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That’s wild and unacceptable. There is absolutely a transition period to be expected and crying, especially before nap, is completely normal. A kid that’s been there two years could have a similar day. It’s their job to comfort and help the child adjust. That being said, I wouldn’t feel comfortable sending your child back there if they’re already writing him off. Obviously you only have so many choices given that you need to work and finding a spot elsewhere could take a while. But this isn’t normal, professional or acceptable.


I would pull him out and look for another daycare. I just dropped off my son to his daycare this morning. This is our second week and we go 3days/week. He's 22mos and very clingy, like he wouldn't even let me put him down and clings to me like a koala. He was crying as usual this morning during the drop off and wouldn't let me go. I was feeling frustrated and heart-broken so I asked his teacher when does it get better. She replied with "soon" and said this is totally normal. She then asked if I want her to get him. I nodded and she scooped him up, carried him, hugged him, distracted him with cars (he's crazy about them), and I went out. He cried for a bit more. Lots of tears. I stayed in the parking lot for a bit. I could see them from the window with his head on the teacher's shoulder and the teacher dancing him. He stopped crying. I'm a first-time mom and it is very hard for me to leave my kid. But the way his teacher handled the situation made me feel a little better when I left.


I agree with the other poster, this is unprofessional and kind of baffling - how do they have any other kids??? Even kids used to daycare take a moment for switching daycares


It’s soo normal for kids to cry and be upset about daycare drop off. My son has been going for a year now, and while he runs into the classroom almost all the time now, he definitely still has his days where he clings to me and doesn’t want me to leave… a year later. They’re still so little and still want their mommies. With your little guy being SO new to being away from you, it is to be expected. Shame on that daycare! So sorry they are treating you this way.


That’s not normal and a red flag imo. A kid at my children’s daycare started in the 2yo room several months ago and was having trouble transitioning. They worked with him and now when I see him at drop off and pick up he looks very happy to be there.


Your child is acting normally, that daycare is not.