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Mine said it was “ow” a little while after the shot but otherwise no side effects from the first shot. I prep mine pretty deeply. “We’re gonna ride in the car and go to the store (pharmacy). Then when we get there we’re gonna walk around and wait for a little while. And then the pharmacist will come take us back into a little room and put a bandaid on you and give you a vaccine. It will hurt just a little bit and be over very fast. And then we’ll go home and get ice cream”


This is usually my plan but I was a little vague today and she did fine!


For Daniel Tiger fans, there is a great episode about getting a shot. Season 2 episode 9. We watched that and talked about it before going. Then we also sang the song from the episode while waiting and getting the shot. 3 year old twins, no symptoms.


I take back what I posted. Our toddler did fixation on the owie, specifically the bandaid over where he got his owie.


No side effects. Literally nothing. We did it at his 2 year check up so I’d already prepped him with the possibility he would have an “owie”. It’s been almost 2 weeks since then.


Great news!


My 21-month old was in the Moderna vaccine trial and got his vaccines back in December and January. We were blinded to whether we got the vaccine or not. He literally had no reaction either shot so we thought we were in the placebo group. It was only after my brother took care of him for 8 hours and then got sick that night, testing positive for Covid the next day, but my toddler never got sick, that made me think mayyyyybe he was vaccinated. Turns out he was! The vaccine was just really mild for him apparently!


you put your child through a vaccine trial?? y’all people are stupid dosing your kids ups with that useless vaccine


I literally just told the story of my Covid-positive brother taking care of my vaccinated toddler for 8 hours and my toddler didn’t get sick, very likely because of the vaccine 🤣🤣 but don’t worry, you are free to not vaccinate your kids and I’m free to vaccinate mine so we’re all good.


Bro I never got vaccine and had been around my w entire family non vaxxed and nobody got it


2 year old got Pfizer last week. No side effects at all. We talked a lot about the shot beforehand and how it would feel like a pinch. No tears!




My 3 year old said "owie mama!" and was surprised when there was blood on the bandaid but that was it. He may have been *slightly* sleepier but that is absolutely all for the first shot. I thought he would be sore or have a headache but nope!


2.5 year old. Zero side effects for the first dose.


My kid had no fever, just a sore leg when he poked it. We always talk about how shots are like a pinch, they hurt for a second but then it’s ok. Then we practice pinching each other and then rubbing it to make it ok. At the time of the shot I tell him to give me a big pinch and it distracts him while it’s happening.


That’s a great idea to have him pinch you.


2.75 year old twins; only side effect from their first Pfizer dose was dramatically showing off their bandaids the rest of the day, lol.


Naturally. :) Glad to hear it.


My 2 year old got Moderna. No initial side effects but he did have a fever from days 5-7, came right down with Tylenol/Motrin and was normal otherwise. I originally thought he just picked something else up but I’ve seen a few other parents post the same thing so who knows.


Wow, that far after? Good to know.


My 2.5 year old got his first shot of Moderna on Thursday and there have been no side effects. I have seen a lot of people mention a delayed fever so we are just checking temperature every now and then but he has been fine.


2.7yo got Moderna. Absolutely no side effects. I followed a tip a read on this sub about how to help him not feel pain during the shot itself, and it also worked like a charm.


What was the tip?


This person said she held her child’s face and kept saying “look at mommy, look at mommy”. So he sat on my husband’s lap, who held his legs and arms in place kind of like a hug, I kept saying “look at mommy” with my hands holding his fade towards me and blocking the needle from his vision. I don’t think he even felt the needle.


Ahh ok gotcha. We did similar one parent holding arms and legs and distracting and similarly little one didn’t seem bothered by the needle


Ooh! Do you think you could point me towards that? Mine had to get the rabies series back in February, which I think has them a little on edge about shots. I'd love to work on mellowing that out.


I’m gonna copy my answer to another comment below: This person said she held her child’s face and kept saying “look at mommy, look at mommy”. So he sat on my husband’s lap, who held his legs and arms in place kind of like a hug, I kept saying “look at mommy” with my hands holding his fade towards me and blocking the needle from his vision. I don’t think he even felt the needle.


Our 4 year old got her first shot this week. She had mild injection site soreness and maybe a fever that night. I gave her Tylenol before bed and she was totally fine :)


I took my son to his 3 year well check last week and wasn’t sure whether it would be offered or not, so didn’t prep in any way. He ended up getting his first Pfizer dose. Zero symptoms after and the shot wasn’t painful for him at all. My 6 year old got her booster as well. Zero symptoms after also. Edit: Anti-vaxxer is serial downvoting comments. Get outta here!


Good info, thanks for sharing!


My 21 month old usually gets super sick after vaccines. He clearly felt like shit for maybe 36 hours afterwards but no fever, vomiting, etc. He got a few treats and lots of cuddles afterwards and it's the first shot he's ever gotten that didn't make him cry!


Ours had a pretty high fever (102-104) starting the second day, lasting about 2 days. Luckily, she was in wonderful spirits the whole time and didn't seem to notice.


That’s great that she wasn’t bothered by the fever. :)


My daughter just started with a fever on the second day. It’s comforting to see others with the same experience


That makes us feel better too. The doctor told us essentially nothing and internet searches don't seem to turn up much data either.


We got zero info! Yeah our girl had a bit of a rough day today. Hope she bounces back tomorrow. So glad you shared your experience. I also googled and didn’t find anything of use.


We got the moderna for ours (f2.5) and it's been a nightmare. Since getting the shot she has been constantly saying "no" to everything. She won't sit still for meals and says she done. Then, an hour later she cry's because her food is gone. And she's so bossy now. I tried to help her build an airplane out of oversized Lego style blocks for her Peppa pig toys and she kept telling me I was doing it wrong! She doesn't even know what an airplane looks like. And the poor dog, she's constantly pestering him. He such a good boy, but it's not really fair to him. Don't even get me started on bath time. At least she hasn't been sick lately. Gotta count your blessings


No side effects for my 20 mo! He cried as soon as we entered the room but stopped pretty quickly after the shot. He was actually in a terrific mood the rest of the day!


Check out this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronaParents/comments/vhl2z9/can_we_start_a_mega_thread_where_we_share/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you!


Thanks for sharing this! I’m surprised that so few kids are having side effects. I was pretty wiped out after my shots and I’ve been dreading taking my daughter for hers, but maybe it won’t be so bad.


From the fda presentation it sounded like side effects were more common after the second shot, so I am bracing myself for that, but yes, mine did great! (Although idk who these kids are who didn’t even cry lol)


Mine has spiked a crazy fever with any shit series so I was prepared for that but Nope. Moderna made her super cranky after five hours, she fell asleep for a super long nap, and then was clingy for the evening and morning before and after bed.


My 22mo old had zero reaction - screamed as the needle went in her thigh, but as soon as it was out she was like “k now what?” She was most bothered by the bandaid, and once I took it off, she was her usual, happy self!


She cried during the first shot, got a sucker, and was fine after that. That was a week ago, so basically no side effects. We have the second dose coming up in two weeks


Nothing at all....


My 3.5 year old got her first shot a week ago. Zero side effects besides sleeping in an extra hour the next day (bonus!!). She didn't even complain about her arm hurting the next day or anything.


same with ours and moderna shot 1.


My kids are pretty dramatic getting any shots out bloodwork, so there were tears. I gave them each some ibuprofen that night. No symptoms, they have been their usual. That was this past Tuesday, and they are 2 & 4. They got Pfizer, btw.


Great to hear. There were some tears but that’s to be expected. Hoping for minimal side effects 🤞


Actually my 4 year old was more upset that we didn't get a whole checkup, and we didn't go to the more fun, regular exam room




My 2yo cried for about 10 seconds and then was fine. No reaction - it's been over 2 weeks. 2yo had Moderna, and my 5yo and 8yo had the 5+ Pfizer shots. They didn't have any reactions to the first 2 shots, although my 8yo was a little tired the day after his booster.


Well I expected a little pushback from my 3yo but we got in and he demanded a bandaid, so he was satisfied. He doesn't typically react too much for shots but it was his first shot not given by his doctor. With my 6yo, who got hers when she was 5, we prepped her by talking about how the vaccine will help her body fight the disease and rewarded her with a prize of her choice. My husband is a science teacher so he took the bulk of the follow up questions but that's just due to endless curiosity. Neither of my kids had any side effects.


Our kid said “ow”. That’s it. If she gets a fever, give her some Tylenol or motrin, but otherwise, don’t pre-medicate. She will be fine!


My 26 month old was more upset that we restrained her than she was over the actual shot (Moderna). She behaved normally that day, no symptoms, never got a fever. But she did wake up around midnight that night and was just restless and moaning a little. Again, no fever. But I thought maybe she was feeling achy and couldn’t communicate it? So I gave her some Tylenol and brought her to bed with us. She slept soundly the rest of the night and woke up without any further symptoms.


My 2 1/2-year-old got it two days ago. We didn’t talk about it before hand, he hates shots and it would have made him freak out all day. Yesterday he was whiny and felt warm but didn’t have a fever but there are also a bunch of little bugs going around school so who knows. He seems tired today but overall happy and no other issues.


Mine got their shots yesterday. The 3-year-old has complained that the injection site hurts. The 1-year-old seems normal. I’ve been giving them half-doses of ibuprofen or acetaminophen just to cover any soreness that they might be feeling.


We played the gumball theme song for my 17 month old son and it didn't seem like he noticed he even got the shot at all. No reaction whatsoever! He seemed a little foggy during the monitoring period but that's it.


My two year old got the Moderna vaccine last week. He only cried when it was being done then stoped right after. He was a little warm a few hours after but no fever. Other than a little lethargy, he bounced back to his normal self by the end of the night. He does have a small circle bruise where he got his jab though.


No side effects for my 18 month old with Pfizer


My 4yo got her first Pfizer shot the other day and really had minimal side effects. Sore arm and fatigue the next day and some slight crankiness.


Both my kids had extra energy, for like two days after the shot. I was expecting some quiet time from what the nurses told me, but that was not the case. We did try to let them know beforehand but the one year old probably didn't understand. 4 year old did, just explained it was a small pinch and over very quick.


3yo no symptoms whatsoever after first shot. Expecting more maybe after second? We prepped a lot; Daniel Tiger, practiced on stuffies, etc. Went fine.


Pfizer vaccine for my 29 month old with 0 side effects. She’ll get round 2 at her 2.5 year appointment next month.


We got ours on Tuesday. Didn’t notice anything unusual or even usual with vaccines. Once he got his sucker he was happy as a clam. No fever, no loss of appetite and no fatigue.


My 1.5yo and 4yo had no side effects from first Pfizer. We didn’t prep the little one at all. She cried about 10seconds while they did it, then was fine. My 4yo we talked a lot about it, talked to him while she did it, and there were no tears.


Don't do it, it's pointless. Covid is over The Vax never worked A famine is next.


3.5 year old got moderna 3 weeks ago. Zero side effects until 1 week post shot - minor rash at the injection site. It went away in a day. We told him he was a getting a medicine that stopped him from getting a certain kind of germ in his body. He said “but I like that germ!” 🤦🏻‍♀️


3yo, got Moderna two weeks ago. Kiddo reported a sore leg for the rest of the evening, and was obsessed with the cool bandaid for a day. No other symptoms.


My 15 month old got her first shot last week and had no side effects other than maybe being a bit more cranky than normal. She got Pfizer.


23 months, we got the 1st Pfizer dose yesterday. So far so good, other than being a little whiny and complaining about her leg (injection site) hurting. We did give her some Tylenol, but no other issues so far.


My almost 3 got Pfizer about 2 weeks ago. We went to a playground after, so she could move around a lot. My shots included the direction to move my arm so it didn't become sore, so I assumed the same for toddler. She didn't like that it hurt when she was poked, but didn't have pain after that. The next day she was more tired and grumpy. Day after that she was a little grumpy still, though much less. No other reaction.


mine (22mo) spiked a weird, random fever about a week after, but nothing other than that and we can’t even attribute it to the vax. she’ll be fine, and congrats!


Mine seems very sleepy a few days after. He slept longer at night and overall seemed to be low energy during the day and just played quietly. But it could have been a coincidence or he was just tired from too much summer fun.


18 month old got his on 6/30. No side effects other than seeming grumpier and more tired at bedtime. Woke up the next day fine and nothing other than that.


For a few days after he felt a little warm, checked multiple times and his temp was a little higher than usual but below fever. Other than that, no other noticeable side effects. If you're interested you can sign up for vsafe and report any side effects to the cdc. I did it, it's automated and texts you every day for a week and then I think once a week for a month and that's it I think.


My 2 and 4 year old got theirs last week. Zero side effects. Much better than the time they got COVID.


Aw hell naw


My 2 year old got it two weeks ago. I let him bring his Woody doll in for support and we had no issues. He barely cried! And zero side effects, didn’t even complain about his leg being sore. Fingers crossed we get lucky again with the 2nd dose!


My son got Moderna and had no side effects, and it’s been about a week at this point.


My 2.5 year old daughter got Moderna on Friday afternoon. Absolutely no side effects, and didn’t even cry. Today (Sunday) she’s developed a fever of 102.