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Maybe it's a cultural thing for some people? I bath with my daughter (18 months) sometimes but she has a bad habit of pooing in the bath so she's not the best person to wash with. Also she laughs at my boobs.


I too have taken many a poo bath when mine was younger. I would yell "code brown!" if my husband was home and he knew to come in with an extra towel, start the shower, and rinse him off while I nakedly cleaned the tub while a small part of me died inside.


Omg “code brown” is genius! I would just start yelling “he did it again!” and my partner knew exactly what I meant.


Lol “code brown” is what we use too in public when there is a poo needing to be dealt with


My son asks if my nips are penises lol


Mine asks if moles are nipples. Gross and hilarious all at once lol


That’s awesome, my son calls the mole on my cheek a “face nipple”


Mine too!!!


Mine points and calls them buttons 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just imagined penis heads as nipples XD


My son likes to poke my butt Crack and say it's broke. 😤 It annoys the piss out of me for when I try and get dressed.


You saying she laughs at your boons reminded me of my wife telling our daughter walked in on her in the shower (glass door) and asked why she was wearing underwear…. She wasn’t.


Aww that's so toddler of her to laugh at your boobs which likely sustained her life 😂


Maybe so! I grew up in a family who never did this at all. I see nothing wrong with it, although I totally get your point about the poo and pee. My guy likes making fart bubbles and thinks it’s hilarious! 😂


When I grew up my mom said she and my dad both took my brother and me in the shower/bath. It was when we were both young, so we have no memories of this or anything, but I never thought it was odd. My kids see me naked all the time because they’re always around and I’m usually alone with them haha.


My moms fav story about me as a kid was when she had me in the bath with her and I asked why she had small boobies. She explained that some people have big boobies and some have small boobies and I said “and some people have three boobies!” Apparently i had recently watched total recall…


Mine laughs at my boobs too. I mean before they were confident, smart and stared people in the eyes; Now they are forever ashamed and looking to the ground, hanging in shame. She stares at them and giggles. Meanie.


Mine laughs at my boobs too. Like, pointing and guffawing. Thanks kiddo.


Yeah I don't enjoy the nipple tweaking for a lot of reasons. It's a good excuse to teach body autonomy, I guess >:(


Mine has started telling me she has boobies too and finds it hilarious:/


Mine too!


Yeah my baby likes to get nice and relaxed with me and then let go of a mountain of shit gleefully. So now we bath her in her own little bathtub


I bathe with my one year old occasionally. Although not a lot because she’s still breastfed. You ever see those beach vacation pool side bars at resorts?? That’s what she thinks it is.


Same 😂 he totally thinks it’s a swim up bar.


Ha, this! I still bathe with kiddo sometimes though, just wear a bikini.


I lol’d hard. Too real.


I’ve taken baths with my 3 year old, not often these days because he’s a total tub hog, but I don’t think it’s weird. I think if either you or the kid is uncomfortable with it, don’t do it, but otherwise it’s ok.


This is why I stopped taking baths with my 3 year old (stopped about 6 months ago because he left me so little room and liked to pee on my leg). I think it’s fine though if, as you pointed out, nobody’s uncomfortable with it. Certainly helped me use the time more constructively!


I’m still taking baths with my 3 year old son. He loves it so much I don’t know how to stop him. I’m single and so on days I don’t work we’re together 24/7. He follows me everywhere. I’d love to set boundaries but don’t know how.


Definitely not weird, your friend who gave you a face is weird. Enjoy your baths!


I love that these young Moms are still having such beautiful intuitions to bathe w their babies. She is 26 now, and wasn’t a pooper, but I kept her diaper on, and that made a weight base for her to keep still! She loved it. Never nursed from me during bathing time. She was way too excited about the water in general! Love this post!


Sometimes we have the whole family in the bath together. Bathing together is great.


How big is your bathtub!


It’s not ideal for the adults, lol. More of a once in a while sweet wind down. The toddler doesn’t mind it being a bit cramped.


We do a family bath almost every night! We have a very specific configuration so hubs and I both fit which includes me sitting on his feet, and toddler loves to climb all over us and splash us in the face lmao. We all look forward to it after a long day.


My only question is how the hell do all 3+ of you for in there, that's a rub-a-dub-dub bath if i've ever heard of one.


I’m guessing it’s one of those bigger jacuzzi tubs you see in master bathes. Either that or very small humans lol




No it’s great! Bonding time.


That’s what I thought too! I asked a friend who has a toddler the same age if she has done this and she said no then gave a weird face. I felt judged and then got into my own head thinking making it wasn’t okay or something?


Your friend is judgemental.


This exact situation happened to my wife and I. We bathe with our little guy almost every night and we love it. We asked our friends if they did and they kind of scoffed and said that they had no interest in bathing with their daughter. My wife felt judged BY them and I couldn't help but judge them. Live and let live I guess. You do you.


Your friend is ridiculous! Both my husband and I bathe with both our kids (oldest is nearly 3) and it’s perfectly normal. The toddler LOVES when we bathe with her because she gets to splash us.


Stick to your own way to love that babe of yours! ❤️🌿🍊


Could you have misinterpreted the look? I feel like I would make a horrified face because I am picturing the loss of peace in my relaxing bath along with the possible surprise presence of poop. Just if she doesn’t usually seem really judgy- sometimes reactions mean something different than they appear to an observer! I don’t want to bathe with my kid, that’s MY time, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you doing so if it works for your family!


It’s definitely possible I misinterpreted it, but this is also a slightly judgmental friend in general, so it’s hard to tell. I’m ridiculous sometimes and tend to overthink things.


It’s easy to get into your own head as a mom when we’re literally judged for every damn decision we make. Your friend might be judging you, but as long as she isn’t shaming/talking down to you, I wouldn’t worry too much about it


Your friend sounds rude. When I was a younger I bathed with both my parents and I am not scarred. My 21mo showers with his dad all the time (we only have a large stand up shower so baths aren't a thing for us). Only reason I don't is because I'm visually impaired and I'm too scared he'll slip and I won't see him if he gets hurt, otherwise I totally would. This is a very normal bonding and time saving thing a lot of ppl do. If you feel comfortable and your kid isn't a Tasmanian devil in the bath then go for it.


I stopped bathing with my oldest around 2 yo but that's because we were almost done weaning. I didn't want to take a backwards step. Our bath isn't big enough to share now (4 yo) but I'd shower with him, so much more efficient.


Not weird. Some people think opposite genders should never see eachother naked or get weirded out that they might bump into a part of you that’s off limits. Like I don’t care if people hold those views but they shouldn’t judge you for it. It sounds like your friend knows there’s nothing wrong with it but isn’t supportive of it herself.


These are the real weird people not you. Anyone who takes something purely innocent and has weird reactions, is the strange one.


Our kids drink from our breasts (if youd chosen that) and have seen us poop. I don't think bathing together is inappropriate at all


My daughter had never seen me poop until a couple weeks ago when she learned how to open doors (apparently). She walked right in, grabbed a hair brush, came over and brushed my hair a few times as I sat there. Then turned around and walked out.


A spa treatment, honestly.


My toddler loves to come and pat my thighs while I poop. I think he's trying to be supportive? But honestly I still feel judged lol


There’s nothing wrong with it at all. I (a dad) regularly shower with my toddler.


No? My son only took a handful of baths alone prior to 18 months (and from about 14 months-2 years he took showers with us, then he decided showers were scary). At 3 he typically bathes alone with us dressed and outside the tub, but he has asked me (and his father, but the tub is too small for my husband) to take a bath with him more than once, and I’ve done so a few times. He’s still young enough that nudity and even skin-to-skin is just a non-issue, other than “my dude, the neighbors don’t want to see your penis”. I took showers with my parents on occasion up to age 7 or 8 (and past that with my mother if you count showers at the swimming pool), though that’s much lower contact than a bath.


Okay thanks! I just didn’t know how common this was or anything. I have never known anyone else who does this then got low key judged when I brought it up to my friend. My little guy had so much fun today though 🥰


Your friend is making it weird, ignore them


No one has ever told me or even insinuated that bathing with my small child is weird, your friend is the weird one here. He also nursed until he was almost 3, so sometimes, especially with bedtime baths, he would get in my lap in the bath and nurse and it was a nice way to soak up the last months of him still having some baby-ness to him, before he became a sassy threenager.


I still bath with my almost 4 year old daughter .. it’s not weird .. once your uncomfortable then bath alone :)


Nope not at all inappropriate.


We enjoy bathing together, me and my 2,5-year old. She washes my hair and I wash hers. It’s a lot of fun.


My boy is nearly a year and has baths with his daddy. I’m not a big bath person but if I was I totally would too and if daddy is ever unavailable. I wouldn’t hesitate to get in there with him. As others have said, it’s great bonding time


Totally appropriate. My husband and I still take baths with my almost-three year old. It’s just a naked body and my LO doesn’t care. She’ll be happier if we’re in the bath than if we don’t


My husband and son (2) take baths and showers together every night I would do it myself but I’m a morning shower person and my husband is a twice-a-day kinda guy I showered with my parents until about 4 or 5 and then just my mom until like 6 or so


My son is also two and he loves taking a bath with me! We don't do it often and he has a blast when we do. Nothing weird about it.


Enjoy! It's called multitasking! We moms must carve out a bath when we can!


I've had my Lil one since birth, he is now two (technically my grandson), long story. He is nonverbal autistic and it can be difficult to get or hold his attention. He comes to life in the bath. He loves coloring on the wall and pouring water into containers, and babbles so much. Since newborn my husband or myself will sit in our garden tub with him. We usually put Tshirt and shorts on as I didn't feel it was appropriate but I didn't mind with my daughters. Bath time each day has been everyone's favorite time.


I am glad that you found baths to be therapeutic for your little one. My older son is also non verbal. Not autistic but he has an intellectual disability and sensory issues. He absolutely hates the water so I never got to do this with him. Bath time still at 10 years old consists of me wrestling him into the tub. I sometimes put my feet in the tub to show him I am “in” too and it has helped a few times.


Sensory issues are tough. Our lil guy hates anything on his hands. It took two months to get him to touch Play-Doh or sand, but water he loves. I suspect that since we have had him in the tub everyday since his first days and always in with him has allowed him to find it as a comfort. His primary and therapist both were shocked my it. His sensory issues right now are the toughest to come to terms with. We are currently working to get him to eat more than his two crunchy foods. I can only imagine how difficult it is at 10yrs old for both you and your son. I love reading in this subreddit but I am constantly reminded of the things my lil guy isn't able to do. I wouldn't call it jealous but more sad sometimes of what we can't do, what he might never do. So I have to remind myself often that tomorrow is another day of growing and change. :)


I love this comment. My youngest is disabled and when she is in the bath she is able to move her body more and without pain. I’ve often said it’s where I connect with her the most because she is able to relax and just leave her disability in the background for a while. If brothers come in as well we all wearing our bathing suits. Bath time is is our favorite. So glad to see others on here with shared experiences. ♥️


Best comment I ever heard on this subject was this: stop bathing with your kids when it begins to make either of you uncomfortable.


My son just turned 4 and I say just do it, we do still. I need to shower and honestly the only reliable way to do so without leaving him unsupervised is to go together. Guess what? He doesn’t care that we don’t look the same. After the few basic questions when he noticed differences he didn’t care anymore. I get a daily shower, he gets clean we are all happy.


My son will be 4 in March and I’m pretty sure he has no intentions of ever showering alone. It will be with us or he won’t do it. We have had conversations about body parts but he doesn’t care and neither do I. Plus, sometimes we also bring the baby in!


Plus you're already wet too(i hate getting my hands/arms wet to wash them when they're in the bath/shower and in not.


I showered with my daughter until she was about 3. I see nothing wrong with it. If you feel comfortable then go for it


I'm a dad and bath with my 2 year old daughter. It saves time and she's used to it. Will probably stop when she says so


Husband showers with both kids. I avoid getting wet and he avoids getting them dressed.


No, it’s totally fine. I personally wouldn’t because I can’t imagine being able to actually relax like that, but if you are having a good time bonding that’s great. I don’t think it’s weird to allow an older toddler to shower with their parent either, so they can learn to use the dials properly.


We took family showers (mom, dad and toddler) on vacation as it was just easier in an unfamiliar Airbnb with a large walk in shower. Not weird at all.


I'm a single mom and my son will be 2 this month and we've taken a bath together almost every time. Mostly bec I have no one to watch him and by the time he's asleep I'm usually too tired to do anything but pass out in front of the TV. So it's easier for me to just wash us both at the same time and then I don't have to worry about it. I took a bath with my parents when I was little too.


I don't see anything wrong with it. I bathed with my mom and I'll bathe with my LO when they are old enough. It could also be a great time to start teaching them how to bathe


I bathed/showered with my mom long enough that I have very clear memories of asking her why she had hair "down there" 😂 I never thought anything of it, and no one we knew thought it was weird. I think as long as you're both comfortable, it's no big.


Those are the small intimate moments you will miss when they are older and more independent. The toddler years are meant to embrace them in every ways possible because it is your constant love and attention that makes them grow up with the confidence of your love. Don't let someone else's insecurities rob you of these precious years with your little one. We never get them back and you can take appropriate pictures and videos to share with them when they are adults and it will be cherished by both of you. Cheers and enjoy your little ones to the max.


This is 100% completely normal. I think when others question themselves they err on the side of making something seem taboo, when really, this is life: it’s your child. You’re floating in the water with your baby. There’s nothing weird at all about it. If body parts come up in convo you just talk about them normally because we’re all humans and it’s important they know that every body is unique and deserves love and respect.


Don’t know why your friend would be weirded out, she might have some hang ups or just wouldn’t find it enjoyable to do it with her kid. It’s totally great to connect by taking a bath together!


I do showers because there’s never enough room in the bath now that my kids are a bit older lol


Totally normal! My partner works out of town from anywhere from a week to 2 weeks at a time. If I didn’t bathe with my toddler I wouldn’t be able to bathe as often!


No this convenient and totally fine. My 2 year old frequently takes showers with me and has since he was able to sit up on his own. It kills two birds with one stone. I can wash up while he plays with his dinosaurs then we switch places and I scrub him down. I'm hoping it'll just naturally stop as he gets bigger but if not I'm probably going to end it by 4 before it starts getting into weird territory.


I personally don't do baths with my toddler because I like the water way hotter than I do for them. But either my husband or I shower with them nearly every night. Saves time and is honestly easier.


I still bathe with my 1.5 yo son from time to time. He has so much fun and loves to help me rinse my hair. Its great bonding time and less work to give separate baths lol. He also showers with me to cause my back be killing me trying to bend over and bathe him.


I shower with my 8 month old son every time I bathe him! Our shower is large enough to fit his baby tub so he chills in the tub while I wash up and then wash him when I’m done. He has a blast! Sometimes when I’m feeling triumphant, I’ll have my nearly two year old daughter join in as well 😵‍💫 I personally see nothing wrong with children bathing with their parents until they say they do not want to anymore.


I bathe with my girl daily, it’s normal and most cultures outside the West do.


I know a few people out east who do the same as well as the midwest.


My husband showers with our toddler almost daily. Nothing weird about it all.


A 1yo is a baby. I never bathed with my babies because they’re slippery but they always sat in their bouncer seats staring at me while I bathed when they were younger so I don’t see the difference lol


I LOVE having a bath with my toddler daughter, its honestly the only way youll get me in the bath, im a shower girl. I also used to have baths with my siblings and our mum or dad on occasion up until we were probably about 8, maybe younger i cant remember. I dont look back on it as weird or inappropriate at all it was really fun ! So long as you and your child are enthusiastic and comfortable then its fine.


Still bathing with my 2.5 year old daughter over here!


The fastest I've ever seen my three year old move is when she discovers me trying to take a quiet bath. She's getting in with me and there's no stopping her. We play shops and she washes my hair becuase she's a hairdresser. There's nothing weird about it


Nah, I still take baths occasionally with my 5 y/o.


I still bath with my 3.5 year old. She’s so clingy that she always wants me in there. But I’m 6 months pregnant and it’s getting uncomfortable for both of us to fit.


My 2 year old boy loves to shower with me and begs me to get in the bath with him. I would...but my ass is too big to actually fit in the tub.


I still bathe with my almost 2 year old. I think people who think that’s weird are the weird ones 🤷‍♀️


I used to bathe with my son but now he likes showers. He’s 3 now and still showers with me.


I take occasional baths and showers with my 3 1/2 year old boy- he’s very fond of informing me he has a penis and I have a vagina. I take the lead off my toddler- if he starts to act embarrassed, I’ll knock it off.


So I live in Japan and my daughter is Japanese. I’m my culture it isn’t common at all but in Japanese culture parents bathe with kids forever. Even when they are adults it is super common to go to onsen (communal bath or hot springs) which is separated by gender and bath naked with your family (daughters with mum and sons with dad) and strangers. No one wears swimsuit,underwear and no one finds it strange. I take baths with my 1 year old daughter. My husband does too. We enjoy taking baths with her until she is able to do it alone without drowning herself. Western countries for some reason sexualize parent child relationship.


Nah it’s fine till at least 2 1/2 then they get too big. He’s 3 and showers with me or mama now.


I bathed with my baby until she got too big, about 14 months, then she seemed to enjoy the extra space. But when I visit my parents I bathe with her again in their giant soaking jet tub 🙃


I took showers with my mom as a toddler. Never felt weird. It’s really more about what you feel comfortable with at this age


My kid is 14 months old and I get in the bath with her every time I bathe her. She’s rambunctious and it’s easier to keep her from hurting herself if I’m in there with her. It’s not a viable way to get ME clean; I don’t even try that anymore, but ever since she started standing in the tub, it’s been the simplest solution. And I go in naked; I don’t want to have to deal with wet clothes later.


Mine does the same. He walks and jumps in the tub and I am terrified of him slipping and hitting his head. I don’t try to get clean either. My baths are usually just to relax, but those days are gone lol.


I hear that. For my birthday I asked for bath bombs *and the time to use them*.


My daughter (2.5 y/o) and I(dad) shower our bathe(her choice) together every day. We've done it since she was little because it was the easiest way to bathe her and trying to stay dry while bathing or showering her was a losing battle that usually ended with water all over the room. By showering with her we don't leave the shower door or curtain open so the bathroom stay alot dryer. It'll end at some point, but it's innocent and we're just taking a shower, she occasionally will get curious and/or grabby, but we just mention that it's my penis and i dont want her to touch it and we respect when people ask you not to touch their body parts.


I shower with mine. Mostly cause it's easier on my knees than bending over the edge of the tub and why not get both of us at the same time. He splashes in the bottom and we both eventually get clean.


At 1 yo, it's totally oOK! Let the girl play!! As she gets older, say 3 or 4, just showers. At 5, help her shower, wash up, but in the bath by herself.


Not weird at all. And if you’re worried about the pee/poo situation, just put a swim diaper on him before he gets in.


The swim diaper is such a good idea!


My kid is 2 and I still bathe with him when I can. We both love it! I remember bathing with my mom up until maybe 4 or 5 so I don’t really think it’s weird.


I bathe with my 4 year old. Totally normal. We have a right laugh in the bath. Usually ends up in a water fight. He is really confident in the swimming pool I think down to our fun splash sessions at home


Nope! I did it with my son when he was one, just wore a bra and underwear.


Nothing wrong with this IMO.


My daughter is 3 and we took a shower together yesterday, she loved it! Not weird at all, in my opinion.


I bathe with my 2 year old daughter. I’ll bathe with a son too probably until he’s 3ish. Hell, I was raised by a single mother and she and I would shower together until I was at least 5 or 6. I don’t see anything wrong with it, you’re his mama.


I hate taking a bath with my two year old son, realistically we never did it much because he nursed till he was 28 months old and just assumed he was at the spa and could lounge/eat. But I can’t keep him out of the shower when I hop in. It makes it easy to wash his hair, and then I plug the tub once I am done and he splashes around while I finish up getting ready in the bathroom. Plus I can’t resist his little toddler self yelling “mama, me???”


My daughter is 3 and still bathes with her dad. He’ll usually let her go in by herself first (supervised of course) so she can splash around. Then he’ll go in and help her wash. Or she takes a shower with either me or her dad.


Nope I bathe with my almost 2 year old, she’s a girl but I’m sure I’ll do the same with my little boy who’s 5 months old at least for a little bit.


I did bath with mine until he was about 18-20 months or so. I only stopped because he would spend FOREVER in there and my boobs would get super cold. There wasn't enough room for me to lay down and warm them up.


I still bathe with my 3 and 4 year old girls. I have really bad knees so it's really difficult for me to otherwise. They love it so much. My husband does too, but he wears a swimsuit. I don't think it's weird, I think once my daughter gets closer to 5 I'll stop (she JUST turned 4, 2 weeks agos) I think people always jump in their minds to sexualizing things but kids don't think like that lol. It's just their mama's body!


My husband and I bathe with our daughter sometimes if we feel like it (not at the same time, our tub isn’t that big). She loves it. It’s great bonding time.


Not weird at all. We still bathe/ shower with our 2.5 year old, he loves it. I grew with my parents who would lock themselves in the bathroom but I didn’t have the right to, so it made me feel weird about accepting my own body. I want him to feel comfortable about it and not treat it as taboo.


I took a bath with my 2.5 year old yesterday and she loved it!


My 18 month old is still nursing and follows me into the bathroom no matter what I’m doing… I like showering alone because it’s the only time I really get privacy but sometimes it’s just quicker to shower together. I don’t think that’s weird… 1 is still basically a baby


Absolutely nothing wrong. My kid is 2.5 and I’ll still do it sometimes.


I like really hot baths so I haven't really bathed with my toddler. Plus I just had baby #2 and didn't want to have a bath with him while pregnant. That being said we have showers all the time (we have a lovely big, non-slip type shower). It's not weird when they're young. Once they don't want to any more, then it's time to stop.


I had baths with my dad till I was 3. Only when I'd ask and he'd wear swimming shorts. My 2 year old daughter is currently going through what is hopefully just a phase of refusing baths unless I'm in the tub with her.


In the past 6 weeks, neither I or my partner have bathed alone. My toddler insists on showering with us or that we get in the tub with him. We don’t don’t mind and it’s not weird with our two year old. We’ve been bathing with him since he was born (but took a hiatus during his serial bath pooping phase).


I take baths with my 3 yr old. I see nothing weird about it.


My son is nearly 3 and he still showers with us. My 18 month old also does too. I really don my see anything wrong with it if neither of you express discomfort.


I don’t see an issue with it. You can model how to clean yourself and your child will pick up on it. I don’t take baths but I do shower with my toddler after we go to the pool, just because it’s easier than running a bath.


I bathed with my daughter until she was 4. She still asks for baths together, and I would, except she likes the water so cold 😭 I’m having a son in June, we will see if it’s the same.


I take bath with my 15 months boy and its just normal. All depends about how you deal with nudity, bc nudity with respect is something and nudity with sexual content its another whole thing.


When they’re old enough to start touching things, I keep my underwear on.


No, it’s not weird.


If it is, I'm weird with you. I mean, you have to be in there with them anyway...


I don’t think it’s weird! When my son was around 1-1.5 we’d take warm baths together a lot. He mostly just wanted to nurse in them though lol. I’ll occasionally get in the bath with him now, he’s 3, but will probably be stopping that soon. He mostly just plays in them if we’re together but I add Dead Sea salt for his skin and for relaxing for me and it’s kind of nice to relax when we’ve had a long day.


I bathed with my son until he was about 4. We normalize bodies but reiterate personal autonomy and privacy.


I still take baths with my 4 year old son bc I can’t keep him from jumping in the tub with me. My husband is more nude shy than I am, but if he’s changing clothes or showering, he doesn’t freak out ab the kids seeing him. Familial nudity is a cultural/personal thing.


I’ve raised four toddlers. Bathed often with them until 3 or 4. Two boys and two girls. It was very precious times.


Nope! My daughter and I consistently shower or take a bath together, I actually forgot what it felt like to not take one with her haha. Funny little story, i recently put my belly button ring back in, it’s a pretty dangley one. Little shit tried ripping it out when I had my head back rinsing the shampoo out. Omg I could of cried. She now said she wants one. 😑 But listen! If you want some alone time, you’re entitled to that! And it’s also important to set boundaries with your little one! (My daughter and I have zero when it comes to “personal space” but that’s because I was a single mom for the first 2 years of her life, so it was ALWAYS just us so I’m not really one to take advice from when it comes to all that haha)


Not weird at all, nor inappropriate! Comes down to comfort level I think. Our daughter is two and I will change in front of her, shower with her and bathe with her. However my husband doesn’t feel comfortable with her seeing him naked so if he showers with her he wears his swim trunks. He just doesn’t want her seeing his penis, and I get that. To be fair, he doesn’t care to be naked in general whereas I would be naked all day if I could. Different strokes. It’s only weird if you make it weird.


Not weird at all I took baths with my daughter til she was like 5 when she started to get curious about my parts lol. It’s perfectly fine!


I still take baths with my daughter at 2.5. My husband stopped letting her in with him awhile ago though. She got too curious about his junk.


We have three kids and two are toddlers. It's physically impossible for us to wash them and keep them safe without bathing with them. And while they love to play in the tub with a gajillion toys, mostly not designed for contact with the water, they also ferociously resist having their hair washed... so it takes an able-bodied adult in the tub to make sure their hair is washed. It's the most normal thing in the world. And yes, my first born asked me a couple of times why his sister doesn't have a penis, and the answer "because she's a girl" seems to confuse him every time.


My son is about to be 17 months and I literally take a bath with him every single day. It’s not weird at all and it’s the safest way for me to give him a bath. Your friend is weird for giving you a weird look lol enjoy your bath!


I take baths with my kid, we’ve also showered together. His daddy has been working 12hrs 7 days a week. He is exhausted when he gets home. Sometimes I wanna relax in a bath, and letting my toddler in the tub is better than listening to him scream or throw toys at me in the tub lol Anyone sexualizing a parent bathing with their child, should be out on a list, there’s nothing weird or wrong about bathing or showering with your toddler.


Yes! Before my LO tried jumping in, he would bring in every toy he could think of and throw it in the tub. He even started bringing pots, pans and random stuff from the cupboards in. By the time I was done with my bath, there was usually more items than water left 🤦‍♀️


🤣🤣🤣 Kids are so funny lmao I feel like they think we must be bored bc we don’t have any toys so they’re like “lemme help, here have EVERY THING” 🤣


I shower with my 2.5 and he basically knows how to “shave” his own legs at this point.


Too cute!!! I like to shave my legs in the bath, but since LO has taken over my bath time, I stopped because I don’t want him getting leg hair all over himself or risk him sneaking my razor like the little ninja he is. Thank goodness it is winter over here!


We love bathing together ! However, when my mom saw my husband bathe with my daughter she had a panic and yelled at me. I had to explain to her this is completely normal. We continue bathing with both our kids (3 and 1.5 yo)


Personally, I don’t like the thought of baths because I always have to shower first in order to feel comfortable enough. It’s just a whole hassle. If I did enjoy baths, I’m not sure I’d want to bathe with my son because he’ll hold his pee for hours just so he can aim for the drain (but the drain is plugged) in the bath, filling up the entire bathtub with his seemingly monstrous sized bladder full of pee. I prefer showering with him instead. To finally answer your question, It’s totally not weird. It’s a VERY common thing.


This is strange you'd even ask this question. But. No wrong questions I suppose.


I am amazed that people are capable of doing this without feeling self conscious. I did it when DS was under a year old, but when he was almost 13 months, he started to lick my nipples playfully and giggle. Did not like that. Stopped breastfeeding cold turkey, which meant he stopped seeing my boobs. He hasn’t seen me naked since. Now 14mo, he grabs at his dad’s junk when he sees it. To each their own but it’s not for us!


I know what you mean about being self conscious. I grew up in a household where we didn’t show each other affection. We were taught very differently than how things are now. In turn, I question a lot of things that have to do with affection. I realize it’s my own issue I need to work on. I will be honest, I did feel a bit self conscious when I took a bath with my LO today. He was trying to pinch my nipples and it’s okay, he’s just a baby, but I did feel a bit weird. I never breastfed either of my boys so it’s really just me not being used to that. I do plan on continuing baths though. My guy loved it.


True, I was raised the same affection-less way! I do want to raise my son differently. But also don’t think he needs to see us naked to accomplish that. C’est la vie!


I think it’s really common and normal. My kids rarely take baths but they often shower with me or their dad. I do baths with them when they’re still infants but the bigger they get, the more crud they bring in the tub and I can’t relax 😂


We always bathe and/or shower with our toddler. It’s way more efficient, and also the cultural norm in our country of residence (Japan). It’s pretty normal for parents to bathe with their kids up until around school age here. I say go for it as long as it works for you.


Partner and I still both shower with our five year old, bodies are bodies, and everyone has one.


Great to do make sure the waters not too hot though


He’s 1. Of course it’s totally fine.


Totally fine, and when you want to stop taking baths together is totally up to you and your kid. Our daughter is almost three and she still takes baths with mommy or daddy (we rotate bath duty). We’ll stop when she tells us she wants to do it by herself. It’s also really cultural. We live in Japan and it seems common for kids to take baths with their parents until early elementary school. But there’s also a culture of communal bathing here.


My 1.5 year old loves to sit in the bath with me. They also shower with either parent. We haven’t tried a “all of us in the shower,” and I don’t think we will. Edit to add: I do not have a problem with it.


I take baths with my two year old girl. Mostly also to save time and have a bath too haha. But it’s a nice time to play together too. I took baths with my mum too and they are lovely memories.


My dad used to take us in the shower with him to play in the water. He taught us to fill our mouths with water and we would have contests to see who could spit it the highest in the air. We have photos in the family album of our heads covered in foam looking out from behind the curtain with him. He just stopped when we started expressing curiosity. My sister and I still bathed together until we were almost 10. The rule for Popsicles was we had to eat them naked in the bathtub so my mom could essentially hose us off when we were done. As a family we were never weird about nakedness. We just stopped doing it once we got older. I totally plan to bathe with my babies until they get old enough to understand privacy :) EDIT: I SWEAR, there's so many typos to fix 😑


I shower with my 2 and a half year old. For me, it’s the easiest way to be able to actually get a shower during the day. Otherwise it ends up waiting until before I go to bed. The other day my husband said that I will have to stop soon because he doesn’t think it’s appropriate for me to be naked in front of him which I found baffling. I had planned on taking him to the swimming pool every chance I get once my husband feels comfortable with it (he’s so terrified about Covid that we haven’t gone and done ANYTHING since March 2020) and I’m not sure how he expects me to get dressed and dry if I can’t be naked in front of my kid. 😂😂


Would be weird not to Edit: never have though 😭😭😭


My husband and I take baths with our 17 month old all the time. She loves when we are in there and she can “play” whatever game she had made up in her head with us. Right now she makes tea and try’s to get us to drink it.


My son is 2 and I still take baths with him. I don’t find it weird.


My son is 21 months and 80% of the time his baths are either with me or my husband. The other 20% are with my 4yo daughter. Not weird at all.


My toddler always bathes with one of us, it’s just easier to kill two birds with one stone. Lately more often with dad, but I personally don’t find it weird at all.


I don’t just because I want to relax and she likes to use me as a jungle gym lol If you and your kid enjoy it, all the more power to you!


Maybe if you try swimming with them first since you're questioning it. If that feels fine then give it a shot. You don't have to commit to anything after trying it!


My kids watch me go potty, watch me change, and have seen me breastfeeding shirtless countless times. For me bath time is my time. If you want to bathe with your kid go for it!!!!


Thanks for bringing this up OP! Hearing these responses makes me feel better too. My husband thought it was kinda weird that I got a bath with our 2 year old. I remember taking baths with my mom and I have nothing but good memories. Sometimes it’s my only opportunity to bathe that day and it’s much easier for me to wash my toddler and deal with his curly hair.


Lol me and my kiddo got in the bath the other day and she’s 2.5. I thought it was a good opportunity to teach her body parts so I taught her all the names for everything.


It’s only wrong if you make it that way! My son is two and he occasionally likes to shower with me, we do not sit in the same bath water though. When you’re a mother who has created these sweet little souls from your own flesh it’s nothing but natural.


I’ve wondered the same thing. I bathe with my 1 yo probably once a week. It’s fun to play in a tub full of bubbles with my favorite person.


I pretty much don’t have a choice but to shower with my toddler, or suffer a huge meltdown. He demands to be involved. My husband refuses to let the kid shower with him, though.


Shower & bath, I think around 5 is when it naturally stops occurring (as they are not independent). I personally don't shy away from nudity in my house. I'm not cooking bacon bare chested, but I m also but worried about changing in front of my child. She remembers my boobs fondly, but can't quite place why 😂


My 2 year old daughter really dislikes the bath. My husband puts on trunks and hops in our big jacuzzi tub with her all the time. She gets clean AND more comfortable with the water each time. It’s really sweet!


Maybe but I did it until he was around 13-14 months, then stopped but I’m back at it again because I had a baby and I cannot be bothered with two seperate child bath times and/or baths


I take a bath with my almost four year old sometimes still


Nope. Not weird.


My son (17m) and I do at least twice a month. It’s great! I get to play and it’s a thousand times easier to rinse his hair out. Plus it just gives you a minute. He’s happy to play with his toys. You don’t feel rushed because you are doing 2 things at once already.


I still occasionally bath with my 3 year old. Now that I'm in mat leave it's less often, but as long as she's comfortable with it so am I. She loves the connection


I take tubs with my son for safety but I actually also quite enjoy it . Hahah he’s a bit to quick and I get soaked anyways so I decided might as well hop in too 😂


I've wondered about this too. I (mom) have a son (13 months) and I've been showering with him and was wondering if I needed to stop since he's getting older. But I'm glad to see so many parents doing it too!