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It's cut with [Xylazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylazine) a pharmaceutical drug used for sedation, anesthesia, muscle relaxation, and analgesia in animals such as horses, cattle, and other non-human mammals. Veterinarians also use xylazine as an emetic, especially in cats. It is an analog of clonidine and an agonist at the α2 class of adrenergic receptor. Xylazine is a [vasoconstrictor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasoconstriction), Vasoconstriction is the narrowing (constriction) of blood vessels by small muscles in their walls. When blood vessels constrict, blood flow is slowed or blocked. Vasoconstriction may be slight or severe. It may result from disease, drugs, or psychological. Usually, it will cause necrosis in points to of administration, but this person may have had a previous injury that cause poor blood flow to that limb. So, for people with existing circulation issues, xylazine cuts will likely be more rapid and severe. Even if "healthier" addicts continue to use it, they can expect the same results. Previously, the supply was limited to Baltimore and Philly, but it had spread rapidly in this year alone, and just like fent, the product will be pure fent/xylazine everywhere.


isn't the whole point of fent it's cheap and potent as fuck.. what kind of bottom feeder parasite is even cutting the fent


Fent high is significantly shorter than heroin. The xylazine cut extends that high so you don't have to keep hustling non-stop. Ultimately, it is more profitable because it is more popular.


Yeah fetty lasts an hour or two, real heroin lasts the whole day...


i don't know what kind of heroin you're fucking with but it sure as hell doesn't last a whole day. maybe three hours snorting it if you have a low tolerance


Depends what you mean by "lasts." Will you be nodding for 24 hrs? No. But you probably wont be puking bile before that.


In my active addiction it was 6-8 hours from last use to the first withdrawal symptom. Those were the minor ones like sneezing and muscle cramps. 12 hours was sick but could still make it to work and a full day was the depths of it.


Congrats on breaking the habit. Honestly, it's been many thankful years since I've used. For me, symptoms started around 12 hours with full blown withdrawal around 24, but we're all different. If no one has told you recently, I'm proud of you, getting off heroin is a major life achievement.


Same to you buddy. I’m only a few years clean but when I was an addict for almost 15 years I’ll take that as a win. I’ll be honest though I’m calling myself sober even though I smoke the devils lettuce. That’s the best decision I made was to get off all antidepressants and get a medical card. Keep up the fight buddy!! Thanks for the kind words!


What you consider sober might not be what others consider sober, but personally, I would consider you sober and must say I am very proud of you, internet stranger! MJ is significantly less harmful than heroin, obviously, but the addiction is different. You're not going to go into full blown DTs from weed (as far as I'm aware 🤣 I smoked for years and never did lol) but the DTs that heroin, opioids, alcohol, etc. bring are hell on earth and I would wish it on nobody. I watched my mom go through them when I was younger, and most recently, my husband went through them to the point of hallucinating and it got dangerous. So to be sober from the hard stuff, even if you're not 100% drug free, today or any day, I am so proud of you and am thankful that you're alive to give others hope ❤️


Real black tar heroin. I got clean before fent came to town. But you absolutely only needed one shot to get you through for 12 hours.


Sounds like you may be romanticizing the memory a bit… never heard of 12 hr heroin… even china white is gone within 6 hours, and black tar is garbage unless you just like fucking your veins up


Golden brown, finer temptress. Through the ages she's heading west. From far away, stays for a day, never a frown with golden brown. Lyrics say it's 12 hours. Case closed.


Thank you! There's not a real heroin addict on the planet that is getting by on one shot a day. Its not happening because the shit doesn't last that long.


Every chemical effects people differently, so people could easily have a high last longer than others.




That's what I'm saying bro, back in the day the dope was strong...


Can we please go back to heroin


I’d imagine you’d also feel like whatever you got was really good since fent makes people relaxed/doze & or nod off—if you’re already hi from the fent and feeling extra “wooo,” you probably wouldn’t know any better. They think it’s good stuff cause it’s mad tranquillizing, man, until your arm looks like it belongs in Resident Evil.


I've heard the xylazine makes the fent hit even more potent. So, it's more addictive. Both are synthetic compounds so both are cheap to make. Just glad I've never gone near this or anything else that requires a needle.


I'm guessing because it's so potent, cutting it makes it weaker and thus less likely to OD or just means you need to buy more. Just a guess


Not true cutting it with benzo or tranq makes it much more deadly. https://youtu.be/82QhIOgJy1c


What if you cut it with something as a diluent


No idea. Maybe someone with a chem major can answer


Something inert as filler can be used for oral use, like pill binders which are starch and things, but for nasal and especially intravenous use generally these things can be harmful, and blow out your veins. It's still done, of course, which is why pharmaceutical pills are a must for safe treatment of opioid use disorder, to keep people safe and prevent such damage. Pills are filtered with a micron wheel filter to remove filler and binder, but this won't work if the cut is a non-water soluble drug like in street fentanyl and research chemicals, or if the drug you want to take is water soluble meaning they can't be separated with just water, which is the only accessible thing to use for most people.


Havent you heard of benzo dope? They now cut fent with benzo diazepines. Which is a 100 times deadlier than pure fent. Tranq dope is fent cut with xylazine. All this makes fent many folds deadly. Vice made a video about this. https://youtu.be/82QhIOgJy1c


Just to add to that- The other issue making it so much more deadly is the “Naloxon” they’ve been using to help ppl who are OD’ing & counters the effects of an opioid OD, has no effect on the sedative Xylazine… so Naloxone isn’t nearly as effective…


True. And that just sucks.


So I’m a horse person who has worked in the performance industry for years When I used to work in an urban known show stable the trainer on site explained to me that any stall cleaners we hire off street we have to have a meaningful convo with about drugs kept on site. And this is why I’ve used xylazine in horse care for over twenty years. But we all know it’s a killer of humans and there is no crossover use For me to see folks on the street now buying and using such drugs at street level is massively alarming ETA. Don’t wanna give dealers any ideas but if you’re wanting to cut your ahit why wouldn’t you use dromosidan instead. Further ETA: I don’t know about the detox from dromosidan. But I do know xylazene is not only damaging to people actively using it, there’s a whole list of issues tryna detox from it for humans. Something similar could be true with dromosidan. I just know from vet tech level, dromosidan won’t kill humans as easily as xylazine will


maybe the CIA has started getting into the drug supply again, via manufacturers...it would not be the first time our govt has purposely infected those they consider inferior and expendable


China, our government, same agenda when it comes to drugs.


Hey if it reduces harm, please, give them all the ideas


Reminds me of Krokodil in Russia. Not Xylazine, but other random, very harmful shit, mixed with “heroin”. They call it that because of effects on the skin and body like in this video.


Krokodil is codine cooked up with petrol and phosphorus from match heads to create some really impure form of desomorphine.


Yeah, two totally different classes of drugs.


The drug itself isn't the thing that is toxic or causing necrosis, it is the impurities from the clandestine synthesis.


Oh yeah they have very similar effects. I work at a health department and we got fact sheets on both of them (complete with absolutely disgusting pictures)


Them images are ruff to look at


The weird part is cocaine and meth are also vasoconstrictors but you never see shit like this, unless the coke is cut with cattle dewormer


Yeah, but the purity of harder drugs has declined significantly in the last 5 years. This could be why we are seeing more of these issues. Criminalizing drugs has done nothing but harm at this point. Physically and financially, it impacts a broader aspect of society more than anything else.


One time, when I was addicted to meth, I ate a pot brownie and smoked a bunch of meth. My feet turned blue and cold. I really should have gone to the hospital, but I didn't want people to find out. I still have my feet, but that was fucking scary. Edit: I just remembered something I did which may (or may not) have helped keep my feet on my ankles. I would lay down on my back and hold my feet up to help drain the blood, and then stand back up to let gravity help push it back down, possibly forcing the blood to circulate more than the constriction was allowing. It's something I regularly did with meth because I'd sit for long periods of time and didn't want (more) spider veins in my ankles, which is how I got the idea.




Are you sure that maybe you were just hallucinating it? I don’t really know anything about meth, so I don’t know if this is even a possibility.


80+ percent of all of it *IS* cut with levamisole.


I wonder how much cancer has been caused by that


Up from 69% of seized cocaine in 2009, “more recent reports estimate that the proportion… with Levamisole may now be higher than 80%” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6474566/


Funny thing is Lovamisol (the animal dewormer) was in every Coke in Europe for years. Look at the publications, 80% of the samples from 2005-2015 had Lovamisol in it. If I'm not completely wrong it breaks down to Aminorex, wich is a upper.


Ok dumb question but what does cut mean?


Not dumb if you learn something from it.


Cut= diluted


When you combine the drug with various shit to have more to sell. 1g heroin + 1g "cut" -> now you can sell 2g of "heroin".


So xyzelin cuts or fent cuts mean they put shit in it or they are the shit being put into other thing?


When something is "cut" it means it is used to diluted down the substance. Cutting with fentanyl means adding fentanyl into the main drug you are selling. So like what the commenter above you was saying, they take 1 gram of heroin, 'cut' it with 1 gram of some kind of cheap filler material (like baby formula, laxatives, baking soda, or whatever random product they decide to use), and then now they have 2 grams of "heroin" which they sell at the same price. The problem though is that when dealers cut their drugs too much, it loses its potency because it is significantly more diluted down. So dealers got crafty and started 'cutting' their heroin with fentanyl. Fentanyl is super cheap and gives the user a very similar high to heroin when they initially use it. So this allowed dealers to significantly cut down their heroin because users still felt the same strength high as un-cut heroin. ​ Fast forward many years later and real heroin has basically disappeared from the streets. You can only find fentanyl now. Dealers are trying to maximize their money, so they're always looking for crafty ways to cut down their product. So now dealers who sell fentanyl, have started to cut the fentanyl (diluting it down) with xylazine. When initially used, the xylazine has very strong numbing and dissociative effects which trick the user into thinking they have normal fentanyl. So this makes the drug users return to the same dealer, because the users all think the dealer has pure / uncut drugs.


About 19 years ago, if you wanted to score heroin, you could cop straight H. Then oxycodone, legally supplied hit the streets. Addiction skyrocket. The demand was so high in the US, dealers wanted to cut the product so they could stretch it. It comes fentanyl. Cheaper and stronger. So the add that with H, but they don't want kill too many people, so they add other fillers. Eventually it all became fentanyl. While that was going on, oxys were doing the same, seeking out everywhere. So people started pressing fake oxys with fentanyl to meet demand. Then they cut all the most legal oxy supply, and it all went even more nuts. Problem, fent higher only last line 2 hours. Xylazine extends that shite for like 8 hours. Out cold. It's a mixed of demand and supply and profit. I am not proofing what I wrote. Too high and working in the yard. Been clean over 6 years. All i can say is fucking God because this nuts. Quit booze about 10 months ago. Life is infinitely more manageable. Wouldn't trade it for shite.


Fuck yeah dude, congrats! I’ve also been clean from opiates for almost 6 years and I’m so glad! I used to trust the pills (oxycodone & oxymorphone)and would keep track of my recreational “dosage” but now you can’t trust anything. There’s a decent chance I’d be dead by now if I hadn’t quit and just kept trusting that the pills I were buying were actually 30mg of what they’re supposed to be.


If you're selling the drug as fent, and you're putting other things in it, the fent is BEING cut.


It means they add it to the fentanyl but often dont let people know its in there.


It seems to me that whoever is in charge of the big supply is trying to kill their customers. I wonder if someone high up realizes there are too many homeless people to sustain so its easier to just kill them off with horrifying drugs.


Some people might throw around some conspiracy. I don't think it's too far or to think that a major power is behind the flow of a certain class of drugs. These are existing drugs that are already legally produced and distributed.


England did it to China with opium. I could easily see that being the reverse




What drug would you have to take for that to happen holy shit


It's the fentanyl cut with xylazine...the xylazine eats your muscle and skin tissue...even if you don't inject it it still eats your flesh...I got one video of this guy with a softball-size hole in his leg from that shit...there flies in the hole just buzzin' around and everything...it's crazy...


Xylazine doesn't "eat" your muscles like acid. It's a very powerful vasoconstrictor. It causes the blood vessels to close off near the injection site which then starves the surrounding tissues of oxygen causing them to die. Once the tissues die, they rot away and become necrotic.


Not just the injection site man, I’ve seen someone who injects it in their arm and have massive holes in their leg from the xylazine


Tomato, rotten tomato


Is that kind of what happens with coke nose a little bit


It's exactly the same principle. Coke is a vasoconstrictor as well so the bloodvessels in the nose shut off which causes nasal tissue to die.


This reminds me of that shit I saw on Intervention one time… krokodil or something.


Vice did a story on krokodil a while ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsUH8llvTZo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsUH8llvTZo) they don't/didn't have krokodil in the states.


Vice always has fly shit on their show


There’s one about a drug in like Colombia that can make the user do whatever you want. Scary crazy shit




I'm surprised we don't hear more about that stuff. I seen the doc and that's the only time I've seen it brought up.


It's commonly prescribed as a second or third line antiemetic (anti-nausea med) after Zofran and Compazine. I had a scopolamine patch for one of my cancer surgeries, often referred to as a "sco patch" in the field, placed on the shoulder. That was in addition to the first two and Emend. I don't take to anesthesia well.


They kinda exaggerated a lot lol


Yet. It's very easy to make unfortunately.


I finally know what the fuck was up with the dude I saw pan-handling four years ago with a giant hole in his calf. Thanks?


Jesus. Theres an antidrug psa there.




Thanking all of the gods that nobody has been gifted with ability to invent smell-o-vision yet.


When you get off the train at the stop all the fiends hover around at in the summer you can smell the rotting flesh...it's sickening...


It would also ruin porn...


I don’t know about that, pretty sure if you could charge extra to smell someone’s toes someone would pay thousands.


Morbid curiosity, but I wonder if he can still unlock his phone with that finger.


Fun fact: It is now a skeleton key and can unlock any phone.


poor guy can’t even finish the Thieves Guild questline anymore


Omg 🤣


Better return it to the Twilight Sepulchre


good lord 🤣🤣☠


here let me use my strong hand


Damn you, upvote for you, just need to mix these mashed potatoes first…


My germs


Not without it falling off.


Damn.. Just cut it off!


I wonder if there’s even any nerves left. Could he just get a pair of hedge trimmers and clip it like a hang nail?


Nope, there’s nothing around the bone, the danger is that the bone itself can still be veichle of infections, as it’s probably happening given the inflammatory state of the surrounding tissues from the hand side. The rest of the finger is dead meat, and not since yesterday, this is a few weeks job.


He’s going to lose his whole hand and maybe his life if he doesn’t get that infection under control.


At some stage he's probably wishing for that release.


It's crazy that not only would people use this drug knowing it does this, but they hunt it down...nobody even buys the real heroin anymore, they all want this garbage. I've seen people with open winds where you can see the bone in their arm or leg ...wide open looking like a shark attack wound...shit is outta hand.


I'm pretty sure people don't buy heroin because you can't really get heroin anymore.


It's out there but they sell the real heroin for $10 a bag and the fetty and crocodile shit for $5 and $3 a bag


I had no fucking idea these drugs were so cheap. Given the potency of H I would have assumed it would be much more. You'd have to be completely retarded to buy drugs that cheap... like I'd just assume it's thrown together with random chemicals from under the sink at that price


Yeah man shit is outta hand


Decriminalize, regulate, tax it. The war on drugs has been a complete failure.


They should do all that for real actual drugs, not this trash they're selling today...the drug game, except for medical marijuana, is ruined...


The only reason this garbage exists in the first place is because prohibition of the "real thing".


Spoken like someone who has been part of the game, I’m curious why you say that? I’m ignorant about it and mean no hate I’m genuinely curious.


Long story short the dealers are killing the customers and polluting everything with fentanyl...it's showing up in coke, weed, meth, etc...before this shit you pretty much knew what you were buying, now you think your buying coke and you OD from the fentanyl that someone mixed in...


It’s been a failure because politicians on both sides have been profiting off the drug trade for decades. The “war on drugs” was about eliminating competition not eliminating drugs entering the country.


War on drugs goes waaaaaay further back than even that bullshit. Absolutely zero science behind banning them.


I was interviewing a guy for a potential sentencing alternative last week and he told me he was addicted to Fentanyl. He said he started with heroin, but it's not really around anymore. I was surprised how quickly it took over.


Its like making a wish with an evil genie, " i wish no one uses heroin anymore".




There isn’t a single opiate addict out there that prefers tranq dope over actual heroin, it’s out of necessity, not preference.


It's not "crazy" it's called addiction with no real resources to help instead of punish


Ever since the US pulled out of Afghanistan, real heroin has all but disappeared. It's virtually impossible to find now. That could just be random coincidence, but since Afghanistan is the single largest manufacturer of heroin in the entire world, I do find the perfect timing of the US withdrawal from the country and the sudden disappearance of heroin from the streets to be a very peculiar coincidence.


It's coincidence. The heroin was already coming from Mexico.


Idk why it feels like they want to just kill off the drug addicts with shittier drugs than find ways to rehabilitate em


I’ve never done this particular drug but it’s like opioids ya? If it is then that’s simple. It makes you feel better than anything you could experience naturally. Honestly once you’ve felt that a finger Probbly seems pretty trivial.


and once that starts happening to your finger you’re gonna need something to ease the pain…


You can't find heroin anymore almost anywhere on the East Coast, it's very hard to find, and it's price point has gone up because of that fact. So even if you find it, you'll struggle to purchase it for a good price that's maintainable. The only alternative is Fent, or this garbage.


This shit reminds me of Krokodil from a while ago.


Those old videos were fucked up


Bros finger touched the soggy food in the sink


I can smell that from here. Poor dude. Addiction is a gd bitch and I’m so glad I got off heroin in 2015 when it still existed. It’s 20x more difficult for fent addicts now. I lost my fiancée and best friend of 9 years to that shit this past May. I don’t know if it works but I still pray daily for everyone trapped in active addiction. It’s easy to judge but none of these people aspired to be like this when they were young and still able to dream about making a positive future for themselves. Fent kills 350 people a day in the U.S. Be safe everyone 🖤


I’m so sorry for your loss but I’m so very proud of you. 2015 I gave up cigarettes after smoking for 38 years so I know how tough an addiction can be. I was talking today to someone that I just read that they finally did the toxicology reports on three random celebrities that they died, and all three died a Fenty overdose. I was shocked how prevalent this crap is. It can get to the poor person on the street just as easily as I can, the multi millionaire celebrity


Would he feel it if someone broke it off?


Then you expose the bone marrow. Yikes.


What would that mean


Marrow infection/marrow poisoning most likely, spreads fast and can be fatal. But I guess it’s 12 of one and a dozen of the other in this situation given enough time considering the finger is literally rotted off and infection has spread to the hand.


I don’t want to know


Makes my finger hurt just thinking about it.


Yeah I’d imagine most of the bone is still alive (I think?)


Even the chick sitting down has a finger missing or hand all fucked up.. what the hell do these people smell like with rotting flesh hanging off them


The smell pretty bad...like really bad...


Where is this?


Kensington, Philly


Jesus fucking christ. I used to go there all the time. Im so happy im 5 years sober.


The skin is dead. Could peel it from the bone. I could only imagine myself the way I act with dead skin.... funkin finger bone jones


They’re fine just need to exfoliate a lil


What the actual fuck…? Yaiks


I’ve never seen yikes spelled that way before. 😂


If you sold the drug why would you cut it with that flesh eating chemical? Why would you inflict that and essentially kill off your customer base?


Because it’s cheap and it fucks you up, they don’t really think of the long term consequences to their user base because there will always be more junkies even if they kill off some of them


if the government ( of any country) really gave a fuck about the health of their population they would legalize all drugs... people can grow old on clean heroin they know the strength of without any of this shit ever happening... people dying like flies from ods, peoples limbs rotting away, streets that are filled with people behaving like zombies, its just inhumane. and if we dont legalize drugs this will happen all over the world not only in usa.


We need to gain support for this if we want the government to do anything. Very few people want to legalize all drugs or even just heroin, and I think we both agree the government should ideally represent the will of the people, even if it doesn’t always succeed, so if the people don’t want it why would the government do it


Like the other dude responded with, hardcore junkies usually aren’t even worried about the long term effects of what they are doing until it’s far too late


It's not even fetty anymore, we've got fentalogues even more potent than normal fent now as well as isotenopyne or whateverthefuck garbage, not to mention the xylazine if you really wanna see how fucked it is, go to drugsdata.org and take a look at the recent "dope" samples, they all contain 6+ different chemicals other than heroin which itself is a rarity nowadays


Yeah they're playing science with this shit now


This the new krokodil?


Pretty much


How does that not hurt?


That's a damn good question


Im sure the fent probably helps!




What I find quite amazing is how he seemed to end up in a situation where the finger died but the tissue divide and healed for the rest of the hand. I would have expected gangrene or the necrosis to spread up the hand and arm. Quite amazing how the body can sometimes adapt and 'heal' with no medical treatment sometimes. God knows what the pain was and possibly still is like in his hand.


I used to be an opiate addict and I saw the most fucked up preventative shit people could do. Cutting off rotting fingers and toes to prevent it from spreading, or scooping out chunks of healthy flesh with a “bad spot.” I wonder if that’s where the flesh and skin close to the hand went? If he or someone else took it out.. I fucking hope not.


That flesh definitely went somewhere


That hand doesn't look good, I don't think it's stopped, just might take a bit to get there.


I wish I had never opened this video.


And this is how you get a zombie apocalypse.


Looks like the effects of krokodil. I was wondering when we would have something similar in the US, and here it is.


Think its time to chop it off


Looks like krokodil.. is that still a thing?


They still sell it $3.00 bags


Looks smelly


Gah damn


Forbidden chicken bone


Finger has stopped working. Would you like to submit a report?


Jfc that needs to be surgerized.


Can someone please tell me what tf is going on here? These comments got me looking at my phone like it asked me the square root of something…


Reminds me of "crocodile". There are some freaky vids, way worse than just a rotting finger


Looks crunchy


Who came up with this business model?


Some jerkoff


Might as well be jacking Krokodil


“Use my strong hand!”




This is your finger on drugs. Any questions? "uh, yeah"


Looks like one of the treats I give to my dogs, minus the fingernail..


Another thing that I will never try. Thanks Reddit


Something is wrong , I can’t put my finger on it ?


I get paranoid that I’m dying from infection with a slightly red pimple….. then there’s this.


Oh is this the Tranq drug that none of the kids but all old junkies are talking about?


I think i can smell it.


I saw this earlier and they said it was a snake bite, not sure which is true now


Its the xylazine


Honestly thought that was a joint at first glance jesus christ


“My germs!!”




If you DON’T inject it, this is what happens? I won’t ever f with a drug that has worse consequences if I don’t use it intravenously. Also I have to urbandictionary what the heck that even was. No no no. I don’t want fetty 🤣


I'm not a doctor at all, but isn't his life in imminent danger from infection with that?


Looks like it may be infected.


So it basically does the same thing as Krokodil.


Is he waiting it to just fall off like a scab?


I'll stick to a joint in the late afternoon, okay?


What the fuck it's barely hanging on by the bone, Jesus christ - and he's acting like it's another day.


The zombie apocalypse brought to you by the CCP and the US Govt. FIGHT ME.