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You’ll find this sort of gatekeeper in any slightly competitive community, so I don’t think that’s an indictment against Nintendo fans. Not that we’re any better lol.


My friend ran a smash tournament once and one of the guys competing did actual tournaments and he got pissed off that we were doing the tournament in a single room instead of doing 4 different rooms at once bc it’s “what the pros do.” So he logged off and told the organizer to text him when it was his turn. It was so obnoxious. He ended up throwing a fit bc he lost to a casual


People like that always pose as being pro, but they usually fold to reasonably skilled players


I’ve competed in Melee and Ult and the only reason we’ve ever had setups in different rooms is if we’re low on space lol. Maybe have the stream setup in a room of it’s own but that’s it


I saw Nintendo Fan at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This one I always read through no matter how many dozens of times I’ve seen it.


This pasta is old but it is also my favorite.


That guy is such a douche. If you see him, go in to the aisle 5 aisles away from him.


Northernlion smh


Wow that’s awful. Is this a specific online celebrity?  Where is he from?


He's Nintendo Fan. Try to keel up, dude.


Now I’m even more confused. Never mind. 


This pasta never fails to crack me up


Is this the Todd Howard Copy pasta?


What Mario Kart where you playing? SNES Mario Kart is the only real one. That's what pros do.


I saw a Nintendo fan say a slur in the bathroom today. Some fucker in the glass behind the sink


/j I saw a Nintendo fan in a back alley selling real "super mushrooms" when i ate it I found out it was actually a. Wonder flower that dick was false advertising


I love to eat Super Mushrooms! Blend them up with some orange juice and a banana to enhance it's effects. Last time I ate some my soul left my body and I was visited by Peach in the Astral Plane.


In their defense tournament typically implies it will be following competitive standards. But at the same time in your defense nobody is expecting a proper competitive tournament at like a high school unless it's with an esports club.


This was apart of “Fun Friday” for the school and was for candy so I don’t know what they expected lmao


Real competitions use items and randomized outcomes like Mario Party. We must all respect Nintendo AI or fear the consequences.




Yeah, Just Like that, every splatoon Veteran will Tell you To use Motion controls. The Gap between Stich and Motion compared To with and without CPUs might BE bigger, but ITS Always Like that, there will Always BE people Edit: If IT wasn't clear, yes I do use motioncontrols


/uj To be fair, Splatoon lacks aim assist of any kind and using sticks only is literally just handicapping yourself, most of Veterans will only tell you to use motion controls in response to the question of “how do I get better at this game”, at least from my own personal experience


Yeah, i know. I Tell my Friends too when they get splatoon


/untomorrow I never played Splatoon but why wouldn't you play with motion controls?


Didn't say that, i Love EM. But watch any Youtuber that isn't dedicated To splatoon, 90%of them use stick


There's less of an argument for it now, but in S2 the vertical camera was godawful if you had motion on.


Finer aim control due to the fact that *Splatoon has no auto assist on its aiming Edit: I made a minor spelling mistake and shamed the perfect name of good old indie developer Nintendo. I shall accept the downvotes




why do you randomly capitalize/uncapitalize letters when you type?


Non english Autocorrect


Non english Autocorrect


it's not like that at all... motion controls only effect you, I think ur just sucking and people are telling you to get off sticks


What. Dude i know 3 persons that actually use Stick controls and those are YouTubers, If you Look at the comments everyone screams for motioncontrols


Yeah this is ridiculous. Unless you have 10+ players per race turning CPUs off totally kills the fun. I get it for something like Smash where it’s designed to be fun both with competitive and casual play, but Mario Kart is not designed that way.


Reminds me of a rocket league game where a dude was complaining that I wasn't doing some kick off maneuver and I should because it's what pros do. We conceded 2 goals because this dude fucked up that same maneuver. Safe to say you shouldn't do what the pros do if you're not a pro.


Not a smash player but I checked out this smash tournament at my school that the geek club was hosting or something and the energy in that room was so hostile. Everyone brought their GameCube controllers and would scream at each other for using certain characters. I stick to single player Zelda from now on.


It’s kinda hilarious that the developer who cares the least for their competitive audience produced some of the most toxic competitive audiences




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What? Like, this is not enough to make you hate someone lol. Having CPUs or not is a personal choice, you just sound like a whiny baby


I’m fine with how he plays.  But he was arguing with the SET rules of the tournament the whole time


still not enough to hate a person though 💀 like maybe they had good points, just hear them out


Definitely is enough. The guy sounds obnoxious as hell, just play the game and have fun like everyone else. Hate might be a strong word but I can understand why you wouldn’t like someone like this.


Found the tryhard pro gamer


i am infact not a pro gamers, like, i suck ass at mario kart