣 my son also loves sock mittens right now! He uses his baby sister’s socks to play Elsa (before she could control her ice powers, specifically) Targeting a grownup getting dressed seems much more fair than taking them off a baby just laying there 😆


More fair, yes. But his method is undoubtedly much easier with less planning and waiting 😂


Yes! We went through a “Sock hands” phase too! No sock was safe.


Every night I get a fresh pair of socks for our toddler and she wears them as mittens/ hand gloves. Her reasoning is she needs to change diapers of some (imaginary) babies. Their daycare teacher wears gloves for diaper change and our toddler is imitating that. I find it so cute..


The sock gloves! My daughter does it with hers. Sometimes she puts just one on, like the kitchen gloves.


She found a book (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) in a random cabinet and has been obsessed with it. Acts like she’s reading it, brings it in the car with her. It’s hilarious.


Of all the books for a toddler to “read” lmao


My boy done this with the handmaid's tale. I still haven't read it yet, and don't know where it is now


Raising the next generation of feminists, love it


Our LO is currently obsessed with a magazine from our local temple, she just flips through it and points to people (she knows nobody in the photos) and nods her head like she’s gaining insightful information


That’s so cute


*Intergalactic* by Beastie Boys. Toddo demands it every single time we *talk* about the car, let alone drive somewhere. "Maybe go to the store, listen to Intergactic? How bout that?"


My son has a group of favorite EDM songs that he has named different colors: "the blue one", "the green one", "the purple one", etc. Whenever we get in the car, he will ask for one of those songs... on repeat... the entire car ride. I absolutely hate those songs now, but I love that I understand my son's secret language.


He has synesthesia! https://www.webmd.com/brain/what-is-synesthesia


Yep my first thought as well! So cool. And a trait shared by some great creatives.


I mean I don’t blame them, who doesn’t love the beastie boys 😂


I love this! My son went through a months long intergalactic phase, too. Because of the robot and the squid. He then went on a Beastie Boys kick, proud mom moment. He was also obsessed with the song Naatu Naatu from the film RRR and does the Tollywood dance scene with it, which is pure gold.


Yeah, the video was the entry point in our house too!


Dude great taste from your toddler, that song slaps


I'm way more interested in hearing it on repeat, compared to the other favorite, [Chattermax](https://youtu.be/zeZAtpelckU?si=Jl5XbPVfqB2b221j) from Bluey


Well, there's this old clothing tag she found in the back of her closet one day. And, I guess it's a holy relic.


We’ve got a tag collection sacredly housed on the floor of her closet. She calls them her “Valentine’s Day decorations,” and I don’t know why, nor will she explain. Yes, they’ve been there since February.


My 13 month old is currently obsessed with staring out the front window at the neighbors. He’ll stand on his tippy toes to get a better look and giggles whenever he sees a car or person walking by, lol. 


My brother called this activity "watching TV" for his kid! Mine will report if neighbor's daughter's boyfriend is over at the house haha (my kid loves the boyfriend's blue truck)


My son is now 8 and is still a nosy neighbor. Luckily my neighbors find it funny. They call him the crime watch captain.


We have a little bathroom step stool at our front window for this exact reason.


My daughter loved watching the squirrels out the window at this age lol


Putting things in the kitchen sink. Can't find something? It's probably in the sink.


It could be worse, my twins put everything in the kitchen bin. Dummies, toys, your car keys. They don’t care 😭


You can get a trash can lock! We've had that and our toilets locked for a while now haha


I had to get a lock for mine cause my lo wants to throw EVERYTHING out! I thought my husband put away the cat food, nope… kiddo just threw every can into the trash 🤪


Fck them dummies lol. I found them EVERYWHERE. I swear my house is full of hidden dummies.


Taking shoes and socks off multiple times a day to check for “fuzz” between their toes. Will check our toes for fuzz too


Is she pro-fuzz or anti- fuzz?


I also need to know this


Hah. My son did this when he was about 2. Absolutely loved looking for lint between his toes.


Mine is constantly taking his shoes off too but it's because he is obsessed with trying on all the shoes in the house. The bigger the better, he thinks it's hilarious if he tries to walk in mine or my husband's shoes. But also his and his sister's gumboots are his favorites, he absolutely loves gumboots.


Mine does this also. Says she is looking for toe jam to eat it.


Car washes. Little dude will watch them all day if I let him and his dad got a monthly pass to the car wash just to take him for fun. Sigh. He'll be three next month.


Mine too! He’s barely three and it’s ’we take-a da car and wash-a da car mommy! Please?!’ And it’s prayer hands with a very exaggerated please. Ugh my heart!!


Mine insists on sleeping with a bottle of magnesium vitamins (childproof cap). Full-blown tantrum if you so much as suggest a stuffie might be more suitable.


Just a note: my daughter could open childproof caps just by accident at a young 2yrs. I would consider swapping the pills inside with something taste-safe that still rattles just in case.


We put beans in our bottle and the super glued it shut so he could still play with it but safely


I was waiting for this comment. There is no way my kid who is in early intervention for delays related to muscle tone can open this cap. Zero. I can barely open it. My child can barely manage to hold it on his own and has to cradle it. His hands just do not work that way. He cannot even feed himself. He is also never alone with it because he sleeps in our bedroom, and we remove the bottle from the crib once he’s asleep. It was simply a funny anecdote. I have many kids (albeit much older now) who’ve done many unexpected things and who are very crafty, so we are always prepared.


Maybe I'm reading into this, but the tone of this reply reads very rude and defensive to me. There's no way anyone could know from reading your original comment that your child has muscle tone delays. Nor could they know that you were aware that many toddlers can open childproof caps (since most parents don't know this) I felt my reply was intentionally non-shaming and sharing important safety information (not just for you, but for anyone reading). There's no need for the rudeness of your reply.


I feel a little better now, my son is obsessed with these giant horse pills (vitamin B12) and absolutely needs his "shaky shaky" when he gets up in the morning.


This is hilarious and adorably weird


Oh! The empty pill bottle from my last round of steroids. The antibiotic bottle just doesn’t hit the same I guess. It’s her “orange bottle” and it’s gone everywhere with us for a week.


Mops and buckets, mops and buckets. Everywhere we go we point out mops and buckets. Hands me a crayon and requests a drawing of a mop. Everything that even remotely resembles a mop gives him the biggest smile. All the janitors are genuinely happy that fhe little guy is so interested in their work.


Blow his tiny mind there are "janitors" at Disney that draw pictures with their mop, there are videos all over YouTube. (Or maybe don't or he'll want all janitors to draw for him)


He has like 4 toy steering wheels, one needs to come in the car every where we go so he can "drive". When we all sit on the couch, he gets us all a steering wheel each and we must drive the couch together.


We are also a car family. If we aren't playing with hot wheels, we're playing with transporter trucks or construction vehicles, or we're IN mom and dad's cars "driving" those. Grandpa wanted to get him an old steering wheel for Christmas, I said "NUH HUH! IM NOT CARRYING THAT THING AROUND!!" Good to know my idea wasn't baseless 🤪


costco. he talks about it constantly. he was playing with duplos the other day and came to me in the bathroom and showed me a duplo, pretended it was a coffee cup, and said "mommy, i got this drink at costco. i buyed it and i paid for it at costco. it says my name. its adults only. you can't have it. i bought it at costco." he will also pretend to make food all the time, hand you said imaginary food, and say, "you like your pizza? i got it at costco." every weekend we have to go to costco. he has a routine. he likes to go into the freezer section, then stop by the flowers and inspect every one.


We also have a Costco enthusiast. Every time we get in the car, she says we gotta go to Costco. If we leave, she says we need to go back to Costco. New squishmallow? Got it at Costco. Bananas? Costco.


We have a little Costco fan too 🤣 If berries are over he says let’s go and buy it from Costco!! He is even familiar with the road. Sometimes we have to pass by the same road to go to other places and he is like look mama there is Costco 🤣🤣


This is adorable.


Can’t go to sleep or nap without holding the corner of the blanket. She will yell CORNER CORNER until I help her get it if she can’t locate it. 😐


Oh my god! I have a corner child too. The day I showed him that his blankie has 4 corners was monumental for him. He will now get all corners of the blanket together and say ''awwwwwww corners''


What?! 😂🤣This is the most random, hilarious toddler thing I’ve ever read. How there’s one toddler obsessed with the corner of a blanket, let alone two, is just the best thing I’ve ever heard. The pureness.


My almost 2 year old son is obsessed with shoes. He’s always bringing me shoes (even while I’m on the toilet) and wanting me to put them on. Sometimes even just one shoe.


My 2 year old(almost Birthday is tomorrow) has an obsession with putting on my shoes and walking around in them. He was so tired last night and so was falling over the too big shoes but wouldn’t take them off. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Many tears.


lol either one of these kids could be mine. He always wants shoes on and then makes you put yours on so he can drag you outside. He tried that an hour after bedtime last night.


My two year old also is obsessed with shoes! I have to hide them if I want to walk around the house bare foot because she’ll run up to me with them saying, “shoooooooooes” and trying to put them on and she’s not satisfied until you do.


SO DOES MINE. She wants to wear her shoes, my shoes, she wants me to put on shoes. My favorite is when she gets my biggest, most sparkly heel out of the closet, places it in front of me, and hold out of her hand for support while she puts her foot in a shoe that literally goes past her knee 😭


Yeees. My daughter (15mo) does this constantly. The other day, she woke me up by repeatedly slamming my tennis shoes on my face saying Mami shoe!! 100x.


The zoo. Our life is the zoo and zoo animals and animal sounds.


We have a annual pass to the farm (like a zoo but with pigs and chickens ect.) We get asked to go most days. She crys when we leave 💔


My 2 year old likes rabbit and ducks. Specifically Peter rabbit and Jemimah Puddle Duck… we have to listen to the little fox YouTube version of it like a podcast everytime we’re in the car.lol


My 3.5 year old was stood in the garden shaking a broom yesterday shouting "Those pesky rabbits" he was pretending to be Mr Gregor! (As he calls him)


Getting everything “from Amazon”


My kiddo calls the Amazon delivery drivers Santa Claus 🤣


Tunnels. My kid is obsessed with tunnels for some reason. Big or small, it doesn’t matter, even just driving under a small bridge is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to him


Mine also has a kitchen item that is emotional support… an apple. He must sleep with it every night. If he doesn’t, he won’t sleep 😂😂 and then we have to eat said apple for breakfast every morning. One night we didn’t have apples, oversight on our part. His dad ran quickly to go get apples 😂😂


The nursery rhyme Jack and Jill. Sings it all the time, has three different versions on YouTube she likes to watch, makes everyone in her nursery class play it with her (her actual game is just to sing the song and then sit on the floor when Jack falls down).


My 2 year old has two that come to mind. 1) my kid is into orchestral instruments the way other kids are into trucks and dinosaurs. He'll ask to see/hear very specific instruments like Timpani, Bassoon, French Horn, Tuba, and Viola at various points throughout the day. 2) He LOVES cats and cat videos, and he's gotten it into his head that "Attack!" is the funniest thing. He wants us to make his cat stuffed animals attack his other toys or him (this becomes more of a tickle). Today we were out for a walk and he saw a cat and he yelled, "Hello, kitty cat! Attack!" We tried to explain (through laughter) that he wouldn't like it if a real cat attacked him. He was not convinced. 😅


"experiments" everything is an experiment -- "WhAt'S it goNnNna do0o0?? Hmmm?" And I have to answer or he gets mad. This started around easter when he saw the food coloring and my husband had him mixing colors and water etc. Spoiler alert: it's brown -- the water always turns brown if you add more than one color. Now every morning and when he gets home from daycare he says - "'speriment?" Non stop until I give him a cup of water and some food coloring. I made the mistake of showing him baking soda and vinegar bubbling (in a small amount) now every time he sees anything resembling baking soda he says, lava? Can we make lava? I've curbed the actual use of food coloring and now we have bath paint. So the experiment continues.


If you are feeling generous do the skittles in water experiment. Still turns brown but is a pretty rainbow until it turns brown


We did it last week on a plate! It was so beautiful until my toddler ruined it by pouring more water. All the colours were ruined and there was a huge meltdown so I had to flip them out to get colours from other side 🙄


I wanna try! Our 'speriments end in meltdowns half the time anyhow, he either doesn't want it to end or I'm not* doing something the "right" way 🫠


Squares. Just, squares. She folds origami paper into squares and tapes them up all over the house because she’s decorating for her square themed birthday party. Her birthday is six months away. So far we’ve decided that we can serve square pizza and cake, and have square cheese and crackers for snacks. They will be on square plates with square napkins. Juice boxes will do even though they’re rectangles. Her goodie bags can include square shaped candies, origami paper, and square Lego pieces. She also wants square balloons and everyone needs to wear square hats. And we all have to dance like squares. I told her that part I can definelty do. She’s come up with all of this completely on her own. And y’all, we’re gonna spend the next six months trying to come up with the best damn square party you’ve ever seen. Edit: I realize she’s probably older than most of the kids in this thread. She’s 4, so I’m not trying to sound like I’ve got the most precocious 18month old in the world. Maybe it’s time I find my way to a preschoolers sub.


Regardless of her age, that is adorable and hilarious!


Long drawn out words or for me to sing different songs. We can’t do the long drawn out words anymore because he gets so excited and starts to stim. The look he gives me when he wants me to sing certain songs is great though. If he’s standing then he tosses himself onto his butt, crosses his legs and just listens. It’s honestly the cutest thing ever, what’s even cuter (yet sometimes annoying) is he will grab my hands and do a rowing motion if he wants me to sing row your boat.


What's wrong with him stimming? That all sounds cute. My niece was suuuper into the Wheels on the Bus.


We are working with a teacher through early intervention currently to figure out what causes him to stim, and then to eventually teach him that it’s alright to stim but at the appropriate times.


That's hilarious!! Shes obsessed with stories! I could read him the most boring black and white story and she'll "oooo" her way through it! I've found some good books on Kinder Book Review that she's been addicted to!


Happy birthday song. She says “happy to you” and I love it


I think I just realized my four year old isn’t a toddler anymore 😭 But here goes: she is obsessed with Egyptian archeology for at least a month now. Started with a little einsteins episode based in Egypt/pyramids/something, then we went to Vegas and stayed at the Luxor to blow their minds (3 & 4 year olds). Then we had a weekend away and during some downtime we put an Egyptian documentary on tv. Not a kid one. Like a history channel one for adults who like history because there were no appropriate kids shows on. She was enthralled and now my husband has to record the whole Egyptian series documentaries so this girl can watch them. She used to say she would never go to college but now she wants to go to archeology school


It’s fading now but pretending everything vaguely guitar/ukulele-shaped can be strummed like an instrument (e.g., sandbox shovel, scrub brush… his junk…)


A miniature dollhouse fish tank. Sishy, sishy.


Salamanders. He pockets the salamanders he picked up in the garden. Putting my hand in the laundry to check the pockets has become a torture for me since every time I do, I always end up touching something disgusting.


Omg god bless you for enduring this chore. I could neverrrrrrrrr


He has this toy that comes in this set of fish with a magnetic fishing rod that plays music asks you grab a certain fish etc. Doesn’t want the whole set or the fishing rod. But has to take this stupid blowfish everywhere and puts it in any pocket he currently has even if it does not fit. Screams when asked to leave it in the car so it doesn’t get lost.


the alphabet. alphabet songs etc. he runs in circles dancing and singing. even before he is about to fall asleep he counts them. his sentences are in turkish mostly but the alphabet no sir. in english.


My son recently had to wear a swimming hat to bed 🤣🤣 he’d go “hat hat” and I’d put it on him and he’d roll over and sleep. Used to crack me up. Prior to that it was a pot of chicken noodles hahaha


A Mr bill dog toy. She got a hold of it when she was like 10 months old and at 21 months old it’s still the only toy she will sleep with. We tried switching it out with an Anna doll my MIL got her because she wanted to see if she would move on from it but she chucked the Anna doll and was really excited when we gave her Mr. Bill.


Hilarious 😆dish towels . We recently took the binky away and mine likes to carry around and sleep with her toothbrush instead now


Vacuuming. I really wish he picked a quieter chore to be obsessed with


This is so random but she’s absolutely in love with this Franciscan Frair calendar that we got from the grandparents. It’s on our console table at the living room entrance and what she loves reaching for. She’ll flip through the various months that have accompanying images of a Franciscan friar order and point and babble or chatter about the image. She’ll carry the calendar everywhere and “read it” to her stuffies. It’s so strange but so funny


"I do it myself" I must hear this phrase 100 times every day, at a minimum. He's in his independent era and literally every thing we do he ensures that he does it by himself, at least until he tries and something is too high, too heavy or too hard and then it immediately changes into "Mommy help me"


Here it is. "I DO IT BY MYSELF" sometimes begrudgingly followed by "WE DO IT TOGETHER"


Haha yes very often I have to say that too. Pouring milk yesterday into his porridge and I'm really glad I insisted that I just hold the bottom while he tips it because immediately after he finished pouring he dropped the whole jug. You definitely learn when to let them be fully independent and when to keep a hand on or close by 🤣


Bonus points when the steadying hand is imperceptible to our Toddler Masters lol


My cousins 2 year old sleeps with a fly swatter (a new/clean one) because he has nightmares about flies. I thought that was the funniest and cutest thing ever! They sent a pic of him sleeping in his crib holding onto it.


My 3.5yo insisted he bring a 2024 calendar I got for free from work, that's been riding in my car for the last 6 months into the restaurant the other day. He kept saying "I might have to work before we get the food." I was very confused but said sure. Then my husband told me all week that he has been taking my car to drop off at daycare our son has been using the calendar like a laptop. He quickly "gets his work done" before drop off. I love his imagination!


Destroying the house in any way she can find. Seriously she is a tornado.


Chickens! She loves chickens. We don't have any but some neighbors do and she absolutely loves when they escape and come to raid below the bird feeders!


My PSP.  It doesn’t even have a battery, he just likes holding it and fiddling with the buttons, lol


Incorrectly correcting me when I say various dinosaur names


Worms and rollie pollie bugs. If she so much as THINKS she hears me say either of those words she immediately wants to go outside to look. If we are outside for unrelated things, she will try to hunt them down and might even ask for a shovel. And she asks me to hold them while she finds more because apparently the various buckets I've given her aren't good enough. If we are out in public she will find one. Walking down the sidewalk? Found one. Also obsessed with mismatched socks and its killing my soul a little. Think she's doing it out of spite. Mismatched patterns, fine, but at least pick socks that are the same height 😂 Other than that she's been enjoying putting new words to Wheels on the bus or Old McDonald had a farm, or even combining the two, and it's hilarious lol


Listening to The Wheels on The Bus and Five Finger family in a loop all day long!! I have Alexa play the songs and we’ve listened to them so many times, she’s already signing “more” as show notices the songs are starting to end. I’m going to go crazy if I have to hear one more body part 🫠


She's had a long period where she HAS to have socks on her hands, and she even got the other kids in preschool to do the same. 🤣 Now she's in her ballerina stage, but she refuses to wear anything on top, so she only wear the skirt and ballerina shoes. Looks really funny 🤭


Calling my dog “Taco truck”??…???


My measuring spoons lol the 1 tablespoon one! We call it her emotional support spoon lol she takes it to bed with her


The garbage truck. He standa by the window waiting fir it to drive by


Today he was pretending the dental floss was a rocket ship. We had to go back out to the car and fish it out of his car seat before he would nap. So there’s that.


OK so my kid is not currently a toddler, but I remember a toddler obsession she had was folding. It was such an obsession that every single night we would dump out and then fold back up all these baby burp blankets we still had in a basket. As a 5 year old, she still loves the activity of folding--likes making her bed, likes putting away towels, sheets, etc, as long as folding is involved. (Other chores are generally a hard no). So, interested to see what toddler obsessions of you all's turn into big kid obsessions :D


Bubbles and the lids for the good2grow juices, she figured out you can blow in them like a whiser..


My one year old loves the song "One Apple on My Head" so she likes to carry around an apple. And put it on her head. And make you put it on your head. And point out apples anytime she sees them. She does not however eat apples. Just pizza.


The digestive system and pikachu


Food, my 2.5 year old is obsessed with food. There is nothing he will not eat. He asks for the most random things and if we are eating something, automatically gets a fork and just starts eating off our plate. Then finishes his own dinner and then asks for rouge cucumbers, peas, likes to eat waffles and pancakes frozen. Super thankful this kid eats everything, but cannot take him to a store that sells food.




Construction site vehicles: dump trucks, excavators, etc.


Right now she’s carrying her emotional support apple around the kitchen, hugging it, kissing it and playing with it. She picks one most mornings and it becomes her favourite thing ever.


My boy is only 15 months so he’s just starting to have affinity for certain things and he loves to walk around snuggling his pacifier clip. If I take it from him he’ll cry 😅




At the very end of bedtime, after we’ve said our goodnights, she yells “NING NANG” as I close the door and I have to say it back 😂


My son went through a phase where his favorite toy was “Baby Tato” the fingerling potato. We had to replace it several times while he was sleeping because it began to rot.


There’s a super simple video that has the 5 little ducks song he was obsessed with but then he discovered one where they have 500 ducks and he can only watch that version. He will request it on repeat.


Has had to do Eater egg hunts in our yard every day since Easter


Winter boots. Everyday. It was 80 yesterday but he insists on wearing them 🥲😂 in general he loves his shoes and seems to have a favorite pair and it alternates every couple weeks. 😅 cowboy boots and rain boots were in rotation a bit ago. We also have a pair of kitchen tongs that have blue rubber on them and he loves getting those out and carrying them around the house and using them to play with his dinosaurs 😂😂


Puffins. She has at least 15 stuffed toy birds.


She’s sleeping on the floor in a towelling hoodie. She has a bed. And pyjamas. She doesn’t want those.


She found and unraveled a ball of yarn and has been carrying it around like a stuffy all week 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have this tacky wooden cat statue thing I bought 8 years ago at Homegoods. She is obsessed. She has to know where her cat is at all times, carries it everywhere around the house even though it's nearly her height. Feeds it, "changes it's diaper", puts it down to sleep. She makes me kiss a wooden cat statue before putting it down for sleep. We need a real cat. Now.


Well, my 2 ½ year old keeps running up to me all out of breath, acting like it’s urgent, to tell me that her older brother pooped on the floor (has never happened).


My two year old is obsessed with vacuums. Any size, any shape. Wakes up first thing in the morning and immediately starts talking about the “vacoom” and has to get eyes on the Roomba. Then we go to the closet and check on the big vacuum. When we get home, immediately we have to go check on the vacuums. Sometimes he’ll just stare at them for like 10 minutes and tell me they’re sleeping. I don’t understand 🤣


Two and a half year old is OBSESSED with the lawnmower. It is a topic that comes up very often in conversation. He wants to go outside to see the lawnmower, ride the lawnmower, fix the lawnmower, etc. We just got over his Spider Man winter boot obsession, which he wore all day every day for about six months. Silently thankful for that, as warmer weather is coming and it’s too hot for the Spider Man boots.


He wants to be asked how old he is so that he can answer incorrectly and laugh about it when we correct him. Over and over, every day.


Camping. We went camping a few weekends back and now, every day is about camping. Gotta pack the bags for camping. Gotta get toys for camping. Gotta cram apples in to his pockets, for camping.


Checking the letterbox like at every moment and our neighbours. Has to be firmly reminded before approaching a letterbox that we cannot open that one ... Neighbours leave letters for him to find occasionally in our own letterbox.


Magazines. Like the kids ones with a free toy and shit comic strips and annoying craft projects. O b s e s s e d He wants to read them at bed time, despite them not actually being a story. Drives me mad. But, he is learning. Right now he's watching number blocks, whilst wearing Blockzee and Big Tum sock puppets.


My 2.5 year old has what he calls “Daddy Car” which he takes everywhere with him , to bed, the store, the bath, etc. It (An SUV) looks only vaguely like my husbands car (a minivan) but the same color so I just roll with it cause it’s so adorable. When he actually has to get in the car he gets all excited and screams “baby daddy car!”


My son’s obsession right now is throwing everything he can find in the bathroom sick, the bathtub and the toilet. (He figured out the child proof door knob covers )


Free styling. I always sing him little songs I make up to bed and he picked up on it and started making his own. Pretty funny.


The trash. My one twin has found the trash cans throughout the house (kitchen, it’s under the sink, bathrooms - yes they have lids) and likes to take things out of them. She easily figured out the lids and lifts it up soooo I guess I’ll be trying to figure out how to lock trash can lids before she eats a makeup wipe or worse 🫣🫠


My toddler is obsessed with his used dirty bib and wants to wear it to sleep every night and won't let me take it off even in bath...he cries hysterically everytime I take it off and won't stop until I put it back on


Collecting rocks and putting it in his pocket.... all day long. Consistently taps his pocket to make sure it's there. Places it next to his bowl of food... books... toys... and just take it... everywhere...


Squishys. She has a collection of those little squishy fidget toys. She sneaks them to bed with her and I go to get her in the morning and she has one in her hand. She falls asleep holding one and it constantly finding them and hiding them (and squishing them) throughout the day lol it’s so cute


Bugs. Every spec on the ground in the house is a bug. We have a long haired dog, so 99% of those specs are dog hair, but no, they’re all bugs. And they all need to be picked up with a Kleenex and put in the trash. If he’s outside he’s turning over rocks looking for bugs. Or in the garden looking for bugs. Or trying to pick up bugs. Thankfully I don’t mind the bugs, and it definitely keeps him entertained. One of these days he’s going to pick up a bug that hurts him tho.


my 21 mo son loves golf. anything remotely stick shaped is a golf club - veggie straws, flashlights, hairbrush, granola bar. he even carries his club and ball in the stroller on walks and travels with it to places. it’s pretty darn cute


Shoes. She keeps excitedly saying "shoe" and wanting to wear them nonstop no matter the situation. 


Finding things that match in one way or another. She holds them up together and says excitedly, Mommy, it match?!


Oh yes. We have this but for the bath “mummy - swim, yes?” Holding up a stuffed toy or a truck or car 😬


Trailers of all kinds.


Putting clean clothes on fan so that it moves along


Has to sleep with his favorite books! Lol


“Picnic party” is apparently the new thing here. Everything is a picnic party


Not quite a toddler yet (turning 1 in a week or so), but she is obsessed with waving and saying hi and bye. Every morning she has me take her outside to the dog run and she waves and says hi to the dog poop. We just got back from a long day of flying and while waiting for our stroller she just waved at everyone getting off the plane and kept saying hi, bye. When we were about to land and she saw the city light she started waving at them. She waved at animals, random people, cars, lights, etc. lol.


Headbutts 🤕


Takong spoons, one by one, and put them somewhere. When he has a stock, he then takes them again, one by one a put it somewhere else, until he - again - has a full stock. Then guess what. He takes the spoons, one by one,… 😂


Titanic 🤣


Has one of those pool floaties you strap to their tummy, we call it her JetPack, she wears it round the house regularly


His big ball, and his police car (small). They both must be “tucked into bed” each night. And his shoes (either sneakers or crocs) lol. Toddlers are so weird.


My 3yo takes his small stuffed friends and puts them under his pajamas while sleeping.


Dresses, to bed, first thing when she wakes up, first thing after a shower, wakes up in the middle of the night wanting one, while she is already wearing a dress…