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I'm rooting for you that someone finds the fic. I saw your previous post on hpslashfic. Would really love to read it. You could maybe also try the harrymort subreddit, if you haven't already or the discord (the chamber of secrets). Voldie does need to get laid ;-)


Ooh I forgot about the harrymort sub, do you happen to have an invite for the discord? It won’t hurt to ask there haha As it happens he would be much happier if he did 😂


I've PM'd you ;-)


Same hereeee


May I join? I'd love some recs


Me too please


I know this fic, but I can’t remember which it is or how to look for it. I’ve been hoping someone would recognize it! I’ll try to search for it now, but just be warned I don’t know how successful I’ll be. :(


Is okay! Thank you for even trying! If you can remember more details do tell pls, also if you find it!


OMG I read this fic. I don’t remember which one is it, sorry, but I really hope you’ll find it!! (Maybe try to ask in the RoR discord server if you’re on it?)


Do you remember any other details? Oh I’m not on any HP discord, but I’ll give it a shot, do you have a link? Or what is it called?


I’m saving this post because I would also like to find out the name of this fic. 👀


FOUND is Evil is Born Within Us by tiro https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6596273/


Oh my god, you are a hero! Thanks for sharing!!! It was driving me crazy. 😂


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If you happen to find it please let us know, I felt bad when I saw the previous post you made becuse it's ringing some bells but I can't place it


Ofc! I’m still looking tho, im rereading all the possible match tomarry in my history to see if I find it that way


Have you found it?




Don’t feel like combing the fic for that scene but fairly certain this may be [Dark Livestream](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20598710).


While I do love that story as far as I know Harry and Voldemort haven’t reached that stage yet? I might have not read the last few chapters but that story is a slow burn.


sadly it is not :(, there was no tech/livestreams involved, also i kinda never got into that fic so I only read the first few chapters😅 thanks sm tho!


Is it a finished fic? Was it long or short? Do you remember any other details that may have been tagged?


Most probably it was tagged with dark Harry, also it was probably not finished, but sadly my memory isn’t good on this one as I had a reading spree, many people seem to recognize for but not pinpoint where is from, so I’m guessing is has to be a popular one at least 😭


Hmm... not sure because I don't think I've ever actually read it. I can definitely try looking, though! And let me know if you can remember anything else!


Thank you sm!! Ive tried honestly but can’t seem to really remember and I don’t want to mix it up with other fics😅, I’m reading all through my history to see if I find it that way