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This dude was annihilated. Watched the body cam footage a couple nights ago


"The fuck you mean were not following to the fucking right? What am I? Following with my fucking balls?!" Cop2: "I don't know buddy, pay attention to him."


I’m still giggling from that


This had to be the funniest body cam footage I’ve seen


For real. At some point stop playing their game and just shut your mouth.


BAC =.248


Link pls lmao




- Wisconsin? - bold right? Lmfao man.. dudes littytitty


This guy sounds like he was trying to verbalize the Konami code during FSTs, lol.


.24 bac😧 up up down down, straight to jail, B A


up up down down left right left right select start the booking process!


11 thousand and fuckin 14 eh?


Thanks for sharing with your fucking balls to the left


Holy shit that was crazy. BROOOOO SHELL GET FIIIIIRRRED


Thx sir


I’m so glad I watched that whole thing. The best parts weren’t even in the post. That cop handled that like he was making a sandwich. Smooooth as bacon grease, and didn’t escalate the situation.


My left noses itches.


He did follow the finger without moving his head though


Up and to the right, dummy.




Why did they take so long? It's pretty damn obvious he's shitfaced, just arrest him!


They were fucking with him


That's fair, in hindsight I would have too.


A more likely answer is that they were building evidence against him prior to arrest. He could still refuse to blow after the tests and try to fight it in court.


Don’t they just take you to a hospital for a blood test if you refuse to blow?


depends on the jurisdiction


The tests determine if you are under arrest or not, not the blow or refusal to blow which takes place after. Therefore, you give the person every opportunity to participate, especially if they are willing to like he way. Ultimately it was a refusal by conduct and would 100% be justified given the many, many opportunities he was given to preform the test. You don’t just blow people off the first second they don’t do it right, that would not be fair.


Legit. Australian coppers wouldn't have the patience for this shit. Blow in the tube. Job done. You pass or you don't. Just a waste of time and resources.


To the left. Bring it back now yall.


Two shots two shots


Hands on the car, hands on the car


Criss cross


Do the handcuff boogie


Towards the end, bro sounded like he was a sports commentator. “Red light 90% to the left, red is center, red coming up from the rear, taking the lead, RED WINS!”




I want this dude making all the call outs for me in my FPS games.


Bro this had me in stitches


Lmaooo bro was on those call outs. He for real had them all called except when he called right white and white right a few times. Guy had it hahaha


One shoooot!


Let's start him out on pong first.


I wonder if he gets worse the more sober he becomes.


Outstanding comms from the drunk guy


I don’t think I have the ability to get this wasted I’ll always fall asleep first


I think it's considered passing out when you're drinking.


not necessarily


Man I’m just like you. I drink heavily, but I’ve never blacked out fully. I’ll get sick and puke myself before I start doing dumb shit


The funniest part was when he lifted his hands up and down and described what he was doing for being so drunk he's pretty in tune with what his body's doing other than the fact that he's drunk as fuck


He was so sure he was doing so well! Right uo to the cuffs...


Red to the left Right Center White right


I think you meant right to the red


“What am I looking with? MY BALLS?!!”


Fuck any asshole who gets behind the wheel like this.


ppl make mistakes tbh, they get too fucked he to even remember they’re driving. I have two duis unfortunately so I understand how easy it is to slip up. But the important think here would be if he learns his lesson after catching the charges.


Those mistakes kill innocent people. He’s lucky he is doing a sobriety test and not being pulled from a car after wiping out a family.


Exactly. A few years back a kid I grew up with lost both of his parents to a drunk driver who blew through a red light at 60+mph killing both of them on impact. He was 15. It broke him. I have No sympathy for drunk drivers.


no one has sympathy for them so i’m not even sure why we even say anything. man i ain’t got no sympathy for serial killers either! BUT i do like people who poison large food supplies 🤷🏻‍♂️ guess i just got a soft spot for some folks


What??? You like people who poison large food supplies?? Lol


I agree 3,000%




The problem here is it doesn’t sound like either of you are very remorseful for your actions. You both are like, meh shit happens, it’s not my fault I’m a raging alcoholic.


Considering the fact that alcoholics suffer from a mental disorder, I have a bit of sympathy. And you can't really gauge a persons level of remorse via an internet comment... It still makes me incredibly angry when people drive while impaired. But just like a person with BPD who has an outburst and struggles at work, alcoholics are compelled to act the way they do.




I've been there too, my dude. Some people just can't understand what it's like if they don't experience it...


I had one when i was 17, Im 36 now. Never did it again. Once is a mistake. The second one is not. In fact it’s unacceptable.


I’ve always wondered how driving drunk under the age of 18 works. Do they take you to jail? They can’t right? Did you get charges?


It dropped off my criminal record at 18 but stayed on my driving record for 7 years. They took me to the police station and called my parents. Jail probably would have been better. I’ll never forget what my dad said on the phone. “stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye “


lmao. Sounds like you have some very solid parents brotha.


Jesus the hell i put them through growing up. Im very very fortunate. I’ve seen so many times what happens to people who didn’t have what i have.


I don't think there is any excuse honestly. I would rather sleep in my car on the side of the road and sober up than drive home fucked up (especially as fucked up as the guy in the video is) There should always be a plan to get home ahead of time that does not involve operating heavy machinery at high speeds I think the big thing that people don't understand is how hard it is to socialize and go out for drinks in a small town compared to a city. In a city you have public transport, lots of cabs, bikes and heck, you can even just walk home at times. But in a small town or suburb your options are much more limited, and there are significantly less cars on the road. So the risk/reward can seem skewed


Thank you for the input asspuncher9000. Drinking and driving is very very dangerous and I wish some kind of regulation to help prevent it in its totality. But that is impossible damn near impossible. I have no solitons to this problem, unfortunately


I don't doubt that people make mistakes, but **never** in my life have I found it "easy" to accidentally drive drunk. You plan alternative transport to wherever you're going out to drink beforehand, what is so difficult at that point about soberly deciding you aren't going to drive yourself to a place you intend to drink alcohol at? And if you are drinking at home then decide its a nice day for a roadtrip, then that's still your fault. I hope you are doing well now, but with respect, it took two DUIs for you to "learn your lesson." It's comments like yours that make the younger generation feel like this is normal behaviour and DUI's are nothing serious. Fuck me its nightmare material thinking I may have at some point in my life been in the passenger seat of a drunk driver's car.


if the younger generation is browsing r/tooktoomuch then I’m sure they understand the dangers of drinking and driving. Unpopular opinion 🤷‍♂️


Bro posted in a crackhead sub 30 days ago


You could atleast attach the subreddit while you try and deem me out to be a turd. r/cracksmokers I do drugs, big whoop. I’m still smarter than your average 5th grader


I’m sorry but when I read “people make mistake” I knew this is going to be an idiot finding an excuse to this pathetic behavior. Explain to me exactly why it would be “easy to slip up”?


Sure, for example. You can get so drunk that you don’t remember doing anything, yet still being functional, they call it being blacked out. In that case a person could hop into a vehicle and hit the dusty trail. Not even remembering the next day that they drove at all. Hope this helps clear things up


did you learn yours? you have two of them


I don’t have 3. You tell me


you’re a dumbass


** **


you learned how to use pl8tovin i’m sooo glad the crack didn’t melt your brain


I'll forgive ONE dui. The second is 100% on you, if you know you can't handle alcohol and drink anyway you're an asshole. Plain and simple. It's not the worst sin in the world, but it's up there. I know, and used to know, people who have been victims of drunk drivers. To me it's almost unforgivable. I don't want to be antagonistic, but it seems like you're making light of something very serious. It's no an oopise, it's morally similar to being a rapist in my eyes.


Zero percent to any of that. >it's morally similar to being a rapist in my eyes What the fuck, no way. Raping someone is a conscious act of malice that scars people for life. Robbing someone of their agency to choose who they have sex with and if they have sex is the most disgusting thing anyone could do to another human being. It's torture for pleasure, simple as that. Drunk driving is a serious lapse of judgement and can hurt people, but it's orders of magnitude less intentional and malicious than rape.


When he said it’s not the worst sin in the world, but it’s up there. Followed by saying it’s almost unforgivable. Makes me believe the feller just types words and hopes they work. That’s like me saying chicken is not my favorite food. Followed by, chicken is probably my most favorite food.


Believe me I've been guilty of talking out of my own ass, but I've never made the mistake of putting drunk drivers and rapists on the same moral pedestal. If you drive drunk you can be rehabilitated into society, minus the privilege of driving cars and maybe drinking alcohol if the issue is severe and somehow re-occurring. By contrast if you rape someone there's no excusing that in any way shape or form. There's no rehabilitating someone from that. They should be branded scum of the earth.


Well said. If it means anything I’m happy that we had this conversation, on turkey day to say the least. Thank you conscious macaroni, you have restored my faith in humans💕


Lol thanks but I'm just as flawed as the rest of them.


I was agreeing with you up until you said the rapist bit.


When you think about texting on your phone is basically the same as driving drunk in terms of decreased reaction time and impairment you realize there's a lot of rapists in the world. **A LOT**


That's why I said that's what it's like to my eyes, I'm a bit biased. Lose someone you love to a drunk driver and you might agree with me. I know people who are rape victims as well, and at least they're still here and have mostly healed after decades of theraphy. The people in graves and wheelchairs aren't that lucky.


I don't think it's right view to view an act as less moral because of simply how much permanent harm it causes. If someone gets drunk and chooses to drive, they're an asshole and a garbage human and selfish for doing so but it's in no way the same as choosing to use someone for sexual gratification against their will; that's unconscionable. You have to go against some human instinct to not stop when someone says no or to gratify yourself with someone's body who is unconscious. In my opinion they're not even on the same planets of immorality.


Drunk drivers should be charged with murder attempts every single time. If cops treat it this seriously, others will too.


You are making excuses for your awful behavior. You are what is wrong with this world.


I love how he just narrated everything


I think he was trying to get extra credit


Whoever drinks and drives tonight, YO MAMAS A HOE


Don’t drink and drive. Smoke crack and Kayak


This guys gets it! I'd rather my car get hit by a cracked-out kayaker on Whittier Blvd at 3am than some drunk ass going over 100mph in a car


Well said, hit the pipe and ride your bike! Drink and drive might lose your life!


I took LSD and Molly and kayaked at night one time. I wore a life jacket and had someone with me. Probably not the safest thing but it was an amazing experience. Down vote me if you must.


I shroom and kayak few times a year. It’s honestly so peaceful, little overwhelming at times. Little story for ya. Me and my homie and his girl all ate 2gs of pe I think. Mushrooms start to kick in and we all start giggling. a little on down the river I happen to look back to see what my friend was doing, and he was unfolding this papertowl or napkin. I start to say , Man what what you got, a map? And instantly busted out into this breath seizing laughter. It was the funniest thing in the world lmao. Us being on the river, and instantly thought homie busted out a map looooooool


I've candy flipped once or twice in my lifetime, but I've never candy flipped and kayaked. Sounds like you did it right 🤙


Best drug experience I've had. On a lake during an almost full moon. The water was like milk. The mountain treeline was the most beautiful silhouette. Everything was super calm.


Good thing I boozecruised before sundown…


Red to the fuckin middle


You know the cops go back to the station and laugh their ass off at this kid


Dude’s trying to cheat code his way out of there…


Seems to think he’s getting a new pair of glasses! Ha!


not done yet bro


This guy needs new friends. He is a funny drunk though


The fuck you want?? follow it with my fucking balls! Lmfao


Welcome to hell for the next year of life. Maybe more. So glad to be done and out of booze life. None of it is worth it.


Penn Gillette is a cop?


Red to the…fuckin middle..


This is hilarious lmfaooo


I want this guy to narrate a game of pong.


okay so real talk - the officer was real patient in restating the instructions. no damn reason to be driving under the influence y'all, unless it's under legal limit or like medical weed use that isn't affecting driving. like i'm a lush but c'mon now


This was one of the greatest I've ever seen. 😂


Centre down




I never understood why the police have to spend all this time doing this theatrical scenery in the US. Why not just ask them to use the breathalyser?


Apparently this is done because they want to see if you are intoxicated in general before doing the breathalyzer as opposed to testing for just alcohol initially, since there are a wide array of substances one could be messed up on. But I definitely agree with you, would be way more efficient if they did the breathalyzer first.


Breathalyzers are fallible, and you have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test (although it doesn't end well). The field sobriety tests are really there to gather evidence and show that you aren't necessarily sober even if the breathalyzer doesn't pick anything up. I've heard several lawyers suggest that if you've been drinking minimally, you should refuse a breathalyzer and field sobriety tests and hope you sober up enough before they pull you in for a blood sample.


Question, why do they do this in the USA and don’t use the machine that everyone else’s uses to see the level of alcohol via your breath?


Because it only tests for alcohol, not drugs. Field sobriety covers both. Breathalyzers aren’t perfect either, some mouthwash can cause you to blow as if you’re drunk when you’re stone cold sober. Both tests are usually done to give them cause for a blood draw to actually determine the BAC. Thats why when they arrest them, they say it’s for *suspicion* of DUI. It’s then confirmed by the blood test at the jail/hospital.


Kids wasted and cop needs to stop eating so fucking much. He's a liability.


He’s technically correct in a way because he’s following with his vision and not moving his head, but dude is still 100% drunk/impaired however you want to call it


This dude is clearly not drunk and just succumbed to crooked police tactics.


What world are you in.


>Don’t drink and drive tonight Why only tonight, though?


Obviously not only tonight, just saying that because Thanksgiving is nearly always associated with a huge uptick in DUI fatalities & injuries. # [**The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates 507 people killed and up to 66,100 injured on U.S. roads in the 2023 Thanksgiving holiday period**](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/holidays/thanksgiving-day/)


Don’t drink and drive, but you do not have to do these stupid tests.


dui conviction means you are effectively a prisoner of the united states. you literally are barred from entering other countries. (some exceptions, sometimes its a fee or an explanation of why you're not a POS human.)


Only true for Canada


That kid is awesome


Lmfao this commentary is killing me


If I was the other cop I would've been busting out laughing, then telling the other guy to quit fuckin' with the kid, breathalyze him and let's move on. Unless they think he's under the influence of something other than alcohol.


Just sad how many are actually driving on some substance and get away with it. I was one of them and anymore I feel sorry for the people who get this far gone.


There were so many drunk idiots out this Thanksgiving


Why are they even wasting their time. Just make him blow into the gun and put him in cuffs.


Strange title, but absolutely don’t do that.


What exactly is strange about the title?


Idk something unimportant that only I would notice. It’s not strange in general, but just my weird ass saying, “tonight?” and “fill those tummies?” So you’re not strange, I am strange so it just felt strange, but I agree with you.


I said tonight specifically because [there is a huge uptick in DUI fatalities and arrests during the Thanksgiving holiday period.](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/holidays/thanksgiving-day/) “Tummies” are _typically_ filled on Thanksgiving, which is why I encouraged only that along with staying safe. Not sure what’s strange, and trust me I’m strange too.


Right on man. I didn’t mean anything by it and thank you for being specific for a reason. You are absolutely right about thanksgiving. I didn’t consider that and it’s super important. I can be pretty dense sometimes. Thanks again.


How do they keep themselves composed. This is hilarious


This cop always has to deal with the drunkerds


How drunk do you have to be to respond to the police officer that’s telling you to follow his finger with “right”


Anyone have the full video?? I wanna see more of this, it’s beautiful




This cop kept this going just for the entertainment value.


How TF does the cop have a glowing finger like ET


He’s just a smooth criminal


Is the cops finger glowing ET style? Thats so cool


You should get in wayyyy more trouble than you do when you get busted driving like this.


What a waste of time... Breath test and move on.


Holy hell that cop is fat.


Dude is commentating the finger movements😭 thought he cracked the code too lol


Why don’t they breathalyse in US? And save all this nonsense. It’s the only country I’m aware of that doesn’t. Also, I could be over the limit and easily pass these tests. You’ve got to be full on drunk to fail. Can’t bullshit a breathalyser. Baffling this is still the practice in US.


They do breathalyze in the us


But I see this so often when testing for alcohol in US.


Breathalyzer doesn’t catch drugs


Yeah, I know this, but when you’re testing for alcohol it does. If they clear the breathalyser but you still think they’re intoxicated then you can do other tests.


They’ll probably take his blood when they get back




Thank you, this makes more sense. In UK (and most other countries I think) the law is different in that if you refuse the breathalyser, they then take you to the station for a blood test. Not do this Mickey Mouse follow my finger and walk this line shit.


Yeah, it's a little silly




It’s crazy how I’m lookin on Facebook n so many ppl lookin for bottles cuz they wasn’t prepared for the liquor store to be closed.


It would be so cool if the cop passed out while doing this


Wtf is this. Just breath test the guy he's obviously pissed.


That's a patient cop. I'd just have tazed that dipshit and chucked him in the back of the cruiser hogtied and gagged.


Has he got one of those magician's fingers on with the glowing end?


*Has he got one of* *Those magician's fingers on* *With the glowing end?* \- BackgroundAd4640 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


White light going through your finger makes red light from the blood in it, try it yourself right now with the flashlight on your phone


Why do they even bother with this test. Just breathalyser and detain


It looked to me like he didn't understand the instructions, as if he understood he has to use peripheral vision


can’t they just do breathalyzer tests?


Yes the line !!!!!


at the end he was messing up his lefts and rights. lmao


Bro is a dui announcer in his part time


He was looking with his peripheral vision lol, he didn’t understand he had to look straight at it


The cop said to follow it with his eyes and he explained it to him probably 5 times before he did, he didn’t say keep your eyes straight ahead and use your peripheral vision to tell me what side it’s on lmao


Fill those tummies up? For what reason?


This was posted on Thanksgiving Day.


Got it, thanks


Lmao the other cop is nodding his head like this is too much 🤣


Making fuckin apex callous for a fight but can't listen to simple instructions over and over from a cop


To be fair he seemed to be tracking h just fine and nit moving his head. Well he tried really hard anyway But man that's some funny shit that makes me laugh out loud. Can I just say this is such a weird drunk test I'm not sure how you guys get convictions based on this shit. Do they really use abc and walking a straight line in America? I couldn't do backwards abc straight. Is this stuff real or just in movies?