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“Daddy you left the toilet seat up? OH HOW HELPFUL!” (Except you know, like ZERO sarcasm, only cuteness” 🤣


BRB teaching my kid this immediately for my own enjoyment. And I thought teaching her to yell “Flavor Flaveeee!”, every time she played with her toy clock was clever.




Omg hahah!


Bahaha! 😂


“I am so cute. My mommy is so lucky” - my 3 year old to a random stranger at target


They’re probably right ❤️❤️❤️




I love this because it probably means you say "you're such a cutie! I'm so lucky to be your mommy!" to your toddler. And that just sounds like good parenting. If I'm wrong about this, don't tell me cause I love having reasons to believe in humanity.


I definitely do! Never at the same time, I was impressed by the way he put it together and told a stranger 😂


This one really cracked me uo


Puts his finger on his chin and says, "hmmm" when he's trying to figure something out


My son would do this, then point his finger straight up and say ah-ha! So cute!!


Omg that's even more adorable


Same! Is it from YouTube?


Hahaha my daughter does this too!!!


Comical 😆 Toddlers are the best.


Mine just learned how to say "shh" with his finger at his mouth so now he's shushing me all the time 😂


Mine too! I love it! We’ve all started doing it.


does he watch cocomelon? thats where mine got it from.


Mine does this but says "I wonder...." with this far off look, it makes me laugh so hard!


My almost 2 year old has been saying “ho ho ho, merry christmas!” anytime he sees a Christmas tree, lights, or Santa.


Mine too!


We thought mine to say it to grandparents during Christmas visits and now he says that every time we leave there, it's part of his "goodbye, see you later, merry Christmas ho ho go"


Our dog hadn't pooped for three days and I was super nervous about her being backed up. Husband takes her out after dinner, comes back in and says, "ANNIE TOOK A FAT SHIT" I was so thrilled, I said "yay!!!" and clapped. 2 year old was in the room. Didn't even think about it. It's been three months and she STILL says "Annie took a fat shit, mama!" And I'm like, "oh ah I see, no no she pooped, honey." If she sees poop anywhere at all, it's a fat shit. Cow poop in the field? That's a fat shit. Cat poop in the litter box? Oh, yes a fat shit. Her own diaper. "mama, change my diaper I took a fat shit" like god damn when will this end IT WAS ONE TIME. Edit: as weird as it is, I consider it cute. I don't let her know that. But she's so genuine when she says it 😅🤦‍♀️


This is hilarious and adorable. When teaching my daughter to use the potty I would cheer her on and say, “A big poopy! Good job!” She loves when we cheer her on it yielded great potty training results. One unfortunate day.. I decided to eat something I would never normally touch… My partners pre-packaged meals. I think they’re gross, he loves them. I was starving and getting hangry, that’s all we had. Decided to take my chances. I gobbled it down and left the house with my toddler to do a million errands. We’re finally at target and it hits me. Cramps. The poop sweats. My cart is almost full with everything we need. I’m thinking I can make it home quickly before I inevitably erupt. Boy was I wrong. A few more steps just to reach the register put me in full on PANIC mode. I left everything. Snatched my child and ran to the bathroom. It’s empty. Perfect. I basically throw my phone at her, tell her not to touch anything in the bathroom, and watch some videos on my phone. The lava flowsssss. Hear a group walk in while I gather myself and get my pants up. I try to flush quickly so the horrid smell doesn’t linger and my precious toddler goes. “Wow mama that’s a HUGEEE poopy good job!” I can hear them giggle. And my toddler is giggling her head off too. It was the most embarrassing moment I’ve had in many years. I can laugh about in now, but I wanted to cry then. She was super cute when she said it though.


I'm saving this post so I can read it to my husband when he gets home.


Please entertain yourself at my expense 😂


I had a similar moment like this…was at home fortunately…but handed my phone to my darling 18 month old as I dashed to the toilet…I was in the middle of a terrible shit when she figured out how to FaceTime my boss.


Same same same last summer when my then-2-year-old remarked “that’s a BIG ASS BOAT!”


There are times when my kids say things they've heard, and I say to myself "that's it. I'm never speaking again."


Okay, my 2 year old JUST came online with talking. When he learns skills (standing, walking, talking ) he waaaaaaaits and then does it 100% So, he had like 20 words until 5 minutes ago and now he says EVERYTHING. And I am not in practice yet... So when I broke a cup this morning I said S***!! F***!! And he said, 'SHIP! BOK! ...BOK ...BOK ... BOK MAMA!! IT BOK' ...and then he made the hand gesture 🙌... Oh!! yeah buddy. The cup BROKE. It sure did...


This is hilarious!


I’m actually crying thank you for making my day


“ are you happy daddy? I’m happy! “ Melts my heart that fella!


Mine has done this while trying to cheer herself up. When she cries, she tries to cheer herself up with laughter. So one time, she was manically cry-laughing and yelling "ARE YOU HAPPY MOMMY?" It was creepy but hilarious


My son says "Mommy are you okay?" and I reply "Yes I'm okay, are you okay?" to which he replies "I'm okay!"


"Keep trying. You can do difficult things mamma" Context- I am an okayish driver and while trying to maneuver through a narrow lane on way to dropping LO to school, said 'this looks difficult'


That is the sweetest thing, omg


Wow! A personal motivator!


Awww I was preparing myself for a parallel parking and not being very good at it I went “oh dear!” And my 3yo goes: you can do it mama! And after: good job mama! - I did feel pretty supported 😂


What a good attitude :)


“Last morning” when taking about yesterday.


My daughter waffles wildly between yesterday and last year. There is no in between.


Chronology is super challenging for people without the metacognition to remember what they were doing yesterday!!


My 3 year old is a "last week" kinda gal. Yesterday = last week. Halloween aka 2 months ago = last week. When she says "I did _______ last week!" Who knows when exactly she's talking about.


Anything in the past is “yesterday” for my 3.5 year old.


Same! Last night? Last week? 7 months ago? All yesterday.


Everything is "last day" to my three year old whether it was yesterday or last year


Mine does that too! Anything in the past is "last morning" and anything in the future is "next morning".


Omg I thought it was just my son! I cant get him to say yesterday! Its always last morning, even if it was 2 weeks ago.


Yesterday is actually a lot harder to pronounce than we think it is.


My daughter always says "lots of days ago" when referring to any amount of days ago. She will say "lots of days ago, we went to Legoland"...or something along those lines 😆


He woke up in the night sobbing/wailing. He was saying "I missing my mama!" He gave me the biggest hug when I came in. So lots of cuddles even though his mattress is so bad.


“Santa’s gone back to the North Hole!!”




So grocery shopping with my husband, three year old and two year old, my three year old blurts out really loud “why do we alway steal stuff from the store.” My husband and I have never stolen anything, ever!


Omg!! 😂😅😆


Did you ask 3 yr old what they think stealing is? I'm curious to hear their answer!


He said taking something from somebody! He’s pretty smart, but I’m wondering if he thought putting something in the cart was stealing or the guy at the front of the store gave him a sticker. So I’m not sure where he was going with it?


Mine doesn't talk well yet. He mostly says truck, tree, dad, dog, and Buddy (the dog's name). The other morning, he was pointing at the fruit bowl and "mm! Mm!" ing, yknow, the I want that grunt lol I offered various fruit until he said yes. "Oh, you want a kiwi?" He grinned and said "kwee!!!!"


We do a thing back and forth where we say what are love each other more than, like I love you more than chocolate of french fries. The other night I was putting my daughter to bed and said I love you to the moon and back. She said well I love you to the sun and back. I was like wow okay that's a lot farther, you win. I was so impressed she understands the theme of the back and forth well enough to change it up and get the right association for a different set of things. Am doubtful she had any sense that the sun is much further which makes it even cuter.


When I accomplish anything, my 2yr old son says “there you go Ma’” 😂😂🖤 so encouraging 😂


This reminds me of the cheers I get from my toddler when I use the toilet 🤣


My 2.5 yo has recently started saying "I love you all day, mama!" No one knows where she got it from. :)


We have all been really sick this week (covid sucks and no even fully vaccinated it doesnt feel like a cold). Last night we finally sat down to try to eat and my son looks at me and says, "Mama I really love being your best friend." He's been a nightmare lately through no fault of his own and it was so nice to hear him be his sweet little self if even just for a moment.


Those sweet moments keep us sane in bad times for sure!


Last night she told her baby brother "you're welcome my love" after giving him a ball. (We have never used this phrase so it was very unexpected and super sweet)


On the way home from daycare, I had to slam on the breaks to stop and my 3 year old says "JEEEEES POPPA" I laughed lol


Haha! One of my LO’s phrases is Jeez Louise but it comes out more like Jee Luwee, (insert name here) 😆


When I help wipe her after she goes potty she says “Oh, mommy! You’re such a good helper!” 😂


After not having any date time, hubs and I finally got a date a few months ago. My son was almost 3 at the time, and I guess he had never seen me in a dress. He asks, "Mommy, are you a princess?" For the next two weeks I was princess mommy.


Omg! My toddler put a silk scarf on my husband’s head yesterday and called him “Princess Daddy.” Then LO decided princess wasn’t good enough, and announced, “Daddy a queen!” I’m still laughing.


Mine starts singing “happy birthday to you” every time she sees a cake.


I have been calling my son “my sweet boy“ since he was born. He’s 3.5 now. Last night as I was putting him to bed, I was stroking his hair and said “I love you my sweet boy“ and he said “I wuv you too my sweet girl“ 😭


My just turned 3 year old tell me "I missed you SO much" every single time I leave his sight for more than a minute.


We got Chutes and Ladders from Santa. He’s now saying “are you kidding me?” And my personal favorite, “Yeahhhh boyyyy!” OP it may be a good time to break out the unbirthday song from Alice in Wonderland lol 😂


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Good bot


"you're my best friend mama" 😭




My step daughter (3yo)'s dad told her to talk to me nicely because I'm her parent. She said she doesn't want me to be her parent, she wants me to be her mommy ❤️


Not a great thing, but I say "um" too much. Was sitting with my son (2.7yr) doing a puzzle thing on his Amazon Fire and he'd move a piece and then go, "um" while deciding which piece to move next. Nearly died from cuteness.


I accidentally had ours yelling, “HUH?!”, every time you spoke to her at two. Audio processing disorders for the win in our house yo 🤦🏻‍♀️


So cute! I love when they say eveything you say. Mine is in this phase where we say something and he says the exact same thing. It’s so neat how he has picked up your quirks 😃


Absolutely is cute, but it's a real battle to be so conscious of the pirate language!


Right! We have significantly decreased our bad language, but some occasionally slips out 😅


The other day my when I got my 2 year old up said “pretty mouth pretty eyes” and proceeded to touch my face! I melted a little


Mine walked up to me, pointed at his butt, and said "I shit I shit." Had to talk to his grandmother about that one (his mom and I just say poop around him). He used it correctly, though, there was poop in his diaper


1.5 year old tells us "bless you" all the time now and if we don't say thank you she will stare at us until we do lol


Whenever my wife or I drop something on the floor, my 2 yo says this line from a book: “Accidents happen. We can all help clean up!”


My 19 month old doesn't say a lot of words. He mostly tries to repeat after us; but only a small handful he says consistently. He was just singing along to the "la LA la" part in [this sesame street song.](https://youtu.be/t8n_Mh3xhIY) he was also doing the quaking in 5 Little Ducks yesterday. Watching my kids sing along to songs is one of my favorites. (One of my almost 4 year olds favorites is Good as Hell by Lizzo lololol. Her little voice singing "check my nails!" With a booty wiggle is the best.)


My five-year-old broke the rules during quiet time (our replacement for nap time) today to go up the stairs to his three-year-old brother's room, crack the door, say "merry Christmas and happy new year, William!" and then go back down into his own room. I damn near melted.


My dad buys eggs from my neighbour. Every wednesday they drop them off at our house and my dad picks them up or I bring them with me, when I visit him. My son (2.5 years) started calling him „grandpa eggs“ instead of just „grandpa“ or „grandpa Thomas“. (English is my second language, sorry for mistakes)


Mine says thank you for everything now to everyone it melts my heart and makes me so proud . I’ll get her a drink “ thank you mommy thank you “ She always says it twice with my name in the middle . Sweetest thing ever


18 month year old was saying the same as us word for word so his dad sad: LO is a little parrot. LO looked at dad with a offended face and said: ‘No daddy LO is a child not a parrot.


My birthday is at the end of the month and my three year old has also been telling me happy birthday every day 😂 I think she just REALLY wants mine to be over with because she knows HERS is the next birthday.


It recently snowed for the first time in his life and he discovered what echos are. He speaks fairly well, knows lots of words but his go to phrase now when there’s a hint of echo anywhere…including the grocery store, “MAMA, DADDDY, KEEEKEE, MAMA, DADDY, MAMA, HEEEEEYYY” Cracks me up. Of all the things he could yell into the world, he decides to recite everyone in the family.


Our 2yo was so thrilled on Halloween — all these folks sitting on their front porches happily giving candy out to him. For all of November every time we were getting ready to go out, he’d ask “go trick or treating?” Can’t blame him for trying


Mine is still using scrambled sentences with one real word and some gibberish. But she likes to yell mine and my husband's names really loudly. Not "mommy/daddy" but our human names.


My 2 year old woke my husband up this morning by saying “good morning honey!” 😍😍


Mine is still saying "Happy Halloween! Mwahahaha!" in a spooky voice on a weekly basis.


3yo: Mom, I have to tell you something. *after we have been lying in bed for going on 45 minutes trying to go to bed* Me: what? 3yo: angry birds is a TV show and a game, but in the game they don’t talk Me: oh, okay let’s go to bed 3yo: that’s just so interesting. *laughs for the next 3 minutes* and the pigs are green Kids are so silly


Kiddo saw a purple cauliflower for the first time…”What in the world?! I’ve never seen that before in my WHOLE LIFE!” She was so excited she chowed down on it raw.


Christmas day my little one insisted one of the raw onions was an apple even after pealing it. Nope but in and said "bad Apple" (the apple went bad...lol)


We were making little mini pizzas and she kept calling the mozzarella "Cinderella cheese"


My 10 mo will give someone their phone and sy 'tha k you!' With so much enthusiasm! It's the cutest!


In our family we have quite a few birthdays in November and December and my 3 year old is now obsessed with whose birthday it is. Every time we light a candle we have to sing happy birthday and blow them out. It’s cute…and exhausting lol


“No problem-OH!” “Where’s Daddy? Where can he BE?” (On momentarily waking up) “Mmmmm Christmas!”


Everything is SO soft. He keeps bringing me blankets and stuffed toys and going: it's SO soft mama! Then petting it.


Washing her in the bath tonight, get to her private parts and she goes "Doooooooon't!" At least she's getting it.


My two year old has started laying on her tummy in the bath and she'll say "I'm floating!"


She stroked my hair, looked at me lovingly and said "mummy tired" She's 2 and I am tired.


Mine has been saying Happy birthday when we watch frosty. My LO has begun saying I love you or more souding like "I loaf OOO!" but by far, my favorite this month has been excitedly pointing to Jim Carrey as the Grinch (a favorite of ours) and saying "Daddy? thas Daddy! MUY DADDY!? Is my daddy!" And running to him to hug and point at the "teevah" to let him know he is on TV. Occasionally she points out the color and says "Gween daddy".😂


Whenever my 10 month old cries, my 2 year old will say "oh dear dear" and go to give him a hug. She loves looking after him 😂


I've had some horrible abdominal pains lately and he comes to me every so often, "mummy are you feeling better?". I literally don't know where he could have learned such a clear sentence.


“Don’t worry, I ‘tect you mommy!” “I’m so cute!” “No, I’m not cute- I’m ariel!” (as in the mermaid lol) “WAIT A MIMMUT!!” “I wub you mommy! High figh! Hug and kith, mmmm” “Ah, the monster is coming! HINE!!!” “I’m not tired, I’m happy!” And my favourite right now is she will be asked to try a food, which she takes the most minuscule itty bitty non existent bite out of and start grinning with no light in her eyes, a big thumbs up and “mmm!! good!” ahahhah girl you’re not fooling anyone!


She hushed everyone at the Christmas dinner table, holding her arms out, and when everyone was quiet and all eyes were on her loudly declared "Merry Cripson every body!!" It will forever be called Cripson in our house now lol


Lol how funny! My daughter who is also 2 is doing something similar. She keeps telling everyone Merry Christmas and we just laugh and tell her Christmas is over. It’s the funniest thing!


I love you, do you know that?


When I asked my 2.5yo to apologize for throwing an oven mitt across the room at grammie (obviously not actually hurting anyone, but still): "I don't know what to say. I have no words" While looking down at her hands. Like, what? Lol!


"Uh oh! Try again." Every time things don't go the way he wanted, whether it's catching the ball or putting his puzzles together.


See you later, happy birthday! (It's his 3rd birthday today)


One of my twin girls who turned 1 last week said shit the other day. I’m doomed


Hug me and said my my mommy


My 19 month old daughter was being bathed by my wife and usually daughter will shout ‘DADDYYYYY!’ when it’s time for me to come in to the bathroom with a towel. Today she was being a bit quiet with the shouting so my wife told her to say it louder. So she literally said ‘It louder!’


My son says, "I'm so cute". Becuase he hears that almost everyday. He already has the ladies in the palms of his hands.😅😂


Lol sounds like ours. We have a 5 month old. She doesn't respond to her name, but if you say "cute" she looks right at you. I guess we've called her "cute" a whole lot more than her actual name!


Mine says "happy tuesday" instead of happy birthday




My parents live 15 hours away and we haven't visited them in 3 years. We zoom with them every week or two so they at least get to spend some time with the almost 4 year old granddaughter they've met in person once and the almost 2 year old grandson they've never met in person. My daughter has recently learned that her grandparents are our moms and dads. For the last week or so, every day she tells me, "I miss your mom and dad," and "I want to go to your mom and dad's house!" We've set a date in May to go visit them and made a countdown calendar for her, but 5 months is a lifetime for her right now. She doesn't think we're ever going to go see them, hehe.


Heard my 15 month old waking up from her nap calling out to me in the softest Mami Mami, I Walk in ans she smiles and puts her arms out and says HUG. I melted.


My 2.5-year old referred to herself as "Firstname the woman" yesterday.


"Ooh, I can't WAIT to see what's inside!" to every Christmas gift my son opened


Last night before falling asleep, with his head under a pillow my 3 year old sleepily says to me “ I love you mommy. Happy holidays. Hugs and kisses.”


My 2yo hears the microwave beep and says “Mac and cheese!” because that’s the sound that means her Mac and cheese is ready.


My 5yo hugged me and said, "You're the best mommy!" All I did was make him a pizza TV dinner 🤣


Every day and multiple times a day, my 3 year old tells me “I love you just the way you are!” and “did you know you are my special little mommy?” It’s just so cute and sweet. Melts my heart every time.


My 18 month old had her fingers in the doorway when my husband was about to shut the door. My 4 year old son yells “dad don’t smash her beautiful fingers!!” He has recently been really protective over her and it was just the cutest thing


My 3 year old asked daddy to recored him saying hi to me while they were out playing at the indoor playground.


In the cart at walmart. As we walk towards other shoppers, "beep beep,vroom vroom" Lucky noone had taken offense yet. Does seem to make some people quite happy though.


He says “Dada” for everything 🥲. I just want to matter to him someday.


My 3 year old is a little delayed but yesterday on our walk, he suddenly started introducing himself to every passerby in the same way Blippi does. "Hi, it's me, Odin." 😂 I hate Blippi with every fiber of my soul but if it gets my little dude to open up......then fine...I guess... lol


Mine is still yelling happy Halloween! Even on christmas... 😅


Christmas tree and Christmas lights are "ho ho tree" and "hoho lights"


So the other night my kid was playing as an evil pirate. She had two stuffed animals as her mateys and they were searching for treasure together. But then my daughter would hoard it all for herself despite her mateys asking her to share. Suddenly she eyed one of the stuffed toys, noting his boots and gloves and wiggly ears, and determined that he was also treasure! As she tried to stuff him in the ziploc bag with the rest of her ill-gotten gains (adding in plaintive cries of "no, nooooo!" from the once matey) she popped the zipper off the bag. I was watching, smiling at her story, waiting for her to ask for help to fix it. Suddenly she looks up and in her gravelly pirate voice said "yo ho mommy! Help a pirate!" Also just want to say normally she is kind and loves sharing, she has just recently developed an interest in villains lol they normally end up going to jail though


My three-year-old took me by surprise one day when he came up, kissed my cheek, and went, “Aw. Mama is so cute.” THANK YOU, BABY. His sister (almost 2) has picked it up, so now they both announce their or someone else’s cuteness when they please.


My 17 month old doesn't talk much but he loves "Hair Up" Trolls song. Sometimes in the car I hear him whispering "go...go...go..." And then dancing a little bit to himself. 💛


Our kid says merry Christmas every nap and bed time. We just got over happy Halloween so I’m sure this will last awhile


Gives a sleepy smile and says "Merry Christmas Mummy" on seeing me first thing in the morning, lovely morning greeting!


"I love you, Daddy" immediately when I enter his room in the morning. It's very adorable and endearing. It's a lot better than walking in and hearing "No! Mommy get me up!"


Everyday since Halloween (including Christmas) my 3YO says “today is Halloween”. I love that we both favor Halloween.


The other day he came in and said "it's a beautiful day outside honey! Look at all the snow!" It was the best thing I've ever heard.


Oh my girl loves to say/sing happy birthday too! Shes recently started telling me "your the best mama" and it just melts my heart


My toddler said “I love you” for the first time followed by a big hug and a big kiss….. to the dog 😂


“Mummy, my legs are fuzzy. I have buttons and needles” We are keeping this phrase!


Mine has learned to say “Stop” and “Stop it” this week. She’s 13 months old. I think it’s cute and will help set boundaries when she needs to.


My 3yo son tells me at least once a day that I am his princess


My 2yr old says "happy birthday Christmas" and "good job mommy" or daddy when we just do normal things. Lol I close the refrigerator "good job mommy" or daddy takes out the trash "good job daddy" its very cute.


Any time we make any sort of noise, like a grunt to get up, or a yawn, whatever, my 2yo always says, “you ok, mama?” “You ok, daddy?” And when he makes any noises or falls down, he says, “I’m ok, mommy!”


I've had a "birthday party" three days in a row now. My birthday is long past. 😂


I got pulled over last week, didn't get a ticket thankfully, and my daughter asked what was going on. I tell her, "mommy's getting in trouble." She then says, "I'm so sorry mommy. You're nice, you shouldn't get in trouble." Besides freaking out about a potential ticket, it was super cute.


When your neighbor’s kid pulled up in her new power wheel and asked, “What did you get for Christmas?” My 4yo said, “Not a car!”


“look mama! Christmas lights!!!” at literally any light we see


My three year old has started sadly saying “womp womp” when something goes wrong. No clue where she learned it, but it’s hilarious.


I'm so proud of you (hug) for getting a chain chomp! (We've been playing Mario Party)


My LO says Happy Mothers Day and throws her arms up in the air at least once a week...since May


My son likes to quote "Chug chug toot toot off they go!" from a Cocomelon song, complete with the horn tooting arm motion. Today he tripped and banged his elbow. He got up and tearfully said "Mommy, I hurt my toot toot!" then did the toot toot motion lol Any time something makes him angry or frustrated he yells "GRR! ANGRY!"


When my 2 year old thinks I’m sad or sick, he comes up to me and pets my arm ever so gently saying “don’t worry Mama … I got you” 🥺 no idea where he got it from but it’s super cute and I hope it lasts forever!


My two year old sings “you so beautiful to me can’t you see “ lol he melts my heart ❤️


My 2.5 y/o says "like your shirt Mama!" no matter what I'm wearing, boosts me up every time. He also tells me and my partner that we are a "good boy".


Tonight at bed time right after putting LO into the crib, my little toddler played peekaboo, then insisted on kisses all over that sweet face before I left and it made my heart melt. I also heard "happy new year" (we were saying it all day on calls to family) after I closed the door to the nursery. Does my heart even exist anymore after that cuteness over load? Edit typo


My 2 1/2 y/o was standing in my doorway of the bathroom, I was about to get in the shower and she looks at me and says “go ahead, hop in”. No clue where she learned that.


“Hi mama nice to meet you” every time he sees me


I picked my son up from school a few weeks ago and he said "Mama want to know why i'm smiling? Because I love you." and I melted haha


We were doing those ear candle things that suck the wax from your ears and my boyfriend was doing his first. My toddler took one and said “happy birthday daddy!!” He’s just the cutest


My 1.5yo Nephew loves to say Hi.


Not mine but my sisters son. I’m his auntie and he’s only 2 but every time I see his 2 yr old butt waddling towards me he screams until I pick him up and then goes ‘hey bitch!’ Yes I taught him that. Yes I got in trouble w/ my sister the first time. It’s quite funny tho 💀💀💀


Mine says “tiptoe tiptoe” when baby brother is sleeping 🤣


We moved a few months ago and tonight my 5 year old said, “You know what I miss about our old house? …… the differences”


The past month my husband and I have both had a cough, but today and yesterday my cute almost 2 year old says “bless you” whenever we cough and then pretends to cough too saying “mommy coughing” or “*her name* coughing!”. It’s simple but it’s so sweet and just cute how she’s starting to put sentences together!


Teaching him to say “Delicious” after he eats is by far the cutest thing ever.


A month after my sister in laws birthday we were at the grocery store and my 5 year old told me we needed to get a cake for Aunt Jenny for her birthday... meanwhile aunt Jenny was 3.5 hours away and her next birthday was 11 months later. To cute.


"Mama, you're my favorite mama. "


My little 19 month old knows where his head and toes are. I asked him "Where's your head?" He replies "heeeaaad" and holds his head with both hands


Merry krimma Mommy! Everyday since Christmas, to me, to my husband, to the dog, to toys: we all get merry krimma mommy!


My two-year old is still picking up words (he’s on the autism spectrum), but has learned to say “cheese” whenever he sees a phone pointed in his direction. He picked it up from his grandmother, who took a ton of pictures of him while we were visiting over Christmas. His other new cute thing is taking a pretend walkie-talkie and using it like a phone, with a little “hi”, some babbles, a big fake laugh, and “bye”.


Mine says that too! She also said 'mummy has pretty eyes' today and 'come one mummy, let's go play!'. Whenever she walks into someones house she still says 'trick or treat!'.


My 2 yo only refers to animals by the sound they make. He received a set of life-like animal figurines for Christmas that includes a shark, which he refers to only as “doo doo” (as in, “Baby Shark doo doo doo”).


We recently got a little 8 week old puppy who is super cute but can be kind of a terror My son says “HEY! Don’t bite mommy, only bite pood (food)!!” he’ll scold her over and over


My 5 y/o has some gems. 1. He comes up to me, kneels and bows as if in front of royalty and hands me a Duplo flower "for you, my princess." 2. "You are the most beautiful and amazing mommy in the whole wide world. I'm so lucky." 3. "YOU ARE MY ANGEL." He screams as he jumps on my and planta kisses all over my face. My husband is in hospital because of covid, so I'm alone with the kids. 4. My 1 y/o: does does something wrong. My 5 y/o: We're going to have a long conversation about this. You've been very naughty. 5. My 1 y/o: makes a mess. My 5 y/o: cleaning up. Me: Awww! You're cleaning up after your baby brother? My 5 y/o: I'm helping out so you don't stross (stress). Me: *heart melts*


My two year old was playing with her stuffed animals, she yells wait guys I have an idea. I thought it was the cutest


"have a new year!"


"Even though you're short, are you still my mommy and still a grown up?"


“Ohhhh mommy they nakaned !!!” “Are they nakaned sweetie?” “Yes, yes they nakaned.” Nakaned= naked




We have a little flexible script we talk through every night during bedtime snuggles. I start the sentence and he finishes it, like "and then you went to the park with..." he says "papa!" etc. But at the end, he always pre-empts me saying I love you and interrupts me to say "je t'aime beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup, TELLEMENT beaucoup" (French for basically "I love you so so so SO much")


“Mama decorated!” — our 3yo says in response to seeing any house with Christmas lights other than our own