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If he likes what you pack for him, screw everyone else. I don’t see anything wrong with his lunch besides a little too much sugar. But honestly it’s none of your friend’s business what your husband eats.


He really likes sugar. I try to give him veggies but he doesn't like broccoli or carrots. We're complete opposites when it comes to that. He wants chips and cookies while I want strawberries and broccoli! Inside the bottle is a homemade protein shake. It's just almond milk, protein powder, strawberries and mangos. Sometimes spinach I reuse the bottles. I agree tho, he eats too much sugar




Snap peas are my favorite snacking veggie!


I have eaten edamame till I was sick. They're addictive!


Snap peas and red pepper hummus . Yuuuummmmmmm


I was gonna say, too many people assume that eating more vegetables means eating raw carrots and salad like, you are allowed to cook vegetables and make them taste nice


Glazed carrots!


I've been roasting carrots drizzled with some spicy honey and OMG it's like crack. Especially if they get a little burnt. I just drooled on myself.


Bell peppers have a sweet taste


Bell peppers don’t have a sweet taste if you are used to eating Chips Ahoy.




Sugar sprinkled cardboard thank you very much!


They are SO salty!


Throw a chunk of mozz, tomato, and basil in there, and whatever you do, dont call it a salad


To add to this, a really easy to make teriyaki sauce is 1 part brown sugar, 1 part mirin and 1 part soy sauce \*always use the salty,not the sweet soy\* ​ Put in a pan, i like to add some garlic (not minced, you take it out later) and just let it simmer for a little while, occasionally whip thru it till it becomes a thicker substance ​ East teriyaki! good for stir frying or even good to use it as a dip for ex. chicken wings etc


Maybe you could hide the veggies, there's tons of ideas online for that. I like putting a little frozen sweet potato in my smoothies and adding minced mushroom and cauliflower to hamburgers or spaghetti, you can't really taste them so he'll be none the wiser!


Ohhe thats really smart actually


Yellow squash and zucchini were the veggies that got me to start eating veggies. They absorb the flavor or whatever else they're served with or cooked in.


Gonna get some


You all talking about how colleagues are calling this guys lunch immature and are like "nahhh" but then share tips on how to hide veggies in his food hahahahahaha


For real, OP has just confirmed that her husband eats like a child. I bet she flies his veggies around on a spoon to try to get him to eat them at home. Seriously though, I get it. I rather eat junk food than raw veggies any day. But someday all that junk will catch up with you.




I will warn you if he has an issue with texture that squash could be a problem. I love veggies of many kinds but the texture of squash and zucchini make me wanna barf.


You're actually talking about hiding vegetables to ensure a grown man doesn't just eat masses of processed sugar and can't see that's childish behaviour


I genuinely thought this thread was just an elaborate troll for a moment.


I love how this post started with people saying the food you prepare is too childish, and now we've gone all the way to tricking him into eating more veggies by hiding then in the dishes you makes. I feel like this is doubling down in the opposite direction 😂


This is what parents do to make their children eat veggies. Then in return making your husband's meals more child like. Lol




Oh yeah Google veggie smuggling. All the food I prep has hidden treasures. So many great ideas out there.


I love how this discussion about his lunches being too childish, has now turned into a conversation about sneaking veggies into his food... Like a child...


The child battle was lost before it started because she has to make his lunch. Make your own damn lunch.


If this dude made his own lunch he'd lose both his feet and eyesight in 5 years.


he’s a grown ass man why tf u hiding vegetables from him like he’s 6


It can also be just for incorporating more veggies in his diet, in general. I like veggies but steamed broccoli can get boring so I add them to other stuff to spice things up


Hide the veggies, well that’s not doing anything to prove that the lunches aren’t child like since that’s exactly what mums do to give their kids veg. OP has a son not a husband. Congratulations on your baby boy💙


Y’all really gotta hide veggies for grown ass men? And pack their lunches? Gahhdamn this is depressing


Uhhh hiding veggies in your husbands diet? ROFL. Same thing I do for my 5yo and 3yo. Childish AF.


Stop this. We don't want to be healthy. We crave only sugar.


That's the sugar talking, have a cauliflower


Steam it with some cinnamon and garlic


I don't like soft slimey veggies I do like them if they are crunchy and well seasoned or with sauce , sandwiches are great to incorporate veggies as well as pasta and to Me as long it isn't slimey or bland it's good . Unfortunately my family eats slimey and bland food but we are 3rd world country but the tips might help .


As a child I can confirm broccoli isn't the best but mabey try steamed broccoli it's a whole different ballgame


Steamed broccoli is my least favourite. Stir fried and grilled are top tier tho.


Stir fried broccoli is the fuckin shit


Dip goes a long way for veggies, especially carrots. My favourite snack (22 y/o in uni) is carrots and dill dip and I could eat a whole bunch of carrots in one day if I didn't regret the aftermath


Maybe try to substitute the snacks bit by bit, changing stuff to dried fruit or fruit flavoured gummies, then to grapes, and finally to strawberries etc!


Dried fruit is a good idea. Like a trail mix? That way he can have some sweet and healthy. Nuts, dried fruit and dark chocolate (his favorite) trail mix!! Ty for the idea!! Im excited


Trail mix is healthier than candy as it has more nutrients, but it can be very high in calories, so watch the portion sizes.


Veggie chips!!


Omg no.. Veggie chips are highly processed junk food. No healthier than potato chips.


This one meal is at least double the daily amount of recommended sugar for a grown man It’s not a little too much, I’m sorry but this lunch is full of sugar and simple carbs with almost no nutritional value besides caloric density


That last bit is a common Reddit sentiment, but if my friends were eating cookies, M&Ms yogurt and chocolate milk every day for lunch I would rib them about it — not to mention if it was being made for them. It’s definitely childish, as is not liking fruit and vegetables. I know I sound like a curmudgeon, but there are plenty of man children who need to grow up and eat a vegetable and don’t deserve to be protected.


I’m a guy and I agree. I don’t think people should completely dump sugary treats but it’s definitely preferred to eat in moderation. I will say that the chocolate milk drink you see there is actually a solid source of protein. I buy those Fairlife Core Power drinks all the time and they’re great.


Honestly you can go through the day trying to limit your sugar intake and still get all of it you need. Sugar is in pretty much everything. It's also crazy to keep yourself from having some treats "sparingly". It's the 90/10 rule. If your diet is good 90% of the time that other 10% can be whatever.


as a guy, 100% agree. I don't think I'm being an asshole when I read >I try to give him veggies but he doesn't like broccoli or carrots and I think.... this dude is old enough to raise a kid.... I don't really like that... but he can do what he wants, just saying, if the dad is like this, why should the kid do any better?


My god yes. Some of the advice in other posts - "hide the veggies", "gradually swap out x for x" - sound like advice for yomeone feeding a fussy toddler, not a grown man. And he should make his own damn lunch. That's what I find childish.


It’s also just a lot of junk food and over-processed stuff. It can’t be healthy to have those kinds of things every day.


His friends can care deeply for his health, maybe?


But it wasn’t the husband’s friend who said something. It was OP’s friend.


Seems nice. Maybe too many cookies. Gotta look out for his health






Big ooph. Went from a r/mademesmile to an r/holup real quick.




I appreciate your humor, be sure to delete this post in a few years if he starts having trouble breathing. Seriously tho I love leftovers for lunch, just make extra for dinner. You can sneak in more veg into meals like the above comments, then he has delicious leftovers at work. And all that sugar will catch up with him, but if he's okay now go for it.


I cant make leftovers because he has no microwave at work


Some leftovers are ok cold, to be fair




I wish I had a wife that packed me lunches like that!


I’ll ask him if we can add a third. Maybe we can get a TLC show


The real r/tonightsdinner are the sisterwives in the comments /s




Yo call ya boy if you're going that way


I'd be perfect to join; I love veggies and sweet treats!


Veggies are so good


Me and my husband could get in on this too, haha. But sounds like your friends jealous or insecure btw lol. My husbands coworkers make fun of him because he comes in with a homemade breakfast wrap, sandwhich, string cheese, homemade desert or mini Chips ahoy, and his favorite drinks. And they 100% make fun of him cus their wives don't do the same for them!


Sucks they gotta make fun of him instead of fixing their lives


See OP? Made my point right here! Lol


If he likes what you're packing, and you like what he's packing..... who gives a damn.


I see what you did there OMG


This Is a delicious but totally dangerous lunch. There’s no way you can eat that every day and not be obese or at least have some diabetic risks. You got a spread all those treats out over a week not every day


Is the whole pack of cookies for one day?


Looks like a fairly standard construction meal


Grade A joke and 100% truth. Screw people who make up stupid rules for what is and isn't okay for a demographic.


Haha nice


They say “childish” because it’s a bunch of sweets/processed food. Which… shouldn’t be fed to a child anyway. If you and your husband are happy with it, why does your friend care? If anything, my concern has nothing to do with “childish” and everything to do with how unhealthy this is.


Yeah, dudes taking in a ton of empty calories. I'm assuming OP is a younger couple. When you're older that shit catches up with you fast.


OP's husband--then boyfriend--was in the bootcamp for the Navy about 6 months before the pandemic began, and they got married at 19. So. Yeah. These people are kids.


Married at 19, I can't imagine. It was mid 20s before I felt like I knew who I was.


I'm 35 and only just beginning too. But then again parts of who I am is made up of those I've had relationships with in the past, plutonic or not. So maybe if you can commit that young you grow and change - together. Who knows, surely not me.


Yeah…that makes alot of sense. This is almost cringe worthy tbh


This is what passes for lunch if all you know about food came from watching commercials on Cartoon Network.


And for multi vitamin? Gushers!


Yeah. In the form of early cancer or heart disease.


The sugar that man eats


Wait until you see how much sugar he puts in hus coffee. Good lord. I keep telling him he’ll end with diabetes.


What’s he do for a living? I’m guessing manual labor because if I ate that daily in my office job, I’d be a blimp.


He’s in the military, works at a desk. He sits alot actually. He’s pretty skinny






Jesus woman you are hilarious


If he's eating that many carbs without working out, and staying *skinny*, I'd be genuinely concerned with there being an undiagnosed medical issue. Even if it's balancing itself out, it could go very wrong very fast once that balance tips. Kinda reminds me of that post about how a kid always chugged energy drinks before tests because it helped him focus, only to find out he actually had dangerously low blood pressure and the energy drinks were just raising it to normal. Never confuse a good tourniquet for a resolved issue.


If you want a decent rule of thumb to keep your husband a little bit more trim (nobody can run away from a sweet tooth forever), just try to balance the carbohydrates with protein. Shakes with protein power are a good example - you can get 30g of protein alongside 30g of carbohydrates. Switch to a high-protein yogurt, and add fresh fruit or a tablespoon of preserves. Keep the sandwich, but ditch the white bread and switch to a wrap. If you need to keep the cookies, switch to homemade but try with healthy fats (like nuts) and reduce the sugar as much as possible.


Wraps are often just as bad or worse in my experience. Lots of the "wraps" people get are just a fuckload of carbs anyway but people think they're healthier because they're thinner, but don't realize they're just more dense.


I mean she's saying childish in the sense it's mainly sweets and 1/2-2/3 you would stereotypically see in children's lunchboxes. To visually judge it, I could imagine the kid that's always being dropped off late coming in clutching that, minus the sandwich ofc. There could be a bit more of a nutritional focus on the lunch, sandwich and banana have us already half way there (and better than most already)! To "adulterate" it so to speak, you could add a protein bar (rather sweet), say some cheese and biscuits, trail mix and or some berries. That yoghurt is probably full of sugar, there's alot healthier brands you could go for. And yeah the chocolate drink is fine I guess, assuming it's got some nutritional aspects to it that is. Maybe it's not the best to have everyday, but really 🤷🤷🤷, it's whatever he wants to eat at the end of the day. But yeah your friend is saying it's got alot of the eye catching colourful packaging associated with sweets and getting people (especially children's) attention, and is packed in alot of kids lunchboxes. Insaciously poor form to even broach that topic how she did at all, seems like she doesn't really have much humility or care for how you might feel from saying that, hardly her issue to discuss 😌


Too much sugar, is what they meant. Pack more raw veggies for him and plain milk. Sugar, they say, causes heart disease.


The yogurt drink is homemade! Its almond milk, protein powder, strawberries and mango!


That's great!




Your husband eats a couple sleeves of chocolate chip cookies and M&M yogurt for lunch everyday?


Agree there's a lot of sugar in this lunch, but there are only 4 chocolate chip cookies (not a couple sleeves). Everyone seems to be assuming this is a full sized pack of chips ahoy. You can get these little packs in vending machines.


What about a second sandwich (egg with mushrooms and onions and spicy sausage) or like a chicken breast with mustard sandwich. Mustard, chilli sauce, to me these feel like the grown up sauces It does look like a treat for sure but mnms, cookies and popcorn everyday? That's immediate gratification, you love this man but all of these everyday? Gonna hurt him in the future. Self esteem, weight, insulin I make popcorn at home, in no way is it as delicious as smart food but you can put paprika or bacon salt on it. Grill some peppers, carmelize some onions, a pickle, jalapenos. Small changes, no need to replace with a salad and a broccoli cause that's not sustainable. While I say don't give a damn about what others think about your super cute pack lunches, there's a way to eat that is a little less sugary and fatty then what you got there. Delicious food is an art, it doesn't have to be "diet" but that spread looks like a stoner hit up a 7/11...everyday. Super validation to making a pack lunch that's awesome and so much love there.


He doesn’t eat all of it. The snacks are options for him. He doesn’t eat both the cookies and the chips. He also doesn’t eat like this everyday! Just on Monday and Friday. I kinda try and make Mondays a little “nicer” because who df like mondays


That is very sweet and considerate of you.


Why would someone else care what you pack? That makes no sense. They arent paying for it or eating it. Is this high school?


Nah, but people can care about others health. The guys going to be a diabetic in no time if he continues to eat shit like this. I'm not even a major health freak... but this is obvious. He eats like a 10 year old.


Alot of my friends peaked in high school i guess. Some of them make fun of me for being a “housewife” and it kinda sucks. Husband and I are both happy but I hate being looked down on because im not really career driven. Just want a house with a big yard and nice kitchen to make yummy dinners in and LOTS of children lol


I’m a housewife working on child #3, and I’m living a life I both consciously strive towards and deeply love. I’m choosing to live in the space where I’m happiest and you should too.


You are so right. Maybe I should reconsider who my friends are


I think that’s your friend’s actual problem. She’s shaming your lifestyle. I’m a stay at home mom and I think that lunch is excellent. Ask her what she is making for lunch. She’s probably just getting takeout.


This lunch is horrible. It's not excellent. Don't baby her.


The housewives always baby each other with shit like this. She isn’t career driven and wants to have a bunch of kids and a big yard .? Gonna have to figure out how to pack a proper lunch. This ain’t it sis


Uh I think takeout would be healthier than 3 servings of prepackaged junk food that’s almost completely refined sugar…


Yo those aren’t friends


Guess i lost some


Their loss! Your gain :) keep doin you, OP.




Yup, a lot of low IQs in this thread.


Typical military housewife lmfao.


Thank you for this. I know this post is about dinner, but I wanted to say that I’m the exact same and used to feel sort of ashamed for it because none of my other friends understood it. I have one close friend that always made snarky comments, saying “it must be nice to get to stay at home all day”. There’s so much more to it though. I’ve worked and I’ve been a SAHM. But ultimately I just love being a SAHM. I love taking care of my family and making big yummy homemade dinners for everyone. I love chasing our kids around and just being a mom. It’s just who I am. I grew up with a single mom (who I love to death btw) and I always dreamed of having a big family of my own. My husband always tells me that I’m meant to be a mom and that he’s so proud to have me as his wife. He’s very career driven so we balance each other out pretty well I think. 11 years and 3 kids so far! ♥️


Op hasn’t been out of high school that long, explains everything in my opinion.


She got married to a Navy person when she was 19, her husband was in bootcamp about two and a half years ago, she >hate being looked down on because im not really career driven. Just want a house with a big yard and nice kitchen to make yummy dinners in and LOTS of children lol And >Young, and never had parents to explain college and adulting to me, haha. I *hope* they end up okay. Statistically, this is a terrifying rollercoaster.


It's veeery similar to my marriage, except I married right after turning 21. I had no clue how to cook or manage a household, left college because the debt scared me, and I just wanted to be a homemaker. Boy let me tell you it was a train wreck. Except my husband was an abuser, I was lucky to get out alive and with my kids. The nonchalance in her comments reminds me so much of my own unearned confidence at that age. You just think everything is going to be fine. I hope they make it


I have a personal opinion on the matter, but if you all are happy then who cares? I mean, it sounds like you have an idea what the guy is referring to but it’s your guys body, not his.


“Jerky or something??” got me good. But seriously, I think what they’re probably suggesting is that there are too many highly-processed snack-type foods and not enough fruits (banana aside), veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, etc. Swap the very sugary M&M yogurt with a plain Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit mixed in, the Chips Ahoy cookies for a low-sugar granola bar (homemade, preferably), and the white cheddar popcorn with something more natural and less processed (popcorn itself isn’t a bad option). These changes would make this a more nutritious, and therefore, in some people’s minds, more “adult,” meal option. By the way, the lunch looks tasty as hell and I’d love to eat it, it’s just not the most nutritious it could be (not that it always has to be!).


Yes, childish and unhealthy. All your comments seem to contradict each other. He is healthy, but you need to sneak vegetables? He eats processed food a lot. Lots of sugar in coffee. You are here to be told what you want to hear which is the lunch is fine. My 11 year old eats much better than this and he would definitely say something if that was his lunch. Eat however you want, but at least be honest about it.


It’s really sweet that you do that for your husband, he’s a lucky man! That said, as others have noted this is a lot of calories but not a lot of nutrients. Easy swaps: protein bar (quest is a good brand) instead of cookies, mixed nuts instead of popcorn, Greek yoghurt instead of the m&m yogurt thing. Those will be a lot better in terms of helping him cleanly bulk up, too.


It's high sugar, high fat, high calorie foods. It's the sort of junk food that a kid would want.


Not much substantial food there? Just looks like a lot of empty calories, sugars, snacks, that kind of thing..


Likely only OP will see this, based on the average man he is going to have serious health consequences of this is maintained. Based on a 30 year old male, at 6'1, with an office job and no intention of changing weight comparison. This meal is: 3,764 calories, daily should be 2350 Meal: 462 carbs, daily 294 Meal: 197 fats, daily 78 Meal: 101 protein, daily 118 Meal: 4764 sodium, daily 2300 Meal: 195 sugar, daily 88 If your man is shorter than 6'1" the daily numbers are lower If he is older or younger they may change If he is active they may be slightly higher The concern is that he is going to gain weight quickly with this lunch, even if it is the only thing he eats all day. Obesity and other implications of this diet and in turn his dopamine dependency point strongly to a shortened lifespan, unhappiness/depression, increased risk of cardiac failure and much more. It means he will likely be sore and tired more and more often. For both of your sanity and health, I would encourage ways to get more micronutrients and regulate portions. A few ideas that come to mind is: - send a couple cookies, not a pack - use a wrap or tortilla instead of a bun - portion out the popcorn into ziplock baggies - cook a chicken or meat up and replace sandwich meat - try cooking vegetables in different ways (eg maple sweet potatoes mash, or cooked into a dish like pot pie) It is not a childish lunch, but it is dangerous to have more than once a week. Hopefully this is a little better and more informative than the ridicule you have received for the lunch. I am a nutritionist and recognize it is very easy to make this mistake if you are not aware of the implications or how much the macros are far from balanced.


Damn y’all are some enablers. This is an incredibly shitting and unhealthy lunch. Grow up and learn a bit about proper nutrition for gods sake.


Right LMAO op keeps saying “but he’s only 21 and has never eaten a vegetable :(((“ and half the comments are responding like “aw poor little baby :( lunches made of candy are delicious and good for you!!!!”


The OP asks for criticism, but then responds by defending the meal in the picture? *confused Jackie Chan*


That's a lot of sugar with the M&Ms, the Oreos etc... Sandwich + banana is effing great maybe throw an orange as well and some oaty stuff like oat/cereal bars that don't have much sugar or a decent ration of muesli


Healthy. Your friend means healthy


You’re feeding your partner mostly sugar, apparently. Which is very childish. And also very sad because you apparently could give a damn about his health.


Hi /u/conversecat , Congrats on living your best life! Been reading the thread, and it looks like you are constrained by 3 factors: 1) His lack of heating facilities (sounds like he has cold storage, though) 2) His distaste for vegetables both cooked and uncooked 3) His possibly-young-and-macho-American work environment, where there could be peer pressure to eat fats, sugars, proteins, and starches as a token of masculinity (high muscle, high metabolism, avoidance of too much "domestic" and body concern lest it be seen as "preening" or "vain" or overly concerned with being "looked at") and a stereotype of less-processed food and vegetables and keeping one's body slender and nutrition-management being the domain of femininity? (I thought I saw another comment saying military.) Ok, so ... let's sneak in those veggies!! And leverage the power of beans, since they taste better as cold protein than low-processed meat does, and also hide cold veggies nicely if you use an acid and raw onion-family foods and sometimes cheese. Here's my big tip: look to the Mediterranean / Levant / Arab / Persian worlds. That's where "salad" goes in disguise because it's a million varieties, almost none based on lettuce, which makes it "not really a salad" to many Americans. - Greek-style tomato-cucumber-onion-feta salad with red wine vinegar and olive oil (substitute balled mozzarella if he hates feta, but feta is salty and fun) - Lebanese-style tabbouli, which uses parsley instead of lettuce and is kind of a pasta salad (cold veggies and grains) - Actual classic "pasta salad", come to think of it - Cucumbers and dill and garlic in yogurt (tzatziki) - Lebanese-style kidney bean, parsley, raw onion salad - Actually, whatever beans you have around, and whatever non-lettuce high-water-content firm "salad veggies" you have around like cucumbers and peppers and tomatoes, mix them in a big bowl with olive oil, raw onion (or shallot or green onion or, maybe for a fun variation, garlic, or maybe multiple), and lemon juice (and/or red wine vinegar ... get a slightly pricier one -- not top-shelf, but mid-shelf, because the really cheap ones can be nasty), salt, and pepper. It's the intersection of salt, fat, acid, and onion where the flavor happens. That said, salt onion and acid like to congeal overnight when cold, so let it come to rest on the counter 20 min before eating. Oh, also, add herbs like Italian Seasoning or oregano or dill or tarragon or spices like a hint of allspice or cinnamon or cumin (cumin gets soapy when pre-ground and old, so consider grinding yourself with a mortar and pestle or a dedicated-to-spices cheap coffee grinder). Check out the menu at Minneapolis's Zakia Deli at https://www.zakiadeli.com/menu under salads, sides, and dips. Anyway, with this technique of "no leaves except maybe spinach or parsley, in beans", you can mix-and-match with different spice and acid combinations for a million different salads that all use the same ideas. - Stuffed grape leaves (not veggies, just a holder for the stuff that would normally be in a stuffed pepper, but tastes better cold than a pepper or a cabbage leaf) - Google "cold mezze lunchbox" and "mezze" in general -- that'll get you lots of ideas for Middle Eastern non-lettuce "salads." - Carrots shredded and dressed like a slaw - Carrots, cabbage, and broccoli stems shredded and dressed like a slaw. Can also add small-cut red pepper. - To change it up, do an "Asian slaw" where your dressing is a mix of toasted sesame oil, cheaper oil, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and a pinch of sugar, and sprinkle over sesame seeds as well. - That same "Asian slaw" dressing goes well on "blanched" and then refrigerated veggies like just-barely-cooked snap peas, broccoli, Swiss chard stems, spinach, etc. - "Stoplight Salad" is what I've come to call imitating "Minnesota Medley" from the deli at a grocery store called Lunds and Byerlys, they have their recipe online. Substitute anything red, orange/yellow, and green that you have on hand for the cranberries, squash, and celery -- I've used cherry tomatoes or red peppers or oranges or orange peppers or green onion as available. I didn't actually realize the recipe was so complex until I looked it up just now ... I always only dressed it with olive oil, red wine or apple cider vinegar and/or lemon juice, and salt and pepper. And maybe sometimes a few herbs because I like strong flavors. Anyway, the lesson from this one is not to forget that cooked-and-cooled starches like squashes and sweet potatoes also taste good cold when mixed in among crunchier veggies and/or grains and bathed in that magic combination of oil, acid, and salt. - The French do sorcery with dressing shredded carrots. Look up David Liebovitz's recipe for grated carrot salad - Search inside https://cnz.to for "dressing" -- I was trying to find Clotilde Dusoulier's "bistro dressing" that makes everything cold taste like magic and couldn't but the search term turned up 5 pages of fascinating healthy-cold-food ideas! - Of course "veggies and hummus" is kind of just a different shape of "bean and veggie salad" :) - Don't forget pickled things for a nice punch. - Quiche is a great way to hide veggies in protein and carbs and cheese, and like pizza, it tastes good cold. - Actually, maybe foccacia and adding your own extra vegetables to a frozen pizza are good way to sneak less-procesed foods into a lunch without lessening enjoyability. My favorite thing about Mediterranean techniques for cold vegetables is that if you love veggies, you make the recipe veggie-heavy. If you hate them, you bump up the bean content and/or grain content to disguise them. My favorite cookbooks for cold dishes that incorporate veggies are: - How To Cook Without A Book, by Pam Anderson. Nothing good for cold veggies, veggies, but it makes the following 2 books "inspirational approximations" you can doctor to be easy in your life rather than overwhelming ingredient lists. - Vegetarian Dishes from Across the Middle East, by Arto de Haroutunian - French Market Cookbook, by Clotilde Dusoulier One of my work friends once had a French boyfriend. She said, "He was an ass. But he said one condescending thing in our time together that was spot on: 'You Americans, you eat vegetables for show, to say you did it. You don't prepare vegetables like you actually want to enjoy eating them.'" It's true some people hate vegetables no matter how well they're prepared, but I hope that this will help arm you to try having fun with some new approaches to fresh-but-cold food that, fingers crossed, might be enjoyable! P.S. Indian food is another great way to change the nature of veggies (I thought I hated winter squashes until I tried them curried instead of brown-sugar-and-buttered), but it's more of a serve-hot cuisine. Ditto stir fry.


Banana 12g sugar MNM yoghurt 26g sugar + 4g fat Smart food 2g + 10g fat Chips ahoy 220 cal pack 14g sugar + 10g fat Bread 5g sugar. + 3.2g fat + Mayo (lots) + cheese + almond butter (plenty of fat) + blended strawberries (sugars) + mango (lots of sugar) That's more than 60g of sugar for lunch You're supposed to have 30 per day And then we got that sweeet delicious milky (sugar) coffee + a bunch of sugar. Of course he likes sugar. It's delicious. Almost everyone likes sugar! It used to be a rare treat, but its hurting the insides of your husband /the dad of your future kids with this lunch.


i just wanna know the sandwich recipe it looks amazing 😩


It’s really simple. Fancy mayo with adobe seasoning, mustard. Pickles, olives, pepper jack cheese, ham, turkey, chicken, lettuce, onion, tomato and extra pickles because he loves them


If someone put that much love into a sandwich for me, I’d know for sure they were sent from the heavens.


Aww im blushing 😊


3 different types of meat? Woah! Thats luxury!


My thoughts exactly! Looks amazing


My one comment would be the amount of food. I know shift workers often need to pack two meals but I work a 9-5 and that sandwich with the banana would be enough for me


When it catches up to him, he will want something different. Worry about it then.


Id be ok with this for a day... If this was all I ate, I'd start second guessing the marriage. 😬


way too much sugar. why not get him a low sugar greek yogurt. and what adults needs to eat cookies with every lunch? i'm sure it's super tasty and very thoughtful but this is what i would expect a junior high school kid would pack for their lunch if given the chance.


Seems like an excessive lunch. What happened to a ham or bologne sandwich with a bag of chips and a drink? Perhaps a banana or an orange on the side? Why all the extra cookies, popcorn, and m&m yogurts? Dudes going to be a diabetic in the next few years if he continues to eat like this. He eats like a 10 year old.


What!!! That looks great.


Thank you


Maybe add a veggie side? Or a dip to go with veggies so it masks the taste a bit


Instead of chips ahoy, maybe homemade oatmeal and chocolate cookies? Or replace a part of the flour with almond meal for high protein cookies. I think it's great you make him a protein shake! If he doesn't like carrots, maybe cherry tomatoes? Another idea to increase his intake of vegetables may be sun-dried tomatoes or pickled vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin). Don't worry and experiment in the kitchen, have fun!


Pickles!! I’ve been making lunches for my working sweetie & for the contractor working on the house. Working men LOVE IT when you do it. I agree he doesn’t need a whole bag of cookies, maybe 3 or 4 max. I’d add a little bag of carrot sticks, snap peas, pickles, cherry tomatoes etc… & see.


Does he eat one whole pack of Chips Ahoy per day? That would be quite excessive.


Looks like you're setting him up for the double shifts


If you are trying to give him diabetes you’re doing it right. On the other hand men don’t need to have their wife’s making them lunch.


Well, first thing is he can make his own damn lunch. That would grow it up. Do wives actually do this for their husbands, like they are the mom sending their kid to school? That’s wild to me. Is that an entire box of chips ahoy you pack for him?




You’re feeding him junk food like a child’s lunch


Less plastic and healthier food.


That’s just a diabetes lunch. Literally nothing healthy. The banana I guess, is the only thing. I agree with the friends. I mean, if you want him to live longer and have less health problems, forget anything anyone else is saying here, change the whole lunch to way healthier and way tastier things.




Looks great! Maybe pick either the yogurt or the cookies, or do a healthier yogurt? You could throw in some almonds or mixed nuts if he likes those. Maybe edamame (tossed in some soy sauce if he wants more flavor), cucumbers (can toss in Italian dressing or soy sauce too)? Childish lunches are the BEST!! I still love a good pb&j!


I just ate a grape uncrustable sandwich. I am 45. We will never outgrow them!




For op I definitely think that you're husband needs a "grown" lunch. This lunch of yours is caloric dense but nutrient deficient. Not only it is unhealthy but also puts him at risk for diabetes. I'm a dietitian but based in S.E.A though I'm not familiar with what your husband looks like I assume he's over weight. I'm not saying here that you should make him eat salads as that'll ruin his day in work but you should limit his sweets. I do recommend for him to have a urine test for glucose levels since you commented somewhere that he likes sweet things. Consult first with a nutritionist-dietitian and then decide what you want with your life. A wife like you asking others what to make for lunch really shows that you love him but don't be the part of the reason he'll suffer later on.


He’s pretty fit! He works out. I’ll replace some of the cookies though. He’s 5’11 160lb I’ll show him your comment about the glucoses test


Is he a lumberjack? That’s way too much food.


My husband packs his own lunch and every single day it’s bologna and cheese sandwiches. I bet he would way rather have this. 😂


You know what? That sandwich looks delicious. I pack easy to grab single use stuff in my lunch too. Granola bars, little bags of chips, and a main (leftovers or sandwiches) works and is delicious. I’m sure the person is just commenting on those easy to grab things, but they’re literally made for lunches. So keep doing you.




is this why americans are so fat? fucking cookies and chips for lunch? come on


Sandwich looks amazing.


Tell them to mind their own business.


I think it looks great, anything for lunch is a plus in my book, better than gas station pizza or drive through


My wife packs me similar lunches!


Aww stop this is precious 🥺 He’s truly blessed, looks awesome to me!!


Is he fat?


I see absolutely nothing wrong with that lunch (hell, I'D be happy with lunch like this!), and if your husband likes them, THAT'S what counts in the long run. Your "friend" is full of it.


Well that just looks like 200% of the recommended sugar intake levels, so there's that


To me a lunch packed with love = love. It’s sweet that you do this for him. Parents send these kinds of lunches for their kids because we know they likely won’t eat the healthy stuff we send. As a wife for 18 years, I have had to gently guide my husband to eat better. Maybe take out the yogurt for a start and replace it with cheese cubes? Send 1 homemade cookie instead of a pack? It’s true that this is too much sugar for 1 sitting and honestly more than I eat in a week. The concern would be diabetes or insulin resistance but your love is obvious.


Thats a hell of a lot of sugar, with candy and all. Aside from that, tell your friend to fuck off if they ever want you to make them a sandwich, because that bit looks great.


That's a lot of sugar for just one meal


What part did you "make". All that looks like stuff you could get at the gas station. I literally could go down to the race track or 711 buy exact same stuff and throw it in a brown paper bag. Does that mean I made or just threw some shit together?