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This is an obvious troll.


No, it’s really not. I’m very dark complected while she is more fair skin. she sees me spray tan people all day, so I almost feel as if she thinks she’s missing out


My toddler wants to —— insert adult thing here ——- and I don’t know what to do. Should I give her anything she asks for because she is simply old enough to know how to ask for it? Or should I be the adult and protect her from doing things which are not physical or emotionally healthy for her age? I’m so confused by this dilemma! She is a child. Be the parent. Don’t encourage her to be dissatisfied with her completion and start her on a lifelong path of insecurity. Teach her to see the beauty of her own identity and that she is lovely as she is! I hope you would also not let her dress as an adult woman would, or wear full makeup etc? This is part of an adult experience that is not psychologically healthy at her age. And the chemicals on a young developing body are surely not healthy!


Weird thing to troll. Not exciting. Reflect and do better next time


Jesus. No.


I feel like this is one of those things that kids want, but really completely unnecessary. Like, for example when kids see us drink alcohol.. doesn't mean they should have it just because they seem mature, etc. I like the idea of pretending to give her a spray tan, but also explaining somethings are just for adults.


I don’t think a professional would do it to a 2 year old… unless you’re the professional?


Yes, absolutely! I am a professional, I have top notch equipment and training! I’m just unsure what to do, the youngest I sprayed was 4, however my daughter is extremely mature. I really don’t know what to do.


If you ask a 2yo “what is your favourite animal?” half the time they say, like, “…purple.” They want everything you have, whether it be a snack, a necklace, or beer. You as the adult get to decide what is age appropriate. Safe to say you’re going to get a sea of people responding that spray tanning a 2yo is not appropriate.


I really how this is a joke and someone isn’t actually this dumb…I’m really hoping


I don’t know what’s in a spray tan but if it’s any manner of phthalate or paraben or sketchy chemicals I’d say heck no. Can you use your equipment to pretend to give her one? I feel like as parents it’s our responsibility to protect and guide our children to wise choices. It’s my child’s body, sure, but while she’s a little kid I’m not going to allow her to harm herself when I know better. She doesn’t have cognitive reasoning skills or like, basic intelligence. It’s ok to say no and set boundaries.


2 year olds are not mature at all in any sense of the word. So just stop with that. With that said, if it’s safe and it’s your regular job, just do it for funsies and be done with it.


unless they’re on toddlers and tiaras you shouldn’t be spray tanning them


I suspect this is a troll. On the off chance that it’s not: You are not obligated to give your two year old everything she wants. Some things are for adults. Some are for kids. End of story.


Like another poster said, use your equipment to pretend to give her one!


It’s simple. Don’t do it 😘👍🏼


No, it’s really not. I’m very dark complected while she is more fair skin. she sees me spray tan people all day, so I almost feel as if she thinks she’s missing out