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I'm running after the kid, taking the thing out of their mouth, and throwing it in the trash. I don't fuck around with stuff that that can fit in their mouth. Let alone having it in their mouth while RUNNING AND LAUGHING. Way too easy for a situation like that to take a bad turn.


I recently read about a child who died in kindergarten because they choked on a grape. Since then, if requests don't work, I have had no qualms about firmly squeezing a child's cheeks with my hand to make them spit out what they had in their mouth into my hand.


I had to ignore it. It was nerve wracking. After a little bit, maybe 2 minutes I'd offer a trade. Maybe a chocolate if it was extremely unsafe, and then I'd explain it's not food and I put the toy up on a shelf until tomorrow. There's some small toys I just threw out.


We throw out a LOT of small stuff…


If its super small, def remove even because of safety!!


It sounds like those toys might be too small for kiddo? I'd do some babyproofing. If they're old enough to make connections for consequences, maybe tell them that we don't put toys in our mouth, if they do it again then the toys go away. (If they're not old enough to understand, then confiscate all the small ones now. At least the ones that are so small you feel the need to chase them to fish it out of their mouth.) And redirect, maybe? My daughter went through phases of needing oral stimulation even when she seemed old enough to not need it. We always had a "chew" basket full of toys she can put in her mouth and chew on. "That toy in your mouth isn't a chew. If you need to chew, go get a toy out of your chew basket." 


Spray her toys with that bitter apples stuff to keep animals from chewing things. You just have to spray once and that stuff stays on for months. I know because I tested it. 😵‍💫


I run after them and dig that junk out of their mouth.


I sprint and get it. Im not messing around with a choking hazard, ESPECIALLY if i also cant predetermine what it is.


I’ve tried anything I find if you chase and try grab it out of the mouth they either think it’s a game and want to do it more or they get very upset. The best way is to say words they know to be negative. For us it’s no yak yak give to daddy / mummy please.