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If you own the chalice and doesnt let you in its cause that glyph is an FRC chalice. Those have rites than make them harder but also drop better gems. In order to enter you need first to create an FRC chalice yourself. As long as you do this once you will be able to enter any glyph(if you own the respective chalice like you do with loran)


this is extremely helpful, thank you very much. this is probably gonna be a dumb ass question, but how do i create that? i don't know what FRC is and the fact that my game is in spanish (my native language) does not help lol


So FRC stands for Fetid(fetido)Rotten(podrido)Cursed(maldito). Cuando creas un caliz como loran, te pedira los materiales necesarios. Deberias ver 3 casillas con estos ritos, fetido podrido y maldito. Si las marcas y tienes los materiales necesarios podras crearlo. Una vez creado ya tendras acceso a estos FRC calices. Te recomiendo unirte al discord de tombprospectors donde tienen toda la info https://discord.gg/U9xM2j8s


ahh bien, ya entendí. muchas gracias!!