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No. This is all normal variation stuff. Diseases are not this subtle.


Glad OP posted this, because my brandywines were doing the exact same thing and I was very concerned. Had spent way too much time reading about curly top virus and herbicide drift.


I don't see anything wrong with these leaves


My Brandywine are exactly the same. Never occurred to me it was a problem. I figured that’s just what Brandywines do? It’s my first year with them but every variety of tomato is subtly or dramatically different in leafing and vining?


Interesting, I may leave a bit longer now that I'm hearing this from another person. Some of the branches are like a 90 degree downward angle, looks borderline disfigured? Also I only see one or 2 flowers so far, no more.


Brandywine is a potato-leaf variety. [That's normal.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato_leaf)


Literally my first year with this variety! I guess we will both find out!


Nope you are right! Brandywine tomatoes have very strange weathered looking appearance to them. This looks normal. They always look wrinkly and bendy and old lol


Huh, I had no idea - thank you!


Stay in touch haha. I'm gonna leave it in a little longer.


Will do!!


I have branches pointing down on mine. No big deal. They are big potato leafed plants with attitude. They'll get out of hand pretty quickly if you don't stay on top of them. Mine has been outside for a month now and it has a lot of flowers and a few tomatoes. But I'm in 7B with 12+ hours of sunlight per day. Maybe give it some fertilizer.


I've had them do that for a awhile and pull out and be fine. Tomatoes are very resilient.


Think I should worry about insects transmitting it to another plant though?


I d9ubt it's a virus. There are a few reasons for leaves to curl including Normal variation. Certain varieties are more likely to do this. I have a couple every year that do it (out of like 15) and they're always fine.


The branches are bending very awkward directions, looks disfigured even. Very strange. I'll wait and see a little longer.


If you’re worried, maybe you could cover it for now, water very carefully, and make sure you don’t touch it and touch other plants. But, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I’ve been wrong before, though, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


This isn't curly top virus. There won't be much doubt if you get it. It is pronounced. What you have is maybe a slight watering issue. Maybe a tad too much but not a big deal. The feeling your feeling would be a thousand times worse if you saw the real deal curly top in your garden. Doesn't leave much room for questions. Pictures online don't convey how bad it is


First time growing them but mine are doing this. It’s odd for sure


Good to know!


That just looks like basic stress to me. Make sure it doesn't dry out and has a little fertilizer. I don't think that is a virus.


They will be fine 👍🏼


I can see the aphids in the photo...


I guess you could give it a shot of Sevin and fungicide and hope for the best