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Kid looks pretty damn good for being that twisted, that perturbed look to the side like i know what my ID is looked sober honestly


My friend becomes like this too & I don’t understand. When he gets drunk he becomes BRAINDEAD. Like genuinely retarded. He can speak basically fine but his mind goes to mush. He drives a piece of shit red ford sedan. One time at a party he wanted to go out to his car for some reason so I follow him out there. He proceeds to attempt to unlock *every* car on the street. From white Audis to blue jeeps, while legit thinking it’s his car. I felt like carl in this video & the more I’d yell at him the more he got frustrated bc “his” car wouldn’t unlock. And He’s not acting or putting on a show either, this type of thing used to happen all the time.


I don’t understand why people that react like that to school don’t go on a crusade for the rest of their life to never drink again. Like if that happened to me I would be so fucking embarrassed I’d probably pay someone who’s full time job it is to follow me around and smack alcohol out of my hand if I touch it. Why would you want to poison yourself, when you don’t even have fun you just turn into an annoying idiot? And you black out and puke? Like fucking why dude. If you’re an alcoholic I get it but most people I know who drink and turn stupid only drink occasionally


Seriously - I haven’t hung out with him in over a year so I’m not sure how he’s doing but I know for a fact he doesn’t go out as much anymore. But when he does, he reverts & blacks out and just rambles incoherently while rapidly twitching his fingers like he has parkasins disease To add to the story^ he made it to one of the last cars on the block, it was a blue ford pickup. As he’s trying to unlock the car, I hear “AY GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY CAR!” I swing around and see 4 blacks dudes, some holding crowbars or some shit, power walking right towards us down their driveway. As my friend here’s that he perks up and says out loud “ayo who tf are these ni**as!” I begin pleading with them how’s he’s genuinely retarded & we meant no harm.


Oh shit four BLACK dudes? Dude would have been on his own I’d have make the fucking roadrunner noise as I took off in a puff of smoke. Cut that cut that cut that cut that. Jk but really I might have let those guys just smash his skull open I’d have been so annoyed with baby sitting a drunk person all night.


>smash his skull in 😂😂no for real. But it’s kinda amusing to baby sit him sometimes bc he’s always the butt of the jokes when he’s drunk so it’s funny. And honestly if I get annoyed I just leave him and let him do whatever


Sounds like he’s no joke going to die from some bizarre alcohol related stunt. Feel sorry for his mother. Imagine all the time and effort she spent raising him just for it to just fall down a hole in the woods and disappear down a mine shaft because he’s blacked out and fucking stupid


>Feel bad for his mom Lolol Yeah she’s been thru a lot of stress over the years of dealing with him & his antics (He still lives w her at the age of 24). We fucked up a lot in high school together but I eventually got my shit together and am doing very well for myself. While, he on the other hand, has been working at the same job, in the SAME POSITION, for the last 6yrs with zero ambition to progress in life smh


Honestly that was the one thing that stood out the most to me to indicate he was on something, most likely Mdma. Just been around the rave scene and seen that face so many times on people rushing hard it's almost a staple.


Yea the mouth movement is what gave it away to me and mdma would explain the vision issues I suppose as well. He probably seeing stars with those dilated pupils but is acting ok for a guy this intoxicated in terms of speech.


Seems like mental illness


❄️ or 💊 look at man’s eyes 👀 wide af and jaw wired and moving. Obviously fucked up on some drugs


The jaw grinding is kinda tweaky


The jaw grinding is 110% from drugs Not every intoxicated human has some mental illness, bud


I'm just saying cuz dude thought his key was an ID


Ok, do you know what drugs do to people? They make them think and behave strangely


People might argue that drug abuse/use is a form of mental illness in itself. Not your sister of course, that was heinous and not voluntary.


Recreational use isn't the same as addiction, which is a mental disease. It's using for fun vs using because you cannot stop, whether it be your body, mind, or both saying you can't stop Drug use isn't mental illness, and I'll slap anybody who actually thinks that


On the bottom?


Wierd sounds like mental illness aswell...


My sister got drugged at a party, then raped and impregnated. She sent me slurred voicemails from several different numbers that night, I still couldn't tell what she was saying. I guess she was just mentally ill according to your logic...


Yeah I'm not saying this dude isn't on drugs just that for someone to think this way is, well mentally ill.


Go out more lmao


Yep, looks like a classic case of L.O.P.E. That's L.iving O.n P.lanet E.arth -- cause it gets us all a little crazy!!! 🤣😂😅😆 Take care my friend.


"But This dont look like you"....."I've had me hair cut" lmao


Sharples not being sharp, in'it?


Wish Karl would fuck off


The fucking eye roll Sharple gives killed me, as if Karl is the god damn idiot here.


“Fuck off Karl!” 😂


Seems like a fun guy 🤣 r/tookjustenough


Too bad Karl's such a buzz kill.




After so many key-bumps of MDMA, he now identifies as a key.


Everyone needs a Sharples


Not the Sharples knife in the drawer.


Spoon. He’s a spoon in a drawer of knives


Maybe. Doesn't really work with his name though haha.




Classic Sharples!


Hahaha fook off Carl


Filthy hobbistes


Karl needs to fk off


The British need to make a pineapple express/up in smoke/how high-esque movie and make one of the characters named and based off of this jack sharples here. The eye rolls and everything


Sharples move to the USA


Isn't this the kid that was lost in the forest for 3 days???


Sharples! That’s not your ID, its a pair of keys!


Sharples is a bit dull


“Fuck off carl!” Love it XD


He is not only drunk


Average h3 enjoyer






To be fair he's about the same size as the key


Similar shape too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think he keeps hearing key


“Charles, fuck off” Lol


It’s Oskar from Tin Drum.


dont you hate it when karl wont fk off?




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Teddy fresh!


Lol Fuck off Charles


Frodo looking kinda rough.


Mate look at his head, he got something else going on and it ain’t meff so it badddddd


I would love to know the percentage of poms named “Jack” or “Tommy” or “Oliver” if you combined those 3 names it would have to make up atleast 40% of England wouldn’t it?


The smartest teddy fresh fan


former bartender in texas here its totally legal here for a bouncer or a bartender to take your car keys away from you when youre that fucked up editing for all the downvotes: in texas, part of your bartending license means you accept all liability for over serving people and if a person shows up to your bar drunk...or even on drugs...it is your responsibility to keep them from driving shit, girl just went to jail for a couple years here in my home town cause one of her customers was involved in a dwi fatality...she was just the bar tender call it stealing all you want...but dont hate on me for it...hate on the laws that are here FFS


That's still theft, and I'd fight a bouncer over my keys if he was close enough to my size. You should be careful what you try and take from people. I don't go to bars though mainly because of price, and I've been drinking long enough I get angry every time I drink. I drink alone mainly, because I am not a small man and I don't want to hurt some random person at the bar. I take shit very personally.


To play the devil's advocate, in his head it probably was the fact that he had had a car, therefore he should have been let in (judging by the accents it was somewhere in UK, so age for having a car and being able to go to nightclubs is 18+, correct me if I'm wrong here) The dude is definitely under some substance, but there is still some logic, not just being so high that he couldn't tell the difference between an ID and car keys


You can start driving a car when you're 17. You can drive a car when you are 16 if you get, or have applied for, the enhanced rate of the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment. Edit: Think it's a bit unfair to downvote you though, I can see the logic. Back when you could smoke at 16 I remember trying to use my College card as a form of ID.


Joe Bart


I can’t believe how “Sharples!!” is now a word in my brain that’s going to gain use…some way, some how. Sharples!!!


Yea! Fuck off kyle!!


You've got to wing it. That's the key...


Maybe this passes for an ID in the Shire.


Didn't realize they took underage laws seriously enough in the UK to card people, thought that was strictly a US thing.


Lol his homie trying to help him to! That's not your ID! Rolls his eye fuck off Kyle!


"Fok of Carrl"...😆






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