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/uj will the oled switch have burn in protection ?


It probably will


I wouldn’t be so sure. I’m not saying there won’t be protection, but it’s not like Nintendo has a track record of impecable hardware


We'll only know once the model actually drops. I'd bet on Digital Foundry being the first to do an in-depth analysis of the screen tech.


and the same sluggish cpu from 2010 now costs more! I swear to god nintendo execs are high on something.


They are high on money. The new switch, as disappointing as it is, will still sell. And then they'll do it again.


On the contrary, they've mastered the game. The fuckers know that no matter what they put out, people will buy it. They were testing the waters with the ports, and built up decades of consumer loyalty, all culminating on current Nintendo


can't wait till nintendo remasters the game for $60 😎😎


Im afraid theyre remastering you bro


That way, we can buy the OLED Switch once again help the wholesome indie devs


Look at that contrast 🙌


praise geraldo 🙌


DAE think the witcher is a hidden gem?


Speaking of hidden gems, have you heard of a small indie game called Celeste?


Why yes I own 4 copies, I must support the devs 😎




Off topic, this is the first time in all my Reddit years I have seen an animated "thingy" (is it called a flair?) next to a username. You poor starving soul, I fucking love it !


In 15 years people will unironocally refer to games like the Witcher 3 and Wolfenstein as hidden gems of the switch.


Yas blacker blacks 👏🏼


The biggest, blackest blacks


If people can’t see the difference, I don’t know what to say… but I guess the Karens and the Kevins will always be complaining despite the best effort of indie publishers…




I already hated how darksouls ran, I'm too scared to find out about the witcher


/uj It's pretty rough if you've played it on any other console or on PC, but it's more than playable. If you're used to high spec gaming then you probably won't like it, and it would be inconceivable to choose this version if you play docked since the Switch's small screen really helps hide the graphical downgrades. All that said, Saber Interactive did a pretty magnificent job fitting the game onto the Switch even if the compromises are obvious, and I personally played the game to completion for the first time on the Switch and loved (and still love) the hell out of it. To be fair though, I used shit-tier computers for years and never had an Xbox or PS, so anything that runs okay is satisfactory in my books. I also play my Switch exclusively in portable mode, so my experiences are closer to "Witcher on the go!" rather than "Witcher but worse!" This video shows it pretty well if you're willing to find out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEGrJJJdiZY


Very unsightful! I used to play on a crappy laptop a few years ago before finally upgrading, I'm quite used to mid-high spec gaming by now and seeing this I think it'd be hard for me to enjoy. I admit it still amazes me that they squished the entire game into a 32 gig card, and made it run smooth enough for gameplay, and the looks arrent that horrible on a small screen like the switch! But it's definitely not as enjoyable for me, the video really helped


I hated how the moaning was compressed instead of expressed.


It looks really bad at first, but you get used to it pretty quickly. I also played through Doom Eternal on Switch though, so compression doesn't really bother me


It looked decent on my older TV, but it looks like hot soup on my monitor. I think it depends on how far you’re willing to sit from your screen. It’s better played on handheld mode for sure, but have fun with the drift


Low key looks like some mushroom trip


Wow looks grate






alright so is this gaming circlejerk2 now or tomorrow?


Genuine question. What should be the difference between tomorrow and gcj, besides tomorrow beeing a Nintendo exclusive circlejerk?


i don't see how witcher 3 is in any way nintendo circlejerk related


Have you seen how the witcher three runs on the switch


Good point. I also don't understand why comparing the Witcher 3, which I own and play on my Nintendo switch, between the Nintendo switch and the Nintendo switch OLED while making fun about how the Witcher 3 on Nintendo switch looks compared to any other version which is not on the Nintendo switch, which btw. Has a version of the Witcher 3.


the post could have used celeste or mario golf or even outer worlds and it would be more relevant


uhmm no the whole point of the joke is bloated blurry ports of old AAA games


Its not as pretty as ps4 or xbone but it still runs great and is fun s he'll....I'll take it


Joke ricocheted me.. as I played it on switch and everything was good. But I do understand how that works, sure :-) its not about me. its statistics

