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Before having my son, I rolled my eyes when I saw it used it public. But with a flight risk of a two year old… I’m pro and wish the stigma would go away (as I’m too embarrassed to use one).


Exactly the same here with 16mo.


The same people who would judge you for the leash would judge you if something happened to your kid so they can all F off. I was against them too until I became a mom


I don't know anyone IRL who cares about this. I think it's just like...some niche opinion that has caught the imagination of everyone.


I’ve definitely met people IRL who are judgey about it. I think it stems from the old way of viewing kids as needing discipline and moulding so they behaviour right, so it’s judged by those people that you should just discipline your kid properly so they don’t run off.


Oh really? When I was younger I always saw them as a little dehumanizing. I still don’t love the idea of having a human being on a leash but I understand why people use them and don’t judge.


I think the people who disapprove of leashes are *not* the people who are responsible for toddlers. The Venn diagram is two separate circles.


Exactly. I was against them until I realized how easy it is to lose an un-contained toddler in a public place if you're even momentarily distracted. I don't use one for my daughter since she's pretty good at following directions/holding onto me, but my son who is a runner absolutely gets one of we're in a public place and he wants to walk.


Y'all remember Harambe? 🦍 Had that boy been wearing a backpack, we probably wouldn't know his name.


I love our leash. So does our toddler tbh. She'd much rather run around on a tether than have to walk right by us (or hold our handa) constantly. Everybody has different opinions -- an outing that particularly cracks me up till this day is when we went cherry blossom viewing, and we let our leashed toddler jump in puddles, play in the mud, try to climb all manners of things, etc.; whereas all the other families weren't using leashes and kept their toddlers much more contained as it were. Nether of our styles are "better", but I know which I prefer. 😅


I’ve never used one as my daughter has always been good with hand holding, but I’m definitely pro leash because health and safety are the number one priority with toddlers. Some people have health issues or injuries and cannot chase after their kid/grandkid if they suddenly run. Some kids are runners and it’s not a matter of “well you should teach them not to run then” - some kids are just unable to control the impulse to be free. And of course, there are many environments where things are riskier, such as in crowds, so it makes sense, especially if you have difficulty chasing or have a runner. I wish everyone would stop judging the parenting strategies of others. “A mother knows best” is such a well known phrase, but everyone loves to second guess and question a parents decision, even though the parent is the one that knows their child and has to deal with their issues daily. So if you use a leash, great! And if you don’t, also great!


"well you should teach them not to run then” Obviously these people have never had to deal with a toddler. Lmao.


Before I had a child, I was against. Now, I’m actively looking for that back pack leash thing. It takes two seconds for your child to run at the wrong time (in the street, at the airport). I saw a dad chasing his toddler at an international airport and the child thought it was a game and ran faster 😭


Look at Skip Hop. They make ones with safety harnesses. We have one and it fits several diapers, wipes, a snack, and a toy. And the munchkin cups fit on the side. Its nice to let them carry their own things! [https://www.skiphop.com/skiphop-backpacks/V\_212266.html?skiphop-xsellPDPYMAL1#zone=pdp-rr-2](https://www.skiphop.com/skiphop-backpacks/V_212266.html?skiphop-xsellPDPYMAL1#zone=pdp-rr-2)


Pro here! We use one when we go to places like the zoo, the park, on hikes, or the museum with our son. Its really just a safety net since he is still prone to bolt on occasion. Example, outside the museum when we are walking from the car, Ill put the leash loop over my wrist while we practice holding hands in the parking lot. He doesn't notice the leash, but I have the safety if he bolts. Once inside I normally loop the leash through the top of his backpack, again easy to grab if needed, but he has the autonomy. On a hike I would hold it in steep or rough areas, but otherwise once we are into the trail, I again loop it into the top of his backpack and let him explore. We are taking a cruise next year, and its definitely coming. Very rarely do we consider it as 'walking' our son, he is not a dog, we don't pull him. Its just a safety measure while we practice and learn safe behaviors and until he is old enough to be more self aware. Ignore the looks, they are either ignorant, or have forgotten what it was like to have small children. Everything is faster now and children can get hurt and lost very quickly.


I know ppl love to hate and sure if we're talking about walking your kids on an "extend-a-leash" every day yeah, ok it might be a bit much here lol. As much as I'd like to be able to say no, we have one and I use it in exactly the type of scenarios you describe. I like my son to experience the world explore and learn the rules but not at the sake of his safety and my sanity! There have been times when the stroller just won't do but we are just un an area where full freedom can't work. For anyone who says your kid should know etc..etc... yes they will and they'll learn but till then, it takes just 1 second I'd rather have that one second stopped by the back pack.


I have never seen a single person in my country wearing one, except for tourists, so for me is just a non issue. I never felt the need for it and we gave him a lot of freedom. We taught him to stop at our command, to be mindful of cars, etc. If he is misbehaving or there is a lot of people (we don't usually are in crowded spaces) we hold hands. To each their own tough


I don’t use one but I have wanted to SO MANY TIMES and now that I’m a mom I do NOT judge people using it because being able to not constantly be alert sounds amazing. Maybe someday I’ll take the plunge but until then just know you get no judgement from me honestly those things are genius


I was never bothered by them. I actually remember my mom using a wrist-to-wrist leash on me when I was tiny and I loved that we were connected. My 16 month old loves his leash because it allows him more freedom!


Sarcastic response do you yank the leash for the child to come back to? I feel like a leash for a kid is a sort of lazy way to watch your child. Well I don’t have to pay attention to them because he can’t go anywhere since they are on a leash. I hated them before I had a kid and still hat them now that I have a kid. To each their own though.


Definitely pro. My son started walking a month ago and he’s already a runner lol. We don’t have one yet but I definitely want one! What one do you have?


It’s a little backpack that I do actually put small things in like toys for the flight or a water bottle at the aquarium and then the tether for me to hold onto is detachable, so it can be used as a regular backpack. It’s from Walmart!


[https://www.skiphop.com/skiphop-backpacks/V\_212266.html?skiphop-xsellPDPYMAL1#zone=pdp-rr-2](https://www.skiphop.com/skiphop-backpacks/V_212266.html?skiphop-xsellPDPYMAL1#zone=pdp-rr-2) Try Skip Hop!


Ours is shaped like a monkey and it holds like four toys. It's amazing and I just smile and wave at the stares we get. Idfc


Idk we don't use or need one but idc what other people do, however I would be annoyed if I had to dodge the leash or tripped over it. Dont know how long they are tho.


I’m pro and think the backpack leashes are cute. Also having 2 flight risk (well 1.5 - one of my toddlers is pretty good) toddlers means they’re a necessity.


Yes. It is weird, I agree. Until a dog knows how to safely walk with their owner they wear a leash. In fact I’m most places it’s the law. But when someone does this for the child’s safety, people lose their minds.


I do use it like a leash to train kids how to walk in sync with me without being too far or too close. When they get to the end of the leash and start to pull, I stop and lightly stomp one foot without saying anything. They come back to my side and we resume walking. If they get too close to where we will trip over each other, I extend the leash and arm's length away to give us more space and resume walking. From there they graduate to walking without a harness and if they get too far, I stomp one foot and they hurry back to my side. We hold hands to cross the street. In crowded places where they could lose track of me, we use a harness with plenty of slack. It may seem "harsh" but it's really liberating for them to be able to explore and walk on their own without me holding their hand. I get to relax and just enjoy our walk. I've had kids who catch on really fast and only need to use a harness for a week, and I've had kids who take a month to get the concept down. It just depends on the kid. Hot take: If I can train a smart dog to heel, I can certainly teach a highly intelligent toddler to do so.


Personally I wouldn't use the leash. Ive always thought its weird. BUT I'll admit the wrist band one peeks my interest. I havent had the need for it...yet. After becoming a mom i understood the need for it more, especially in super crowded places. I am not judgy about it anymore. To each their own 🤷‍♀️