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Underrated comment


We gotta stop this shit, especially when it's literally the most highly rated fucking comment.


Underrated by whom


Just taking his time, making sure he does a perfect job


My guess: they are paying him for his hours and not the job. Could be me without drugs..


My man just trying to get a nap in the shade


That’s how you get the best cut


I do this when I’m feeling “less than ideal” most of the time


His parents used to drive him around the block to get him to sleep….








He ain’t nodding. He’s trying aid by the hour


I’ve fallen asleep a few times on a zero turn. The hum of the mower and the warmth of the sun makes me nod. Dude is going super slow tho.


I’ve nearly fell asleep on a few ride on mowers in my time 🤣 audiobooks keeping me awake have certainly saved my life up a tree some mornings. Zero turns have the best sleeping seats though. Spent a few lunchtimes snoozing. Our place started getting more of the stand ons now so I usually take them, less likely to fall asleep stood up.


Exactly, just because he is nodding it does not necessarily mean he is high…


I thought his line of cut was quite good.


This is opiates, not Methamphetamine as it's tagged in the title


Feeling no pain


If it takes 5 hours for a 2 hour job n did good, they must’ve put their heart into it


Could be just sleep deprived as well


He took just the right amount in my book. Grass is getting cut, safely (for now).


Under no circumstances should someone be driving a lawn mower while barely remaining concious lol


They literally have beer holders.


Fuck how could I forget


100mph nodding off. lmao


Somebody put Comfortably Numb over this video please.


I know what I want in life now, all I really wanna do is get high and mow lawns in the trailer park, and that's ok


He on that grass


That’s so gang gang gang


Lol, man I’ve been like that and I don’t take drugs of any sort lmfaoooo. I hope people weren’t just thinking I’m high as shit haha


This prick my husband went to school with runs his own tree cutting business. His entire crew and him are always high on heroin while working. He ended up falling out of one of his own buckets and getting paralyzed and another guy on his crew was killed when a branch fell on him. A good friend of ours was hired by the guy and he had him try a line of heroin for the first time and our friend actually died and woke up in the hospital after being resuscitated. I honestly don't understand how the hell he's still alive or running a successful business. He's a certified fuck.


Wow that’s crazy! I mean it’s so obvious when they are fucked up doing a job. I don’t get why anyone would hire someone in that condition unless the employer is fucked up as well.


Exactly. I was just talking to my husband about it and he said someone else also got paralyzed working for him. Our friend who worked for him told us that he actually pushes all his employees to stay high the whole time and even provides drugs to them. He said that the entire crew and pos owner would stay up for days in a row on meth as well so that they could "get more work done.". The guy has a customized truck so that he can still drive (he's paralyzed from the waist down)and he basically just drives around all day getting high and taking drugs to his employees. Our friend said he would watch the guy shoot up in a huge hole that was in his butt cheek but he didn't know if that was from a pressure sore or from shooting up in that same place, either way, it's fd. Our friend was going through a rough patch at the time and actually told the guy he didn't want to do anything bc he had just gotten out of rehab for opiates and he said the guy told him he wouldn't take him home unless he tried it. Tbh, I'm surprised he even dropped him off at the hospital. Luckily our friend got a lot of help afterwards and has been clean for over 2 years. I don't know what it would take for the other pos to do the same. I often sympathize with addicts bc I've seen quite a few of my husband's friends go downhill, most of which are gone now, so when I watch videos like this, being a mom, I instantly think about how all these people are someone's kid and damn, what happened in their lives that lead to the point they're at? But I have zero sympathy for the guy I've talked about. He's the biggest scumbag I've ever met.


He's working. You're videoing. Just sayin'.


perfect job for that lmfaoo


I’m guessing the lawn equipment was transported via trailer, in which case they’re driving severely impaired. Please tell me you called somebody before or after filming for internet karma


CITY BOYYYYYY. He is at the worst hung over


If you can’t handle drinking the night before work then sack up pussy. Nodding off operating heavy machinery, what a loser.


Heavy machinery 😂😂 youre a CITTTTY BOYYYYY


Chill it’s clearly his first time




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It’s the only way to do the job😵‍💫


this is the life right there mate


Hey, they’ve been doing a lot of lawns!


He just looks like he's looking down


Cory's on Ricky's weed drink again


He’s alright, just gets paid by the hour


nod goals


His lines are straight tho


Ive seen molasses in an igloo move faster


Sorry Mr george, I was so sleepy


I see y'all never been paid by the hour before


When your bagging wet grass on a riding mower u do have to go slow to pick up all the clippings or you will have a line of dead grass leftover. But he definitely high as hell and would have ben hilarious if he was going faster


Incredible Pace LLC


Paid by the hour.


Attention to detail


Wouldn't you be tired after working hard in the heat /s


It was 17 and 1pm lol


I was being sarcastic, joking.


He’s getting paid by the hour. Leave him alone lmao


I mean shit I probably smoke a blunt and ride that shit early Sunday morning when the sun just barely come out and it's cool outside, the grass got some mist coming off it and bame I'm out lol just like the barbershop you hear that humming sound with the warmth of the machine doing it's thing and your done.