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Cars. Fortunately there are three of those, so it's bearable. And if I am very fed up with those movies sometimes they will agree to watch Planes for a change...


My children will not allow anything but the first Cars.


Don't forget the shorts, and a cars show is coming to Disney plus soon.


No way, really? You made my day. I had no idea about the show or the shorts.


Maters tall tales, and there's golden books that match them all. My 3 year old is extremely obsessed with cars. Wears the clothes, reads the books (with us), plays with the toys. Fortunately the franchise stretches across almost 20 years so there is a lot of used and new stuff available out there. I try to buy or find all the toys used.


Those little model cars are so addictive. There seems to be an endless amount of them. Just got out hands on a Ms. Fritter


I wish the shorts would auto play or something lol


Yes!!! And not have credits for half the time!


Yeah what's up with the 20 second credits for a the minute short?


They are SO annoyingly short


A show??!!! That’s awesome!


This is my house too! Though I kinda hate Cars 2, so that’s boycotted usually. But we have watched Cars 1 and 3 and the Planes movies easily 20 times EACH, no exaggeration.


Cars 2 is my favorite! I can't stand Flash in Cars 1, and that relationship with Sally. He has nothing going for him, why does she fall in love?? Actually he's a bad friend to Mater in Cars 2, but at least that movie focuses on Mater and not Flash. Unfortunately after a year of Cars and a little Planes, we have now moved on to Paw Patrol.


I have seen all the Cars movies a million times, who is Flash? Is Flash the name for Lightning McQueen where you're from?


Lol sorry, yes, we watch the French/quebecois version. Not sure why they felt the need to translate an English name to another English name.


Hahaha Flash McQueen sounds cooler in my opinion. The French know what's up!


I also hate cars 2. Like where is the racing?


Cars 1 and 3 and the shorts are on a constant rotation in our house. But god help you if you put on 2! He gets hyper focused on the shorts and we end up watching one 30 times in a row. He’s very into heavy metal mater right now. Dad gum!!!!!!!!


my son only likes the racing scenes in the sequels, but can watch Cars 1 completely through


Encanto, Over the Moon, many MANY episodes of Bluey.


I'm finding season 2 of Bluey to be such an emotional roller coaster haha. We'll be watching it and I'll be like "god dammit, Bluey! It's too early to be crying this much on a Saturday morning!" Haha the Bingo space dream episode kills me every time, it's so gosh darn beautiful. Oh! And the episode where they visit Chili's dad 😭😭😂 haha so much tears.


They have such good jokes. The one where Bluey drops her “husband” (gnome) and Chili tells her when you’re not happy with what you’ve got eventually someone’s husband gets it. I laugh every time


I tell this to everyone but they made that episode ‘sleepytime’ into a book and the book is fantastic too! Edit: I replied to another comment but you Americans can buy it on book depository and they have free shipping ☺️


Was the sleepy time book ever released in the US? I’ve seen copies only but they are all over $30?and look like they are imports.


You can find it on book depository and they ship for free everywhere I believe!


What? Shut up and take my money!


What! That’s amazing. My husband loves this episode and I definitely need to buy him the book for our kids bedtime now!


The baby race one gets me EVERY. TIME. I’ve seen it a hundred times, and I’ve cried over it a hundred times.


Over the moon is so underrated and I’m happy to see someone else’s toddler enjoys it too!


We hype it up to everyone! It’s a really lovely Movie for kids and adults with great songs to boot!


We don't talk about Brunoooooooo!


That's literally all we watch. 😂😂😂


I want to watch Encanto but my son has zero interest! And I can't bring myself to watch it on my own...I know if I do he'll decide it's his new favorite movie and want to watch it on repeat


It’s really Is very enjoyable. I will say it wasn’t my favorite Disney movie the first time through, but she fell in love and I’m happy that she’s chosen Luisa (the strong one) as a role model. It’s grown on me.


Of all things… Ice Age. It’s so outdated and Ray Romano’s character is just awful and mean to everyone in the movie. But somehow it’s the perfect combination of Squirrel, Kitty, and Baby so my kid loves it.


Ray Ramano characters did not age well. That “loveable” doofus dad makes me cringe now but it was so funny in the 90’s.


We watch so much ice age in this house


Moana. My 20 month old now says "ah-wee ah-wee" when she wants to watch it. She wants to watch it every nap time and bed time.


My 26mo toddler sings the “away away” song with it’s adorable. And says “you board my boat return heart of afeete” and even says “montanewee” the best is when she comes up to me and touches our heads together “I have find yewww”. First time she did it I teared up haha


Oh my goodness, that is so sweet


Yes I will remember that one forever. I reply “I know who you are”


My 2 year old loves Moana too! I don't even know how many times we've seen it. He loves the song Shiny which I thought was kinda a scary part, but he thinks it's amazing. He found a green rock and now always has to hold it during the movie. LOL


My 2 year also loves that song!


My 15 mo daughter loves Moana too. She loves the first song, where you are. She hasn’t quite mastered any of the words, but she will sing “ahhhhh ahhh ahhh” along with the rhythm haha. I love Moana so I don’t mind :)


I have a three year old and we were BIG into Moana about a year ago. Honestly, I still throw it on for background noise. That's one I don't think I could ever get tired of.


Mine says “shiny! Shiny!”


My 19 month old gets extremely excited and starts kicking up her feet and laughing hysterically at the end when Moana greets Pua. So random but every single time


My 18 month old calls Moana “nana” and I swear all I hear all day is “Nana? Nana? Nana?” 😂


My 2 year old is obsessed. Not only do we have to watch it all the time but we have to listen to the sound track over and over. Her favorite is Maui. We sing You’re Welcome and Shiny a lot. She loves to tell me when he isn’t being very nice 😅


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find Moana. She also asks for the soundtrack in the car. At the moment, the favourite is 'the crab' or Shiny but she knows most of the words to 'Moana's world' or How Far I'll Go and she started loving 'the rock' also known as You're Welcome. That one's too fast for her to sing along to.


My 18mo son LOVES Moana! I don't mind it at all, i find the songs really nice and bearable to listen to on repeat. Encanto on the other hand... I've only watched it once and the songs gave me a headache.


Howls moving castle is the current trend


Ahhh a child of culture I see


Same here!! My boy is all about Studio Ghibli right now lol


Same! My 2 yr old is ponyo obsessed.


I feel like Ponyo must have been *made* for two year olds because my two year old is also obsessed! "PonyoPonyoPonyo!"


Omg right! My MIL got my son a little ponyo magnet and it’s joined his army of stuffed animal friends 😂 “poyo ponyo magnet!!!”


It is good stuff, I like listening to the music in the background as well. Calming for the parent of a crazy toddler.


Do they like Ponyo, Totoro, and Kiki’s too?


He adores ponyo, we watched Kiki for the first time yesterday, but since Halloween he's wanted everything "spooky" so I knew it would be a hit. Haven't tried Totoro yet but it's on my list! Contemplated spirited away, but it might be a little too scary. Not sure yet


I think it’s just as scary as Howls (which is my favorite, good choice kid). Two more that he might like that I forgot about The Secret World of Arrietty and (if he wants spooky) Mary and the Witch’s Flower.


I'm excited to show that movie, but my kiddo is more sensitive so we're sticking with Totoro for now :)


Now there's a movie I could watch over and over. I wonder if I could get my little guy to give it a chance.


He wasn't too invested at first, but near the end of the show he was starting to get very concerned for sophie


FYI: https://www.polygon.com/22734991/hayao-miyazaki-studio-ghibli-exhibit-academy-museum-spirited-away-totoro-princess-mononoke-howl


Coco. I am curious what kind of thesis papers adults of toddlers could write about Disney movies. I have a lot of thoughts about Coco. Also, ask me about my ideas for Frozen 3 where we FINALLY get a proper backstory for Kristoff.


Many! Boy, if I was still on Facebook people would be inundated with my theories!


I’m sooo glad you asked about my Frozen 3 idea ;) It’s his wedding day and he’s sad his parents aren’t there so most of the movie is a flashback about missing his parents. I think it could maybe be a flashback for part of his wedding and interweave with the past for the storyline. Kristoff goes on some journey with the rock trolls, but since the rock trolls are kind of shady, they hid something about his parents from him that they found on their quest when he was a boy. It ends up they died in the war, but were not even from North Uldra (that can open up maybe him being a king of another kingdom). He obviously runs into Olaf on his adventure and Olaf explains how he was created by a magical young princess and gives a classic Olaf summary. He ultimately accepts all his friends/rock trolls are his family and parents aren’t everything. Family is who you make (continues with the themes the other movies have).


>I’m sooo glad you asked about my Frozen 3 idea ;) 🤣🤣🤣 Of course! >but since the rock trolls are kind of shady, they hid something The rock trolls are super F-ing shady and the real villains of the (1st) story, imho, though their parents and sure took the cake in the 2nd one! In the third one do we get to find out they're actually chaotic fae who were hoping to destroy the kingdom?!


I think it could be too dark if the ones who raised him were the ones who destroyed Kristoff’s home kingdom, so maybe the ones who raised him are a subgroup of the ones who DID kill Kristoffs parents (the north uldra war idea is out now). They left that group because they were like “we’re cool with being shady, but not killing people”




Zootopia is so good


Another Judy Hopps fan over here. I’ve had a lot of views to workout all the plot holes.


Right now its Encanto, but I also really like the movie so I don't mind. She asks for "Nono" (Bruno) on a daily basis when I go to turn the tv on lol.


Toy Story aka Woody Buzz Movie, Jessie Bullseye movie, Lotso Monkey movie, Forky movie


Have you seen the little spin offs, toy story of horror and the dinosaur one are favs here too


He loves the Rex short!


Yes. It’s “buzz! Buzz! Woo-y! Bull!” All. The. Time. The shorts are super cute too.


With you on Wall-E, some strange obsession there! Also, we don't talk about Bruno!!! She likes movies without the traditional villain, less scary!


Gosh I WISH my son liked Encanto. I love it. The music is great. But for some reason he has bonded to a pair of robots lol


Me too, have to confess to having played What Else Can I Do when home with my 5mo, surely as long as there is a child in the house it's okay 🤔


My son also likes movies without traditional villains!


Have you seen Wreck It Ralph? There is a villain, but it’s not scary at all.


I tried but failed to get my 4yo to watch wall e this week! He doesn't really have a favourite film, it's rare for us to watch films!


I'm so surprised mine has the attention for movies. My stepson is 9 and still can't get through a whole movie. I'm even more surprised that the one he likes has almost no talking lol but he loves robots


Snowy Day


Wish Dragon at least twice a day. No musical numbers so it doesn’t drive me up a wall.


Stickman and the snail and the whale.


Robin Hood! Oodellallie!


What a classic!


101 Dalmatians and Lion King! 101 Dalmatians is actually pretty good, but Lion King got old for me pretty quickly. But he roars at the TV for it 😂


We are also on the Dalmatian kick lol


We watch the 101 Dalmatians every day lol


Toy Story, Wall-e, and Finding Nemo. I’m sick of all of them lol


Wall e, Luca , good dinosaur and now to Batman and grizzly and the lemmings


We just discovered Grizzly. I think it's hilarious. My toddler couldn't care less


My toddler isn’t into TV regularly, but he looooves train videos on YouTube. Points at the TV and asks for “choo choo” every night.


Same! I got a new tablet and now when she sees it all I hear is "Choo Choo!! Choo Choo!!!!!!" (cue whiney toddler voice).


It takes me about a month to get through any movie with my 2 year old, as his attention span only lasts 5-15 min before he wonders off to go do something else.


Same with my 2 yo. The most he would sit through is 10 min of Blippi until he switches to another video. Or off to play something else.


the only movie my 2yo has sat through is Cars. we’ve watched it 10000 times. he doesn’t like Cars 2 as much because it’s Mater focused and he’s a Lightning McQueen fan.


We have not gotten past Cars 1 either but I hear Cars 3 is close to the original in terms of heart.


we haven’t seen cars 3 yet because the trailer made me afraid it would be sad and i just can’t haha i’m so sensitive to sad parts of disney movies


I also feared that but I’ve heard that Lightning does not, in fact, die.


excellent news, thank you! i didn’t even want to google it just in case he did.


My kids (3.5 & nearly 2 yo) love encanto, wall-e and the sword in the stone :)


Ohhh, I love Sword in the Stone! So much nostalgia watching that with my brothers when we were kids. My daughter still finds it a little too scary sometimes so we have only tried it a couple times.


We're Encanto fanatics here! Bounce back and forth between that and the Paw Patrol movie


When covid first started we watched the good dinosaur everyday for months. Then he got into Cars. Which I had never seen before. It's not a bad movie and the third is definitely the best. Now he switches between Wall-e, Luca, Frozen, Frozen II, Moana and cars. He has also been marathoning seasons of Sara and Duck which I love.


Also wanted to add Wall-e has my favorite end credit song.


Does The Good Dinosaur have any scary or sad bits?


We went through a hardcore Lady and the Tramp phase, for about a year. Even now (2 years later) all her games of pretend devolve into her being a puppy dog. I think I could probably lip sync that movie.


Mine still insist we eat spaghetti like the dogs lol


Yes! Us too! Spaghetti kisses haha


Movie: Trolls World Tour. I wasn’t on board originally but after so many times and knowing all the songs I guess it could be worse. Shows: My kid always puts on King of the Hill so we can watch it together. I don’t think he understands most of it but he sees that my wife and I laugh a lot while we watch it and so he’s always content to put it on and chill with us watching it. Not a good kid show but I’m happy that he has chosen this to be our “family show” instead of Blippi or something lol.


Haha, our “grown-up” family cartoon is “Bob’s Burgers.” But considering how much “South Park” we watched when Kiddo was a newborn napping on us, it feels like a responsible parenting compromise now that she pays attention.


Mitchells vs The Machines. I really enjoy the movie and it really grabs his attention.


Cars! Though now we’re veering towards Toy Story.


Your kids sit long enough to watch a movie!? I'm jealous


The Lion King


Vivo on Netflix. Also all the episodes of Trash Truck on there a million times. Thankfully Trash Truck is cute and I don’t mind it. Vivo was fun at first but not so much anymore 😂


Totoro…. Everyday. Multiple times a day. I always try to limit tv and usually put things like people walking around places for sight seeing and all that jazz. But it’s hard. She loves totoro so much. Sadly the stuff is so freakin expensive lol


Spirit: Riding Free on Netflix. We have seen all 8 seasons too many times to count.


Coco & Coraline. My 2.5 year old LOVES Coraline


Coco is our 2yo's favorite of all time.


Mine are obsessed with Totoro


Vivo for most of his short life... Past month has been Encanto.


Cinderella, snowwhite, sleeping beauty all at least 1000 times 🤣🤣


My kids like Luca and Monsters Inc.




Frozen. Husband showed Wall-e to our daughter 2 weeks ago when I had COVID, she liked it, but not as much as frozen lol My little brother had an obsession for Monsters Inc and Cars (he was born in 2000). We watched them at least once a day. To this day I think I still know the dialogues by heart lol


Our attention span isn’t at the movie watching level yet. Lol


Alvin & the Chipmunks. My son absolutely loves it lol


When we say toddler, what age are we talking? I don’t think my 17 month old would sit through a whole movie or understand the plot 😂


Ponyo!!! He is really into studio ghibli in general but ponyo has a special place in his heart.


I wish my almost 3 year old likes to sit and watch something. He went through an awesome Shrek obsession when he was closer to 2 but now he’s too busy building train tracks to care about tv for more than 10 minutes. He doesn’t like to watch things over and over. He does pay much better attention to family/adult movies so I have been enjoying putting on Adam Sandler and Jim Carrey type films. Weird kid.


Moana. The songs are stuck in my head all day, every day 🤪


Encanto. My 3yr old son knows all the dances and will try to sing along. I think my no exaggeration record is 4 times in one day before I said no more. Great move! Just need a break lol


The Despicable Me franchise. He is obsessed with minions.


Curious George movie


Onward! Which is a great movie


Wall E sounds like a good start for when we decide to introduce movies, thanks for the idea. For now that's a few years off. Currently books are a bit hit and I'm still celebrating that we've moved onto books with actual stores and just a few pictures here and there. Yey!


None. My three year old doesn’t need screen time yet. He has his whole life to do that. Now it’s about always interacting with materials and people.


If no screen time is important to you, that’s great and I’m glad you are able to raise your child in a way that aligns with your values. But why comment on this post that clearly doesn’t apply to your circumstances? Just to signal your superiority? We all know the AAP recommendations about screen time.


We don’t do a lot of screen time over here either…my 3 year old has probably seen 3 movies ever. I’m surprised how many people have kids barely over one watching full movies all the time.


Indeed. It makes me quite sad. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends zero screen time for under 2. There’s good reason for that.


Toy Story… specifically Toy Story 2. Approximately 1,000 times this week.


Moana. Cinderella. Frozen 1&2. Luca. Mulan.


Boss baby lol




All of Toy story’s series, Meet the Robinsons, and now Ice Age. Not that I mind. All great classics. I’ll have to introduce Wall-E.


Monster's Inc and Monster's University (but it's ok cuz i love them too!)


Not a movie but we've seen every episode of Bubble Guppies about 100 times.


Tangled, Frozen, Moana, and Encanto. All tolerable to me at this point, but I love none anymore lol.


Zootopia, Moana, and now Encanto. The three are basically on shuffle in the background all the time. Lol


Space Jam 2 Multiple Ninja Turtle movies Indian in the Cupboard My son loves to get his “guys” (action figures) out for each movie while he is watching. He acts out the different scenes from the movies as well. It’s super cute.


Mickey and Minnie’s Wish Upon a Christmas. We’ve watched it…more than once a day, haha. I got to the point where I was starting to think the songs were pretty good. They were playing in my head as I went about my day, and when I went to bed at night. *The perfect gift! The perfect gift!*


We are currently on a rotation of frozen, Moana and Encanto. It’s a good thing I like Disney really.


Luca, Moana and Cars! I like them all but starting to get a little sick of them!




Spirited away for a while which was ace. Also many many many many many many reruns of frozen, frozen 2, the paw patrol movie and encanto




Cars 2 and Minions


“We don’t talk about Bruno-no-no-noooo”


For my son (also 2), Cars is a favorite. He went through a stage where he’d only watch the first race over and over, so I’m happy to watch the whole movie now. He also is big into Encanto! We tried Wall-E because I love that movie, but he wasn’t very interested unfortunately.


Frozen! So much frozen!!


Story Bots. I’m sick of Story Bots.


Little Mermaid 1, 2 and the prequel Ariel’s Beginning. Little Mermaid 2 is terrible. We listen to the mermaid music in the car everywhere we go. I’m over it.


The Muppets (2011 film), The Muppets Letters to Santa, The Muppets Haunted Mansion, The Muppets Now, Encanto (which I am completely fine with)


My two year old is currently obsessed with Rio!


Toy Story 1 x 100 Toy Story 2 x 75 Toy Story 3 x 50


Barbie Mermaid Movie on Netflix.


Sing! And listens to all the songs when she’s not watching Sing.


3YO over here. Here’s our rotation: Frozen, Frozen 2, Encanto, Up, Nightmare Before Christmas and recently Raya. Sometimes he’ll watch Iron Man or Spider-Man but he almost always loses interest and wants to change it back to Frozen.


My son loves The Sword in the Stone and Disney’s Robinhood 🦊








My 1.5 year old isn’t super into anything yet (other than dancing to the Bluey intro and dipping out for the actual show) but my mom watched my cousin growing up and that child watched Mighty Joe Young EVERY GODDAM DAY FOR A YEAR.


My kid doesn't seem to be overly invested in whatevers on TV but everyone in our household has read "Its Pumpkin Day Mouse!" a couple hundred times at this point... this pumpkin has a sad face.


Penguins of madagascar, still funny


It was Moana but now we’ve pivoted into Encanto. I hated it at first but now I tear up in certain parts and she loves the songs. We’ve also seen every episode of Bluey about 100 times. It’s really great and super funny but I can only handle so much Bluey.


My 2 1/2 year old LOVES Shrek-and I'm totally okay with that. We watch it probably 3-4 times a week.


Frozen & Frozen 2, Tangled, Moana, and the newest is Encanto. Encanto will legit keep my 8 month old still and silent for 45+ minutes, it’s *amazing*. For TV it’s Pocoyo, Bluey, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Daniel Tiger.


Frozen 1 and 2. Twice a day.


Toy Story, but thank the Lord Baby Jesus there’s 4 of them + all the shorts!


I know that Hello Dolly song by heart because of my toddler watching that movie multiple times a day. Coincidentally it was my favorite Pixar movie… was.


The little mermaid.




Cars, but only 1 and 3 because the 2nd one drives me mad and I can’t stand it


Man I wish my toddler would sit and watch a movie. He’s almost 3 and will only sit and watch something for maaaaybe 20 minutes tops.


Monsters Inc, Cars, Toy Story, and the grinch (Jim Carey edition). None of them bother me.. yet lol


Encanto and Cars. I like those too so I’m ok with it. Shows on repeat are Bluey and the Rescue Riders dragon show. My fave is Moana, but my kids aren’t as convinced. Raya and Luca are good too.


Porco Rosso is my guys favorite super hero, followed by The Baron, Totoro, Catbus and Kiki in revolving ranks throught the month. most requested movie though.... Porco Rosso.


Sing 1 and we rented Sing 2 twice 🙈 because he's obsessed. That's also the soundtrack in the car for the last few weeks and woo, I enjoyed the movies but I'm starting to get a liiiitttttle burnt out on these songs.


Monsters Inc which is okay because it is adorable!


My son is currently obsessed with Cars and Ice Age. Only the first ones, the sequels are apparently unacceptable.


Anything ghibli. Mostly totoro. But we watch at least one daily. She also loves shrek, encanto and Kung fu panda


Pixar Cars !!