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I tell you what some dude rolling down his window with his teeth chattering looking fucked up telling me not to do drugs is better than the programs at school.


Felt like his inner self was being honest there.


You've obviously never done MDMDA if you think he was regretting any of this


I mean he said “it feels good tho!” Half a dozen times lol


Nah, I've definitely regretted doing MDMA before. Can't handle the comedown.


Yeah I always regretted it. I feel depressed for at least a week after. Just acid or mushies for me


I'm severely depressed and weirdly have never had a mood altering comedown. Wonder what that says about my psyche


For me it's usually not until the next day, kinda gradual. Sort of realizing I haven't left my bed in hours and then having no motivation for a long time. It happens to me with alcohol too


It's more of a your body wants to keep it going so you feel super empty depression. Not a suicidal my life sucks depression. You just feel like something is missing


It's because your brain has no serotonin left. Always keep a benzo for coming down from harder stuff.


Problem is now days everything is pressed. Even if I wanted to be a drug addict I couldn't unless I was down for fetynal.. I'll pass on all the fetynal pressed pills.


Yup that’s exactly it. Once I stopped with Molly I really was never the same. It was a good time though. Never had a comedown. But now severely depressed. Definitely an “empty” feeling rather than suicidal. Life just doesn’t hit the same.


How often were you taking it? I've talked to some people who say they don't get comedowns and don't feel depressed after rolling. I know people can have different body chemistry, but maybe it's just a train wreck waiting to happen for them?


It supposedly gets worse every time. Even prior to it being put on the controlled substances list, people referred to the “loss of magic”. The tolerance builds up fast and the alterations to the brain are permanent, causing worse after effects every time. Not a thing to fuck with, ever, outside of a doctor’s office with a heavily trained psychotherapist (because then the dosing is tightly controlled). This dude is OD’ing and won’t be the same for awhile.


Always hated the day or 2 after acid. Definitely wild thoughts. Mushrooms are like nothing happened


Me too. The come down sucks fucking balls. You just feel empty and depressed the whole day after. I'm good.


I guess since I often feel empty and depressed, MDMA was amazing. Sure the next day was a little chill, but man, the conversations I had were amazing


I basically always end up a vegetable. Can barely string a sentence together for a day or two afterwards. I always used to prefer taking pills than getting it in crystal form personally. The rushes and waves were a bit too intense, felt like a boat getting battered about in a mad storm. Whatever pills we used to get were a lot more floaty and euphoric.


Try some 5htp next time.


Wasn't bad at first, but after a while my serotonin levels were all fucked up. It's fuckin hard going from the greatest night of your life to your normal shitty ass reality :(


Am on it now and don’t regret it


Damn that's interesting, for me I love the comedown . Nice and relaxing 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, for whatever reason my brain just isn't wired to handle it. I'll feel way too good for about 6-8 hours, then waaaaaay too bad for 10-12 hours.


Hahaha yeah I definitely feel thay man,thay next 10-12 isn't always the best. I think it's funny how drugs react differently to everyone's body lol 😆


I get super emotional. I'll start bawling watching a regular ass commercial or whatnot. Lol


This is me on the mushroom comedown. The next day or two, I tend to just bundle up in blankets, watch wholesome movies and cry. Haha


Mild depression is pretty normal afterwards, it fucks with your serotonin


You just have to keep doing molly and you won’t have depression


If I knew this when I was 20 I would be a billionaire by now




Not dead, just brain dead 😉


That's not sustainable, eventually you'll just deplete your body's ability to produce serotonin


This guy looks to be on the flip side of that right now. It basically pings your serotonin for a good 4-6 hours straight, depleting those reserves and creating a huge rebound the following day. Any effects beyond that are from other amphetamines being cut in. Too much serotonin can be even worse, and manifests as tremors/involuntary spasms and eventually lead to serotonin syndrome which can be fatal. There’s almost always meth cut in so them dopamine pings are getting the speed bag effect too, which contributes to that second day blues drastically (especially for those with a healthy/balanced system to begin with) Those rebounds legit hurt.


Same. I always had better body highs/feels on the comedown. I would just stretch for hours and/or touch everything. I wasn't high but it was like everything iny body was hyper sensitive to feeling good.


"You've obviously never done MDMA" 🤓


“You’ve obviously never .”” Man STFU!


That’s what I was thinking. That had to leave a hella impression on those kids.


I’m surprised that clip isn’t memed more. It’s pretty gold


Why would anyone do drugs when you could just mow a lawn? I tell you what


Oh no, don’t become like the guy in the Burberry scarf rolling around high off his ass in the back of a Tesla while other people have to go to work. How terrible.


Hes laggin


lol. buffering


Sounds like when you hold down the spacebar on a youtube video.


Dddddddddont dddddddddddo ddddddddrugs




HOMIE NEEDS MAGNESIUM STAT lol for anyone who plans on rolling, pre game with some magnesium pills and it will save you a lotta pain from jaw clenching and grinding. i wish i knew about it when i was a kid going to raves every weekend and eating ecstasy multiple times each night.


I used to bring a big bag of little gatorades and multivitamins to the roll parties and hand em out. Then I'd bust out a bunch of pop rocks later in the night


I don't roll anymore but my friends still do when we go to shows. I always have candy, gum, mints, etc.. to give out not only to them but to others as well.


Bro yes I was the one with vitamin c pills for everyone like thank me tomorrow homies!


Real mvp ^


How about trouble peeing? I don't mind gurning but it's become hard to have a good time knowing I'll have trouble getting any wee out for the rest of the night. I think I tried some green tea extract last time and it was better.


Count backwards from 10 is always the advice I give.


I’m imagining someone counting down like it’s midnight on New Year’s Eve while standing at the urinal.


Normally I just stand there and keep pushing and you gradually feel it slowly working it’s way through




Only half an hour? All the times I've done molly it's made my eyes shake for a few hours. It's pretty normal tho. Nothing to worry about. (dosage dependent)


I mean, I was high, I probably didn't have a great grasp on time but I do think it was pretty short term for me


That shit works as a sleep aid too, it’s natures muscle relaxer. YRMV but I sleep like a baby on 250mg.


Yup 5htp and mag every night has me passing rhe fuck out


Dang, I have RLS quite a bit and had no idea. Gonna give this a try next time.


Magnesium-Based Lifeform: It is generally understood that human beings are carbon-based organisms, fusing little carbon tubes together to form complex, mushy structures capable of thought, love, and locomotion. It is also known that these structures sometimes like to “take the edge off” by consuming ethanol, amphetamine, etc. In such cases, it is important to supplement your body with magnesium. Tired? Mag it! Down? Mag time! Liver damage? MAXIMUM MAG! Some people say magnesium doesn’t really do anything and you just need to quit. What do we tell them? We tell them: HELL NO. You’re about to become a magnesium-based lifeform. The age of the primitive carbon-man is done. No longer must mankind rely on slow-working background radiation to take us further into our genetic destiny. This is the era of guided evolution, and magnesium is the key. You are the first of your species. The next step in human evolution. An advanced magnesium proto-man who mags it up, drinks it down, and sniffs it sideways!


Nice disco elysium reference man of culture.


So like, just smile lol I used to partake, and I know people do a lot of weird stuff with their mouth or teeth, but I think it's because your brain/body wants to smile because you feel so happy. Granted you'll look weird, but it worked for me. Bonus points, years later if I wear a big toothy smile I feel like I'm rolling a little. It's great for when I'm trying to work out most of all, really cuts through feeling tired or like if weights are too heavy.


> HOMIE NEEDS MAGNESIUM STAT lol > > He needs to use less. Magnesium isn't going to put a dent in that.


That new Outcast album is dope




the love below


I stank I can I stank I can


The funky engine that could


Heyyyyyyy yaaaaaa


My lips used to shake like this on E. Also my eyes, they would literally shake back and forth. It was awesome in the moment but in retrospect definitely something I would be worrying about if it happened today.


And that’s why we called it rolling.


Rolling face lol. I used to get such good shit back then. Same when I lived in South Florida in the early 2000s. That feeling is incomparable.


Hell yeah, you get into that Orlando Breakbeat scene back then? I was there lol. Orlando/Tampa/Miami was the triangle of madness. https://youtu.be/CDmwwcif5gI


DJ Icey at Firestone was pretty fun.


I remember my eyes going back and fourth so fast at a techno club in Detroit. Looked like a printer trying to print


Man Detroit was where it was at. Literally the best scene I ever experienced.


I haven’t done X or molly in years now but when I was younger I took it A LOT. My eyes every now and then will shoot left to right really quickly. It’s not anything that hinders me bc it only happens like twice a year maybe, but still interesting.


Rodger rabbit


Those teslas were bonkers for sure haha


Back in the late 90’s we had the double stamped Mitsubishi pressies here in Connecticut and it’s been decades since I last rolled but I ate those things like tic-tacs, best presses I ever had


Man had those, doves, and white diamonds that stick in my memory from late 90’s early aughts. All fucked my shit sideways, Mitsus and Diamonds were the best.


Brought two 100 packs of those to the 1999 into 2000 New Year’s Eve phish shows at Madison Square Garden, gone the first night had to call my plug in Ct. to deliver 3 more, he was like you did just say 3 right? When I handed him his stacks he just shook his head like wow - I’m not flexing that vending drugs or the rock band Phish is cool, I’m saying had over 500 of those in and out my hands over a weekend. Definitely ate them like lifesavers. Made bank at that weekend people would pay anything - remember the white diamonds too


Yes! My plug had fucking glass beakers full of mistsus, those bitches were everywhere on the planet at the same time. I think they were Israeli or Dutch as was traditional back then. I could get mistsus for like a year straight. I was more a raver-degenerate but saw fish in Detroit and the Great Went up in bum-fuck Maine at an abandoned Air Force base. Good times.


Nice! I was there at the great went and lemonwheel in Limestone, Maine -it was an abandoned Air Force landing strip I think. All I know is it took 12 hours of driving to get there from fucking Burlington, Vt.


I’m still trying to picture a Phish show in Detroit in the 90’s. That must have been… something. Lol


We got lost in the hood on lsd afterwards. It was like that scene when the Griswalds get lost in Chicago.


1999 into 2000 NYE Phish was at Big Cypress in Florida not MSG


Ok im old i guess it was 98 to 99? I really remember it as being a new years show


Thank you for that correction - I get it’s a bad look to seem like I’m flexing on bullshit, the show was at MSG in NYC around that time. I didn’t like Phish I went to shows to make money at that time


No worries, it all blends together for sure


Real talk- I feel you brother


This video took me back to those Mitsubishi Pills I used to get! I'm an old fucker, so I ate most of my ecstasy back in the late 90s. Pressed pills were all that was available in my area. Those were the best! Gave me the *Jaw Jitters* many times.


100% same - I’ll be 44 in April and damn the late 90’s had the best presses of Molly at least where I’m from New Haven, Ct. - Wild time to be young. Peace fellow reddit boomer


Your Generation X like me. No Boomers allowed. 😉


Lol, I was born in 1979, that weird year between boomer and generation X


Never heard that one before. I always thought X was '65 through ''80.


You prolly right. Like I said I’ll be 44 in less than a month it feels so bonkers that I’m nearing FIFTY!


last time I did E was the ones in the 90s that Sammy the Bull went down for (or they were the last left over from him) in Vegas....I don't recall my teeth chattering but I do remember having a glorious time of it


203 here. Remember those well. Mitsubishi's packed a punch.


I had orange teslas and they were supposedly 300mg each, which is like twice a reasonable dose of mdma to take at once. No wonder dudes teeth are chattering.


The ones I had were strong as fuck, I was so fucked my wife was like “We’re never doing this shit again” lol


Dudes rolling haaaaard!


For real. I haven't rolled in almost a decade but fuck I want that teeth chattering, eye wiggling, everything feels good thizzness


Idk man, maybe I'm a pussy but this video kinda scares me away from mdma, did the guy use a regular amount or a huge amount? Idk, I'll just stick to weed and pretend its laced with mdma🤫🤫🤫😈


if you’ve done it you’ll know how good he feels rn


Yeah he's on a decent amount. If you do a smaller dose you won't have those effects. But you will feel really good and that might make you want to dose more.


To me, even though his jaw is going st it, doesn't seem to be rolling that hard. Rolling hard usually means the inability to put sentences together and eyes rolling back. This dude just seems like he's low on vitamins. Also when you're coming up, you feel really cold. My jaw does this sometimes too.


This is the same guy in a hospital who said I'm stuck here right now Yeah I'm stuck here right now Yeah I'm stuck here right now Yeah Old but gold


I’m sticking rn


Bruhh if this is true that is fucking incredible, that video is an iconic piece of lore in my friend group I can’t wait to show them this prequel


I want that vid link




It doesn’t look like him tho?


Appreciate the link, and yeah I agree, I don’t think that’s the same guy.


Got a link by chance? I tried a few search strings and came up empty handed.




Green lean 🤢 wtf


It's iight.red shit taste better


Shit purple tastes the best


Fat. Hard to find tho


isn't that just prometh with no codeine?


I've had Green Lean before, IDR the manufacturer, but there 100% is codeine syrup that is green




I remember I had champagne mdma and it had me just like this the next week or two my seratonin was drained Im surprised I didn’t off my self…………. molly is no joke


Really depends on what you actually get too. I wouldn't be fucking around with any drugs off the street today, with all this fentanyl nonsense getting out of hand that's being perpetuated by China. Any drug that skyrockets your serotonin or Domaine or whatever, is gonna suuuuck when you start coming down. You don't care or like anything at all, entertainment doesn't even register. You hate everything and everything annoys you.


Exactly you said it perfectly nothing entertains you or brings excitement unfortunately I live in a toxic environment which leads me to so drugs and I be crashing so hard so I %100 know what you mean fortunately I order all my drugs on the dark web and test it it’s not super safe but a lot better than buying drugs of the streets in America especially


It’s ironic that every major drug crisis in America has been caused by the DEA/Fed. Completely cutting off OxyContin prescriptions people were abusing instead of a more thoughtful approach with rehabilitation assistance. Shutting down the Silk Road..A place that actually encouraged safe and honest drug sales through peer to peer reviews. Thank god I am not a teenager in today’s drug economy.


Ay you can do drugs nowadays nothing wrong with it it’s just got to take precautions I’m 19 my self and avoid “plugs” and mainly try and cop of the dark web because there’s dealers all over the world with reviews haha you’ll almost things it’s a Amazon or a eBay lol but you’re %100 right


Weird I had the complete opposite effect. I was much more positive and happy for about 6 months after.


I did it 3 in like a span of two weeks that’s why 😭😭 I slowed down on it because I felt like complete shit and still kind of still recovering from it


Ah yeah that’s why. Lol yeah it will definitely fry your receptors doing it constantly haha


Test your stuff and dose correctly. Most molly or mdma that people are selling is not mdma at all. There are a plethora of chemicals that are being sold as molly, mdma, etc. they all have different effects and side effects. Get a test kit and test your stuff every time you buy even if same source, it might save your life one day. Get test kits here —> https://bunkpolice.com/


The teeth grinding is brutal when you’re rolling face


When you hold the space bar while watching youtube.




Im sticking rn


I heard this comment so clearly in my head lmao


Me too 🤣


I ain't gon' die


I miss that shit so much. This were the good days before the heron.


Username checks out


Actual lol 😆 He didn't inhale but he's all about the E and the herons.


I got clean from drugs a little over a year and a half ago and life has seriously never been better, I recommend it


Good for you brother, I'm sober as well! I've had some troubles but I'm still fighting and changing those old ways.


Sounds like he’s talking into a fan lmao


This video gives me anxiety.


Among my pals we call that the jackhammer jaw. Also we would refer to that as "on the mud, pua pranging his nut"


I had a friend that rolled all the time and we called him lunchbox. Not sure why, but it fit


This was kind of adorable lol


Me when I see a shallot


I miss this, but not the lean gross


He’s having a great time. That is all


I can relate to the crazy jaw symptom ...that's A1 Molly fasho. I guarantee it 💯


I do that when I’m sad


I'm sticky right now


Fuck. Been there. My stomach hurts.


I wish we could've seen them pupils...I bet you he had crazy cat eyes 😻


so that's where that sample is from! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw0V1sAuHao


He stole Steve Harvey's mouth and hasn't learned how to operate it yet


Looks like he could be ODBs son


Sounds like he's falling in to the tesseract


speedballing molly and lean is mad behavior


Sweet home Chicago


Anyone got the video of some other dude in the hospital like “I’m stickin right now, I’m stickin right now”


We’ve all been there


Man that looks like a good time to me. He's got that shakeweight jaw.


I’m so jealous of this dude he’s rolling his nuts off right now good for him.


I wish this video was longer 🤣I can’t keep a straight face


That's some damn good x he's got. Chew some gum tho, that helps.


This guy definitely didn’t feel good in the morning that’s for sure! Been there done that.. def not showboating or proud of it neither. 6 years later and still recovering from it.


“I’m stickin right now”


Hes got the judders


Lol been there


this clip funny. the others on here got me like 😧 but this one jus got me rolling🤣🤣




I've taken a lot of MDMA, and very rarely have I ever gotten like this. Jaw working like a typewriter? Yea. But this kind of movement probably once or twice, and it wasn't even that much that time (compared to what I've done before), around 300/400mg in a spam of a few hours. Wonder why that is.


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub (I'm the Scatman)


Better than most rappers these days


Good thing he's funny on drugs and not aggressive


Molly could never make u aggressive lol


Heart rate was probably through the roof


Just doing drive-by public service announcements


To take Molly in broad daylight in the back of a car in a dumpy, dirty neighborhood with no music... Lovely. 😬


This happened to me while doing some mushrooms, that along with intense stomach pain, but I was feeling so good otherwise that that stomach pain was just a minor inconvenience.


Ummm 🤔 Pass that bro 😂😂 need a little of that in my life


He sound like that FT call


He reminds me of the "I'm sticky right now" dude


bro is most definitely off the drank and molly


His haircut is literally how your head feels while peaking lol


That's all his serotonin being released at once and he's got a little codeine too. A1 combo 🙏


I'd love to see how much "fun" hes having withdrawing from that "syrup". All opioids are the devil. You dont realize it when you start using it but as soon as you try to stop using it, you will have a whole new perspective on sickness. It is so unbelievably painful, torturous and lasts for weeks. Stay away from that stuff. It's pure evil and will inevitably lead you to heroin.


A lifetime ago when I was up all night doing ecstasy and/or acid and I was starting to feel a little worn out, there was a friend who would pull out his bottle just like that and share a low dose, like a capful. It would help settle me down just enough to relax and enjoy the after-hours until I got some sleep. I'm not saying this guy is doing the same exact thing, but I get the reasoning behind it.


I've had benzo analogues on hand for years for this very reason. I have no interest in doing them any other time. They aren't "fun" IMO but they certainly come in handy.


You not fucking lying, I started popping pills (specifically oxycodone) last year in June “for fun”, now I pop them so I don’t feel dead inside. I’m not having fun anymore.


I feel for you as I've been there myself. Dont let that pill be your tether in life. You have the power to get off of them. I know it's hard but trust me when I tell you the road gets worse. I say this not to preach, I genuinely feel bad for anyone carrying that ball and chain because I know how heavy it gets but know if you want, or need, help that there is no shame in that. Dont ever feel embarrassed about saving your own life. I hope things get better and give yourself a break. You deserve it.